"The Walking Dead" Cherokee Rose (TV Episode 2011) Poster

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Another Satisfying Episode!
g-bodyl1 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is the fourth episode in the second season of Walking Dead and it happens to be a good experience. It's light on the action, but heavy on the drama. The only action involving a walker is the best part of this episode and is actually pretty funny and rather disgusting. I also must credit the make-up work on this particular walker, because it look very revolting.

In this episode, "Cherokee Rose," Carl is now recovering from his wound, so the emphasis goes back to finding Sophia. At the Herschel residence, their water well has been contaminated by a walker, so the gang tries to figure out how to get rid of it.

Overall, this is an excellent episode and I'm surprised that people found this disappointing. There's not much action, but the drama scenes are nothing to be scoffed at. There's even a little romance involved, so that's good to watch. As usual, an excellent cliffhanger this time revolving around Lori. I rate this episode 9/10.
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The Most Uninteresting Episode So Far
claudio_carvalho8 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The survivors arrive at Hershel's farm to camp and the owner asks then to walk disarmed on his land. The survivors find a walker trapped in a well and they unsuccessfully try to remove it without contaminating the water with its blood. Glenn rides with Maggie to a pharmacy in a nearby town and Lori asks him to bring a special supply for her. After getting the medical supplies, Glenn and Maggie have sex. Carl is better and will survive. Shane is disturbed and preparing to train the survivors. Daryl seeks our Sophia alone and brings a Cherokee rose to give hope to Carol. When Lori gets her supply, she uses it and discovers that he fear has come true.

The deceptive "Cherokee Rose" is the most uninteresting episode of "The Walking Dead" so far. The zombie that has fallen down in the well is quite disappointing. The dialog between Rick and Hershel about Faith and God is terrible. The idea of keeping the weapons stored in unbelievable. The sex scene between Maggie and Glenn has no chemistry and is lame. The sequences between Carl and Rick, and Daryl telling the story of the Cherokee rose yo Carol are the best moments of this weak show. A question that I can not avoid is: - If there is a calm pharmacy close to the farm, why did Shane and Otis risk their lives going to a place crowded of walkers? Further, if the survivors avoid shooting since the walkers are attracted by the sound, how can Shane prepare a stand to train the group in the farm?

Last but not the least, watching "The Walking Dead" in Fox do Brasil is the worst that a fan can do. The responsible for this cable TV show no respect to the audiences, abusing of commercial breaks in the most inconvenient moments, breaking the tension of the episode. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Cherokee Rose"

Note: On 09 April 2016, I saw this show again.
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Not much happening!
and_mikkelsen7 January 2024
This episode has alaways been the weakest for me in season two! After 3 good well paced episodes, everything suddenly hits a dead end and the story barely goes anywhere!

What we get feels like a break from everything, to spend time on building relations between our characters!

To me this episode has a couple of stand out moments that I remember! Suchs as "the well scene", the scenes with Maggie and Glen, as well as Daryl talking about the significance of the Cherokee rose!

Overall a slow episode that serves as a break between the previous and following episodes rather than progressing the plot and story!
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Compared to the brilliant episode the week before, this episode is sort of a letdown.
kkoller06939 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so we understand that Shane is turning to the dark side by purposefully shooting a man down for the zombies to eat him instead. That was a great twist in last weeks episode. After that good of an episode, the next episode has a lot to show. Unfortunately "Cherokee Rose" is uninteresting even if a zombie is pulled apart.

The episode starts off with slowly coming out of his semi-comma and he asks how Sophia is doing (NOTE: why is it taking it this long to find the girl - honestly by day 3 I would've just said "F it" and continue.) After lying to keep Carl's strength up, they try to organize a plan to try to find Sophia. Then the whole crew comes to the farm and they find a zombie trapped in the well that completely contaminates the water after being split in to while trying to pull it out. Oh yea then Glenn has sex with the girl he's been eying the past couple of episodes.

I guess the very end was good enough to be a twist. Lori finds out she's pregnant that brings up two very important questions. The obvious one is whose baby is it? Is it Shane's or Rick's? The other question is would you bring a baby into a world where zombies has taken over? I would say no on that subject but that's my opinion.

Overall, by reading this review nothing really happened in this episode. It was pretty bland but not really boring. I still have high hopes for this season but they have somewhat decreased since episode one of the second season. 7/10
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Doesn't quite bloom, though hardly withers
TheLittleSongbird29 May 2018
Had heard nothing but great things about 'The Walking Dead' from friends and IMDb reviewers. It took a while to get round to watching, both from being busy and also not being sure whether it would be my cup of tea. Finally getting round to it a few years ago and slowly working my way through it, having had a very long to watch and review list, 'The Walking Dead' turned out to be very much my cup of tea and as good as the hype made it out to be, have found it extremely addictive.

"Cherokee Rose" is a slight disappointment, being the weakest of Season 2 up to this point and the weakest of the overall show up to this early stage. That it is still a very good episode says a lot of 'The Walking Dead's' high quality in its prime. It is still a strong reminder of how Seasons 1-5 of 'The Walking Dead' to me were absolutely brilliant and seeing the show in its full glory days (Season 6 was uneven, Season 7 was a huge disappointment and am still debating whether to watch Season 8). It may lack a few of the things that made the previous episodes so great but there is plenty of what is particularly good about the show.

It still shocks me at how an intelligent, well-made (so much so that it is easy to mistake it for a film) show about zombies could be made when so many films have tried and failed abysmally to do so.

Not a perfect episode. "Cherokee Rose" would have benefitted from a tighter pace for an episode that is dialogue-heavy and more intricate. It does lack the previous episodes' tension, guts, tautness with the emotion not always as strong.

Occasionally it's a bit too talky, although the quality of the dialogue is actually very good, which can bog things down a little in terms of momentum. Also am yet to be completely sold by Sarah Wayne Callies as Lori, she does give her best performances of the show up to this point but she still doesn't have the presence or nuances of much of the rest of the cast.

Like all the episodes of the show, "Cherokee Rose" is incredibly well made in the production values, with gritty and audacious production design, photography of almost cinematic quality, effects that look good, have soul and are not overused or abused and pretty frightening make-up that make the walker even more creepy. The music is haunting and affecting, having presence but never being too intrusive.

The writing generally is intelligent and thought-provoking, with lots of tension and emotional resonance and continues to show signs of character complexity and multiple layer storytelling. The highlights here are the hilarious yet grotesque water well sequence, the tense conclusion and the Maggie and Glenn and Daryl and Carol interactions. Am liking that Daryl shows signs of being made into a gradually lighter character.

Appreciated the ever strong and still progressing story and character building, which the episode has a bigger emphasis on.

The world building is still stunningly immersive and effective. Direction is smart and atmospheric while the show throughout has been strongly acted. Andrew Lincoln is an excellent lead, with an even better performance from Norman Reedus giving Daryl intensity and pathos.

In conclusion, a little disappointing but still very good. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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Nice bit of relief from the recent dramas
snoozejonc22 August 2021
Carl recovers from his injury as the search for Sophia continues.

This is a welcome step down in drama from the previous episodes and has some comparatively quiet but decent character time.

The plot is mostly character driven as it focuses on Carl's interaction with his parents. These scenes are strong, especially the one between Carl and Rick. Shane's reflective moments about Otis provide intrigue about what is to come with his character. At the same time the search and worry for Sophia is ongoing. Daryl is heavily involved in this and his sensitive side is nicely developed by the writers. There was a great few interactions between Glenn and Maggie that give some badly needed pleasure and positivity to the overall narrative.

All being said, the episode is not without violent incident as there is a darkly comical scene involving a trapped zombie that is quite grizzly. This is the only real visual horror of the episode and is done fantastically well as a shock moment and to generate humour.

It also ends on a very intriguing note that will no doubt sew the seeds for much character drama in episodes to come.

Overall I think it provides decent respite from the emotional intensity of the series so far. It also continues the religious themes that run strongly in series 2, particularly questions about personal faith and the existence of a higher power.

All actors are great as always, particularly Andrew Lincoln, Jon Bernthal and Scott Wilson.

It is a 7.5/10 for me but I round upwards.
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"Cherokee Rose" balances moments of tenderness and bonding with the underlying tension of the group's precarious situation, making it a vital episode in the narrative arc
fernandoschiavi28 February 2024
"Cherokee Rose" offers a momentary respite from the relentless tension and despair that characterizes much of "The Walking Dead." Set against the backdrop of the serene but eerie Greene farm, the episode focuses on the group's attempts to find some semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos. The title itself, referencing a story told by Daryl about the origins of the Cherokee Rose, symbolizes hope and the human capacity for endurance and resilience.

This episode is notable for its character development, particularly that of Daryl, who emerges as a complex and deeply empathetic figure. His dedication to finding Sophia and his sharing of the Cherokee Rose legend with Carol are poignant moments that reveal his inner strength and kindness. These moments are significant, as they not only provide emotional depth to Daryl's character but also serve to strengthen the bond between the survivors, highlighting the theme of found family that is central to the series.

"Cherokee Rose" also advances the narrative arc concerning the mysterious barn on the Greene property. The tension over Glenn and Maggie's discovery of walkers in the barn sets the stage for future conflicts, both within Rick's group and between the group and the Greene family. This subplot is masterfully woven into the episode, providing a sense of foreboding that contrasts with the episode's overall theme of hope.

Additionally, the episode explores the budding relationship between Glenn and Maggie, adding a layer of human connection and romance to the series. Their relationship serves as a reminder of the importance of personal connections and moments of joy, even in the darkest times.

In summary, "Cherokee Rose" stands out for its exploration of themes of hope, resilience, and the importance of human connection. It balances moments of tenderness and bonding with the underlying tension of the group's precarious situation, making it a vital episode in the series' narrative arc. The episode's ability to evoke a range of emotions, from hope to apprehension, showcases the series' storytelling prowess and its exploration of the human condition in the face of apocalypse.
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Golden Heart Daryl and Glenn the Hero
inefableataraxia19 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The group found that a water well is infected by a walker so Glenn have to save the day by getting down and attaching the rope into the walker. Next thing he and Maggie need to look up for medical supplies, they hook up by loneliness. Daryl is searching for Sophia and founds a house with signs of someone living there. Daryl visits Carol and give her a beautiful speech about the flower he give to her. The chapter have intersting character development specially from Daryl.
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Possibly The Weakest Episode Saved By Excellent Performances
slightlymad2223 October 2014
Plot In A Paragraph: With Carl recovering, led by Daryl the gang continue to look for Sophia. Glen bonds with Maggie while Hershal tells Rick the group needs to move on once Sophia is found.

A weak episode, possibly the weakest one so far. It's saved by excellent acting all round (except Sarah Wayne Callies of course). Especially Norman Reedus, his acting is superb as Daryl Dixon who is searching for Sophia and is desperate not to lose another member of the group. He shares a great scene with Melissa McBride continues to impress as Carol. Andrew Lincoln is as always great as Rick and he shares some great scenes with Scott Wilson as Hershel. It was also good to see Steven Yeun get some good screen time again too.

With the introduction of Hershel and his family, some of the main cast (T-Dog and Dale are the biggest victims) are taking a back seat. I hope that's not an indication that some of them are becoming expendable. Cos as we know "The Walking Dead" has a tendency to go all "Game Of Thrones" on us and kill off main characters.
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Back on Track.
devinpbuffington29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After a somewhat disappointing third episode Cherokee Rose comes back with an emotional bite.

Daryl goes out to look for Sophia and finds a house with what looks like freshly eaten food and used shelter. He also finds a Cherokee Rose which he then explains to Carol stems from the displacement of the native people, and the tears of the tribe mothers would fall to the earth and create a Cherokee rose to signify that God protected their children.

Meanwhile back at the farm a group of our survivors takes it upon themselves to get a Walker out of a well. This was a really tense scene the first few times I watched it, and for anyone new to the series I'm sure it is for them too. Frank gets to show off his hand at creating tight knit horror scenarios, but Robert Kirkman's fantastic character development shines through for a successful reason to the horror.

Lori asks for Glenn's help getting something from town afterwords, but of course does it in the most frustrating way possible. Her writing begins to really go downhill after this episode. I'm not sure who was in charge of her scripts, but scenes like her forced discretion request really do a number on her likability.

We see Maggie and Glenn start their relationship while on a supply run. At first it's a bit awkward as a misplaced box of condoms creates a peculiar situation, but for the most part it seems to work out for the pair.

This episode has horror, humanity, and builds meaningful dramatic stakes between Rick and Hershel over the group's welcome at the farm. A great comeback from the episode before.
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Failed to bloom
richjepson246 December 2011
A fitting title for this week's episode of The Walking Dead but sadly the "Cherokee Rose" wilted more than it blossomed. After what was the best episode since the pilot last week the show slowed down it's pace but that's not to say it didn't have some good moments – especially for Glenn. The episode started off well with the burial of Otis putting a lot of pressure on Shane as he tried his best to re-invent the truth of what happened at the school. This then took a swan dive, almost literally for Glenn, into the pretty pointless zombie fishing experiment.

We heard from Maggie, no less than 10 minutes before, that there are 5 wells on the farm. OK, so when Dale and the much more active T-Dog discover the zombie tribute to Sadako trapped down well number 2 they decide that they've gotta bring it out alive to prevent water contamination.

Obviously this was going to spell trouble and chaos ensued when the rusted pump collapsed, but after getting Glenn out they figured they'd use the horse to drag out the deep Z diver instead. So why not use the horse in the first place? or even more logically – use another well? And who would want to drink water that a zombie had been bathing in? Seeing the guts spill out back into the well was pretty gruesome and T-Dog putting what was left out of it's misery was fun to watch, but ultimately it felt like this scene was only there to give us our weekly fix of the undead.

Maggie's reaction to this was interesting and there have been a few disapproving glances between her and Hershel when the others have killed walkers. This looks like it could cause some conflict later on.

The best part of the episode for me was without a doubt seeing Glenn get a reward for all of his well wading and supply missions. Or maybe this was a bit of karma for saving Rick's ass way back in the second episode. Fans of the comics would have known this was coming and so probably weren't surprise when the pair decide to get it on right there in the store. What would have been nice would have been if the pair had an unexpected guest – remember two's company, three's necrophilia.

As most of the stronger male characters were recovering from one thing or another the only real action would have come from Daryl in his search for the missing girl. Although he didn't find much other than a 'Cherokee Rose' and a used can of tuna it was insightful to see another side to his character when he spoke with Susanne. He seems to have really developed since we first met him and as he's not in the comics it will be good to see what the writers decide to do with him and his brother, should he reappear.

The tempo of this episode was in many ways a let down compared to the magnitude of "Save the last one", but there were some key moments to keep the story flowing and the development of Lori's pregnancy is going to add more depth to the storyline in the coming weeks.

6/10 Scene of the episode – GLENN GETTING SOME
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A member is coming to the group.
XueHuaBingYu1 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 4 is just a normal episode. As usual they are trying to find the missing Sophia. One thing that's new is about Lori.

Oh, Lori, Lori. I can't believe that she is pregnant. The worst thing is she doesn't even know who the father is. I wish it'd be Shane's. I kind of want Rick to know about that thing between his wife Lori and his best friend Shane. Oh! I've just realised that I'm so evil. 😈

I don't really like that girl, Maggie. I mean if she doesn't like Glenn, why she had sex with him? And I think Glenn is so cute and also he's such a nice guy. My opinion is that she's so lucky to have Glenn, actually. In that kind of condition, she's just staying away from Glenn? That's very stupid action of her.

I kind of wonder how that creature got into that well. But they didn't explain in this episode. I wish they would in the next episode. 😁

Overall is that to this episode, they haven't found Sophia yet. I think they are stretching the show more than they should. Of course I want them to find Sophia and also I want Sophia to be alive. But she's should be found soon. Otherwise, the show will become boring series for me.
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Stop me if you've heard this one: zombie falls down a well and...
rwk28 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
On the plus side they did finally get around to weapons training. Good move, that. I'm not sure why it wasn't mandatory, or what everyone else was up to, but Shane took Andrea and Carol out to practice. Let's say that's worth about 5 good storytelling points. Of course, worth about a billion bad points are (in no particular order): using "live" bait... to noose a walker... in a poisoned well... after literally JUST showing everyone huddled around a topographic map of the area and commenting about offshoots of the freshwater creek. Removing a contagion from a water supply doesn't magically cure that water; it's still had a dead body in it, regardless of the fact of it being a zombie. It's a coffin martini. I wouldn't drink that water after boiling it for a week straight.

Showing off your special effects skills for no good reason is just laughable (looking your way Michael Bay). If it doesn't fit in with a logical plot all you've done is make a joke to, and really about, the audience. It was stupid to risk Glenn in an effort to save the well. Go to the creek for water, or to the stocked truck Shane found like two days ago, or start digging another well, but don't risk someone's life! This isn't the desert, it's Georgia. There is water to be had. I'd want these idiots to leave too if I was Herschel.

And that's just the low point of the episode. Ransacking a pharmacy by passing perfectly good houses en route made no sense either, nor did leaving the horses (again, live bait) tethered outside without a guard, nor did having two people search instead of one guarding the other's back. I watch my buddy's back in a questionable 7-11. I like to think we'd be a little smarter than the average bear during the Apocalypse.

This one started cheesy, got dumb, and stayed stupid. Man, do I hope they step it up a few notches (before it's too late).
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Dumb Behavior II : Zombitris, irresistible Glenn, predictable Lori subplot, thoughtful connections, optimistic spirit, intriguing rules, smart dialogs
igoatabase8 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
And the walker of the week is… Gorezilla ! Their plan to get it out of the well was silly and with Save the Last One, where Daryl and Andrea went for a walk at night, I worry that we will have to endure more stupid situations. I mean the cord is the oldest one trick pony, it always break. So the precious minutes lost to follow Glenn's predictable descent in hell could have been used for something more important. It leads us to his hilarious and sexy escape with Maggie. The awkward way he got laid was well staged and it was obvious Steven Yeun and Lauren Cohan were having fun. Surviving with their characters would make a post apocalyptic world less painful to live in. Moreover their arc was connected to Lori's search for a pregnancy test so even if I saw it coming the writing knows where it's going. In addition her sensual moment with Rick in front of the mirror was similar to the one Glenn and Maggie shared. It proves that there's still hope despite the pessimistic dialogs between Lori and her husband last episode. The slow pace also proved that The Walking Dead excels in all departments, from frightening situations like the horde to heartwarming reunions. They're all together now and only Sophia is missing. But it seems Daryl is on her trail even if it wasn't explicitly stated, a subtlety I'm quite fond of. The hopeful story he told the mother was also quite moving and the rose as beautiful as the landscape Rick and the old man contemplated at the creek. As for their man to man discussion in front of the house it opened a whole new set of possibilities. Shouldn't Rick ask the others what they want to do ? What are the rules to stay ? Covering topics like religion and education issues was also quite enlightening. Last but not least a bold Shane reminded me of Of Mice and Men because the character has reached a certain complexity and makes me uncomfortable. Of course he had to lie but if he hadn't shoot the fat guy well he would just be a pile of bloody meat on the road.

Now I only have one question left… How many condoms did Glenn use ? Considering the super bright smile he had on his face I bet on seven, one for each heaven they reached. Naughty survivors !

Note : This review was first posted on Kritikenstein, my weblog.
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Too much drama for me!
mm-3917 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Cherokee Rose is a reflective episode where everyone shares their feelings. The search for Sophia is on going for the last few episodes. The sub-plot of finding Sophia is taking to long and is dragging the storyline down. Sophia's mother and the woodman guy share some feelings about life. Shane reflects on Otis's death, and leaves some details out, during Otis's funeral. One see Shane has lost his soul. Cherokee Rose is nothing more than a sharing circle of each character's feeling. The episode is a character developmental plot device to understand each character better. However, there is little tension or plot development in this episode. I am tried of watching the characters walking around in the woods, and sharing their feeling. I give Cherokee Rose a four out of ten. Too much drama for me!
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ilyasmessi17 July 2020
Worst episode so far it just soooooo Boring gfgdhfhx vcbfjdhduddunvbxhdgsgdgdgdgdhdgdycgchchvcvvxg
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The Search Continues
Deadlyknights3 November 2022
With Carl saved, the group tries to organize the search effort for Sophia. Dale and T-Dawg find a walking in the well, and the group dispatches to try and solve the issue. Rick attempts to convince Hershel to let them stay permanently on the farm. The group decides to try and get the walker out of the well with a rope in the hopes that the well water is not already contaminated. Daryl goes back into the forest alone to search for Sophia, as the rest of the group is too injured or untrained to go. Glenn and Maggie set off into town for more medical supplies and the start of their relationship. Lori has a revaluation.

Cherokee Rose is the first truly uninteresting episode of the show. Nothing monumental happens. It's a building episode that fails to keep the viewer engaged and as a stand alone episode is pretty mediocre. The writing stays sharp as usual but no level of acting or directing can help such an uninteresting plot to be interesting. This episode starts as a sting of episodes that fail the capture the action packed nature of the seasons beginnings.
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