The Best of Me (2014) Poster

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I Enjoyed This Movie
s-quinn_201018 October 2014
I really enjoyed this movie, but I must give a disclaimer... I never read the book, so I can't base my rating on how accurately the movie follows the book. I found that this movie had a lot of twists in it and wasn't as predictable as most other romance movies. (Also, it didn't hurt that James Marsden is great to look at.) I thought the actress who played young Amanda was really good, and I loved seeing the story as the two were growing up & also in modern times. I'm not sure why this movie has gotten so much hate... I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and would even pay to see it again if I get the chance.

I was not a fan of The Notebook, and would much rather watch this movie instead of The Notebook. Sure, the movies probably don't follow Nicholas Sparks' books super detailed, but they're good to watch if you're in the mood for a heartfelt love story.
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Something Unexpected
nickharlow217 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a typical Nicholas Sparks adaptation.

Yes, this film is cheesy, this film's corny, this film's cliché. But to judge this film based on that alone is to completely ignore the context and conventions of its genre. It's not a ground- breaking film by any means, but it is ground-breaking if we're talking about Romances, specifically Sparks adaptations.

Anyone complaining about the typical formula (i.e., girl meets boy, girl's family doesn't like boy's family, the two lovers persevere, etc.) clearly hasn't seen this movie. Amanda (the female protagonist)'s father does fall into the typical mold of a disapproving, upper-class father who wants the boyfriend out of the picture so his daughter can have a bright future. But unlike a slew of other Romances (and even Sparks' own adaptations), he's in the film for a very, very brief amount of time. In fact, I'd go so far as to say he's not at all crucial to the film. If anything, his part was intended to play to the demographic and nothing else, which while regrettable, should say something about how this film stands up on its own without relying on clichés

I noted that film deals with real-life issues. We see issues of class, family, and self-esteem illustrated much better than most Sparks adaptations I've seen. Sean Bridgers knocks it out of the park with his downright of patriarch and sociopath Tommy Cole, father of protagonist Dawson Cole. The Cole clan in particular - a gang of drug-dealing(?), abusive, sickos really deserving of the title "white trash" - brings this film to life. They represent a segment of society that we rarely ever get to see on screen. This film, unlike some of Sparks' other works, does not cast a glowing light on the White South, and instead we get to the gritty, shameful parts that actually made me forget what movie I was watching. On top of all that, we get to see the consequences of trying to break away from the most perverted "families" that are present in every-day life. We get to see how that cycle of anger, shame, and ostracism fuels the dirty (and violent) blood feuds that still exist in the underbelly of this country. Luke Bracey shows us what it's like for a young person dealing with this life, to have their ambitions silenced, and the true pain that comes with leaving one's family.

Above all, this film speaks to regret. (Spoilers ahead) All the tragedies and hardships that meet the protagonists, unlike previous Sparks adaptations, actually don't pull them together. We do see some of that smarmy "Life's hard but we still love each other anyway" stuff throughout the film, but for once we get to see that narrative broken. Dawson's and Amanda's relationship gets tested, and for a while it goes on, but ultimately Dawson's predicament proves too dark for their relationship to hold out. It seems cliché for him to cut if off while in jail, but isn't that what we saw in The Hurricane (1999) and other great films? This is a film about love, and the sacrifice that Dawson makes is really believable considering that. After taking separate paths, both characters have to deal with that regret and questions of "what if?"

The issue of casting is one that shouldn't be ignored, but one that can't rightly be criticized too much in the case of Marsden. The late Paul Walker, the original choice for Adult Dawson, would have bared more resemblance to Bracey, but we can't fault Marsden or anyone working on this film for having to deal with that circumstance. Marsden pulls it off in the end. Does he do it as well as Walker would have? We may never know, and it's pretty disrespectful to even ask the question, as many reviewers are doing. This film is what it is.

The end (spoilers ahead) really tripped me up. Yes, it's so cliché that I couldn't believe it for a minute, but this film is about coincidences and fate, so after considering that, it's not fair to judge it based on statistics. This is a realm that crosses from the sordid into the miraculous. But really - and this is something I didn't even notice until after walking out of the theater - what really tested the limits of this genre was that this wasn't a happy ending. It was a bittersweet and somewhat cheesy ending, sure, but it wasn't happy. They don't end up together. The last notes are in a way quite comforting, but unresolved. Maybe some people don't like that, but I sure did. What happens to Amanda's son? Yes, he lives, but how does he feel about his parents' divorce? Did they even divorce? What happens to Aaron? And, by the way, Robby Rasmussen deserves a damned Oscar for playing two characters so well. What about Amanda? We aren't sure if she ever really moves on. What are her regrets? Does she have any regrets left at all, or maybe a whole new set of regrets?

This film takes some getting used to and some further consideration beyond what's happening on the surface. On the surface, it's just another Romance, but it takes a little more thought. For being so panned for its formulaic nature, this film challenged a lot conventions not only followed by Sparks, but by the whole genre of Romance. It's interesting, to say the very least, and is well worth the watch.
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Hollywood Should Know People Want Happy Endings to Love Stories
danew1319 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This had all the makings of a love story that could touch many people with nice performances all around. So why not have a happy ending and insure a much bigger box office? The story unfolded in flash back and present day rotation. It told the story of pair of star crossed lovers who through circumstance broke up and went their separate ways only to reunited 20 years later.

The present day leads, the versatile James Marsden and the lovely Michelle Monaghan turn in deeply moving performance from a sentimental that could have played out nicely with the lovers living happily ever after. That wasn't to be and although there was an attempt to put a brave face on the ending, it wasn't what people wanted.

Also,Luke Bracey, who plays the younger lead, looks as old as Marsden and a bit taller.
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tavongaishefaneti25 May 2019
This actually made me sad. It was corny and cliché like 80% of the time yes, but it was actually kind of great, and I liked it. Rare
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Very manipulative movie, has some inconsistencies, I liked the actors Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie with my girlfriend and we were able to sit through it and enjoy the movie for what it was, but after we finished watching we just burst out in discussion about a lot of missed opportunities and strange inconsistencies in the film. The first thing that will grab your attention is one scene where they are talking while he tinkers with her car but puts his physics book down in the hood. You never see him remove it, so your mind races to think "hey maybe she'll give it to him later", but nope, never happens. On another note, it doesn't make sense to show one character to be drinking and about to drive, then in the very next scene have them go to the hospital due to an crash (drink and drive) that isn't that character, it's confusing.

The movie takes a misleading turn towards the end like they ripped your heart out, and showed it to you while they drank the blood with a straw. The ending was sad, but one thing at the end really left me disappointed as it was going for a good ending (and it tugs you towards this constantly), but no it slams your hand in the door on the way in.

I really enjoyed the performances of Tuck, the younger Dawson, and young Amanda. I really liked the way they went between time periods to unravel the story, but just it really derailed once they stopped doing that, and threw a curve ball right at your hip. I'd recommend it for the good bits, but I warn you that the inconsistent bits and the ending may feel very manipulative.
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Brought Tears To My Eyes!! It was THAT GOOD!
jcmann016 December 2014
I was looking for a nice romantic flick to bring my girlfriend to so it could set the mood for the evening. Well, that plan failed and I ended up bringing my ex to the movies to see it instead. It really touched me in a deep way that no other love story has in the past. Sounds kinda corny, but for me, it touched on some areas. Well, needless to say, we held hands all during the movie and more later.

Okay, so I read up on the reviews before coming to see this movie and they all made it sound like a boring box office flop, BUT reviews can be very deceiving because this was a diamond that was tarnished by viewers who had NO clue what a romantic flick this really is about! So my advice to you is to go and see it with an open mind and heart and let the movie just unveil itself to your heart and mind and see what happens... best wishes!
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I enjoyed it!
petarmatic31 October 2014
When my friend asked me out to see this film, I reluctantly agreed. I was very pleasantly surprised. My poor friend aged a lot over time, she looked for all of her life for a true love. She never found it. This film talks exactly about that. One of the lines mentioned is exactly that. Some people find true love, some look for it for whole of their lives and they never find it.

Acting was OK for this type of film. Actors really tried their best to make this film work. Congratulations to them.

Plot was nothing special, it was based on a book. It was OK for a romance film. I really liked it.

I recommend this film, especially if you are looking for a romance film.
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Life Love Loss
williche1919 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I thought it was a wonderful movie! It was extremely sad but I thought it sends a great message. Even though I was very upset about how it ended after everything Amanda and Dawson had gone through. From being together even after their struggles with family and then losing each other, but then finding each other again, and then losing each other again. It was very difficult for my mom and I to keep our emotions in check. We both couldn't stop crying. But we are both very empathetic people, so I wouldn't expect anything less. It was still a great movie! I love the two main actors and it was great seeing some new actors on screen as well. I have never felt so touched and compelled by a story as much as The Best of Me from Nicholas Sparks! I feel that his books are usually about Life, Love, and Loss. I feel like that is what life is all about. I will be watching it again and reading the book! Thanks for a wonderful movie!
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What were the makers thinking?
bilburry20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had so much potential but they had to go ruin it with that ending. The first half was beautiful. The story of lost love was captured beautifully and you could actually feel for the characters. Young Dawson Cole could have been casted better. He didn't look like a high schooler. The story is cliché but it's good. The ending, however, not so good. Why did they have to go and ruin a perfect ending. Just after they realized that they need to be together, he dies! What?!! I know that the writers probably didn't want a typical romance movie ending and wanted to take the unconventional path but for this movie, it wasn't the right decision. On top of that, her son get's his heart. Lmao, what?? At this point the movie was just trying too hard to be tragic but too bad we were fed up with the ending by then to feel sad.
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Two movies for the price of one
A_Different_Drummer8 February 2015
... which may not necessarily be a good thing.

Oddly, you divide the two almost at the midway point, that is, the one hour mark.

The first movie is a really sweet love story about lost love. It features a lot of flashbacks but luckily the actors playing the flashbacks and the actors playing 'real time' are all very competent, do a great job,the script works well, and the audience has a fun ride.

If the first hour were a movie on its own, I would give it a very strong rating.

However almost at the turn of the second hour (two hours BTW is much too long for this story) the connection between audience and viewer (this important factor discussed in many of my IMDb reviews) starts to fade as many story complications set in. And the script becomes lost in the various arcs.

I will not go into the complications but let me say that by the "climax" of the last Act the viewer may wonder if he/she dozed off and woke up in front of the TV watching an episode of JUSTIFIED. Enough said.

If the second hour were a movie on its own, I would give it a very low rating.

As an entire movie as it now stands, this film can be a rough ride for the viewer, and that is not a good thing.


* always happy to see Michelle Monaghan, an actress under-used these days. Real star quality.

* Liana Liberato has a nice career ahead and better still actually looks like a young Michelle Monaghan, which is more than I can say of the casting choices for the male leads

* here is a tip for casting directors. FACIAL RECOGNITION SOFTWARE. Help you avoid the problem of casting two actors playing the same role (one in flashback) WHO LOOK NOTHING AT ALL LIKE EACH OTHER
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Bringing Out the Best of Love
danaalbasha27 June 2015
Nicholas Sparks is a very dramatic author. Most of his stories end in heartache if not all. He's not one of my favorite authors but I love the movies based on his books. I'm a sucker for old school romance.

This movie in particular is so close to my heart, it's the first movie my husband and I watched with our friends after our marriage. It's so romantic and so sad but a good wakeup call to those who always choose wrong in life especially in the matrimonial department.

After all it's not about money, wealth or other people. It's about the person you love and trust the most. The person that brings out the best of you.
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Terrible and not the acting
postmaster-4017516 February 2015
The story line is worthless and you walk away hating the movie, because of the story line. Everything that can happen bad, happens to these two and in the end they are destroyed again......not one positive happens to them in this story. Books and movies are supposed to be entertainment. Yes you can have some bad in movies to, but the whole thing? It's like, you meet your love of your life and she dies, then she's reincarnated and you find each other again and you die and then the kids die and then the cheating husband walks away's like why would anyone want to watch this. This is not entertainment, this is solely an attempt to make a tear jerker on top of a tear jerker and all they succeed at is making you mad at how disturbingly sadistic the story line is destroying their lives over and over again.
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Do not watch if you want a feel good film!
shellcockma2 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The film itself is good but nowhere was is advertised that its got a sad ending! If you're like me and you wanted a romance film that makes you feel good at the end then don't bother.

Basically you're waiting for them to get together and they finally realise they're in love with each other and the guy gets shot and killed.

I can't fault the film itself just I never see the point in builiding a love story up and getting watchers invested just to have one of the main characters die.
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I loved it but then that happened.
larsemann9715 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I am a boy. And gosh, I loved this movie so much. The romance were beautiful and oh-my so touching. But then, the directors had to screw it all up. Why not go for a happy ending? Why did he have to get shot? Why couldn't it just end with him beating up those two fellas and then take them to jail, and then get the love of his life? Why would you guys ruin such a nice movie with that ending? Well well. What can I say.

I would have given this a 10/10 if it had a happy ending, but OH man. He died, she ended up alone and her son got his heart? What in the world. They belonged together, she gave up an 18 year old marriage for him, and then you took him away from her. Shame on you, shame on you.. Worst romance movie I've ever seen. Never do this again, thanks.
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The Best of Me was a pretty enjoyable Nicholas Sparks movie
tavm26 October 2014
So my movie theatre-working friend was getting off from work in the afternoon today and he wanted to see another movie before going to his sister's house to watch the New Orleans-Green Bay football game there. So this was what we ended up seeing. I once again decided to humor him and to tell the truth, this was quite enjoyable despite some familiar clichés like bad boy-liking-good girl-who-he-has-to-break up-with-because-of-his-roots (well, there was more than that but you get the idea). The fact this was filmed and takes place in our home state of Louisiana was a plus for me and my friend as we recognized some town names being mentioned and certain car window stickers in the film. Yes, it's based on a Nicholas Sparks book and it has what you'd possibly expect from him. Still, by the time it all ended, we were both touched by what happened. So on that note, The Best of Me is worth a look.
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Not the classic chick flick movie
diana_937616 April 2015
I wasn't expecting too much of this movie. I thought it's gonna be the same old chick flick, with a lot of clichés, but it wasn't. Well, partially it was, but somehow they managed to make it interesting and not that predictable. Of course, it has the classic high-school love, poor boy-rich girl, different lives, different paths and so on, but somehow they mixed up the things really fine. It has action, it has passionate love, great acting, interesting story, everything you are expecting from a love movie. I've seen all the movies based on Nicholas Sparks's novels, not because I'm a fan (I only read "The Notebook"), but everybody was talking about his novels and the films, so I was just curious and I end it up actually enjoying them. Great movies to watch with your friends at a sleepover.
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Amazing ending
sajjadfatehy28 June 2021
I couldn't imagine what's the end of story 😢 I loved it.
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I Am A Romantic!
ShelbyTMItchell26 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I a huge romantic. As love these kind of movies. And do not really understand the hatred over on the Chick Flicks. As these are what women like. As I went to the movies, there were women in the theater even me.

But still this Nicholas Sparks adaptation. It is sad but also it is very much romantic. It is the story of two ex-lovers as adults, who used to be romantic as teens in the year 1992. A troubled boy living with an abusive father and a rich girl with snobby parents.

But the boy finds a gruff but loving and understand old man that treats him like a human being and really wants to make something out of himself despite the circumstances he is in. And the girl wants to find her dreams as well.

Sadly the romance ended badly in which you have to see and also understand why. But they reunite with the old man that took the boy in, twenty-two years later has passed away. Both really can't stand the sight of each other. The way it ended.

Slowly yet sure, they wonder what could had been. As she is married to a drunken rich snob. He is still single despite having brief relationships. As the old man that died left them his will.

Really I am an romantic for these type of movies. Bittersweet true, but still really romantic. Forget what the critics say. Be a romantic! See this film!
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grahamvr12 May 2019
I just experienced one of the most romantic stories I have seen in years. For those who like the tears to flow this is the magic one from Nicholas Sparks. James Marsden is a dreamy as ever, every time you look into his eyes, he just takes you away. The story unfolds at a lovely pace, and brings everything together as it unfolds. I thought The Notebook was very moving but this one takes you on an incredible journey.
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Too obvious to be wholly successful
neil-47620 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Dawson has an accident while being heroic which should have killed him twice over. While ruminating on whether there is a reason for his survival, he is notified of the death of Tuck who was a father figure to him (Dawson came from a ne'er-do-well family, and Tuck took him in and encouraged him to make something of himself. While at Tuck's for the funeral, he meets Amanda, the rich girl who was his first love (and he hers): despite 20 years having gone by, they discover that they both still love each other. But Amanda is married with a family. The present day story unfolds in parallel with the story of 20 years ago and why and how they parted.

This romantic drama has its moments despite being somewhat hampered by clodhopping obviousness in its plotting – there are frequent moments when something happens which leads you to assume that, as a result, XYZ will be following in fairly short order, and so it does. This is at its worst towards the end when Amanda's son injures a heart valve in an accident and needs a heart transplant, following which we are served up with a reminder (like we needed it) that Dawson must have survived his accident for a reason. I bet I can guess what that reason is, right? The performances are mostly fine, albeit Dawson's white trash family are somewhat over the top. James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan as the late 30s Dawson and Amanda are very good, as are Luke Bracey and Liana Liberato as their teenage versions. Unfortunately, the teenagers don't look very much like their older versions – Bracey looks like Heath Ledger, and Liberato has a different sort of prettiness to Monaghan (she also overdoes the vibrato in her voice during moments of high emotion).

There were some genuinely moving moments in this: there were also too many moments when I was aware of being mechanically manipulated by moving the story where the author wanted it to go, not where it felt it would go naturally.
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My wife made me watch it...then she apologised
f-rabit12 April 2015
Cheesy, lame, clichés all's so bad that I can't understand how is it even possible! How can a director make so bad decisions. I don't get it.The actors are not convincing at all. Overall the acting was mediocre and the god...the dialogs are deplorable. All about this movie is bad. The soundtrack. The dialogs. The plot. The story. And what about the main character? when he was young he had brown eyes and a long face. Twenty years after he has rounded face and blue eyes. lol lol lol How can this be? how can this pass? And did I talk about the acting? so bad! and did I talk about the dialogues? And could it be any more chliched? I guess not.Ridiculous movie.
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The Best of Who? (slight spoil alert)
sammawamma1728 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
After an explosion at his oil rig, Dawson, played by James Marsden, was thrown into the cold ridged water and as he laid there for over four hours. While there he had a brief glimpse of the teenage girl he was once in love with. That first loves name was Amanda (Michelle Monaghan). She was at her home with her alcohol husband and teenage son. Then when sad news of their old friend Tuck (Gerald McRaney) passed away, Dawson and Amanda are reunited and assigned them to spread Tuck's ashes. Tuck also wanted them to figure out their problems with the past and ghosts they have yet to deal with.

This film was based off of the Nicholas Sparks book by the same name. I personally did not read the book, so I didn't know if the book was better than the movie or not. The movie to me was very moving, and also very heartwarming. The younger characters of Dawson Amanda, played by Luke Bracey and Liana Liberato were very spot on. They portrait the love that both versions of Dawson and Amanda had for each other.

Younger Dawson and older Dawson stayed the same. He was very innocent and had charm to him. While younger Amanda and older Amanda were very different. Younger Amanda is very bubbly and pretty, doesn't sit in the corner. Whereas older Amanda is more uptight and just settling for life. The part of Tuck, was absolutely incredible in my eyes. He took in this kid who had the worst childhood you could ever imagine and gave him a second chance and watched out for him.

The Best of Me to some people would be "just another Nicholas Sparks movie" but to me. It was a very heartwarming movie. With plenty of comedy and moments that won't leave a dry eye in the house.
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Just Ok
danezu_K2 October 2021
These are my ratings: Characters:8/10, Acting:8/10, Enjoyment:8/10, Ending:6/10, Overall:7/10 It was ok.
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The worse is yet to come
Prismark1030 December 2015
Nicolas Sparks novels have some devout fans but I doubt even the most ardent ones would say this is a successful translation of the story.

Dawson Cole (James Marsden) is an offshore oil rig worker. Amanda (Michelle Monaghan) is unhappily married with a young son. In 1992 when both were teenagers from different sides of the social divide both became star crossed lovers. At the time young Dawson who was estranged from his backwoods drug dealing family was kind of adopted by Tuck (Gerald McRaney.) A tragic incident tore the young couple apart. Now 21 years later, Tuck's death means they come together for his funeral and both discover that they still carry a torch for one another.

Like The Notebook there are parallel stories in two time streams. Confusion will arise because the younger actors look nothing like the older versions. It is like watching a different film. To yearn for the days when a film such as A League of Their Own went out of its way to cast actors that looked like their younger counterparts.

The other confusing aspects is that 1992 in this film seems to look much like 1962. It is like that the film-makers wanted to evoke some other time period or maybe this small town was definitely stuck behind the times with old cars just like Cuba.

The film wants to be a slushy romance between two people destined to be with each other. In the intervening two decades they have had problems moving on from their feeling for each other which actually sounds a little creepy.

Of course ghosts of the past drum up conflict and as the film neared the end even my wife piped up by saying this would be a really lame film if x,y & z happened as a twist.

Well what more could be said than the uninspired and lazy does take place. Sometimes a film deserves the label. Lame.
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good, right up to the odd ending.
ksf-210 July 2023
James marsden, michelle monaghan. When dawson is knocked off an oil rig after an explosion, he re-evaluates his life. Then we're in flashback, showing us how we got here. As a teenager, dawson needs to get away from his own redneck family of drug dealers. Tuck gives him a place to sleep and shows him right from wrong. Dawson gets caught up in a crime, and tells amanda to get on with her life. Years later, they are brought back together again, out of the blue, and will need to lean on each other. Sweet love story. Mostly. It has a pretty cheesy ending, which was a weird surprise. It kind of took away the sweetness of the film, but it is what it is. Directed by michael hoffman. I had seen his "last station" from a couple years earlier, and it was pretty good! Novel by nicholas sparks.
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