EMDR: A Documentary Film (2011) Poster

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Honestly, this is amazing......
mjryan8524 December 2011
This documentary is mind blowing. I highly recommend it. Like most people, I'm guessing, I didn't really know anything about EMDR. I was pretty sceptical, to say the least, of the claims made about it curing post-traumatic stress disorder (a bit of blinking will cure your PTSD????) but by the end of the film I was totally convinced. It's definitely more than just 'blinking'! EMDR has been tested over and over by clinicians for the past thirty years and, since the 1990s, has been increasingly used in private practice, with the same results every time: patients are effectively and quickly cured of PTSD. It's like a miracle. The film explains the development of EMDR and tells the stories of patients with chronic, long-term PTSD, many of whom had suffered for years and believed that they were beyond help,and shows how EMDR literally transformed their lives. It's amazing: not just the transformational power of EMDR but also what a relatively quick and simple treatment it is. The power of the human brain is something we can't even begin to comprehend.

WHY DON'T MORE PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THIS?!? EMDR needs to become the front line treatment for anyone with PTSD. (I was stunned to see that the US government has stopped funding EMDR for soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, who are suffering from PTSD, despite the fact that the military's own doctors *want* to use EMDR for this.) I've already recommended the film to a friend. Watch it and tell people about it because this could transform the lives of so many people.
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A much needed a/v introduction of EMDR to the world
freefromtrauma18 December 2011
Have read a great deal about EMDR in books and on the web in the year since my EMDR training in NYC. But this film can potentially take EMDR to the next level of awareness. A movie like this should be broadcasted all around the world (with subtitles) because there are so many people in need.

I think of war-torn parts of the world where trauma therapy is either non-existent (or just becoming available) and it's heartbreaking. I hope this film can help to accelerate a response.

The film uses superb artistry and animation to illustrate how (we think) EMDR works and who it can help. I highly recommend it for every therapist who uses EMDR, therapists who don't yet but are curious, and clients considering trying it.
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This is a remarkable documentary which should be seen by all who are interested in heartfelt stories of how the mind works to heal itself!
Jerry-227-1556812 December 2011
I truly like the manner within which Michael Burns uses his film's narrative to blend EMDR stories into compelling evidence for the use of this therapy as a powerful method to transform emotional pain. This transformation has the real potential to help prevent unanalyzed hurt from impacting its negative ripple effect throughout the lives of individuals, families, and society as a whole.

As a psychologist, I have been using EMDR since 1995. I wholeheartedly agree that it remains a most remarkable approach for helping people to expedite the resolution of disturbing memories. The 2007 research of Dr. Bessel van der Kolk even demonstrates that EMDR is likely more effective than psychotropic medication for the sustained improvement of symptoms associated with clinical anxiety and depression.

I highly recommend this remarkable documentary for graduate psychology students, health care providers, and anyone else who is interested in EMDR and how the mind works to heal itself.
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A powerful story
kavolante30 December 2011
Kudos to Burns and all involved in EMDR: A Documentary. As a neophyte to this area of research, I had to hold an initial, analytically skeptical eye to the subject. The film takes the time to describe the science of the mind to prime an understanding of the therapy. It also deals with the conflicts and controversy over the treatment.

A New Hope!? Yes, by hearing the voice of those whose lives have changed and who have been able to live without the full weight of past trauma is inspiring. I don't claim to understand the ideological vicissitudes of psychotherapy and the various models it employs but can only wish that what EMDR provides to its patients may disrupt the current paradigm.

With soldiers now returning from complicated war scenarios; with economic blight sickening this country at record numbers, it is increasingly important to move mental health research and its therapeutic component to the fore. We cannot forget the suffering. We cannot forget those who have served. Watch EMDR for a hopeful path from the darkness.
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A gift to EMDR clinicians and their clients
jmg_cs15 December 2011
Finally – a user-friendly description of EMDR!

It's always a challenge to explain what EMDR can do when I'm working with a client – partly because an EMDR approach to therapy is so incredibly versatile, helpful in so many ways, for so many kinds of concerns – where do you start?

This film is wonderful to give to clients – many will see themselves in the stories of real people whose lives have been changed through EMDR.

In addition to witnessing people transform their pain, the film also makes space for a number of experts to tell their stories of how they came to EMDR, their initial skepticism at that "waving finger thing", and their experiences of EMDR making a huge difference in a surprisingly short time compared to the therapy approaches they were used to using.

The movie is inspiring and exciting, thought-provoking and professionally done and gives EMDR an accessibility and highlight it well deserves

I'm grateful to Michael Burns, the film maker, for such an incredible gift to the EMDR community of clinicians – we have something beautiful, comprehensive and clear to help explain why we continue to be excited about EMDR.
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EMDR movie is inspirational
carlininireland11 December 2011
I hope many others will be as inspired by this movie as I was. I had barely heard of EMDR before someone suggested I see this movie, and since then, I, too, have been inspired to try EMDR. EMDR movie helps to unlock the mysteries of this amazingly effective therapy, and provides stories of change in the lives of real people. So much of the suffering in this world is unnecessary. If more people could learn about EMDR through this movie and try it out with a registered therapist, then I'm sure there would be a lot less pain int he lives of everyday people. I am grateful to those who put so much time into bringing this project to life. It seamlessly oscillates between the technical and emotional, all the while providing a captivating story of this intriguing therapy.
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Highly Informative and Much Needed
supralunar-250-45762028 December 2011
As someone recently introduced to EMDR, this film really informs us on the possibilities of this new therapy. In the the age of treating psychological symptoms with drugs, EMDR uses the mind to heal itself. This film needs to reach the masses to inform people of the alternatives to suffering and the sometimes limited benefits of talk therapy. The film explores the healing effects of EMDR in cases of war, post traumatic stress, sexual assault, robbery, and death of a loved one.

The film itself uniquely uses black and white animation and live action to portray poignant patient stories and doctor's input, including that of the creator of EMDR. By the end I can honestly say I learned a lot. I highly recommend this film to anyone looking change their lives.
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Awesome doc
tynerharris24 December 2011
I'm new to EMDR so finding this film was great for me. In sections (intro, how it works, who it can help, military, personal stories, and more) the film methodically goes through the essentials of what EMDR is and how much it's needed in our society. The results are superb: an engaging, educational, and supremely important film at this moment in history.

The thread of this film is that EMDR can respond effectively to the massive levels of trauma that wrap around the globe.

A heartfelt kudos to the apparently small team that created this. You've done an outstanding job.

  • Ty
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Great movie for skeptics
grasshoppermd615 January 2012
I met the director last December abroad and was very skeptical about his description of EMDR. I had heard of it before, but nothing more than a passing mention. But after I saw the movie I did some research and was surprised to see that EMDR stood on a very strong study-base. Serious, controlled studies are hinting at the remarkable things out brains can do when guided toward healing.

Perhaps I was skeptical because I thought that if EMDR was so useful I would have heard of it already, being in the medical field. But then you realize how young EMDR is (just about 25 years old) and how many careers are based on other interventions, and you realize that the mental health care reception for EMDR has likely been cold, regardless of his substantiated success. Francine Shapiro herself said as much in the movie.

It won't be many years, however, before EMDR breaks through these institutional barriers. It appears to work- and work very quickly- for most people. And Lord knows the world needs a therapy that can do that.

I hope more skeptics like me take the time to watch this thought-provoking film with an open mind.
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Very useful tool for therapists
nhamtherapy10 December 2011
A huge thank you to the filmmakers for creating this movie. EMDR's message of hope is spreading fast (through organizations like the EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs) but with this film it will spread even faster. It's an excellent introduction to the processes and potential benefits of this breakthrough therapy.

It's true that with a comfortable and open client/therapist relationship, the therapist's job becomes simply to follow where the mind takes the client. Therapists like me see in their practices all the time- the phenomenon where the brain "finds" the source of suffering. Clients may come in with an idea of what the problem is, only to find that it's something entirely different. It's truly amazing that the brain holds onto everything, no matter how long ago it happened. It's wonderful in a way because it allows us to access those memories, through EMDR, and put a client's suffering behind them.
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Wonderful examination of fascinating tool - EMDR
juliac_199916 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I had never heard of "EMDR" until seeing this movie and I am so glad I now know of its existence. Thank you Michael Burns! The stories of the people it has helped - especially those that seemed the most desperate - are truly amazing. The movie combines expert, first-hand knowledge of the value of EMDR from both practitioners and patients with an incredibly thorough background of EMDR's beginnings (including an amazing interview with its creator, Francine Shapiro), and the continuing efforts for EMDR to be recognized and used as an accepted practice, especially in the treatment of PTSD in soldiers. A great movie for practitioners, patients, lay-folk, or anyone interested in the healing power of EMDR.
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A Passion
janbroganbooks17 February 2012
I've done a lot of research on EMDR, and as a journalist, have had to try to describe this therapy several times. This film does the best job I've come across in explaining how the strange process of memory fixation and trauma gets stuck into the brain and how EMDR fixes it.

There is a lot of passion and compassion in this film, as a well as a mission to reach the quarter million returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan,who will suffer from PTSD, as well as the rest of the world traumatized by the violence and vagaries of life.

The music in this film, which I guess is to illustrate the fragmentation of memory, took me aback a bit at first, but it plays its role in highlighting the drama.

If you are interested in the brain, or have experienced even the smallest trauma, like a minor car accident, and especially if you are or or know a veteran or a rape or robbery victim, your life will benefit from this film.
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Bravo for Michael Burns! What a Contribution!
danaterrell-lcsw16 January 2012
I had the good fortune to meet Michael Burns in August, and found he is a deeply sincere young man, who experienced EMDR for himself. It seemed so effective, he couldn't really believe it. It took a while to sink in. Once it did, he decided it would be good to let others know. EMDR is a good story worth telling.

Shortly after meeting him, I got to see a shortened preview of his documentary. My full copy is on the way to me in the mail, but I'll give you my take on his wonderful achievement.

Michael has told it with a deep sensitivity to the suffering of others, and intellectual thoroughness in helping the viewer to understand this fascinating treatment that admittedly sounds very weird at first (EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). It's a psychotherapy approach that uses eye movements to help the brain shift into a much healthier way of storing information.

The film, of course, speaks for itself. Michael lets the story unfold through the eyes of professionals, clients, and his favorite professor from college days. The professor said a profound truth: "If you don't transform your pain, you transmit it." This movie has the potential to help many to transform their pain, and thus reduce the amount of pain people inadvertently spread to others. The implications of that? How appealing is it to you to reduce emotional toxicity in the world?

I'll check in again to write another review after I see the entire movie.
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Intro that hits all the right notes
rapoole45 January 2012
A friend recommended to this movie to me and at first I wasn't sure whether an documentary on Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing would hang together. Needless to say given my 10 rating, but the film surpassed my expectations and then some.

I think what I like most about this film is that it doesn't bombard you with irrational promotion of EMDR without telling you why. This is SO important. Many programs on the brain on television don't even bother getting into speculation about how and why we think something works in the brain. I guess they think we're too dumb to follow the info. But this film actually provides some of the research about traumatic memory formation. Sure it's simplified, but the fact that it includes this at all requires IMO, a tip of the hat to the production team.

Thank you for flattering our intelligence- and for making this great documentary. Hope this leads to a batch of movies about this great therapy. (RP)
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Anyone with eyes must see this
aaronviola25 February 2012
"EMDR," Michael Burns' latest documentary is incredibly thorough, riveting, engrossing, and polished in every way. It's incredible how he weaves testimonials together without a single interruption from the narrator. In fact I don't think he says (or needs to say) a single word in all 65 minutes. (That said, there are some very helpful printed words to divide each section.) In addition, the music was tastefully paired to each scene and it aided transitions - as well as held intact longer sections. The drawings were fabulous (buffalo, stop sign were my favorites) and the videos matched the narrative so well.

And then there's the actual message of the film! So persuasive! Please go see "EMDR"!
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Interesting Concept - Worth a Watch
racimi0124 January 2012
I had no clue what EMDR was before watching this documentary, and was pretty skeptical when first started watching. One thing led to the next, and I kept watching thinking maybe this could be a real thing?? I still have my skepticism, but after watching this, I could be convinced to seeing how this works first hand, in person. I would especially recommend this to someone suffering from ptsd. Nothing to lose! I recently read an article about the huge numbers of soldiers going abroad to fight for their country, then coming back to nightmares, no friends/family, no money, and depression/ptsd. Seems like this should be considered therapy. Overall, well produced. Good mix of shots, music, animation, and worth a watch.
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Finally, a movie spreading the word about the revolutionary EMDR!
Cynthia-303-75268026 February 2012
As an EMDR psychotherapist for the past 20 years, I've been waiting for this film for a long time, and am so grateful to Michael Burns for providing it to the world! EMDR has the power to permanently resolve the flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance behaviors, and vigilance that can happen when people are traumatized. I personally have witnessed person after person after person become free of their post traumatic symptoms after EMDR. So many people have experienced trauma through car accidents, violent crime, medical procedures, sexual assault, war, traumatic loss, and many other ways. Often, without treatment, people deal with the post traumatic stress symptoms the best they can with medication, alcohol/drugs, compulsive behavior, anxiety, phobias, hoarding, depression and other ways that cause even more suffering, in addition to the trauma. If only everyone knew about EMDR, there would be so much less suffering!

This is why this movie is a huge breakthrough. It shows and talks about EMDR with the most depth available to PTSD sufferers and their loved ones who need to know about this. It makes something that sounds ridiculous when discussed in a shallow way understandable and believable. Many expert EMDR therapists, including it's inventor talk about the treatment in this film, and people who've received EMDR also talk about it.

If you have been traumatized and have symptoms, and you want help, watch this movie, and find out about EMDR. You owe it to yourself and those who love you. It will blow your mind!
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Inspiring and important for anyone working with returning vets
eltphd3 January 2012
EMDR is a powerful documentary that introduces what EMDR can do in the hands of well-trained practitioners. It's essential watching for anyone working with traumatized individuals- especially returning veterans suffering from PTSD. In my opinion, when one reads the available studies (without dismissing EMDR out of hand) you find startling results that no professional therapist worth their salt can ignore with a good conscience.

This film wisely takes you through the initial disbelief then how and why the interviewed therapists came to add EMDR to their toolbox. The personal stories and the touching, candid reflections throughout are beautifully done.

EMDR will be a household name 5 or 10 years from now. It's that amazing and that effective at getting people's lives on track. I hope that this film will move that timeline up even more.
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The movie about EMDR that was long overdue
bhens1445613 March 2012
This is a powerful and outstanding documentary on EMDR by producer Michael Burns, a therapy the world needs now more than ever. It is a thought-provoking work that only one-word sentences can describe. Outstanding. Inspirational. Engaging. Comprehensive. Educational. Resourceful. There is every reason to watch it. I remember the early days of this project when Burns was struggling to amass funds and line up individuals to interview to ensure this movie became a reality. He did it despite everything. Michael, I hope you feel proud. I know I am proud of you. This is a gift of self which can help others into perpetuity.
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Fascinating, amazing, and crucial
ranckchris1 March 2012
This informative and at times electrifying film explains EMDR like nothing else. Including the latest information on the brain science of EMDR, as well as moving and dramatic real-life stories of profound healing, it is the perfect film for anyone who wants to know more about this astonishingly effective treatment for trauma. When the default treatment for PTSD is still—--tragically often—--medication, the world's education about EMDR is crucial in the fight to actually heal troubled souls wherever they live. This wonderful film helps us understand so much more. It is perfect for students, therapists and their clients, people considering therapy, educators, anyone who wants to confront the dark places with the very best kind of light. An incredible contribution, highly recommended.
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Know someone suffering with PTSD? Watch this movie.
timepass1005321 February 2012
I found out about this movie a few weeks ago from a friend of the director's in Delhi and have been looking forward to seeing it since. Just watched it and recommend it tremendously.

This is a public television style documentary in that it balances individual PTSD/trauma stories with an argument on how EMDR can be part of an effective response. Still pictures, animation, split screens, all are beautifully rendered.

EMDR is an amazing therapy. It's hardly known here in India- from a search of the web, it looks like America, Europe, and Israel are the main places for it. We could absolutely use it here too as there's so much trauma from cradle to grave: and it all needs addressing.

It seems to me that what makes EMDR special is that it works quickly. I can understand therapists' initial reactions of it as being "too good to be true". But the truth is that all revolutions in science appear that way at first. New discoveries fight to be heard, then fight to be validated, and then the final fight is to get into mainstream society's consciousness. I think that's where EMDR is right now. It's on the cusp of acceptance, an acceptance it deserves.

The world has been waiting for a therapy like this.

If you know anyone suffering with PTSD please get this film in their hands. You could save their life.
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Very informative
wmclinton-davis31 January 2012
This documentary does a good job of explaining what EMDR is all about. EMDR has been viewed with a lot of skepticism over the years. The film doesn't just present information about the therapy along with case examples, it also addresses this skepticism of the critics. The film even offers some explanation about the skepticism and as one clinician in the film points out, there is a lot of really good research that support the effectiveness of this powerful therapy in treating PTSD. The film also calls in to question the lack of support by the Department of Veterans Affairs in using EMDR. It certainly makes me wonder about the Dept. of Veteran's Affairs leadership. The only drawback that I found with the film was that I found the background music became slightly irritating over the course of the film. This was the only reason I did not give the film a rating of ten.
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We've got to get this movie to everyone
docplax29 February 2012
This is an hour-log doc that everyone needs to see. Right now, the world is awash in unresolved trauma. This documentary explains a treatment that can help resolve it. It's as simple as that. If you know someone who is suffering from PTSD or something along that spectrum, send them this link and get them connected to this project.

Loved the clear and concise explanations in the film along with the personal stories interwoven throughout. Personally, the story about the veteran who responded to EMDR took my breath away. I was crying right along with the woman they interviewed. Powerful stuff.

A true public service this film is. Whether you're like me and in the field of medicine or whether you're just interested in the topic for yourself (or a family member or friend in need) get your hands on a copy of this DVD and encourage your local public television station to do the same.

Really inspiring stuff. It's great to see more and more articles popping up about EMDR. It's so well deserved.
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Finally something that can help those suffering with PTSD
michaelburnsfilms14 March 2012
This doc is an introduction to Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, one of the most (if not THE most) researched therapies for PTSD in existence.

Why should you see it? Because day after day after day we read (and see on TV) how massive the problem of PTSD is. From troubled military returning home to school shootings, gang violence, and everything in between, there is a tremendous amount of pain in our society. Whether we like it or not, our society is cultivating a revenge-minded mentality in our citizens because people don't know what to do with their pain. That's where EMDR comes in.

EMDR is the single best answer to PTSD that we have. When we help one person we actually help everyone who comes in contact with that person including loved ones, friends, colleagues: literally everyone whose life that person touches.

The books on EMDR is great- the texts we have are fantastic and it's exciting to see new ones being published. But the more ways we have to reach people the better. As someone who came late to EMDR, I can understand people's skepticism. In fact, skepticism is a good thing (you never want to believe anything without evidence). There is tons of evidence that EMDR works. That's just a plain fact.

I hope this film will reach more and more people who have never heard of it, both those who need EMDR and those who can administer it.
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Such an important film
chloebp28 March 2012
(I wrote this review in French but the system didn't allow it so I used Google to translate.)

I really loved watching this film! It is very convincing and popularizes extremely well, so that anyone can understand the interest and the power of EMDR. The arguments are well-defended, and even the arguments against are well exposed and refuted. It makes you want to learn more about this therapy- the mind is such a huge subject.

Also, Burns gives us an extremely artistic and well-realized product, a feast for the eyes and ears. It's a must-see for health professionals as well as for the general public. This film could make a big difference.
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