The UFO Movie They Don't Want You to See (2023) Poster

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Sobering skepticism mixed with a lot of assumptions
slateofmind1 September 2023
I identify as an open-minded and REASONABLE skeptic on the subject of UFOs/UAP. I've watched all of the James Fox documentaries, read many books on the subject, and have familiarized myself with the best cases. I find some of it compelling, but will not be convinced until I see better evidence. It's important to remain skeptical and not get caught up in confirmation bias.

That being said, there are some ridiculous claims and assumptions being made by the director of this documentary. Early on, he hears from an astrophysicist that it's unlikely that extraterrestrial civilizations could travel the vast distance required to reach us. The director then adds voiceover saying "They can't get here!" How do you go from "unlikely" to "can't"? Another claim he makes is that photos, videos, and eyewitness testimony aren't compelling, and you need to hold something in your hand to believe it. That sort of thinking might lead someone to a belief as abhorrent as Holocaust denial, because we can't stand there and verify it with our own eyes. That is the sort of UNREASONABLE skepticism that this director is guilty of. (Note: I'm not saying he's a Holocaust denier. That's just an extreme example of where unreasonable skepticism can lead.)

He does a good job of exploring problems with some well-known UFO cases. Although, I found it amusing that when an astrophysicist says "unlikely" he takes that to mean "can't", but when an Air Force base serviceman tells him that a power outage is "unlikely" to disable ICBM missiles, he goes on to conclude it "must" have been the cause.

His treatment of the famous Navy UFO videos and their corresponding sightings is mixed. He interviews Mick West and shows his compelling take on them. He then goes on to make the case that the Navy pilots were mistaken in what they saw by interviewing an air traffic controller and a prop plane flight instructor. Seriously. Not a single Navy pilot or instructor is interviewed. You can't discount the dozens of witnesses to the Nimitz encounter without interviewing any of them or, at the very least, a seasoned Navy pilot. He doesn't even address why the Nimitz case is so compelling (dozens of witnesses, multiples radar systems and sensors, including the most sophisticated radar on the planet, and backed up by a video). He merely discounts the video as probably just a plane. That's a straw man if ever there was one.

This is a lazy documentary that mixes some interesting insights-especially the Jimmy Carter UFO sighting-with a lot of assumptions and straw-manning. I welcome and encourage skepticism on this subject and hope that the truth about this phenomenon will be found one day. This director hasn't found it.
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Scientism-Based Debunking
deoccultist17 January 2024
It's important to understand the Laws of Creation, but to be rooted in very left-brained thinking keeps you from seeing the bigger picture. Rigid skepticism is not the pathway to truth. Holistic thinking will get you there much faster, regardless of the subject. Using the Trivium and Quadrivium methods are holistic approaches. Science is about discovery and evolving perspectives, not dogmatic rigidity and limitation which is what scientism is and what this documentary is saturated in.

Some of the assumptions about how ETs would behave if they came here are also pretty one-dimensional such as "landing on the white house lawn." Mr. Dunning, what makes you think an evolved species would want to have anything to do with us today? We're far from evolved. We're still children who believe we need a proxy mommy and daddy called "government." A Type 3 civilization capable of interstellar travel would probably keep their distance until we grew up and got over ourselves. We're not even a Type 1 yet.

The only exception would be a species with ill intent, and they're probably already here. Trust me, "they" would have no problem with us seeing this movie. Same with all the overly right-brained speculative fluff. Neither one is a balanced perspective. Neither one will get you to the core of what's really going on.
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Biased debunking with an agenda.
jeremy-2858723 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Er but the Navy pilots were vectored in from radar and saw them. And engaged with them. Multiple pilots. Multiple missions.

Why didn't they interview Cmdr David Fravor? The reason is that this show sets out to debunk and ignores anything they don't have an answer for.

David Grusch claimed under oath that there is a crash retrieval program. No mention.

This show is preaching to you, like silly you why are you watching ancient aliens. Well, AA is fun, but nobody really believes most of it. So what.

More whistleblowers, and more hearings to come. That's the serious part.

If they want to bring on Mick West then let's hear from Ross Coulthard.
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This is something that people need to see before they watch Ancient Aliens
LosAngelesSciFi2 September 2023
This documentary is really something special. Unlike MOST UFO documentary films, this one actually too the time to do real research. The company that made this seem to be more invested in fact checking and going to the source and not making stuff up. Most of what you see on Discovery and History is a what-if. Some of it is clearly made up. This documentary took the time to actually do real research and the truth is way more fascinating than what we might think. Yes there is a conspiracy out there but not what anyone might think. I can't spoil the "plot" but anyone who loves UFO documentaries like me should watch this with a clear sober mind. I hope these guys do Bigfoot next. I want to believe!!!!
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Utterly dreadful! One sided.
katiejoyroberts15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had to turn it off as soon as he discredited children in Zimbabwe, the official at maelstrom and other sites! Every single ufo incident that even mufon cannot account for this chap and his skeptic buddy had an explanation NOTHING was left 'unexplained'. I absolutely loved the know-it-alls at the beginning too! Jeez what a very small minded bunch of people! So Fraver and other F18 pilots are also totally was Venus reflecting off the ocean (well not really but he had an explanation for this too) and the gimble footage was something to do with the camera on the F18. I mean come on the reason THEY don't want you to watch this film is because it's 93 minutes of your life you will not get back. Avoid.
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A surprisingly sober documentary about all things "UFO""
artdonovandesign3 February 2024
Shows and documentaries about UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence often falls into the predictable "History Channel" type of sensationalized schmaltz. You already know that internet meme... The History Channel guy with crazy hair, (Giorgio Tsoukalos) who answers ALL mysteries with the word, "Aliens".

So it's a rare thing when a UFO movie/doc not only sticks to realistic science but still manages to be exciting and informative without the conspiracy theory / Area 51 nonsense. I see quite a few reviewers here seem to be offended by the realistic science covered in this show. But it's that darn "Theory of Special Relativity" that always rains on the "True believers" parade. True UFO Believers approach the subject with religious fervor simply because it IS a belief system, as opposed to a rigorously tested science. Have many people witnessed the impossible in the skies? Yes! Sure! And who am I to say they didn't?

So would I LOVE to see great evidence of UFOs that simply can't be explained? Darn right, I would!!!

And yes, I was truly impressed with Dave Fravor's personal experience and credentials. But like everyone else, I would love to see that one incredible video. Until such time that it gets published, I'll keep sticking with real science, real scientists and academics who have devoted their lives to the pursuit of Cosmology and Physics.

I thought this was a terrific movie and highly recommend it.
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Ignored facts and a lot of speculation. Debunker hitjob.
lostangelz12 January 2024
This is just one big sceptic documentary.

The host has already made up his mind. He focuses on a couple of things and ignores a huge amount of data.

Example, the Montana Missile silos. He only talks about one site and never talks about all other sites. Says Bob Salas' memory might be failing after all these years. Says the flight computers rebooted which could have made the missile shutdown. What he didn't say is that the missiles are not serial connected. So if one reboots and shuts down, the rest shouldn't. Yet they did.

And it's not just Malmstrom AFB, ALL nuclear (military) sites have had encounters!

Robert Hastings wrote book about it. He investigated and collected everything Nuclear and UFO related and found a rock solid pattern.

Then they start explaining the UFO away as a Barium cloud. But of course they 'forgot' to mention that the UFO came up close and personal. It wasn't a far away lichtshow anymore. It was right there. It came to them and stopped above them.

This is just 1 example. This is how all his debunking in this goes. Takes a couple of useful facts, twists the wordings a little and conveniently leaves out truckloads of corroborating evidence.

This is no investigation into the UFO phenomena. This is a debunking show. Or hitjob.

Debunkers probably like it.

Anyone who has actual knowledge about UFO sightings sees right through this.

It's sad really. Don't bother watching. The title is enticing and speaks to us (UFO community) but it's a trick title. It's should be called The Great Debunk show or something like that.

Oh and of course the fact that Nick West is in here should keep you away. He does his old tricks but conveniently forgets to mention that the actual manufacturers of the used hardware later explained how his facts were off.

This is a debunking show.

And a hit job.

Not worth your time but feel free to watch it of course. I made I halfway and shut it down, leaving a thumb down on Tubi.

UFOs are real. And yes, 95% of sightings are explainable. Mundane objects or what have you. I don't care about those. I care about the 5%.

UFOs are here, and have been for a long time. What it is and where it's from is unknown. As are the occupants. But we'll get there and the debunkers will have to scratch themselves behind the ears. And find a new hobby.
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FINALLY - a documentary trying to provide answers rather thrills.
haunted-23 September 2023
I'm so damned tired of documentaries that lead with question marks or talk about "could have beens." This film shows what we know, and it's actually quite a lot.

If you're serious about UFOs and the idea of slime visitation, you are required to watch this in order to have any credibility at all.

This is a sobering look at several famous sightings, analyzed by witnesses and experts - REAL experts, not Bigfoot chasers who do UFOs on the side.

Curious about the videos Congress is seeing? Wondering how we can know for sure what WASN'T aliens? There are answers here. Seek them. I wish Congress would.
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Biased Garbage
dragon361129 May 2024
Basically this guy ignores the mountain of evidence out there even from professional pilots like David Fravor and asserts that as he can't be next to a UAP that they don't exist. So by his logic, if he had never seen a zebra close up but only seen hundreds of videos about them and heard others stories about them, he would say it was all drivel. Zebras of course do exist , but this guy would have you believe they didn't. He spends a good chunk of the film going on about light speed and the vast distances which would make it impossible for aliens to visit us, but if he had looked into the subject, he would realise that those very close to the subject, eg Lue Elizondo, say that that whatever these things are, they are more likely to be of this earth, something that may have been here for millions of years- or interdimensional or us from the future or something else that we haven't considered. This is misinformation and grossly biased and unbalanced. Zebras do exist.

Absolutely shocking. This film will not age well.
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Poor science
candc-2393529 May 2024
This documentary says it presents scientific evidence. The presenter eagerly thinks he is debunking with his great logic and scientific evidence. Although he makes some good points, his science is fashioned to support his opinion. He wraps every thing up with a nice bow. "There you have it", "that's all it was". He basically is saying everyone is being hoaxed, or fooled. He is saying everyone who thinks they saw a ufo is too stupid to have considered his explanations. There is no unbiased science in this video! It is totally skewed and every one interviewed is so confident, it's amazing. I feel like I'm watching Mr. Trump take facts and skew them to support his agenda, like he does. I only watched the whole video out of curiosity. If you are looking for any ufo science, don't watch this opinionated waste of time.
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nbj-524655 September 2023
I am very impressed with the information presented in this documentary. As a professional who has actually made hundreds of documentaries over the past 33 years, I can say that most UFO documentaries are complete BS. It is a VERY easy matter to sway and average person into believing UFOs are real. This documentary lifts the lid on the majority of those other" documentaries. It's a fact that this was made by a non-profit organization and was made to educate, and not to gain money.

There is a conspiracy behind the UFO story. It's not that the government is hiding anything (they cannot successful keep ANYTHING secret these days). The truth of the matter is that low level media organizations and people who PROFIT from selling books and documentaries are the one perpetuating the myth that aliens are visiting in metal machines, and constantly crashing into the desert and buzzing jet fighters for sport.

If you truly live UFOs are real, then you have been duped by media companies who want your money and want your clicks and attention.

But don't believe me, watch this documentary for yourself and then go away and have a good long think before responding angrily. The truth is out there. We all WANT to believe, but sadly reality is way more sobering.

Thank-you to the people made this documentary! Truth is sobering.
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Found it boring and cherry picked facts and assumptions
theouttherechannel9 January 2024
Only part worth it was Carters sighting in detail.

The intro was long and slow talking about how many planets could have life.. sometimes its better the host stay behind the camera not in front of it.

I wont repeat the 5 star review as he did nail it

but I find it odd anyone would claim over 100 kids and 1 teacher were influenced by whay they watched.. especially now these are much older and all havent said they were NOT sure now.

Sure the UK UFO case had embellishments. But claiming air men seeing a light house daily on the base mistakenly got a UFO wrong for it later.. sounds far fetched and we know military made mistakes and that goes for documenting things too and not coming clean even today.

As for nuke ufos theres FOIAs of reports of UFOs around the sites even if the outages can be explained as normal dont mean it was so.. it helps to be middle ground and not bias when debunking and follow the facts ALL facts not just ones you love.

Overall the documentary was wasnt worth my time on it.. he could of interviewed people involved.. and gone there and map location of men and checked where beam would be seen.

Also the guy is a convicted criminal that did 1 year in prison for fraud.. google him and read about ebay fbi court case.. he also has been called out on very UFO debunks on his skeptic website.
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The Truth Is Out There
rbrb9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An excellent documentary showing and proving the truth about so called UFOs.

When I came across this film not knowing its' contents, I expected the movie to tell us once again about a massive cover-up with government lies etc., and not wanting us to know about the Aliens in our midst.

Instead, we get a very refreshing, truthful and accurate scientific explanation concerning :

i) the impossibility throughout the universe including earth about Alien visitations.

Ii) many major past and present examples of UFOs are examined and more or less fully explained.

Of course, life of sorts - intelligent or otherwise- is statistically likely on other planets but there is barely a thread of evidence about the existence of visits by UFOs to Earth in the Hollywood sense, and this picture proves it.

But rather like Richard Dawkins who tries to tell it as it is about another field of humanity the truth is out there, but does anyone want to listen?
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A balanced and careful review of the subject.
gummo-4303613 February 2024
This is excellent. It starts by giving you the arguments for and against alien visitation to Earth. It's not in any way condescending to the ideas proposed, or the proponents of UFO visits, but carefully looks at them with a respectful approach.

A balanced presentation with careful consideration of any claims made.

The narration is engaging, and goes into the details of many high profile cases, while discussing the possibility of them having mundane explanations.

This is a scholarly look at the subject, while also keeping the viewers interest at all times.

The interviewees are erudite and know their fields. They present their evidence and knowledge in a very accessible way.

This is something that everyone with even a passing interest would be well served to watch.
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Don't Watch This Movie
droyd-4596324 January 2024
The title of this movie is a watch bait. Don't watch it, because the author doesn't believe that UFO's are real. It tries to lure you in initially though. The observations and interviews are taken from the wrong people. For example, instead of interviewing the pilots themselves, they interviewed some random person. If you love UFO's and believe in them, this is not the movie for you. The title is a watch bait. Another example of BS concerns the Redlesham Forest incident. The author had the nerve to debunk one of the greatest event ever told by saying that the officer and the other junior guys witnessed a strobing light from a light house. He stated that these events were just exaggerated over the years by different authors. Really? He purposely left out the part where the officer actually recorded audio of the events and how everything was recorded on paper in great detail. Don't watch this borimg documentary. You will be wasting your time.
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Passive Aggressive attack, lacking balance, not doing the subject justice.
reggyboy28 May 2024
This documentary started in a way that gave you the impression it would be balanced and fair.

Sadly, this did not last long, as the documentary quickly slipped into a 'Passive Aggressive' attack on all research into the UFO/UAP debate/mystery.

This is a great film for those not really interested in gaining a better understanding of the subject, but looking to confirm a Superior based Scepticism.

Hiding behind a fake cloak of 'Scientism' to justify naïve assumption after assumption, just does not work and gives Scepticism a bad name.

I have read long detailed articles about the Rendlesham Forest incident.

The description given in this documentary is clearly aimed at instant debunking and clearly does no justice to the subject.

This pattern is followed for each following case.

No effort is made to get an alternative perspective, such as interviewing an actual pilot whom witnessed one of these strange events.

Some of the science was interesting and would have been far more interesting if presented alongside some different points of view.

Sadly, half way in to the film the agenda becomes so clear, all hope is lost of learning anything new.

To me, the most interesting part of the film was the small part at the end in regards to the detection of the 'WOW' signal.

In Summary,

This film suffers from a lack of imagination/balance, resulting is strawmen arguments being proposed and then knocked down, leaving the film not really going anywhere new.
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Well Done, Sir!
aprilcohrs-1526613 February 2024
Mr. Dunning does a fantastic job leading us on a fact finding, truth seeking adventure that allows us all to come to our own conclusions about UFOs. Wonderfully crafted and informative. I like how Brian talks to the camera as if he's having a conversation with the viewer; very personable. Thank you for providing us with quality workmanship! You're a cool dude and your presentation and information was easy to follow. This documentary would be a great add on for high school physics curriculum. I think kids would be drawn in by your work not only in regards to UFOs but would also learn how to decipher fact from fiction when presented with scientific information. I'll be on the lookout for a book signing near me!
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Closed minded and biased
thejefflewis-9222814 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You cannot go faster than the speed of light means aliens can't get to us. That seems to be the setup as to why all evidence UFO related can't be aliens. That mindset leads to cherry picking data and using the psychological explanation that people just want to believe and overlook the most common misinterpretation of UFOs. Well, these astrophysicists should have told Dunning about worm holes. It is theoretically possible to bend space. So theoretically, aliens could get to us using worm holes. If it is possible to get here, and given the vast amount of life in our universe (per Dunning), and the interesting nature of Earth (per Dunning), then it is likely we are being visited.

In the 2021 UAP report, there are 144 cases. 143 are unexplained. That means 143 could not be explained by the most common mistakes Dunning keeps listing. Of those 143, I think like 60 exhibit flight characteristics humans do not possess. Of the 144, many have multiple mediums of evidence (e.g. Eyewitness, video, radar, etc.). Dunning states that photos, videos, and eyewitnesses cannot be accepted as evidence. That is really closed minded. And with that high bar of evidence, leaving only a spectacular craft as evidence, then there is nothing left to research about UFOs. It makes you wonder why the government created multiple programs to investigate the UFO/UAP data. They must have reason to believe there is the possibility of arial threat.

When Dunning is debunking the "Gimble" video, he is also making assumptions. He clearly overlooks the audio going on. The pilot has visual of the gimble craft. Dunning assumes the craft looks like it does because hot spots can blind the infrared camera of the overall shape. Well, listen to the audio of the pilot looking right at the craft. He is not looking at the rear of a jet. He would know the difference. Also, Dunning assumes the rotation of the "Gimble" is caused by how the IR camera works. This is a great example of how scientists like Dunning are so biased, it impacts their ability to think clearly. The clouds would have rotated with the gimble if this was a camera viewpoint effect. The clouds are stationary as the gimble rotates.

The sad thing here is what if Dunning saw a spectacular craft right over his head? He would then have to claim we are being visited. But, his testimony could not be considered evidence of sufficient quality since it would just be an eyewitness account, so his claim to his experience is irrelevant (per Dunning's own words). In the 1997 Phoenix Lights incident, many people did claim to see a spectacular craft fly right over their house. We should listen to these people and not close our minds.

As a final point, Dunning makes assumptions about what people think UFOs are. UFO stands for unidentified flying objects. Unidentified means we don't know what it is. And it is likely there will never be any new information from a siting event to make an identification. Unidentified means all the common misinterpretation have been considered and ruled out. An open-minded person would say we don't know what this UFO is. It could be aliens, but we don't know. Dunning is basically saying a UFO is not aliens. That proves he is closed minded, because that is a biased assumption. There is no way of coming to that conclusion given the information available on UFO sitings. The truth is, we just don't know, and Dunning arrogantly thinks he does know.
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A Science-Based deep-dive into the topic.
milescarver13 February 2024
Wacko UFO-cultists are bombarding this wonderful film with negative reviews because it doesn't follow their lazy narrative. If you are actually interested in the topic of UFOs and science, this film and anything else done by Brian Dunning is for you. Just like any irrational belief in ghosts, Bigfoot, Nessy, etc; The UFO community is filled with fundamentalists who will do anything to protect their belief system. Sadly, That's what hundreds are trying to do by attacking this film. Brian Dunning has devoted his life to seeking evidence-based truth in a world filled with irrational and ridiculous beliefs.
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Its a rather obviously a Hit Piece
lenwenzellw12 February 2024
The director, and producer make way to much of how they use the latest science, and technology to investigate the facts. How they will use fact based science to investigate the claims that UFO's exist and we are being visited by Alien visitors. They picked a narrator with a face and a voice that you want to trust. They cherry pick some of the leading cases that seem to point towards being visited. Instead of being unbiased they seem to have an agenda towards discrediting each of those cases. All their efforts seem to be proving they don't exist, rather then examine just the facts. They have so called scientists who claim its impossible for visitors to travel interstellar distances to visit. Everything they claim that is impossible may be possible, we just don't know.

To me that makes it an absolute that they have agenda, while doing everything but back flips to claim they don't.

James Fox, Dr. Steven Greer, many Pilots, many Astronauts, several American Governors, many Congressmen and women, many military personnel, police chiefs, citizens of a huge range of creditable backgrounds have testified to being Eye Witness's.

Why do companies like Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Raytheon, and many others have technology that appears to be many decades ahead of other technology?

A reasonable man would wonder why Dr. Steven Greer presented evidence to so many US Presidents about the question of UFO visitors? Why did the Pentagon admit UFO's exist? Why does Congress talk about the hidden closed loop skifs, and black projects that no one, even US Presidents can investigate without a need to know? Why did an x-director of the CIA become murdered, (Drowned) on the eve an announcement, and reveal about UFO's with Dr. Steven Greer?

The number of facts that show we are being visited is overwhelming. Instead of being brainwashed that Black is White, maybe the question is what they have to hide, and who is hiding it?
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I enjoyed this Documentary
I'm convinced by the expert examination of the professionals in this film that the incidents that they've discussed here have now been explained.

I think the documentary subject matter is mostly well covered and researched. I took two stars off for not asking about black holes and such as possibilities of how an interstellar civilization could bypass the time and space problem of space travel.

Also I would like some of the aerial phenomena on Skinwalker Ranch explained. That is still a mystery to me. Though I assume the authors of the documentary would get sued if they could prove that Skinwalker Ranch and other such location phenomena were nothing supernatural or alien.

I hope they make another film and answer some of these questions.
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A skeptics point of view and deniability
josueobalay7 February 2024
Although there is no doubt that there are many cases which have been debunked. Natural phenomena that has been explained and that is critical so we have real data on what is real and what not. This documentary seems pretty focussed on making the public believe that is all impossible.

In my opinion most people tend to analyze all these situations based on human knowledge and that is where we miss the point. Any intelligent advanced civilization that could have been visiting or has visited our planet is not anymore inside our realm of understanding, they have technologies or capabilities we can't yet even comprehend.

The documentary addresses cases that are questionable first of all cause they are coming from the government and that is 100% understandable, as they will lie and create distractions while other important issues are being done against the public behind closed doors.

But we can't ignore history, cultures across the world, accounts with oceans of time in between. There are many writings from different parts and ancient civilizations that depict many encounters, which may seem incredible or the product of hallucinogenics, but how do we explain so many similarities.

If we are going to analyze this with a real open mind we have to believe in what we would categorize as impossible, as possible not to us, but to them, they or whatever it could be.
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Great and Convincing with no Conspiracy
scottarmour-0396413 February 2024
Excellently done. Properly researched and backed by real-world science.

Clearly puts "alien UFO"s in the category Science-FICTION.

The only reason I did not give a full 10/10 was I was hoping for even more - another 20 minutes of science-backed skepticism would have earned it 10/10.

The entire setup, writing, and narration was classic yet modernized 2023 narrative and performance.

It is sad that too few will see this - especially our leaders in Congress and other influential positions of power that continue to promote conspiracy and fiction about UFO's, aliens, secret Area 51, and a giant government coverup.
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The Truth is Out There...
toddo025413 February 2024
...and it's in this movie. True believers will dislike the movie immensely because it reveals how bad the evidence for UFOs really is. Grainy pictures are not proof of UFOs. No matter how many bad pictures are out there, lots of bad evidence still adds up to bad evidence.

For all the cameras people have these days, not one clear picture is available. True believers just need one good movie. But none are seen.

Also, government investigation into a phenomenon does not mean the phenomenon is real. It means that someone got someone else in the government to investigate. Often the reasons are political which as we all know, may not have anything to do with reality.

The movie has many good points. Watch it...and be skeptical.
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Debunked by himself.
allanjeremy-0790921 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We can't travel faster than light. Correct.

Quantum entanglement can though.

Maybe an advanced civilization ( which he admits may exist) understands and can use quantum entanglement to travel or gravitational waves.

A few hundred years ago we were the centre of the universe scientists told us.

What he also forgot to mention the lighthouse only shone out to sea not inland.

John Mac was under investigation.

I turned of here because everyone knows if you can't debunk the story you attack there character.

This happens all the time and you know the rest isn't worth you're time or effort.

Do I believe? Yes I do.

Why is the US government so afraid?

Surely if there's nothing to UFOs then the shummer amendment would have passed?

But no it was blocked and watered down.

I won't be watching anything this guy produces because it's debunking and not a balanced documentary.
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