"Bones" The Bullet in the Brain (TV Episode 2011) Poster

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A Lot of Carelessness Detracts
Hitchcoc12 February 2023
Let's get to the point. How can there be so little security to bring a high profile person like the Gravedigger to another venue. That said, why was she even going to another venue. Her lawyers would have taken care of an appeal. Then there's the time from conviction to execution that seemed awfully short. Shouldn't Sweets have been protected. Booth is standing there all by his lonesome. So we get a view at the wonderful world of snipers. The shot was remarkable and there are few who could have pulled it off, Booth being one. Brennan's father was another though no one takes it seriously. What could have been a cool episode was stagey and less than believable.
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Stepping stone for something better?
MekareM28 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
While this was a decent episode, it was anti-climatic. I know this was the first in episodes surrounding a sniper but it left you thinking that there should of been one more scene or something. This episode was supposed to hit Booth hard because it's not just another sniper but one he knew. I didn't see much of Booth's turmoil even when he finds the other sniper. Brennen and the other cast just seemed to be there without purpose most of the time. I'm not sure I understood how Sweets could be so traumatized by The Gravediggers words but not seeing her head explode. Caroline was scared as she's ever been but again I didn't see why and the fact that her telling Sweets that snapped him out of his whatever just didn't make much sense. Again, there seemed to be missing parts/scenes for both of them.

On the plus side, there was the return of Max but his scenes seemed to be thrown in there without an actual story. Hopefully Max will return soon. Arnold Vosloo as the sniper was nice so hopefully he gets more screen time in future episodes.

The Gravediggers demise wasn't as gratifying as it should of been. I think that instead of having her talk to Sweets that they should of reviewed why she was hated and why people wouldn't care if she died. I assume she was going to her appeal because she was representing herself instead of having a lawyer.
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Satisfying, multi-layered episode
abbyrd8828 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
What an episode! It was packed full of plot lines, so I will try to give a brief opinion on the important ones. When Tafet's head got blown off, I seriously thought I imagined it for a second it was so final destination gory. Honestly that could have been done a little more gracefully, but it nonetheless made for an intriguing episode. I found it incredibly satisfying that the gravedigger is finally dead. I side with Hodgins on this one- she deserved to die for the heinous crimes she committed and her death, though surprising, was a relief. I was surprised that Sweets was so traumatized by what Tafet said; knowing his character, he should have been able to realize that Tafet was playing him and filtered her out. For me Sweets' plot line in this episode was weird and out of character. I was, for the millionth time, impressed by Booth's nobility and determination to do the right thing. He seriously rocks. I was, as always, impressed by Boreanaz's portrayal of Booth's character. I think he is a fantastic actor and is one of the factors that makes this show completely worth watching. I could not disagree more with the previous reviewer who said Boreanaz's acting is flat. I was happy to see Max back as he's been absent for nearly an entire season now. This episode could have used a more dramatic, emotional ending between B&B. That is something that I always love to see that I think would have been extremely appropriate to end this episode, but I guess one episode can only have so much in it. Overall a very strong episode.
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candib131-988-99637419 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is so far from believable.....what FBI agent works solo, putting Booth in dangerous situations always alone or with a non-armed doctor for company; then you have him chasing a suspect in some Vans (not even the lace up kind either); Booth knows the sniper is going to be at the land site he purchased in Booth's name yet he doesn't plan for back up or have the suspect surrounded; and finally Booth has the suspect in his sights, gun drawn, and he doesn't take the shot and instead let's him go!!! On the flip side the show as a whole is funny and very entertaining with well developed and likable characters. The writers just need to stay away from such cheesey storylines.
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Very bad writing not improved by the acting.
menachim28 January 2011
Idiotic beyond belief. When will writers and producers pay a tiny amount of attention to things that, when misrepresented, give the public a horribly distorted picture of the justice system? The premise is that a death row inmate is being transported to her last appeal. Prisoners have no right to be at their appeals (arguments), even in the not-very-common cases where a court agrees to hear them argued rather than just rule on the briefs. There is dialog about testimony at an appeal. There's no such thing. Appeals are based solely on the record of the trial.

Shows like this give the impression that the criminal justice system is far more arbitrary than it is--and loaded in favor of defendants, which is the opposite of the truth.

And David Boreanaz remains as stiff as ever.
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