"Heroes" Chapter Eighteen 'Brave New World' (TV Episode 2010) Poster

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Too Much Meandering, but Watchable
judge-gideon24 November 2010
I found Heroes watchable. This means I wouldn't cringe at every turn from bad acting/writing/directing. It was a refreshing change.

The problem with Heroes was that the plot never fully developed. Each season finale seemed like a bid for a new season rather than an important storyline.

When I heard the announcement that Heroes was canceled, it didn't surprise me. I lost interest during the first season, but still purchased the DVD sets.

It seems as though the writers exhausted their ideas in season 1. Each subsequent season was recycling elements of the last.

How many ways can you tell the story of humans discovering they have amazing powers? Viewers lose interest if it's the same stuff over and over.

I like the idea of Heroes, but it could have been produced/directed much better.
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Heroes fails to deliver "Redemption"
lorddnarbsy9 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately Heroes fails to deliver AGAIN! After the terrible third season I was hoping for some improvement in the fourth season. In the beginning the show seemed to be getting back on track. But in the end it was a plot less and pointless finale. The entire plot development of Samuel and his Carnival could be solved in (maybe) five or six episodes. It just seemed stretched out by the writers over an entire season with bad Hiro stories and Nathan/Sylar/Parkman stories. There are a few episode which revealed things about the carnival and it's past and plans, but most of the episodes was just about every single Hero just visiting the carnival and then leaving it again. Most of the time the Carnival doesn't do anything. (another problem was that they kept talking about Samuel's plan, while in fact he really didn't have a big plan in the end) In the last 5 episodes there is absolutely no mystery or revelation and plot twist that made the first season great but this plot development was very flat and simple-minded. The writing was really bad. series recap: When I first watched Heroes it blew me away. The first season was great with the build up to the Sylar confrontation in the final episode. The second season started a little slow, but when Adam was revealed as the villain behind it all it started to pick up speed. Alltough the season had a lot of potential, it unfortunately never got the chance to finish it up the way it was originally planned (with the virus being released) But instead of finishing the original plan they messed things up in the last minutes of the season finale. The third season messed things up completely in "Villains" with the annoying Arthur Petrelli killing off all the cool characters and a storyline that was a rip-off from the 4400 (love that show btw). "Fugitives" tried to make up for the mistakes but couldn't deliver. The Fourth season started great with the introduction of the brilliant Robert Knepper from Prison Break. But I think the problem with this season was that the writers didn't really have a plan from the beginning. They just made things up as the show progressed. Don't get me wrong, I never stopped watching Heroes and that would prove that I gave the show the chance to redeem itself. But now with the disappointing finale of the fourth season (I'm so angry with myself for wasting my time with this crappy season and believing that it would get better) that I must say that this is the series finale for me.
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mcdonald_jay11 January 2011
This series was probably one of the best TV series ever made. However when they canceled it and left everyone hanging not knowing what was going to happen next I lost my mind. I was so mad that I refuse to get into any new series anymore because I don't want to go through the same disappointment. They did the same thing with Deadwood and with The Black Donelly's except at least they somewhat tried to finish the black Donelly's off in a rush episode. I don't think they will ever attempt to fix the ending of heroes either It is just so disappointing... so mad arghhhhh!!! Need an extra line of text to submit this.... heheheh. I would give the show an overall rating of 8.5 out of 10 if they had finished it proper, but because they did not i can't even fairly rate it.
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I think I am heartbroken
shweta-5165724 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so I reviewed the title as a whole but the emptiness only just hit me. And so I have decided to rant and vent.

I am absolutely saddened and angered thinking about what we as fans have left of this show.

I mean, how dare they? THIS is the season finale we are left with?! Are you kidding me? Just compare this crap with the first season. None of the rebooted nonsense can stand up to the original TV show. So what are we, as loyal fans, to do? What can fill up the empty hole in my head right now? I get NBC cancelled the show, that isn't the writers fault but they could have tried giving us a decent season finale. This is all we are left with! For the rest of our lives! I mean, I can still hear the soundtrack of Heroes playing in my head!

and for the sake of all that is evil in the world, SYLAR TURNS GOOD?! RU f***ing kidding me? The portrayal of Sylar could not have been done by any one else other than Quinto. No one could have brought such fun and jocularity to the absolute incarnation of evil than this man. But to make a mockery of all that is horrible and corrupt... Sylar was supposed to be the very epitome of evil. And then the writers do a 360 with his character.

We know Robert Knepper had incredible potential but he was not given his dues by the scriptwriters. The plot started great with season 4, he had potential but it just never dropped.

This is only a 5 because I simply can NOT forget the former glory of this show. All 5 points are attributed to what was and the what could have been. The last ever line Noah Bennet says in the show, completely and accurately describes my feelings: "...breaking my heart"
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A disappointing end to a road to nowhere
micjammusic10 December 2022
I've been watching Heroes since last month. I vaguely remember it from 20+ years ago. Seasons 1&2 were good but the cracks began to show in season 3 and by season 4 those cracks were wider than the Grand Canyon. I agree with one critic who says the Samuel story could have been solved by 5th or 6th episode. But the way they handled his demise was rubbish. I was expecting a showdown between him and the other heroes. Instead the whole episode fizzled out like a dud firework.

It might have been improved if Samuel and Sylar had fought a duel. Having Claire throw herself off yet another platform in front of the cameras didn't save the episode either.. very disappointing...
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