"The Hour" Honey Trap (TV Episode 2012) Poster

(TV Series)


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Better & better
heibeinh26 April 2021
This series kept getting better & better with each episode. We are disappointed there are no further seasons.

It had really great potential for being a long-run series.
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The Hour Episode #4
dalydj-918-2551759 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Bel comes in with the newspaper that is talking about the American speaking out. The Hour is already at work talking about what is going to be on the next broadcast. Randall tells them all contracts are being discussed so no one is really safe. Randall has red the story and thinks it is good but there is not enough there for it to go on the air. Freddie believes they are ready but Randall tells them to try harder to get more information for the story. Freddie and Bel try to talk to Hector but he does not want to get a friend of his to whistle blow. At work in comes Camille seeing Freddie and Bel almost getting confused by their interactions. Bel rings the dancer but she cannot talk over the phone. Bel is hung up on because the Rosa is worried about speaking with reporters. Randall and Lix talk where he tells her his people may have found the baby. She starts to get emotion talking about her experience with the baby being taken away and the fact she never said goodbye. Hector calls the officer to tell him the team behind The Hour is starting to get close to finding out the story. Hector is going out but Lix wants him to look at something. Liz notices he does not seem his normal self then telling him to light his inner fire for the better. Bel and Rosa go to the museum to talk in private, Rosa is not saying much and Bel wants to know why. Bel wants Rosa's help but she is to afraid to help get anything. Hector goes into his contract revaluation with Randell, they talk about the offers coming in for him and that he should stay with The Hour. Bel comes back into the office with nothing from Rosa and mad at that point. Bel feels that something she has done has caused a new threat. The story has to be done this week so no one can get hurt. Randall still believes there is more that can be done even i Bel is bring threatened. Hector meets with Angus at the club who tells him to watch out and be careful. Hector is told to think about the offer that Angus has placed in front of him. He then sees Kiki walk by him and decides to stay for another drink. At the office the main four are trying to form their broadcast story. Freddie finds out who the mysterious man is which leads to more connections being made. Back at the club Hector off to the side watches the actions of Kiki then only following her as she runs away. He tells her to watch out for what she is doing because it could get her badly hurt. Kiki goes backstage talking to Rosa. Rosa tells her she is in trouble and there is nothing that can be done. Rosa tells Kiki to get out because she can be saved from crime. While Rosa is singing her faith is made off to the side for after the show. Hector comes home only to find the officer in his house, Hector then says he cannot stop from ruining the life of the officer because the Hour will expose it all. Freddie comes home and sees Camille with some of her friends but he just wants to go to bed and not really talk to them. Camille and Freddie fight even her bringing Bel into the conversation commenting on his feelings for her. Bel shares a drink and a kiss with her lover while Rosa drops a letter in for her. Rosa is in bed waiting for her client to get ready. Kiki gets another visit telling the man she belongs to no one. He then tells her she knows nothing of what she has done. He then gets mad destroying every piece of furniture then leaving mad he does not need Kiki anymore. Randall comes to visit Lix with a letter that talks about their daughter named Sofia. Freddie and Bel introduce their investigation results to Randall saying they must go up tonight. Hector then says they must put it to next week so another bigger story can be reported. Randall decides to go with the deflection story leaving Bel and Freddie mad that Rosa out herself on the line only to not use the story. Camille comes to the station to tell Freddie she is going away for a few days, she cannot find Freddie so she tells Bell to transfer the message. Freddie is still mad at the deflection story, Bel tells him Camille has gone so he says they were fighting over her. Rosa is not traceable anymore and Freddie looks at the photos, it would seemed that they were tricked by the government. Great episode overall especially the scene shared between Rosa and Bel.

EPISODE GRADE: A- (MVP: Romola Garai)
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