"Chuck" Chuck Versus the Bearded Bandit (TV Episode 2011) Poster

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Twists and Turns!
jkjsaunders20 January 2024
Wow, so many twists and turns in this, yet another great episode. I really enjoyed this episode, and to see Morgan acting exactly the same way Chuck did when the series began. So realistic!

The Buy More escapades always make me laugh! Awesome is just Awesome. Big Mike is hilarious, as usual. And Jeffster....there are no words. They are all hilarious!!!

The storyline in this one is great, with their new client. The subplot with Casey is really funny too!

I cannot get enough off this show. It has humor, suspense, sadness, hilarity,and hi-jinx! Just the way it was supposed to be written!! Ignore the nay-sayers.
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Jinx-to-Ennien30 June 2021
There is nothing positive about this episode, or this season. With Morgan having the intersect a mildly annoying character becomes one of the WORST characters in TV history. He is immature and obnoxious. He should have been kept as a background character because he ruined Chuck.
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Enough with Morgan already
jessieleemcc25 September 2022
I watched this show when it first ran, and I liked the show, but hated Morgan from the beginning.

Now that I'm significantly older, it's so much worse. I HAAAAAATE this dude.

Like, how does a grown man act like such a little itch with a b. For real, who ever was in charge of his character "arc" (arc in quotes, because with the exception of landing a girlfriend, who, might I add is a questionable character herself, there has been ZERO growth.) has to be a 12 year old boy. I don't even know why the actor didn't stand up in a script reading and go "what the actual F? Can we not write my lines like I'm 5 years old"
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Painfully bad
skay_baltimore14 January 2021
This is, hands down, the worst episode ever. (And that category is getting increasingly crowded.) In addition to the series's other shortcomings -- like the wretched writing and directing -- it's become painfully clear that Zachary Levi cannot act to save his soul. No matter what he tries he ends up coming across like a neurotic teenage boy and/or a clownish Jerry Lewis. Either way it's pure torture watching him and Gomez and the lot of them -- with the possible exceptions of Strahovski and Baldwin (and even they are grating on my nerves lately).
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cudax26 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first three seasons are really interesting and overall a great watch. I think Zachary Levi, who was newto me up until this series was just about perfectly cast as the nerd college educated front man for the series. I also love Yvonne Strahovski, also a stranger to me, as the erstwhile heroine. However, I can't stand the character of Morgan, regardless of how well Joshua Gomez portrays him. By the fourth season, things really start to go downhill rapidly. The first two episodes of season five are the absolute worst in the whole series. I only finished this series out of desperate hopes that it could be redeemed, but alas, nothing worthwhile happens in the final season. So sad to waste a huge number of guest stars on this drivel that had a great start, but failed to cross the finish line as a winner. Too many technical errors and goofs to list, but the Toyota Matrix being portrayed as an electric car just didn't work for anyone familiar with it, and I miss the quirky General Beckman being in charge.
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