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Really really trying ... not there yet either
hayleyscomett81526 October 2022
I agree with another reviewer here for episode 2. I'm not there yet, or this show just isn't "there" yet for me. Same as I mentioned in my review for the pilot episode. I LOVED SPN and I really really wanted to love this prequel too. SPN seemed effortless in being engaging and hooking fans from the get go. This show has a ways to go.

Again with the yellow-ish lighting in some scenes. Why? At times it seems this show is trying too hard.

It's not horrible, but it has to get better than what has aired so far to warrant all the 10's on here.

Come on, you can't just automatically give each episode a 10 for nostalgia sake!

The character I'm having the hardest time connecting to here is Mary. She's so bossy and demanding and to be honest it's annoying. We're supposed to care about and emotionally connect with these characters, not be annoyed. Carlos and Latika need more depth. Don't just make them comedic relief.

I was hoping that Ada was a relative of Missouri Mosley, that would've been cool. So far all John is doing is carrying out orders that Mary barks out.

Depth and emotional connections are needed. These young unknown actors also need to not try so hard. And please stop with the forced yellow lighting and poor haircut and clothing styles that simply do not look correct for 1972.

A 6 for me, and that's being generous, this show is far from a 10. Just being honest. I'm not going to dish out a 10 for each episode just because I loved SPN. I'll watch a few more episodes, but so far no hook for me.
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Generational Trauma? We love it!
naomiloves20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For a second episode this really showed the writers knew what they were doing. Given what we know from the original show's canon (especially when it involves John Winchester), having an episode dedicated to abusive parents is a hell of a way to announce they know exactly where they're going. The storyline was great and I adored them keeping up with how John and Mary's paternal figures have affected them in such different ways but have lead them to the same path.

I loved the performances from all of the cast, but I have to say stand out performances from this episode have to be Jojo (who plays Carlos) when they began singing 'Song of Aquarius' and Bianca (who plays Millie) channeling such a creepy energy as this week's monster.

Great episode and can't wait to see next week's!
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loving this so far
alynnthomas20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm really loving this show so far. When we were first told the premise I was skeptical but I find myself excited about these characters and I'm really looking forward to seeing how this show will connect to the original SPN. I'm enjoying the early season SPN and scooby-gang vibes. The music has been spot on.

Also loving the parallels between this Mary and Dean! When Carlos was giving her that lecture on not holding her father up on a pedestal?! And seeing John's relationship with his mother? I can't help but wonder how Sam and Dean's childhoods would have been different if they'd had Millie and/or Carlos around.

I'll be eagerly waiting for the next episodes!
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Still not there yet....
CottonsParrot21 October 2022
I can't help thinking that what made SPN so compelling was the casting, the people who eventually made the roles their own. Sam & Dean were spot on right out of the gate and as the show progressed, the casting just got better and better. For instance the minute Crowley opened his mouth and uttered his first line, we knew we wanted more. Same with Bobby, Rufus, Rowena, Lucifer, Meg ( both incarnations but especially Rachel Miner). Those people helped make the show. The casting was exceptional. The story lines were well put together and adult. This show seems more aimed at strictly teens, even though it's a 1970's based period piece. The 70s flashbacks in SPN seemed more realistic than this show has so far tried to portray. We'll give it another try next week but so far there's really nothing that makes this "must see tv" for us older folks who are fans of the "supernatural".
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We were blessed for our time
theunderdog-7213121 October 2022
I like this show but I'm still not 100% hooked. One thing that seems constant in all the reviews I agree with is we were definitely blessed for our time with Supernatural, which used A LOT of practical effects. This show is good, but the CGI can be pretty in your face at times. Especially when things take place in the daytime. Also not entirely sure how I feel about this Scooby gang, which at times can feel like a CW required diversity casting. I think this is because when Supernatural would debut a new character, it was done very slowly and with care. Here, we meet everyone we are meant to care about right off the bat. The acting is definitely a season one vibe, and I can already see improvements as they go. Will definitely continue to watch to see where all of this goes. They have at the very least peaked my curiosity.
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An absolute romp with a lot of heart
drprofessorsong20 October 2022
The premiere had to do a lot of heavy lifting for this show. It introduced new characters and re-contextualized old in a world that had to feel familiar to long-term fans and fresh and exciting for new ones.

So it wouldn't have been unheard of for this episode to be a letdown. Happily, the opposite happened. The show settled into a classic episodic style with an intriguing monster and a lot of fun horror moments. It continues to have a delightful, retro feel reminiscent of early Supernatural or Buffy in the best way, but it also manages to feel fresh and energetic.

This episode features some really beautiful character moments. I won't spoil anything, but I will say the chemistry is off the charts. You feel like Lata, Mary and Carlos have known each other for a long time and the "core 4" really pop.

There are also some gorgeous moments for Millie and John. Bianca's performance truly stands out. We also get more of Ada and she is an absolute treat of a character.

I would also be remiss not to mention some of the notable technical components. The costuming and lighting stand out as truly amazing elements, especially the low light effects (contrasted with modern shows that sometimes come out too dark). The result is colors that pop making for a visually intriguing episode.

Overall, a strong second outing for this show that will leave you wanting to watch it again immediately.
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Absolutely love it!!
Nas-bk19 October 2022
Great episode! Loved finding out more about the characters and seeing them work together to kill the monster of the week was amazing! It has such an early season supernatural vibe so it feels nostalgic for spn fans but at the same time it's amazing on it's own as well!

I absolutely loved the storyline as well! The writing is absolutely amazing. Even though Robbie only co-wrote this episode you can definitely feel his presence in the writing. Bottom line: amazing cast with great chemistry, great story and I can't wait to see what more we find out in the future episodes.

Already can't wait for next week's episode!
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Family definitely has its effects on you
robinson-5316619 October 2022
The primary focus for this week is figuring out how to kill the new monster of the week and how to navigate relationships, both of family and friends. This was another great episode for The Winchesters saga. Millie Winchester was more involved this week, which gave us a huge emotional connection to Henry's and John's relationship dynamic. Also, Carlos was more vocal with Mary regarding some of her more reckless behaviors. This episode solidified the connections within our new group of hunters, while bringing us some awesome excitement and intrigue from a powerful new monster and the "big bad" guy of the season. The surprises were awesome and the action was non-stop. This is definitely an episode that I will be re-watching until the next one.
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the best kind of dumb
hayatonyaaa19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episodes proves that silly cheesy happiness will always be hilariously entertaining. And I am so happy to see the actually utilizing costumes and make up and effects, something the last seasons of Supernatural fell out of the habit of.

The parallels between Mary and Dean are neverending, and the foreshadowing of the person John becomes gives me all the brainworms.

Seeing new monsters and legends being actualized is a delight as well, something beyond demons an witches and God, which is just people looking like people, is so refreshing, and it's all capped off with a cheesy montage is just *chef's kiss*
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In love with the characters
jaygeewriting19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One thing that really endeared me to SPN prime was the characters and the feeling you got on the air and behind the scenes that there was just a connection or chemistry that's hard to replicate.

You can tell that this cast gets along behind the scenes thanks to all the social media posts but you can really feel it on the show as well, and that's included in this episode.

I loved the implementation of the music throughout, I loved more of a look at the characters and their insecurities, I loved that we just get more of the characters while not overwhelming the plot just yet. I think it's important, especially for a show connected to a massive show like SPN, to focus on the characters first - intricate plot second.

Right now it's still like season 1 of SPN where "Looking for dad, oh look a MOTW case."

I loved MOTW cases in the original show because it gave us time to really understand the characters more and gives them more room to run and show smaller details about themselves. I feel like that's completely necessary for a prequel with two+ characters already introduced in the main show, just further down the road in their lives. But, I also feel like it's completely necessary when establishing new characters like Lata, Millie, Carlos, and Ada. All of whom I love very dearly.

This episode managed to take more of those insecurities from just the pilot and expand on them. One thing that endeared me to John a little more this episode was his annoyance he didn't seem to get the hunting thing down automatically. It's an interesting look into his character, kind of the impatience he has and higher expectations for himself.

Also, that whole action sequence in the beginning with the zombies was fantastic.

It kind of feels like I've been watching this show longer than 2 weeks now and I'm convinced it's because the show is structured like this at the beginning.

I also love how it's still having the spookiness from the early seasons of SPN while also maintaining its distinctive look. All things remind me of this but one moment that jumped out to me was the motel room the gang was staying in. We're used to more or less the same kind of motel room in SPN prime with just different details. This truly felt like a motel, and one I'd find on a backroad in 1972. Not that the previous motel sets on SPN prime weren't good, but that this did in fact feel like an outdated, old, not well kept, "I'd believe this was from the 1970s" motel room.

It's only the second episode but I feel like it's doing well to establish itself truly as a connection to SPN prime, but also trying hard to make sure you understand it is, in fact, its own show.

One moment that even freaked me out was the very end with the person in the cloak walking away from the monster's area and those ... things... crawl out of the trees. I wasn't expecting it, and one of the worst things for me in horror movies is when things crawl around in the dark so I actually screamed a little bit!

The only reason why I'm not giving this episode 10 stars is just that some of the dialogue still felt a little stiff and expository, but I'm also aware we're barely out of the gate and there is more time to smooth things out once we know the characters more and understand more of the plot.

Can't wait until next week!
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A perfect blend of nostalgia and fresh air
ichernova-2249019 October 2022
This episode is a perfect example of why Robbie Thompson was such a force in the writers room for Supernatural prime - it's an exquisite weaving of emotional beats and quirky dialogue that had me alternating between laughter and tears. The foundation of SPN prime continues to serve as the background melody, but The Winchesters is quickly finding it's own unique song. Carlos and Latika really shine in this episode, proving they are a welcome addition to SPN canon. The music (on many levels) needle drops also remain on point. Very strong second episode that leaves the viewer wanting more and more of these characters, and the ending is both heartwarming and immediately foreboding. Excellent television.
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Loving the parallels
ailiswindemere20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I didn't know how they'd do that way or how much paralleling would be part of this, but this is fantastic. Already seeing an alignment with S1 of SPN, but bringing in all the great things that were in the later seasons too that early seasons of the show didn't have.

This episode did so great with humour, and that kind of sarcasm I love, especially from Carlos. He's just winning in humour. And that little musical montage was hilariously fantastic and unexpected.

I did find there was a bit less of a mesh as a team of characters this episodes, but they're still finding their feet as a show, so that makes sense. And it's not as obvious as it is for many new shows, so I think they'll do just fine.

The sets are just brilliant too!
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Now its getting started!
katrinaurban19 October 2022
A great second episode for this prequel. I am enjoying very much delving into the heads of these characters, especially the new ones. I am looking forward to seeing how Lata, Carlos, and Ada will develop over the course of the series; I live them all already. The conscious effort to make Mary and Carlos mirrors for Dean, while John and Lata, are mirrors for Sam is fantastic. The narrative parallels were a staple of the OG SPN and it is so fitting that we continue to learn so much about the story, the world, and its characters through this method of storytelling. I do suspect there'll be a lot less subtle parallels and story arcs as well.
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Better than the pilot!
marief-4175019 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved seeing the dynamic and relationships between Carlos, Lata and Mary. This episode really showed us that they had an history before the show. I also loved discovering Carlos and Lata more and I know I will get extremely attached to them, they are very compelling and attaching characters.

I was also blown away by the parallels between Dean / Sam and Mary / John. They made sure to show the similarities while staying their own characters. The hints of the way John will grow to become were also amazingly done.

This show manages to show a different dynamic while staying in the same universe and giving us new monsters and stories.
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Perfect follow up to the pilot
christelhinneman19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode we find the core characteristics of the main 5 characters. It's nice too see it all play out and to see the legacy of supernatural continue with a good follow up.

The episode is a classic monster of the week we have come to love in supernatural and we now see continue in The Winchesters.

SPOILERS!!!!! For the Winchesters episode 2 an supernatural season 15!!

The mysterious character at the end of the episode leaves us wanting more and sets up a possible crossover with supernatural or an ability to see a familiar face return to the television screen.

I'm hoping it is Rowena while being the Queen of Hell.
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A fun romp with deep roots
aprilegunn19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've rarely seen a show hit its stride and find its voice as quickly as The Winchesters, but I guess that's what happens when the people behind the cameras already have years of experience working within their universe.

This episode was a fun time as the Scooby Gang infiltrated a hippie commune (complete with excellent outfits) in search of a creature making people disappear. But underneath the flower crowns and fringe is a deep root of generational trauma that will feel all too familiar to longtime fans of SPN. Mary and John are both struggling with the self doubt and other baggage their fathers left them with, and Mary in particular is struggling with being a team player. The echoes of Sam and Dean's struggles with their family ties and their own absent father are strongly felt throughout the episode. Knowing that John will one day leave his children with very similar doubts and fears is heartbreaking, all the more because this John is largely still an innocent who just wants to help people.

Meanwhile Carlos, Lata, and Ada all get a chance to shine this episode as they each lend something invaluable to the team in different ways. Lata's inquisitive mind and research skills save the day, Carlos provides a much-needed foil and check on Mary, and Ada unlocks more secrets of the MoL bunker back in Lawrence.

I can't say enough how much the love and fun just shines out of this show. The actors are having a great time bringing this world and these characters to life, and it shows. The chemistry between Lata, Carlos, and Mary really makes them feel like longtime friends, and the growing bond and sparks between John and Mary are palpable. The SFX crew is doing the most with their creature designs, too, taking risks that pay off in a final product that is at times a little bit of a throwback, but ultimately charming.

Overall, this episode was another pleasant surprise, in that the pilot was clearly not a fluke. The SPNWin crew know what they're doing, and I think from here on out I'm just going to expect good things and hope the Chaos Machine keeps delivering.
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