"Todd and the Book of Pure Evil" Loser Generated Content (TV Episode 2011) Poster

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Viewtful Todd
hellraiser728 May 2019
This is one of my favorite episodes of the show. It's much like the video game series "Viewtiful Joe" as it not just does forth wall breaking but utilizes film making physics for the player to control most of what happens. The same thing is happening with Todd and Jenny, unfortunately the players of this game are playing for keeps.

I really like the use of the audio-visual techniques in this episode which are all well done and it's just funny and interesting seeing each of them used as a weapon. This episode has a lot of funny moments like, Hannah fascinated by Jenny's tiara she just got. Todd reading a stupid easy kids mystery book in which the author really should have changed the title.

However one highlight was seeing Todd whom is inavertly in Jenny's closet which was a bit of a homage to the film "Blue Velvet" it was both really funny and a bit suspenseful, as we see Todd mistakes the predicament as one of his dreams and from seeing Jenny wrapped in a towel (I'll admit she's really hot in that towel) he does well you know.

But then it gets suspenseful when we see Jenny hears something in her closet and Todd's dream quickly becomes a nightmare. Really like Todd's reaction as he gets a rude awakening from reality, that's probably how any of us might react if we discover we're in a worst-case scenario come true.

But I really like how both Todd and Jenny are sympathetic in this episode which makes it a bit sad as we see both are being torn apart by the evil force playing them. As there are all these strange things happening with Todd and he has no idea why. Jenny is becoming scared and even increasingly paranoid with Todd becoming the pure evil one. From what happens we're hopping Hannah and Curtis can piece it all together in time before it's too late.

It all comes down to the final act where let's just say it's both a tragedy and a triumph. This episode like any well edited film is worth viewing.

Rating: 4 stars
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