Stepping into Love (TV Movie 2023) Poster

(2023 TV Movie)

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cheryl-142-91720725 August 2023
I wanted to like this movie. I truly did. So far I have enjoyed all the GAM movies. But this one lost me early on. I realize a story, particularly a romance, requires a conflict. This one was set up to be "efficient, organized curator meets unstructured, relaxed artist." Unfortunately, "relaxed" shouldn't mean inconsiderate and disrespectful. The hero's rudeness did not make him charming in the least. In fact, I found nothing sympathetic about his character.

The heroine was a predictable character who reacted to his tardiness and rude behavior as expected. But to develop into a romance, there has to be attraction and on screen chemistry. The acting was good but it didn't work. I blame the script.

Come on, Great American Media. You can do better than this. After quality films like A CHRISTMAS...PRESENT, I expect better.
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Very annoying lead
Jackbv1238 September 2023
More of the usual stuff. Claire has to save the museum and if she does she gets a promotion. She is a rigid rule follower and oppresses those around her with them. She has an ex who wants to get back together. Devan is seat-of-the-pants artist that Claire needs to save the museum. This might be OK, but Devan goes out of his way to frustrate Claire's rules and worse he is arrogant and extremely rude. They are both annoying. These attitudes last way too long, well past the second commercial break. At about the 1/3rd point, all this changes miraculously and instantly which is pretty common in these movies.

There are some small attempts at comedy. The pair stumble from one situation to another that threatens disaster and they find creative ways to smooth things over.

This is another GAF movie with a less than stellar cast. I've seen Jenna Michno once before and didn't think much of her. I've never seen Christian Howard before. Neither actor is bad. They just aren't polished and don't have enough chemistry to pull me in. Not only did I not feel the connection, but it didn't really feel like their characters were a couple.

The Rick and Claire story of trying to reunite, mostly in Rick's mind, did nothing for me.

Overall, there are no great highs or lows or big surprises. The ending is way to cheesy.
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Low energy modern art
boriskaiser12 March 2023
Another day and another mediocre Reel One Entertainment TV movie. It's sad because movie doesn't suffer from obvious technical issues like so many other co-produced between ROE and Sunshine Films. It was even filmed in the beautiful Miami where plot takes place, and it was the only reason why I watched movie until the end in the hope it can finally get better.

Cast and acting are so-so. No chemistry between main leads. I personally mostly liked Ricardo Burgos.

This movie is romance but a really stretched one. It's more about modern art, and depending if you like or dislike it... I'm in the later camp so I simply can't enjoy it no matter how much movie is done well, and this one wasn't anyway.

Watch 2:14 min long trailer because it's ROE and they always compress whole movie.
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I've seen community theatre performances with better acting!
gregspringall16 May 2024
WOW, I must have been desperate to waste time to get through this terrible movie.

Contrary to what an earlier review wrote, I found the acting to be cardboard and one dimensional. As I said in the title, I've seen community actors put more dimension and character into a role.

In addition, the story line has more holes that Swiss Cheese. I am OK with suspending reality - to a point, but this film asks way too much of the audience in this regard.

Even the obligatory conflict that all of these formula rom-coms require is poorly done and contrived.

It took me three sittings to get through this. I kept going back because of absolute boredom and what had to be masochistic tenancies on my part.
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Enjoyed it!!
skillfulcota9 September 2023
I enjoyed this movie... easy to follow, unique in storyline with solid character themes throughout. Acting was top-notch and believeable - entire cast did a fabulous job. The sets, make-up and costumes were excellent also. I think this is a good movie to watch with teenagers and have a Q and A afterwards as this movie is packed with many good lessons. Grateful for a restful movie to watch after a long week of hateful things in the world. Kuddos to all involved in making this film. Defintely a job well done, which is unsusal these days. Worth the watch if you want to relax and be inspired by good!
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Entertaining well with light romantic
anandh-4751312 November 2023
Good Casting, nice Story with fair Screenplay & Direction.

All Casting play their parts fair well enough. Especially, Jenna cool, done very well, same like all her previous movie she played this character so real, funny & magical. Background scores good enough fit for scenes.

Very Decent, funny... especially with Jenna comedic senses so great with her expression but screenplay needed little more romantic... feel little light weight in screenplay.

Dialogue was good but not crispy, but still nice with screen play.

Location & set fits nicely to the story. Costumes, Makeup & hairstyle was good & simple merge with story prefect.

Casting - 10/10 Screenplay - 7/10 Story - 9/10 Direction - 8+/10.
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