The Flash: Keep It Dark (2022)
Season 8, Episode 17
Let There Be Light
11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The seventeenth episode of the eighth season titled "Keep It Dark" directed by the virtuous and versatile Danielle Panabaker is mainly Allegra centric, but also includes hints and foreshadowing of what's to come in the final three episodes of the season. As someone who adores Allegra as a character, I found this episode even better than last season's Allegra focused storyline. Kayla Compton absolutely nailed it, and her mannerisms and facial expressions were on point. I felt like the actress grew as a person over the past year because her acting has very much improved.

"Keep It Dark" is a great bottle episode that gave me season 1 vibes. Ultralight and Sunshine's return was a nice surprise. After the events of season 6, Sunshine and Ultralight took over the crime syndicate Arañas. Allegra's powers have levelled up last season and have been side lined ever since. I am glad Allegra finally got to be her true self. Her light form that she encompasses is divine and aesthetically pleasing. Allegra also revealed herself as a metahuman to Central City Media's editorial staff. Taylor is the character I dislike the least from CCM but became a tad more likeable and sort of redeemed herself in this episode.

The rest of the episode focused on Barry figuring out who the new speedster patrolling the streets of Central City is. The speedster is later revealed to be Meena Dhawan aka Fast Track or Negative Flash. The Flash family is growing with each passing season. Heck, even Jay Garrick, Bart Allen, and Nora West-Allen are confirmed to be making reappearances in the season 8 finale.

To conclude, episode 17 is another stellar instalment in season 8. I am really enjoying these string of interlude episodes. They are vastly better than last year's batch of episodes, although I was one of the few people who enjoyed those episodes. These past three episodes gave me season 1 vibes. If the last three episodes continues the hot streak that the show is on right now, then the eighth season may become my second favourite season of the series.

Other tidbits:

*I love Tom Cavanagh's delivery of his lines in this episode. The conversation between Barry and Thawne flowed so eloquently.

*The promo for episode 18 teased Matt Letscher's return as Eobard Thawne aka the Reverse Flash. Matt Letscher's iteration of the character is still my favourite, although Tom Cavanagh's portrayal is also phenomenal. Matt Letscher brings a different energy to the role.

* The title is an allegory for Allegra's fear of being shunned and exposed by her co-workers. I love how the title is a mix between an irony, antiphrasis, and allegory.

Final verdict: 10/10.
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