"NCIS" Leave No Trace (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Anyone else smell a pilot?
Suz__Leigh11 October 2022
This episode had all the feels of a pilot. Good looking agent, 423 potential crime locations, a solid basis for a crime show. Could be a unique and interesting procedural.

As for the show itself, the usual NCIS putting its foot in where it doesn't belong. Would NCIS allow NPS to take over an investigation if one of its rangers was a victim on a Navy station? Of course not. Do always like seeing Ducky, and Jimmy's 6-pack - woof!! The NCIS production crew continues to demonstrate an uneducated, narrow view of the WADC region which the show could operate out of, including Bethesda, Fort Detrick, and Camp David.
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And another misstep
runjmt19 October 2022
In addition to the wildlife misrepresentation above, the snowy "plover" is not pronounced with a long "O" but rather with a short one, as in "uh." "Pluh-ver." We have them on the shore of the CA Central Coast. Additionally, it is common to the southern and western U. S., but not to the Washington D. C. area. As for the episode, I wish every show (or nearly every one) would begin with something other than the routine of: Happy scene (campfire), find a body, opening theme music, and reopen in the NCIS office with the agents discussing some recent event, personal issue, etc. This has become so routine you'd think the writers could vary it from time to time. That said, I still enjoy the show. I miss Gibbs but still enjoy it.
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harrykivi28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The 20th season of "NCIS" hasn't been great so far. Still, there was some fun in the first three episodes. "Leave no Trace" is unfortunately not a good entry to the series. It's not terrible, but feels pretty bland at the end of the day.

Let's start with the good.

. The production values of the episode are great. "Leave No Trace" is very well-directed, the music fits the scenery and the acting's decent.

. The mystery occasionally presents fine ideas ( liked the plotline of a serial killer in a national park), it's nice to learn more about Jessica Knight and the pretitle sequence had creepiness to it.


. The mystery, which doesn't have many surprises and gets silly at times, feels padded and the story does spend too much time of talking about the relationship between Knight and Palmer. The dialogue isn't something to write about with parts of it feeling melodramatic. There aren't a lot of solid jokes either.

Overall, an uninspired episode.

4/10 HK.
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do your homework
ckraai195314 October 2022
Was extremely disappointed by the reference of a supposed wildlife to a male and female "rocky mountain elk" as a buck and doe respectively. Anyone who isn't locked in the city life knows they're bulls and cows (respectively). This has all but ruined my opinion of this series. Since Mark Harmon left the series, I've noticed a lack of fact checking by the producers. This isn't the first mistake I've noticed but the first of any significance. Is anyone on the set from a rural area. Anyone that is would know the correct reference. I enjoy the characters, but the series, as a whole, has been depreciating at a rapid rate. Ducky is great and Jimmy is still evolvng. The show, however, is fading.
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Hope Dashed
doug2go11 October 2022
This again was one of the better NCIS episodes with one glaring exception - Knight and Jimmy - Kick ass agent hooks up with Dr Mickey Mouse - not sure what the show runners concept of romance is but it needs a lot of work . When the National park service Captain America showed up as Knights ex boyfriend - there was hope something resembling a suitable match for knight was going to be worked into the show - should have know better - it was a head fake only to confirm perhaps the stupidest romance on TV today. As for the show - it would have been an 8 if it weren't for the above misguided loop - bring back Ziva and Tony and I will start watching NCIS again.
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Leave No Trace
bobcobb30114 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why is Jimmy such a prominent character on this show. I never cared for him, but I could at least live with him just making his bad jokes while doing autopsies. But dating one of the agents and being involved in the thick of things is a huge mistake.

And already giving us ex-boyfriend tropes? A lot of the decisions from this series are just headscratching. Fans are asking for past stars to be brought back. That isn't going to happen, but they don't need to act like they're building the next generation that will be around for 5 years. That isn't happening either so spare us this long journey for Palmer and Knight.
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