(TV Series)


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Decent, if not exactly original, thriller
deschreiber15 December 2020
The main thing this film has going for it is the Irish setting, which is to say the accents and a bit of slang. Otherwise, it's a fairly standard thriller of a little man going up against the dark forces of organized crime. It's well done, with the plot moving along briskly. It's very violent and bloody, of course, as the genre demands.

I didn't think it did a very good job of integrating the revenge plot with the human trafficking plot.

At the end I was left with 2 questions: 1. What does the title mean? Apparently it's Irish farmer talk for bad day for the harvest, but what does that have to do with the plot? 2. Why was Donal's mother using her vacuum late at night in the yard? It appeared early in the movie, then again near the end, showing the machine throwing material into the air, as if to make something clear that we did not understand in the earlier scene. A big puzzle to me and my family.
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