The Crying Dead (2011) Poster

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Potential Unrealized
jmbwithcats17 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There are some moments near the end that could have been really scary, but they don't pull them off well which is really too bad because they set them up well and fail to follow through. The movie isn't terrible, but hugely disappointing.

Example: When the guy and the girl get cut off at the top of the stairs, and she turns around with the camera, they could have made that scene really terrifying, but instead opt to have it almost all unseen, and it lacks punch, like the rest of the scares, there's no punch, so I felt let down by the build up.

I think if they could have had a bit more intelligent twists in the story, it could have been real good, instead it's a very poor, mediocre film.

The sound effects sounded ripped off from World of Warcraft too. Such as when you die in WOW, I swear they used that for this movie.

Ultimately it could have been great, but instead I can't recommend it. Pretty lazy effort.
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My Two Cents
HorrorInsideUsAll28 July 2015
So I started watching this for the first time this morning. I have to just say right off the bat, anyone who is familiar with the former Linda Vista hospital in Los Angeles then you would immediately recognize the shots outside of the hospital, it's a very iconic building. The same year this movie came out is when AMCAL Multi-Housing Inc. bought the building and renovated it into apartments. That is one of a few reasons why that scene was filmed out back of the hospital, since in this movie the hospital goes by a different name. I kinda giggled when Chris' character said it was "in a remote region of the northern California wilderness".

Yeah The Crying Dead was OK, but I wish someone would really kill (no pun intended) it with a ghost investigation movie.
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Disjointed, trite and hokey
Armin_Nikkhah_Shirazi13 July 2023
THE CRYING DEAD AKA THE WHISPERING DEAD documents members of a crew for a new paranormal reality show breaking into and staying overnight at an abandoned hospital, where they encounter more than they bargained for.

This found footage movie was released the same year as GRAVE ENCOUNTERS (2011), a thematically virtually identical but far superior found footage movie which demonstrates how much potential was unrealized here.

The prologue shows old footage of some kind of experiment but then nothing later in the movie ties into it. The actual ghosts are not given the prologue treatment. Also, there is a tale of cannibals and of a patient who cut his nurse that go nowhere. The crew members just disappear and we never know what exactly happens to them. The motivations of the supernatural beings are entirely unclear, which is surprising, given how much time the movie spends recounting the history of the hospital. In short, this is one of the more disjointed found footage movies I have seen.

Everything is predictable from a mile away, save for one mild twist: when the first supernatural events occur, the crew members still think that it is prank played on them; and the motivation for thinking so is actually plausible. Actually, the order in which the team members are picked off one by one was also something I did not predict, but the end result was all the same. There are no really new ideas here.

Finally, the way the ghosts are introduced and used for horror is pretty bad. It is really obvious that the ghosts are just a special effect, and for a moment I thought this was actually meant to be a plot twist in which someone sets up hokey ghosts to scare the crew or something.

Some of the scenes had the potential to be scary, but the victims are dispatched far too soon to unsettle the audience, and then, as mentioned, we never find out what precisely happens to them.

Finally, I don't understand why so many found footage movies make their characters so unlikable. I understand that for dramatic purposes, it is good to have characters with tragic flaws, but we the audience still have to be able to look beyond that to care for them.

I did not rate this lower because, despite the disjointedness, the story itself was fairly coherent and the movie had at least some atmosphere.

Overall, I consider this a below average found footage film. Some more recent and better found footage treatments of the same concept are HOLLOWS GROVE (2014) and GONJIAM: HAUNTED ASYLUM (2018).
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Not worth the wait at all!!!!
ham_diaz11 September 2013
I just had to review this movie. I was one of those foot footage, stuck in an old haunted hospital, fans who has been waiting forever to see this. I waited while grave encounters comes and goes. Then grave encounters 2, then several movies just like GE, even one directed by Oliver Stones son. In my opinion GE is and probably always will be #1 on the list.

Now back to back to this mess of a movie. The editing is bad, the acting for the most part is bad and the story is very rushed and doesn't allow you to connect with anyone. Most of these movies will either start out slow others start out with a bang but in most cases will move in some kind of direction and allow you to somewhat connect with an actor or actress. This one however is all over the place. OK, we are led to believe they are shooting a pilot or sample for a TV series, but it just doesn't seem realistic. It just comes across and a bunch of kids with too much time on their hands wondering around an abandoned building with camcorders. To top that off it may have a jump or 2 but overall its not very scary at all. The CG was amateurish and unnecessary and the main "ghosts" of the movie were really not scary.

All in all 2 thumbs down and for the amount of time they had to re-do it they could have done a lot better!

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the dead won't be the only ones crying after this movie
atinder4 September 2013
When the trailer came out about two years ago, A lot people were compared it to Grave Encounter.

I was not big fan of Graven Encounter but that movie is a masterpieces to compared to The Crying dead (2011)

The dead won't be the only ones crying after this movie, as you be crying for wasting time on this rubbish.

The open scenes was really weired and the only decent part of the movie, Before title come up, we see fast forward scene from later in the movie.

Then get a bunch of people auditioning for new Ghost hunting show.

65% of nothing happing in this movie, boring plot very unlikeable people, who could not act, or actors pretending to be as Bad actors as they could .

There was not one second of a eerie feeling in this movie even WHEN the ghost showed up, effect were really badly done.

Then if the ghost don't show up, these people end up getting blown or drag away, that was so many time in less then a few minutes is gets tedious and boring, dose not scarce anyone.

2 out of 10
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nogodnomasters11 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A reality TV series pilot films in an abandoned mental institution. It appears you are allowed to pick your poison:

3 girls died in a fire. A patient killed a nurse. They experimented on patients. They developed an experimental vaccine. The building acted as a crematorium. Lumber jacks trapped inside resorted to cannibalism. and oh yea, the original house was used for devil worship. How they forgot the aliens is beyond me.

What really made this unbelievable is the fact Trent Reznor didn't live there.

Only the 3 girls seem to be a factor in all of this, no burly lumberjacks ghosts looking for a meal. The film squandered early moments by not building character, leaving us with a bunch of people we don't know. In spite of the fact this should have been a professional film crew, the film is worse than a U-Tube phone camera up load.

The film moves slow so they must interject later scenes of ghosts to hold our interest, becoming its own plot spoiler. There were far too many purple tinted scenes of a herky-jerky camera showing cut-off faces.

A desperation rental choice.

Parental Guide: F-bombs. No sex or nudity.
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befoulmetalroosa9 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Run of the mill haunted asylum found footage film. Very little creativity or imagination to this one. A little twist in that the 'reality' program they were trying to create relied heavily on tricks and gimmicks for the 'hauntings', until the ghosts got angry. Makes a statement for the validity of 'reality ghost hunter' programs. Meh. Could have been handled better; perhaps with an eye toward comedy. The lead actor 'expert' was annoying and condescending. None of the females were worth anything, and the cameramen were throwaways. The end credits music was pretty good. I think I found a new band to check out. About the only thing I would recommend for the film.
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Worst FF ive ever seen
andrewmcl83-170-76441628 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe there are people on here giving this movie 8 9 and 10. This is possibly the worst found-footage movie I have ever seen and I have watched probably a hundred of them. It's the same thing over and over again with shots of nothing from cams set up in hallways splattered throughout the garbage "scary scenes" and every supposedly "scary scene" is the same exact thing over and over again, a person just gets pulled away by something you can't see and then they will go and show three ghosts of little girls just walking down a hallway. It's absolutely horrible I am so mad I just watched this and I'm so mad at you people that are giving it a 10 there was nothing scary about this. The only good part is the producer was hot. The average of this movie should be no higher than 2.5
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If you PAID to see this...YOU will be crying.
camarossdriver26 February 2020
WOW!!! This movie is just beating the "found footage" genre into the ground. It's like the filmmakers said,"Did you see "Grave Encounters"?...well...we can make one MUCH MUCH worse!" And DID THEY EVER! I have to admit I have seen WORSE acting in a found footage film,but this lame story has been told a bazillion times,and there is NOTHING original about it. The FX are not SPECIAL at ALL...they are actually at the point of being laughable! When the first "ghost" showed up,I darn near turned the movie off,because I KNEW it wasn't going to get any better.

...I was correct.
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Great film for a "found footage" movie
brent-tulley30 December 2011
I was able to attend a Los Angeles screening of this film and was pleasantly surprised.

I find these style films entertaining but at the same time, never expect too much from them. Usually they're comprised of bad acting with some cool effects. Still entertaining but poor acting and story lines.

This one however had the best of both worlds. The acting was actually very good, it was a cool concept, and the gags were very creepy. The down time was palpable because of the actors involved.

I'm one of the few who really enjoy these kind of films and I think this another great addition to the genre.

If you want huge budget, A-List actors and crazy camera shots, this film isn't for you. But, if you want an entertaining found footage movie, here you go.
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Worth the wait
alwaysremembered5 September 2013
I've been waiting to see this movie for over a year now. Since it was stilled called The Whispering Dead.

Was a nice surprise. They definitely went outside the normal ff box. It was a great mixture of horror, and comedy.

The characters were very likable, It was scary as hell at some points, and very funny in others.

It was great seeing quality acting in one of these films for a change.

It wasn't anything like Grave Encounters or PA. I'm OK with that.

Haven't seen that done before. Really worked.

All around great acting, action, and a worthwhile story.
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Kinda scary but not scary enough
venusboys326 December 2013
These found footage, first person spookhouse movies generally work on me if they're done halfway well. I loved The Blair Witch Project and Grave Encounters really had me going (despite some overtly goofy CGI effects). The Crying Dead also had me most of the way there but then lost me when the spooks came out. IMO there's two big problems that deflate the scares. One is the ghosts. They just aren't that scary. Three little girls, in Halloween facepaint, double-exposed as they traipse about in the dark hallways. Kinda spooky but not very. Despite some early implications that these aren't normal kids they don't behave very strangely or look very menacing (nothing like the ghouls in the poster image). I really think they needed an additional layer of bizarre to them... a hint at something... other. The second problem, for me, was the editing... or pacing of the movie. The movie starts off with a scene that sets up the threat, but it's on the verge of laughable because it's just so overt so early on. There are also scenes from later in the movie that are repeated early on during the slow stuff... I think to assure impatient viewers that there is some action coming. This wouldn't bother me as much in a regular film but it doesn't fit the found footage conceit here... particularly since those scenes are duplicates of later footage. In a way the film plays its hand in these early scenes and the rest is just going through the motions. Sadly, the nature of the haunting just isn't very imaginative... nothing beyond ghostly little girls with 'powerz'. Once they show up it's just rinse and repeat... they don't get any weirder or scarier than when we first saw them, early on. They really needed something more.

Despite those two points I still kinda enjoyed the movie. It did have me on edge at times, just by the nature of how it was filmed... the suspense is good even if the payoff is lame. The actors did a great job with what little they were given... all my gripes are with the writing/editing.

One other thing I'll mention... the music in the closing credits is the same sort of generic heavy metal that a hundred other horror movies toss in. I think it would have left the audience with a bit more of a after-scare if something more creepy and subtle had been used... something that carried on the mood of the film rather than blaringly contradicting it.
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A Nice Scare
geraldyelverton25 January 2016
I recently had the pleasure of screening the found-footage horror film The Crying Dead. When the idea of yet another found-footage horror film comes across there is always a little doubt in whether or not the viewing will be worth the time allotted. Most in the genre are a waist of time and very paint by the numbers.

To my surprise The Crying Dead was the exception. Though much of the plot is predictable the execution is grand. With good writing and directing the story easily flows from one event to the other. As a viewer I was never bored nor restless.

The acting is above average and the actors themselves succeed in portraying believable characters.

The scares are plentiful which makes for a great horror film.

I recommend anyone into good horror movies to give this one a try.
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Better than I expected
kellycorrin31 October 2013
I watched this with a bunch of friends expecting to laugh at a cheesy movie, but it was actually pretty good!It started off questionable but once it got rolling it was more believable.We got into the story and characters. The acting was good and the improved dialog kept it from being corny. The most charming actors were the old man, Becka Adams who played the producer, and the super obsessed lead male character. It feels like you are there with these people messing around in an old abandoned hospital. I liked that we see them faking paranormal activity before anything really starts. That was a fun touch. Honestly, enjoyed it as much as any bigger budget films of the same genre. Definitely fun to watch with friends on Halloween.
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Not to bad
Sessnyjelk12 September 2013
Ordered this on itunes and have to admit I wasn't expecting much.

I'm a sucker for horror movies and saw the poster which is pretty eerie.

Opening scene is black and white. Kinda of confusing but very intense.

It does start off a little slow but at least the downtime is filled with good acting.

Surprising enough I actually really liked a few of the characters.

The old man or caretaker is awesome. He's by far my favorite.

A couple of the others are really great too.

By the time things do start happening it does pick up.

The ghosts look pretty good and the fx are really cool.

There won't be another Blair Witch or PA. But this is just another one to add to the worthwhile movies shot like this.

Glad I watched it.
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