Breaking Girl Code (2023) Poster

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Don't waste your time
andrewrye-0653524 April 2023
This appears like a Lifetime thriller, all style, no action, no mystery.

C grade actors whose previous bit parts include 'pregnant woman', 'Man #1'or other such forgettable walk ons that no one knows who they are. Over acting by the lead who needs to be talking while texting exactly what she is texting. Who texts full words complete with correct grammar? And the nyeh nyeh laugh will make want to stop watching. Another interesting badly filmed part was when they were doing selfies which instantly appeared on the screen. Their facial expressions were nothing like the pictures.

Most of this can be blamed on the writing and production efforts. Hard to believe someone would move to a city to be closer to her boyfriend and then live apart. And live comfortably while unemployed.

There are just too many holes and too much bad writing including a silly plot that spoils this. Why roofie girls for sex when they are obviously rich enough to hire hookers.

It's a 2 because I watched most of it before it got too much. This review is in response to the obvious crew voting it 8-10 artificially making an average of 5.8 at time of this review. Something which needs to stop. Eventually it will settle on about 4.4 where it belongs.
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ladee-4686626 April 2023
This is one of the worst lifetime movies I've seen. The acting is terrible. The whole plot is silly. Someone turning their back on you before they give you a drink is a tell-tale sign something is up. I can't believe how naive "Andi" was about EVERYTHING. Her laugh was irritating also. She kept trusting a woman who told her boyfriend everything about her. The police officer showing up without backup was ridiculous! They could have had better writing and actors to deal with this topic. If the script was better it could have been valuable lesson to many women who are looking for new friendships.
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So bad, so unrealistic
Farfallina7827 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Aside from the bad acting, the whole ending of the movie made me sick. In no universe would women just forgive and "understand" the woman who trafficked them! We are to believe just because the woman "never got any attention" the women...(friends!) she lured into trap after trap would just forgive her? Two women died, also thanks to her! One of the most absurd lines was one of the roofied women telling her "I understand, I've dated bad boys too." What?? This movie is such an insult to people's intelligence.

Also, you could see from a mile away the supposed "nice guy" of the group was not, in fact, nice.

Bad even for MarVista and Lifetime.
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brittanymichele-3778929 March 2024
Typical lifetime movie so expectations weren't high. It definitely has the charm of a Novela but not too dramatic. Strong performance by the actress who played Andi though the character itself was super annoying. The character development was good overall. And showed needed growth as the character was quite naïve in the beginning. I would love to see more of the actress who played her in future roles. Given the subject, better development would have been appreciated since it's so sensitive. I would have loved to see the story dive a little deeper with the thrills and not end so abruptly but it was overall entertaining enough to watch.
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The title is accurate
pumping_iron-122 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First, why would you tell a job interviewer that you interned on a job that you loved, in a city that you loved, but refused the job because you wanted to be near your boyfriend. This happens at the beginning of the movie when Andi interviews for a job. I almost turned it off after that silliness.

Except for Johnny Ramey who played Andi's boyfriend Sean, the acting is nail biting terrible. I thought Ramey did a good job in his role. Katelynn Bennett who played Andi, drove me up the wall with her giggling after many of her lines. That was a real turn off. Despite this, I continued watching out of curiosity to see the plot develop.

Secondly, a girlfriend (Farrah played by Revell Carpenter) invites Andi and other friends out. But then she ignores all of them all night to cozy up with her boyfriend. This is a huge broken girl code. Uh! Uh! She isn't given hugs when I leave. If she heard from me again, it would be to tell her what I thought of her behavior.

Why didn't Andi get angry with Farrah for telling her boyfriend everything she told her. I would've made it clear to her that whatever I told her about my personal life was just between her and I. That's what girlfriends are for. That's another girlfriend code that Farrah broke.

I didn't like the ending. I think Farrah should have received some kind of punishment, or sometime in therapy. One of the women who forgave her said "I've also dated bad guys." Farrah didn't just date bad guys, she aided and abetted predators who raped and killed to keep their rape club secret. I would never trust her.
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The Breakfast Club
lavatch28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film might be called "The Breakfast Club" because several women are depicted waking up and sharing breakfast without remembering anything about the previous night because their drinks were filled with roofies in the bar called "The Break." Now, it's time to break the fast, girls!

The film had a strong leading character in Andi, an optimistic young woman seeking a job in the area of publishing. She had a job offer in New York, but left for Boston to be with her boyfriend Sean. Now, Andi has located a wonderful new App that introduces her to new friends, which are important when she breaks up with Sean.

Unfortunately, Andi's first friend is Farrah, who is using the App as a procurer to round up young women and bring them to the club where her pimp-boyfriend Ethan introduces the women with ambitious and successful men. This is where the roofies enter the picture when drinks are served. Inevitably, there will be unending suffering for the unsuspecting women.

It was never very credible that the women would return to The Break after their first unpleasant encounter with Ethan and the nefarious creatures that surround him. An unsung hero in the film was Shannon, a co-worker of Etan, who alerted Andi to his dangerous game and paid the ultimate price for trying to undo him.

A cautionary tale emerged about the pitfalls of easy friendships on the apps and, above all, the life-damaging effects of exploitation of women by predators like Ethan. Andi took a strong stand against this evil person, and the result was a much more congenial ambience at the breakfast club.
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