"The Flash" Keep It Dark (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Better than I thought
pauli_gomez20 June 2022
I find the character of Allegra kind of meh, I do not really care for her. So, when I heard the episode was mostly Allegra-centric I was worried. Still, it was an acceptable episode.

Curiously, in my humble opinion, the worst and the best of the episode were the Flash moments. The worst, when he went for help to someone he shoudn't. The best, the ending, that shows a lot of promise. Looking forward to see how it goes from here.
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lunafanaticx9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, the episode wasn't bad, it's just not too good either.

I liked that Tom Cavanagh did a little cameo for Thawne again, and I liked the introduction to Meena Dhawan, but further I didn't like this episode.

The acting was really not that great this episode, it was like I was watching kids on elementary having some assignment to act. The story line was a bit weak about the aranas.

I don't know who there is to blame, but I feel like the acting in this show has gone worse over time. Grant Gustin started really bad, but from season 2 he was good again, until season 8. Same goes for lot's of other actors like Danielle Panabaker and Jesse L. Martin. I feel like the actors are either not getting much to work with. It could also be that the screenplay is just bad, the budget is too low or just less filming hours.

I miss the old Flash. Season 8 has had old vibes with the Deathstorm part, but further this season is really bad in my opinion.
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Better to call it The Allegra show
ihabshq9 June 2022
We barely see barry in this episode and this is so annoying and it's not just this episode every episode after season 6 is like that eric wallace ruined the flash i love the flash he is my favorite character but I'm done with the Cw they are running my hero first 3 season was epic season 4 and 5 was good too tbh but everything changed after crisis and they didn't fully focus on barry anymore the first 3 season show title was the flash season 4 and 5 was team flash and after season 6 until sesson 8 (except Armageddon) it was all about iris chester and allegra and that's just annoying please cancel the show or reboot it in hbo max. Grant has a potential to be main dceu flash his character and personality is so similar to flash/barry in comics (something i forgot to tell: the flash suit after season 6 look like cosplay suit)
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What happend
pcgtav10 June 2022
This show can't be called the flash any more is mor like friends and an cameo by the flash.

It is not about bary and his speed and him having the weight of every problem on his sholders but is about his 3 friends and wife.

So the show runer an the writers is so hard to write a season just focusing on THE FLASH.
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Usually not a fan of side character episodes
paleowilliam10 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Usually not a fan of episodes that focus on side characters but the story was decent and actually had some good character development. The new speedster storyline seems promising. Thawne is great as always. Overall an enjoyable episode.
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Getting less and less about Flash
tmccheyne19 July 2022
Do we have to have that reporter Taylor in it, horrible character and terrible acting. Shout shout shout.

We have lost too many from the story line. The scripts are terrible.

Time to give up on it.
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Let There Be Light
RahulM00711 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The seventeenth episode of the eighth season titled "Keep It Dark" directed by the virtuous and versatile Danielle Panabaker is mainly Allegra centric, but also includes hints and foreshadowing of what's to come in the final three episodes of the season. As someone who adores Allegra as a character, I found this episode even better than last season's Allegra focused storyline. Kayla Compton absolutely nailed it, and her mannerisms and facial expressions were on point. I felt like the actress grew as a person over the past year because her acting has very much improved.

"Keep It Dark" is a great bottle episode that gave me season 1 vibes. Ultralight and Sunshine's return was a nice surprise. After the events of season 6, Sunshine and Ultralight took over the crime syndicate Arañas. Allegra's powers have levelled up last season and have been side lined ever since. I am glad Allegra finally got to be her true self. Her light form that she encompasses is divine and aesthetically pleasing. Allegra also revealed herself as a metahuman to Central City Media's editorial staff. Taylor is the character I dislike the least from CCM but became a tad more likeable and sort of redeemed herself in this episode.

The rest of the episode focused on Barry figuring out who the new speedster patrolling the streets of Central City is. The speedster is later revealed to be Meena Dhawan aka Fast Track or Negative Flash. The Flash family is growing with each passing season. Heck, even Jay Garrick, Bart Allen, and Nora West-Allen are confirmed to be making reappearances in the season 8 finale.

To conclude, episode 17 is another stellar instalment in season 8. I am really enjoying these string of interlude episodes. They are vastly better than last year's batch of episodes, although I was one of the few people who enjoyed those episodes. These past three episodes gave me season 1 vibes. If the last three episodes continues the hot streak that the show is on right now, then the eighth season may become my second favourite season of the series.

Other tidbits:

*I love Tom Cavanagh's delivery of his lines in this episode. The conversation between Barry and Thawne flowed so eloquently.

*The promo for episode 18 teased Matt Letscher's return as Eobard Thawne aka the Reverse Flash. Matt Letscher's iteration of the character is still my favourite, although Tom Cavanagh's portrayal is also phenomenal. Matt Letscher brings a different energy to the role.

* The title is an allegory for Allegra's fear of being shunned and exposed by her co-workers. I love how the title is a mix between an irony, antiphrasis, and allegory.

Final verdict: 10/10.
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Why are you keep destroying this show?
aopek20 October 2022
I cannot believe how bad this show is getting in every new episode. The writers, the cast, the network has given up on the show and the quality is awfull week by week.

Flash is doing stupid things because he isn't allowed to do heroic stuff as a superhero. This is now the job for the amazing perfect super friends of him.

It is like watching a childern cartoon with wow SUPERFRIENDS will save the day and lets talk about family and friendship and children stuff again an again.

So we have to enjoy week after week girl drama and teen feelings from people who are suppose to be adult and experienced SUPERHEROES

But they NEVER ACT like that. They complain and cry and shout stupid stuff every week like imature children.

Oh and Flash is guest starring in there like a guy without a clue what he is doing.

Kill this show. Show some mercy.
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Piece of Advice: Pull a Legends of Tomorrow!
demigodshmurda11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't worry, I'm going to explain that title. But first, rant time. Because my god was this episode absolutely excruciating! The last time we had an Allegra focused episode (which also happens to be the show's lowest rated episode btw) I didn't just leave a blatant 1 / 10 review and found some legitimately good parts of the show. That's not the case with this episode, as I struggled to find a single good thing about it! This episode made "The Curious Case of Bartholomew Allen" where Barry stops multiple human criminals in a second at the top of the episode, but then is too stupid to do so not five minutes later in the same episode look like a fricking masterpiece! I actually increased my rating of that episode to a 5 / 10 because it doesn't deserve to have the same star rating as this crime against television!

And don't even think about playing the "istaphobe" card, okay? Take that crap somewhere else! I like Yvette Monreal as Wildcat on Stargirl! I praised her performance up and down when "Summer School: Chapter Seven" came out! This isn't about being against Latin actors or characters, this is about the character of Allegra Garcia amounting to a giant pile of nothing!

I did not get bingo this week, and since we now know who the season's main villain is, this means I also lose my bingo from "Into the Still Force". I crossed off "Non-Speedster Main Villain" assuming Deon would be the main villain for the rest of the season, and that's the space that got me bingo. This brings my record down to 2 and 15, but I'm still crossing off the same spaces consistently (excluding the characters and Bad CGI), which means this show is not improving. You want proof? Well then allow me to direct you to season 8 episode 17 "Keep it Dark". Jesus H. Christ screw this episode! (I'd like to use a different word there, but IMDb won't let me)

In terms of Allegra as a character, there just isn't much there for the audience to get invested in. There just isn't much meat on the bone, so you'd think that the writers would use this as an opportunity to flesh her out more, but no. Instead, we get some pointless drama at the Citizen where Allegra can't tell her team her connection to the story she's trying to have them right. And yes I know, objective journalism, but I'm of the mindset that if Allegra had told her team about her connection to the story, they would've been more inclined to get the story out there. Allegra can corroborate Lydia's story, but she doesn't at first because then the episode can't happen. Iris still hired Allegra despite her criminal record, which is public knowledge as far as I can remember. And wasn't Allegra accused of another string of murders in season 6's "A Flash of the Lightning"? You'd think that Allegra would've just told her team about her past so that Taylor didn't reveal that information in the eleventh hour. And then all the sudden they can't trust Allegra because then the rest of the episode can't happen. I guess Iris only hires emotionally stunted three-year-olds!

And not only does Allegra survive getting hit with one of Dr. Light's bullets (which we know from season 6's "Marathon" disintegrate objects and people on impact), but she also pulls, like, seven different new powers out of nowhere in this episode's climax and is able to use them perfectly without any prior knowledge of ever having them!

-Seeing invisible people

-Glowing hands that increase her physical strength

-Light? Healing

-Minor telekinesis? I think

-Some kind of electromagnetism

-The ability to pull bullets out of her body without grimacing or bleeding out

-And the ability to take on two fully grown adults in a fight and WIN when one of them is a trained assassin and the other has military training.

I'm serious about that last thing. And in a season full of moments like Barry basically flying in "Death Rises", Barry not stopping a human criminal when he was shown being fully capable of doing so earlier that very episode in "The Curious Case of Bartholomew Allen", Barry and Nora escaping the Still Force because they know they already have in "Into the Still Force" (and yes, that is a real thing that happened), and the entire first five minutes of "Funeral for a Friend", this episode's climax is up there as one of the dumbest things in this entire season!

I have a question. Have the Flash writers ever watched Legends of Tomorrow? Because the Legends writers did something not once but twice that showed they will always, always, *always* have my respect. During season 4, they introduced a character named Mona Wu that wasn't very well received. So do you know what they did? They kept her on until the end of the season, and then wrote her off the second she wasn't important to the story anymore. The result was a resoundingly better fifth season! And they did it again in season 6 with Behrad. When the episode "This is Gus" first aired it was a very poorly received episode, so much so that "popular" youtubers quit watching/reviewing the show for good. And do you know what they did? They removed everything associated with that putrid episode the very next week, removed Behrad from the show until the finale, and then brought him back the next season and made him an actual character instead of just using him for weed jokes.

The Legends of Tomorrow writers listened to the fans and took the criticisms to heart, got rid of what wasn't working, and the show was better as a result! What a novel concept! And Legends got canceled while The Flash is still on air? One is a show that showed constant improvement and listened to the fanbase, and the other is a show that's shown time and time again that they have nothing but utter contempt for every single viewer! Tell me how that makes sense! Say what you want about Legends, I personally loved it, but the writers always respected and took the criticism from the fanbase, so maybe it's time the Flash writers pulled a Legends of Tomorrow and wrote Allegra off the show already, because I have not seen a single *real* human say anything positive about her! (in seasons 7 and 8, I thought she was good in season 6)

And that brings us to the second con of the episode. My god Eric Wallace hasn't learned his lesson. The final scene introduces us to Meena Dhawan, a character prominently featured in the DC Rebirth Flash comics run, and mostly associated with the Godspeed storyline. If you'll remember back to my review of "Impulsive Excessive Disorder" you'll recall that I discouraged the Flash writers from introducing any more characters from that storyline because of their... Shall we say "spotty" track record. I admittedly don't know much about the character in the comics outside of her being a love-interest for Barry and a speedster that uses the Negative Speed Force, but I doubt that she'll make any lasting impression if they plan to go all the way villainous with her. In order to make her heel turn at all meaningful she'll have to build a good rapport with the team on the level of Zoom or season 1 Eobard Thawne in ONLY THREE EPISODES!

I understand that Eric Wallace made Bloodwork work with only eight episodes. That's one of my favorite story arcs on this entire show! But do you know why Bloodwork worked? Because we saw him start out as a doctor that just wanted to save everyone, and we saw his descent into madness. Not to mention his morals conflicting with Barry's during the leadup to Crisis. I swear, Eric Wallace and the writers genuinely must have no idea why Bloodwork was a great villain, so they keep doing these short four episode long storylines attempting to recreate that magic, and it just keeps blowing up in their face! Bloodwork wasn't great because he was only in eight episodes! He was great because we got to see him become the villain!

Oh yeah, and Barry is suddenly a big fan of Dhawan's research when season 1 showed in no uncertain terms that Harrison Wells was always his idol. I'm not saying he can only have one idol, I just wanted to bring up that Wells was the one Barry looked up to first.

I feel confident saying that the only good thing about this episode was Thawne on Lian Yu, though I wish I didn't have that moment spoiled for me by the promos. I would've exploded with hype had I gotten to react to that live! Thawne is an overused character, but I liked his scenes with Barry explaining why he'll never be replaced: He's the one Barry can never stop. He hurt Barry in a way no other villain could. Barry's had other villains, but Thawne is his nemesis, and nemesis relationships run deep! Of course, everyone that watched season 1 already knew that. Go figure the best part of this episode was just them giving season 1 a justified pat on the back.

This is probably the show's worst episode in a long time, and that's saying something considering the last two seasons. I know I gave the season 7 finale a 1 / 10, but that's not a rating I stand by anymore. It was an emotional reaction in the moment, and my review of the episode was basically just a rant. But considering that all my reviews of this show end up as rants anyway, I can understand the possible confusion. I can usually control myself enough to be disappointed instead of angry, but this is a rant this show has well and truly earned! Screw this episode! Screw this show! And screw the ink this script was printed on!

3 / 10.
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thedarkknight-7048513 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For the first time in a long time I've found the show entertaining. The last few episodes without Frost, Caitlin, or even Iris have been great. Not typically a 'hater' of those characters but for a good amount of time it's felt as if they held back The Flash... Not a good thing when that's the shows name. Barry has been faster than ever and finding new ways to use his powers and it's been very entertaining.
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Really good episode!!
tj-841689 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was really good!! It was suspenseful, action packed, and really good pacing!! And a really good episode centered about Allegra!! But a lot of cool flash scenes as!! As well as the interactions with Thawne where unmatched!! As well as the unknown speedster aspect gave it a mysterious aspect that I enjoyed!! Overall a great episode and a great way to start the end of season 8!! And the promo for next episode looks really good and interesting with the Matt Letschers Thawne and I'm really excited for the rest of the season!!
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Great episode
docmr8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best episodes of the show I love it so much ngl. The plot the themes the music the characters. Everything was great. That's my review but it's not long enough so I'm putting random stuff boe.
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Where is the flash?
carloscms13 June 2022
Another boring woke senseless episode... A band of woman criminals is exposed by a band of women journalists and the Flash in its 10 minutes appearance discovers another woman with the same powers. This is not the flash ... It's more "A bunch of women know a really fast guy..." Boring, quite sure it will get canceled soon...
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RachelE7727 July 2022
We barely see barry in this episode and this is so annoying and it's not just this episode every episode after season 6 is like that eric wallace ruined the flash i love the flash he is my favorite character but I'm done with the Cw they are running my hero first 3 season was epic season 4 and 5 was good too tbh but everything changed after crisis and they didn't fully focus on barry anymore the first 3 season show title was the flash season 4 and 5 was team flash and after season 6 until sesson 8 (except Armageddon) it was all about iris chester and allegra and that's just annoying please cancel the show or reboot it in hbo max. Grant has a potential to be main dceu flash his character and personality is so similar to flash/barry in comics.
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Actually a great episode
jpflash-309469 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the pacing of the episode with switching between flash and Alegras scenes and great interaction with Thawne and really cool flash scenes as well as I liked the introduction of the new speedster!! I'm excited for the rest of the season!! Really excited for next weeks episode for Matt letscher is back!! It really was a good episode!!
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Ranking every Flash episode: Keep It Dark
lbramson28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode could've been an easy 10...if they only had the subplot. The subplot is truly awesome! Barry talks to Thawne when a new speedster arrives. Great! It's 20 minutes of fascinating mystery, cool new characters, and riveting conversations. And did I mention Thawne? I know he has appeared every season, but I just love Thawne so much. Unfortunately, that's not the only thing in this episode. Because Allegra has this plotline where she tries to convince people in the Central City Citizen that she's a good person. I don't care about Allegra and I don't care what other people think of her. It's such a dumb conflict and I'm tired of pretending it's not. So yeah, while I love the subplot, the main plotline about fricking Allegra ruins it all! Allegra is like the reverse Midas. Everything this character touches turns to garbage!
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Show is becoming great again!
andrewbaer9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very impressive and interesting story and brilliant acting preformances. I won't say I adore Allegra's story, but otherwise, 10/10. Tom cavanagh as Eobard thawne is one of the best supervillain portrayals in All of live action, his chemistry with grant gustin the flash is undeniably fantastic.
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Stop with the actors who don't speak spanish, pretending to speak spanish
wsoto326 March 2023
Stop with the actors who don't speak spanish, pretending to speak spanish. Neither Allegra nor the other woman speak Spanish, they barely pronounce the words correctly. Just because they are of latino descend doesn't mean they speak spanish. It's a disrespect to all of us that do understand and speak spanish.

The actor that plays Allegra is really bad.

This is another Flashless episode. At least since they significantly cut Iris's presence on the show, the show is less awful but flashless episodes like this one are remind me how bad this show has gotten.

The Allegra character is horrible and they keep giving her too much screen time. Thank God the show is going to end.
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