One Fast Move (2024) Poster


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not so good
SnoopyStyle13 August 2024
Wes Neal (K. J. Apa) is released from prison after six months for street racing. He is desperate to go into professional motorcycle racing and seeks help from his biological father Dean Miller (Eric Dane). Dean doesn't know him, has never took responsibility, and is well past his prime. Wes falls for waitress Camila (Maia Reficco). Abel (Edward James Olmos) is the mechanic and owns a bike shop.

This is a racing B-movie. The racing is fine although it would help to make Wes stand out among the crowd. That's half the battle and that part is fine. It taught me one small thing about racing. The other half is the story and the characters and all the rest. That part is not so fine. I get the father-son dysfunction, but that's all this movie has. The girlfriend has one interesting aspect. After that card gets played, the story has nothing else. Edward James Olmos is wasted in an one-dimensional role. The story needs a villain. They give the rival family, but the movie does nothing to showcase them. This is a not-so-good B-movie.
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needs a bit more HP
ferguson-68 August 2024
Greetings again from the darkness. One result from the expansion of the movie streaming universe is that independent films with specific topics can find a home for niche audiences. Actor-turned-director Kelly Blatz (he was a co-lead in LOREN & ROSE, 2022) turns in a rare motorcycle racing movie, although to enhance the odds, it also features the familiar tropes of an angry young man, an estranged father-son reunion, and a love story.

KJ Apa ("Riverdale" heartthrob) plays Wes, the angry young man who displays poor judgment in the opening motorcycle race on a military base. After a stint in Fort Leavenworth and his discharge, Wes and his bike head out to find long-lost (by design) dad. Dean (Eric Dane, "Euphoria", Grey's Anatomy") is a racer who had some success in the past, though his best days are far behind him. He's a party boy who never grew up - one still trying to live life on the wild side through motorcycles, alcohol, and women. Wes just wants his old deserting dad to coach him on the track so he can make something of himself. Wrangling these two cats is bike shop owner Abel (Edward James Olmos). Think of him as the Mr. Miyagi for these two emotionally stunted polar opposites.

And yes, we do get a budding romance for Wes with the stunning smile of Camilia (Maia Reficco, "Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin"). She's a charming waitress at the local diner and studying to be a nurse. The two hit it off while also keeping secrets from each other. Where Eric Dane overplays his part, Edward James Olmos and his reserved manner and screen presence brings a needed depth to the ongoings. Olmos has had quite a career, appearing in both BLADE RUNNER (1982) and BLADE RUNNER 2049 (2017), as well as "Miami Vice" and "Dexter", and receiving an Oscar nomination for STAND AND DELIVER (1988). "Riverdale" fans will be pleased to note that KJ Apa does find reasons to lose his shirt. Motorcycle fans will be happy with the motor-revving and racetrack shots.

Releases on Prime Video August 8, 2024.
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Average story, with potential but...
vinstroke9 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very badly written and directed.

I really wanted to like this, I really did. Some very bizarre and unnecessary scenes. Spoiler alert! A couple crash scenes on the race track look ridiculous, almost comical. And the final race when he says "kill switch" and then actually proceeds to hit his competitors kill switch during a professional race, to get the upper hand, was completely ridiculous and unnecessary. That's illegal and would have been reported to safety. Who decided to keep that in there? Really? Why couldn't the race be won because of skill?

The acting was ok. K. J Apa was good, and same with Maia Reficco, both did there best with what they had to work with.

There are some nice motorcycles in this, however, nothing really stands out as a great scene. You do notice some professional riding skills in there, but the camera angles are so poor you never really get the sense of speed.

Bad directing, horrible writing, and a missed opportunity for something that could have been great if they paid more attention to detail.
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Stay away from this stinker!
psxexperten8 August 2024
This movie is made for bikers who love racing and excitement around the track. And then of course it's a romance to try saving the boring never-ending racing.

I'm a biker myself but this was unreal and a stupid plot. Overall, the acting contributes to the failure & it makes it difficult to watch past 20 minutes as the acting/performances are utterly embarrassingly terrible. The end had a decent twist but nothing of note. Very dissatisfied with this movie as I was really looking forward to this.

I think the best part of the movie were the last five minutes and I was so excited when the credits finally scrolled.
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Rather disappointed
tinodamico10 August 2024
We haven't had a half decent bike movie since Biker Boyz and so I was rather excited for this one but 5 minutes into it and I was already disappointed, the bike scenes were lacklustre to say the most. The riding was slow and not all that exciting. I can understand the struggles to film a bike race and I can't imagine how hard it is to make it look good but with the technology we have no a days I would have thought it was going to be better than this. The story was 5/10 but was more geared towards the love interest rather than the racing. The filming was ok but couldn't really get you all that interested or invested.
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Surprisingly bad.
criticbynature9 August 2024
What's good: some of the concepts around grassroots racing, some of the lingo

What's bad: everything else. This movie failed to achieve anything well.

I suppose this movie isn't unique in its failure to deliver on all fronts when compared to other motorcycle, go-kart, or car racing movies but with every bad example produced, there is evidence of what not to do and the bar for bare minimum should get higher each time, automatically so my expectations, maybe hope, is that it will get better.

Maybe the subject matter experts bounce around from one project to another and that's where the potential is limited.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of One Fast Move
burlesonjesse511 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"I wanna race". Yeah of course you do. So does Carroll Shelby and his merry men.

Anyway One Fast Move is "one" promising film until it sort of deflates at the end (no pun intended). I mean where is the come-to-Jesus moment? And what's with the wishy-washy actions of the female love interest forgiving her roughneck man so quickly? And uh, why not go back and check up on injured dad instead of finishing a time trial that's one of many via the future? These are questions mind you and with One Fast Move, they shouldn't really exist, at least not in the last ten minutes. "When can I get my bike back". Um, easy there big guy.

A motorcycle contest here, a make whoopee scene there, a Harry & Son moment between actors KJ Apa and Eric Dane, One Fast Move is about fathers and lads and girlfriends and deadly, corner drag racing. Yeah it's kind of like Days of Thunder but with a stern chip on its shoulder. Tom Cruise called and well, he says he wants his Alpinestars gloves and Persol 200 sunglasses back. Natch.

Cole Trickle pics and premium fuel intakes aside, One Fast Move isn't a bad flick, just a mixed, regretful one. I mean the script is feasible, a concoction of stuff good old Harry Hogge would say ("rubbing son, is racing"). And then there's the fast-paced, POV racing sequences (shot intermittently), the solid moments of goodly emoting, and some raw performances from the troupers (Dane kind of kills it as alcoholic, estranged daddy Dean Miller). The only problem is that One Fast Move's journey is much more heightened than its destination of blase, checkered flag ticks. It's like crossing the cinematic finish line with only two people giving you the proverbial rally. Not so "fast".
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rgfwtpb18 August 2024
"One Fast Move" is a major letdown, particularly for motorcycle enthusiasts and fans of the Triumph brand. The acting is wooden, the riding shots lack any sense of thrill or authenticity, and the story is uninspired, failing to capture the essence of the riding experience.

For a film that features Triumph motorcycles, this is an especially egregious oversight. The iconic brand, known for its legacy and connection to the riding community, deserved much better representation. If I were Triumph, I'd seriously consider legal action for the way the brand is mishandled in this movie. A real shame for what could have been a celebration of motorcycle culture.
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Real game
faez-6255021 August 2024
That is real life game, you don't see top actors buy you feel a life full of up and down, getting in the line of the train going to fast without knowing what's the best cabin to choose what's best timing and finally one decision can change so much in life, trying to be a best from the rest is a goal, so far a good movie and I don't believe what's the low rate coming from, to me people always looking for big stars and I think it's time to realize a good movie is a good movie what's the point to be unhappy when you don't see your star , just feel the movie and give others a chance of being part of this. It's good movie to believing your self everything is possible.
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20 Minutes in and I'm writing the review
cannonmanonly10 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start? This movie was sold as real riders, real tracks, real passion etc. And it falls short on every attempt. This movie was never supposed to be a Oscar winner but the dialogue is stuck in the 80's, the story line is older than my grandparents, and the protagonist's only motivation (that he keeps saying out loud) is "I NEED THIS!" What repeatedly irks a motorcyclist watching this is Wes is simultaneously completely ignorant of motorcycles while also being a prodigy of motorcycles. Personally I checked out as 5 minutes in when Dean came back to the pits and immediately threw his $900 Aria helmet for no reason. The riding was also terrible and slow but perhaps the most nonsensical part is the coaching where Dean is screaming random nonsense into Wes' helmet. I'm and entry level track rider and my conversations include compression & rebound settings, setting up for turns, finding the apex, adjusting you lines, body position, etc. But Dean is saying things like "you just gotta feel it", "100% brakes or 100% gas, no in-between", "you'll get used to the back wheel coming off the ground". These are things NO ONE says to or about a rookie on track. In summary this is a classic case of over-promising and under-delivering all while neglecting common sense or even the tiniest bit of real racecraft.
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A lot better than I had anticipated!
jared-253319 August 2024
Now this was a movie that I kinda had my eye on, but only for some of the actors attached to this project. Now I didn't have any excitement for this movie, but I gotta be honest after watching this movie, I actually enjoyed this movie more than I would've anticipated.

Positives for One Fast Move (2024): This was a very simple sports drama movie with some great racing scenes and it's done very well. I also enjoyed the cast of actors in this movie to where you have some recognizable people attached to the project including KJ Apa, Eric Dane, Maia Reficco, Edward James Olmos and Austin North. I actually really enjoyed KJ Apa as the main character and it was so good to not see him making me cringe, but then again I put the blame on Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa. I also really enjoyed his dynamics with both Eric Dane and Maia Reficco. And finally, the racing scenes in this movie are done very well.

Negatives for One Fast Move (2024): There are certain things about KJ Apa's charactersy particularly in regards to his backstory that really left me scratching my head. And finally, the movie is a little bit too long for me.

Overall, One Fast Move (2024) is a great sports drama movie that I had a lot of fun with it.
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ccsracer12 August 2024
I could barely even get through 10 minutes of this absolute nightmare. It is cliche beyond belief. I wish they could have found actors who actually rode motorcycles.

The one realistic part was the banter between Edward James Olomos and Eric Dane in the shop.

I am not sure if I will be able to bring myself to continue watching this utter train wreck of a film.

The riding was mediocre, the attitude of K. J. Apa was overplayed. He didn't even know how to put his helmet on.

Eric Dane's motorcycle was respectable but the riding footage shown was generic.

I do have to a mit that the other riders and bikes at the club level event was pretty true to what you would see. However, Dane's character was too abrasive for a real racer. He would never have been allowed to show such disrespect in the paddock. The way he pulled in and acted was antithetical to what a racer of his supposed experience would do.

All in all, this film crashed and burned right off the starting line.
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Really bad writing, story and dialogue.
tommykocese11 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's the whole "I haven't met my motor bike racer dad, and I'm going to show up one day when I have nothing to meet him and he's a drunk pot smoker in a bar getting flashed by fast women that all the sudden turns into you now work in the bike shop that I work in so we can be really close together that turns into a montage of you have to be stronger but lean, flexible but unbreakable to the point to where your body wants to break but you mentally say no type of thing." Along with the "There's this girl that works in the diner that I'm in love with that I stop going to because she doesn't date customers gives me a date to we can find out that she actually is too scared to ride on motor bikes....but then music comes on and she wants to dance but he won't dance because he is afraid (not of dancing but of falling in love) and the story goes amaze-ends from there because I stopped watching.
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Fast and the curious
kosmasp9 September 2024
No pun intended - if you like racing movies, I might not even have to say or write anything here. Just go watch it I reckon. On the other hand, maybe you do care about casting (I do like the actors involved, check them out and see if they play a role for you - again no pun intended) ... and/or the story there may be something to check before you decide to watch anyway.

All that said, do no forget this is a low budget movie. And not even close to be compared to Fast & Furious (which was also a remake of something completely different and all that). So while there may not be anything new to watch here (racing scenes are well shot I should add), it all depends on your own taste ...
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Same boring as always
prixilla-1223628 August 2024
I didn't expect much from this movie since the beginning and i must say it didn't disappoint. It is the same boring mediocre rom-com sold through good-looking characters but with a very poor background story. From the beginning, you can tell how it is going to end, developing the story using a unoriginal format.

Rom-coms nowadays are progressively dying, lacking wittiness, originality and entertainment, but certainly this movie isn't going to help this kind of situation.

More and more, we have a base-level acting, with just a couple of great moment from eric dane's character.

So, yeah, don't waste your time watching this as it is utterly disappointing and boring. You're not losing anything worth of note.
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Ok, but why does his bike change?
gmjmma-482434 September 2024
So this movie is geared towards riders. I guess they thought we wouldn't notice that his bike goes from a hayabusa to a gsxr back to a busa and again back to a gsxr in every other frame lol. That part is honestly hard for me to get past. The movie is kind of fast paced so that's a bonus for how relatively dull it is. They use the whole estranged father sprinkled in with a love story a little too predictably. Definitely a waste of these actors talents, especially Edward James Almos. Gratuitous "I have a 6pack" workout scenes. Overall the movie is watchable if you don't know a lot about bikes or racing.
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Movie for motorcycle enthusiasts
qzdefhjy10 August 2024
In the world of cinematic storytelling, where cars often take the spotlight in action-packed sequences and adrenaline-fueled chases, it's refreshing to come across a film that shifts the focus to motorcycles. For motorcycle enthusiasts like me, it's a rare treat to see a movie where the plot, characters, and emotions revolve around the world of bikes. This film captures that essence perfectly, creating an experience that resonates deeply with anyone who shares a love for motorcycles.

Motorcycle movies are few and far between, which makes this film all the more special. While car movies have carved out their niche with franchises like *Fast and Furious* or classics like *Bullitt*, the world of bikes has often been relegated to the sidelines. However, this movie proves that motorcycles can carry a film with as much, if not more, intensity and passion as any car-based narrative. The movie doesn't just use bikes as props for chase sequences or flashy stunts; instead, it places them at the heart of the story, making them integral to the characters' identities and the unfolding drama.

From the opening scene, you can feel the filmmakers' respect and admiration for motorcycles. The cinematography captures the raw power and grace of the bikes, with sweeping shots that highlight their design and engineering beauty. The sound design is another aspect where the movie excels; the roar of the engines, the screech of tires on asphalt, and even the subtle purring of a finely tuned machine are all treated with the reverence they deserve. This attention to detail creates an immersive experience that pulls you into the world of the characters and their beloved motorcycles.

What truly sets this film apart is how it portrays the relationship between the riders and their bikes. For many of us, motorcycles are more than just vehicles; they are extensions of ourselves, reflecting our personalities and our sense of freedom. The film understands this deeply. The characters' connection to their bikes is portrayed with a sincerity that is rarely seen in mainstream cinema. The thrill of a race, or the simple act of working on the bike in the garage, these moments are depicted with an authenticity that will resonate with anyone who has ever felt the wind in their hair while riding.

The plot of the movie is tightly woven around the world of motorcycles, making it more than just an action flick. It explores themes of fatherhood, love, and the pursuit of passion, all of which are universal, but they are given a unique twist through the lens of motorcycle culture. The characters are well developed. This adds a layer of depth to the narrative, making it more than just a series of high-octane sequences.

One of the highlights of the movie is how it showcases different aspects of motorcycle culture. From racing scenes that will have you on the edge of your seat to more serene moments that capture the meditative nature of a couple ride through the riverside, the film offers a comprehensive look at what it means to be a motorcycle enthusiast.

Despite the film's strengths, it seems that not everyone appreciated its focus on motorcycles. Some reviews have criticized it for being too niche or for not having enough broad appeal. But for those of us who live and breathe motorcycles, this is precisely what makes the movie so special. It's not trying to cater to everyone; it's a film made for us, the motorcycle enthusiasts. And in doing so, it creates a more authentic and heartfelt experience.

In a landscape dominated by car movies, this film stands out as a beacon for motorcycle lovers. It's a celebration of everything we love about bikes-the speed, the freedom, the camaraderie, and the passion. Watching it, you can't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement, seeing your own experiences and emotions reflected on the screen.

I can only hope that the success of this film leads to more motorcycle-centric movies in the future. There is a wealth of stories waiting to be told, and if done with the same level of care and respect as this film, they could easily captivate audiences around the world. Whether or not the filmmakers listen to the critics and decide to tone down the bike-centric focus in future projects, I sincerely hope they continue to explore the rich and vibrant world of motorcycles.

So, if you're a motorcycle enthusiast-or even if you're just curious about what makes us love these machines so much-this movie is a must-watch. It's more than just entertainment; it's an experience that celebrates the passion and spirit of motorcycle culture. And who knows, it might just inspire more films that put bikes front and center, where they truly belong.
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Best Bad Movie of 2024
jordanvint12 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was watching the trailer for this movie, and when it showed the main character, played by K. J. Apa, working out shirtless, my wife started giggling like a school girl and demanded we watch it. We enjoyed how bad the storyline was, but were surprised how few shirtless scenes there were given how many holes were in the main character's many shirts. We also felt that the featured Katana blades could have had a bigger role in a few of the scenes.

This has inspired me to not run away from my fatherly duties to pursue racing Moto GP, so that's a positive. You may be tempted to stop watching after the first scene, and I wouldn't blame you, but hang on a little longer, dear reader, and you may just find a nugget of your own in this glorious disaster of a film.
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Very good movie
Very good movie and they should do 2nd part. They should announce the trailer more on social media platforms.

All the actors are outstanding.

In my opinion with all due respect, as a motorcycle movie, it's better than The Bikeriders movie.

The movie is full of benefits and lessons because it shows family problems, father abandonment, and a warning against speeding on the street.

The film also explains:

1- Maturity and getting up after getting into any problem

2- The importance of apologizing if we make a mistake

3- Taking responsibility and not running away.

I hope there is more than one part.
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One Fast Move
tpsimpleman14 August 2024
"One Fast Move" is a heartfelt drama that explores themes of reconciliation, ambition, and healing. The film centers on a young man who, facing financial hardship, reconnects with his estranged father while pursuing his dream of becoming a professional motorcycle racer. This journey not only tests his physical endurance but also challenges him to confront the emotional scars left by his father's absence.

The relationship between the protagonist and his father is the core of the story, offering a deep dive into the complexities of family bonds strained by time and neglect. The supporting character, a motorcycle store owner, plays a crucial role in helping the young man break down the emotional walls he's built up, symbolizing the mentor figure often found in sports dramas.

The film's strength lies in its character development and the authenticity of the father-son dynamic. The racing scenes are well-executed, providing enough adrenaline to keep viewers engaged, but it's the emotional journey that leaves a lasting impact. The narrative is well-paced, balancing action with moments of introspection, making it a compelling watch.

Overall, "One Fast Move" is a good film that resonates with anyone who has experienced the complexities of familial relationships, especially those marked by absence and the longing for connection. It's a story of redemption and the pursuit of dreams, grounded in the reality of personal struggle and growth.
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Thoroughly enjoyed it!
dannyx532117 August 2024
Don't listen to the pretentious haters, and especially if you are a motorcycle enthusiasts, you'll be in for a pleasant surprise since motorcycle themed moves are so far and in between.

Is it on the same level of Vincent Gallo's "The Brown Bunny"? No, but if you like motorcycles, you're still able to empathize and haven't lost the ability to immerse yourself in the story telling of movies in general, you're going to thoroughly enjoy this flick.

It's not an Oscar contender and it's got no such ambitions. It's a heartfelt story that hits home with the motorcycle lovers, but those that like a love story with likeable characters will be entertained as well.

Don't listen to the snobbish haters, it's a great movie, especially if you're into motorcycle racing!
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A great moment watching it
sophiebastide-foltz19 August 2024
No, it's not a movie about motorcycles. It's a movie that takes place in the world of in the world of motorcycle racing, because the main character is passionate about motorcycles. But the story, which revolves around the father-son relationship, is moving. The actors are very fair in the way they express their feelings without saying them openlytI understand that motorcycle enthusiasts are a little disappointed, but I am very surprised by the violence of their comments. One Fast Move is a film that touches your heart.

I'm not a motorcycle fan myself, far from it, but I even enjoyed seeing the few motorcycle races in the film. Pleasure, too, in the suspense thus created. I read somewhere that the film was not free of clichés. Those who think so have never had difficulty relating to their father or mother. Everything is very fair in this film. I loved it.
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Great cast & great storyline.
jayleen94-90-91799723 August 2024
Love all the actors😍. It was a great way to see them in a different feature/show/Role. It's definitely a great watch and prime keeps on throwing us amazing gems. It definitely kept me captivated from the very beginning to end and I can't wish to see more from this cast. I also didn't realize motorcycle track racing was a thing. As a Latina, It made me especially happy to see two Latino leads part of the cast, I'm happy to see the film industry evolution and making sure they don't deliver stereotypical roles. I will be recommending to all of my friends. Its a great storyline for the family minus some adult context scenes so just beware if it's an upcoming family night movie.
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not a "fast and furious" movie!
jonathannormand-7313319 August 2024
This movie deserve to be presented without the action movie label. The trailer doesn't correspond at all with the movie.

I guess some of the reviewers watched the movie blind-folded and missed the deeper layers of the film, or only watched the trailer... This movie is about ambition, life and nuanced legacy of repeating or breaking parental patterns. It resonated in me. I wouldn't call it an action movie; I don't recall having seen any gun. The motorcycle backdrop story is just there to enhance the message. The acting performance between the father (Eric Dane) and dad (KJ Apa) characters genuinely stands out. It's definitely more a "drive" type of movie than a "fast and furious" one! Loved it.
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elrhaliismail18 August 2024
This beautiful movie struck a personal chord with me, especially as I never had the chance to know my father. The film's exploration of family dynamics and the exhilarating world of motorcycle racing resonated deeply throughout the narrative. It highlights the adventure and responsibilities of fatherhood, making it an emotional and compelling watch.

The stunning visuals and expertly choreographed racing scenes create a thrilling backdrop that complements the heartfelt story. Additionally, the casting is exceptional, with each actor bringing depth and authenticity to their roles, making the characters relatable and memorable.

Congratulations to the entire team behind this remarkable film! It's a true testament to the power of storytelling and the profound connections within our families.
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