Eradication (2022) Poster


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This is a film that has some worthwhile elements but fails to meet its potential
kevin_robbins12 August 2022
Eradication (2022) is a Tubi original I recently watched on...Tubi. The storyline follows a man who wakes up in a cabin and the phone rings. The voice on the other end informs him the world has been impacted by a virus he appears immune to but he needs to stay in the cabin to survive. If he is bitten it could be the end of existence. Can the man follow orders and who is the voice on the phone?

This movie is directed by Daniel Byers in his directorial debut and stars Harry Aspinwall (The Quest) and Anita Abdinezhad (Scooter).

This movie had a lot of potential. The scenery and cinematography is gorgeous. The makeup and zombies are very well done. Unfortunately the movie is primarily the main character wandering around confused with nothing happening. The storyline concept isn't overly original but it contains some unique elements. The end is dumb and frustrating but not what you'd expect.

Overall this is a film that has some worthwhile elements but fails to meet its potential. I would score this a 3.5-4/10 and only recommend it if you can't find something better to watch.
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5/10 for an actually compelling little film
Watchandreflect7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I did enjoy this film, but it lost steam after the first half. There were one too many twists for me to stay on course. I liked where it was headed.. then not so much.. liked where it was headed.. not so much.

For what it's worth (a lot), the cinematography was quite impressive, a breath of fresh air compared to the quick cuts and attention deficient manner in which so many films and shows are shot in these days.

In "Eradication", they actually decided to hold a shot longer than 2.5s to convey the beauty of the forest, or build tension in a scene.

The acting was between fine and good, it was serviceable. The solitude of our main character translated pretty well and I liked seeing his rigorous days progress. I was very intrigued in this potentially being a story of betrayal and human experimentation but it turned out to be a kind of bizarre love story by the end. Foreshadowing of a third player never really materialized until it was an afterthought.

This picture falls victim to First Act Syndrome. First third of the film was good! Then it kind of falls off a mellow ravine.

At the end, I didn't quite understand why our main character crawls into a grave, then he's out and on the video chat at the end..

All in all a fine watch, D+
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A movie about...egg timers?
nickh_slipknot27 February 2023
Do you enjoy hearing egg times going off every minute, because that is what the first 20 minutes of this movie is(that is as far as I have made it) Such an annoying sound, not sure who thought that would be enjoyable but they were wrong. I mean the guy had a dream where he was woken by an egg timer going off and then in that same dream was brought out of the dream by yet another egg timer. They really should have called this movie "eggtimer" or "the time of the egg....timers"

Also how the hell does the laptop keep running when there seems to be no electricity? Where is the internet coming from out in the middle of the woods when there is once again no electricity? Are there answers to these questions later on, maybe but I highly doubt it.

Zombie/pandemic movies are my favorite kind so I was immediately interested but now I don't think I can finish, First type of film like this that I will have ever failed to watch to the end. I would avoid this movie.
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So slow paced that it is not worth the effort...
paul_haakonsen6 September 2022
Right, well I was lured into watching the 2022 thriller "Eradication" given the movie's interesting cover/poster. And the synopsis had some appeal to it as well. Sure, I had never even heard about this movie from writers Harry Aspinwall and Daniel Byers prior to sitting down to watch it.

The storyline in "Eradication", as written by Harry Aspinwall and Daniel Byers, is slow paced. So very, very slow paced. Believe me when I say that virtually nothing happens throughout the 87 minutes that the movie runs for. So director Daniel Byers didn't exactly manage to deliver a wholesome movie experience here. And truth be told, I had expected a bit more from the movie than what it turned out to be.

The acting in the movie was okay, but the cast were struggling with having a subpar script to work with. And given the setting of the movie, and the limited number of people on the screen, then the actors and actresses had to deliver more convincing performances in order to carry the movie, and they just weren't able to do so given the script - or lack thereof.

Visually then "Eradication" was okay. It was not a movie that used a whole lot of special effects, so you're not in for a particular impressive spectacle of visual effects.

While I managed to endure all 87 minutes of "Eradication", then I wasn't entertained. So why stick around? Well, I was hoping that the movie would pick up, that director Daniel Byers would surprise the audience with something. But it just never happened. And thus I can in all honesty say that this is not a movie that I will ever return to watch, nor is it a movie that I would recommend you to waste your time, money or effort on.

Sadly, the movie's cover/poster was actually the best thing about the entire ordeal.

My rating of "Eradication" lands on a two out of ten stars.
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carljhamelsr20 August 2022
There is no electricity, but the computer never gets turned off. Where does the drinking water come from? Then it gets even more imposable or just plain stupid. Don't waste your time on this, the concept could have been good, but with most of these movies lately no one is fact checking the details. I can NOT recommend this.
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You get to listen to an egg timer for an hour and a half
Domino2k21 June 2023
Thats it.

A man in a house in a forest.

Something about a virus.

Then just an egg timer for the rest of the film going off every minute or two.

Atrociously bad.

Stay away at all costs.

Only way it could be worse if it was a baby crying for the rest of the film instead of the egg timer.

If it was any slower paced it would have been dead on arrival. If it was any more pointless it would be a beach ball.

Someone should have slapped the director/writer in the face early on.

Who would want to listen to an egg timer go off every minute for an hour and a half?

Its incredible. So bad its unbelievable, might go down in history as the next 'The Room' - but far far more annoying.
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So boring
gmuzz-9277523 June 2023
This film is so incredibly slow paced. It takes an hour for anything interesting to happen. Even then, none of it makes logical sense, just so poorly written, I'm not expecting a masterpiece of cinema but it has a really bad storyline with no real direction or explanation. He refuses to listen to his wife who is apparently a scientist - thinking he knows better. I'm not going to spoil if for anyone who makes the poor life choice to actually put themselves through watching this. It's an hour and a half of my life that I'll never get back.

The acting is poor and the storyline and character development is shaky at best, you're genuinely best not wasting your time.

I'd have turned it off after less than an hour but given the length of the film and the sunken cost of my time.

The ending is atrocious as well. There's a weird obsession with drones in the film too.
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Compelling, But Held Back By Low Budget
chrisdewickey21 September 2022
It feels unfair to criticize a movie for its budget, because its clear that a lot of people with talent worked very hard on "Eradication". And to be fair, most of the movie takes place in an isolated patch of woods, so any issues with the budget are covered up by the beautiful scenery. But the beginning of this movie set a tone that the rest couldn't shake. This movie starts with some of the worst VFX I have ever seen. Maybe if those shots were closer to the end of the movie it would have been less distracting, but when you set your audience up to expect something terrible instead of something good then you create the wrong kind of tension.

Its a shame because this title ISN'T terrible. It's actually pretty good. The acting is solid, the camera work is great, and the concept is a fun twist on the Zombie Apocalypse genre. Apart from the VFX, the biggest issue is that the film drags a bit in the beginning, but it quickly picks up steam so this isn't much of an issue either.

I think I would like this more if I watched it again knowing what to expect, but for a first viewing I couldn't help but keep thinking that "Eradication" would have been better with Hollywood money.
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different, but good
karmatt3 July 2023
I really liked this movie, it kept me interested most of the time. I did skip ahead several times during the long drawn out up close emotional face shots and long scenery walks or house sneaking waiting for danger at the next corner, they draw those scenes out way too long in every movie. Other than that, I was glued to the screen waiting to find out the mystery of what is really going on. Some things are still not clear to me but that's okay, gives me something to think about. The ending was unexpected but I suppose that is due to constant Hollywood garbage. Overall a good movie imo, much better than the usual cgi/action/dumbed down usual stuff.

And, this will probably get my review banned, but there was no forced on you identity or gender or race stuff shoved in your face....
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Entertaining and Intriguing, held back by bad CGI and weird character decisions
jasdanvm28 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Minor spoilers up ahead The movie contains some decent to good acting, the setup of the main character's routine is interesting and the first half of the movie is pretty good, save for the awful CGI on the introductory scene (although you couldvery well miss it), something that also taints the movie near the end, the makeup for the small selection of Infected however was neatly done.

I don't have any significant complaints with the direction and cinematography, pretty well done in my honest opinion.

This isn't a zombie apocalypse movie like others suggest, that I suppose is one of the nice surprises it had for me.

Despite that, in some key moments it doesn't manage to scape the character stupidity you'd expect from that subgenre, perhaps even more, which can be frustrating to some people, but the main character could be excused by the context of his story, to some level.

The story was built up to a series of revelations, and in theory they were pretty good, but some patching up of the context would have been appreciated.

You don't end up wondering what happened, but why it happened that way, or how some things came to be on the first place.

I'm not a big critic, I have really liked movies with terrible reviews.

And I enjoyed this one, but couldn't shake the feeling that it had its flaws.

Overall, I'd say it's worth the watch, if you like plot driven films, or are a fan of post-apocalyptic stories, I understand if some may consider it slow, but I had no issues regarding it's pace.

Oh, and there's a review here complaining about how a Laptop could work without electricity, well they show him turning on a generator Multiple times, and later on there were solar panels in the other location.

Furthermore, the laptops are running on an "Eradication OS" and it's implied they aren't really connected to the pre-apocalypse internet.
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Interesting movie. Hated the lead character.
harrysimsthetoolguy25 September 2023
This movie is a mash of several different genres. It mostly seems to be The Omega Man and zombie movies along with a sprinkling of Orwellin ideas. I was enjoying movie until about halfway through when the I became more and more irritated with the main character. I was ready to kill the main character myself, if I could, then think this is the last pathetic excuse of a man left in the world. This character has no survival skills of any kind. He has no ability to forage for food. No ability to fashion even rudimentary weapons. To top this all off he is a gasp... a vegetarian. Civilization seems to have ended but he is not upset at this fact as he refuses food provided to him because it contains animal products. The horror of it all. The movie does have an interesting twist but not enough to overcome my irritation with the main character.
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Terrific low budget thriller, give it a go
minch00712 January 2023
Really pleasantly surprised at the quality of this film created by Daniel Byers and Harry Aspinwall. More a psychological thriller than a horror, director Byers builds atmosphere nicely with a simple but effective plot, carried well by Aspinwall and Abdenizehad. I think a film's soundtrack is usually a reliable indication of the overall quality of a production, and Ben Heim delivers an understated but evocative and creepy original score, no cheap earthumps here. Byers handles much of the excellent cinematography as well, making good use of the stunning Adirondacks.

Highly recommended for anyone not looking for jumpscares or hordes of grisly monsters chomping on body parts.
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I'm giving it a 7 for great use of low budget
lovelyxnight9 June 2023
This film had a TON of potential so on that it was disappointing as it could have been so much more than it was however with that said, I still enjoyed it quite a lot as it was definitely well made for a low budget film. So many zombie-like movies have been made about viruses and so many fall short or lack professionalism on one part of the film typically it's the acting or the directing but this film was good on both. The plot was also interesting despite it not really going anywhere, that's the main issue I had with the film but still entertaining and worth the watch as it provides decent quality fun for low budget.
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Better than expected
ryanjdow20 March 2024
It is a B-level movie but close to A-level. I enjoyed it, and I'm skeptical of every movie. I hope Tubi produces more movies. It's shot well with camera angles, very well lit - beautiful cinematography. It has decent acting - the main actor does a good job in the role he's supposed to play - that's a tough character to act. It's edited well - better than most b-level sci-fi (or non-fiction) movies. The pacing is perfect. The story is creative for a pandemic movie. Brilliant story as well.

Bravo. The story keeps you entertained to the end. And I appreciate the homages to other movies - I think you'll appreciate them as well.
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A fantastic example of low budget, well spent
Samuel_Rush3 January 2023
Eradication (2022) has received some harsh reviews, people may have been spoilt by the fantastical CGI of Hollywood blockbusters.

With that said, Eradication does come across as a little bare bones. But there are some very impactful moments, and the ideas presented are well communicated.

Rather than rely on the same old pandemic film tropes; which paint the infected as useless droves. We are invited in to the painful reality of the impact on personal relationships.

The film is well paced and cinematically sound, the main location setting is picturesque and grand.

Daniel Byers has created something exceptional considering the budget was a mere $5000. The performances are engaging and the world is built up enough to allow this film to punch well above its weight.

Worth a watch, if only to see what can be achieved when you spend a budget extremely wisely. But best avoided if you don't enjoy low budget, indie projects.
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