Been There All Along (TV Movie 2023) Poster

(2023 TV Movie)

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boriskaiser15 October 2023
This is another low budget Reel One Entertainment TV movie. Technically is almost completely fine. The location is clearly fake, but it's not a big deal as BC city pretending to be WA is fine. Big plus is there is barely any Seattle stock footage. Music is forgettable like in so many other new ROE TV movies, but at least is not bad like in some other.

Cast is mostly fine. Marlie Collins is one of the better ROE actresses, but sadly in this one she overacted a bit of too much in the most of scenes. I'm going to blame director. Also I didn't like her with a ponytail. She's much prettier with hair down, and the good news is she at least used both styles. I never watched Adam Hollick, and I think he was excellent, and better than almost every other current ROE actor.

I don't remember when was the last time I watched TV movie which starts really good, and the more time pass it gets weaker and weaker. It reminds me of many Asian dramas which start really strong but they just self implode in the last third. I think movie starts really strong, and I would say roughly first 30 min are above average. Then the next 30 min are bit of boring but still good for average. And then lady in red (dress) trope happened. I'm really disappointed in the last 30 min, especially Act III is lame, and the last scene is just sterotypically cringe.

And obligatory don't watch trailer (for some reasons here is only posted shortened version) as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed.
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The cat is a dealbreaker !
mihaisorinp14 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine you ( as a woman ) find a guy who is perfect on all aspects but is allergic to cats. But you have a cat and in a delusional sense cat becomes like a baby so you prefer to ditch the guy instead of get rid of a cat.

In my opinion this is absurd and show the state of delusionment of some people especially woman who prefer to stay single insted of making some basic compromises. Since when a cat is more important than a person, love, career and everything else. To put the cat as example of a reason for a relation not to work is just so ridicolous and pathetic. Except this in general the movie was funny and ok.
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apps, romance, a cat
Kirpianuscus20 January 2024
The temptation to be critic about this film is not exactly a reduced one. But it has two basic virtue - the drops of good humor and the fair perspective about dating apps. And, indeed, the nice job of Marlie Collins and Adam Hollick is a good point of film -ignoring the labzrinth of relation -.

Unfair to expect too much, the cat and the end and the stories of supporting characters are just enough for a pleasant show who, not ignoring the recipe , offers some questions and some romance and some decent acting.

So, nothing new, nothing bad but, in essence good option for very precise target. And ...that is just all.
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Another dud from Reel One Entertainment.
Avidviewer-0284714 January 2024
Reel One Entertainment (ROE) is known for mass producing low budget rom-coms, that mostly have low quality. ROE, Nicely and others tend to use the Hallmark formula, a female lead with her own business stumbles into romance. Low budget rom-coms seem to be obsessed with apps especially dating ones, maybe to appeal to a younger audience. The "app" plots tend to be duds and this one is no exception, along with a lot of the dialog.

Marlie Collins the female lead doesn't work, totally not believable as a tech exec. I blame the director for not getting a believable performance from her. Adam Hollick the male lead is very good and carries scenes he's in and is believable as a marking guru. The supporting cast was ok.
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