"Doctor Who" Wild Blue Yonder (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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If the Midnight entity had a body.
elias-340133 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The second special takes us to the edge of the universe. The Doctor and Donna are stranded after the Tardis runs away. It knows something bad is here but is also knows that it's close to the end of the countdown.

Whilst the set design is cool, there are some iffy moments with the green screen. Maybe a proper set would've suited this episode more. The Disney budget is definitely being used as much as possible. The creatures are very unique in that they take time to fit the size of the original. But also look like a Snapchat filter. Strange choice but it kinda works.

It's great to acknowledge The Doctors absence in Donna's life with the Doctor finally losing it over everything that has happened since the Journeys End.

Absolutely wonderful seeing Bernard Cribbins for the final time. He is the granddad of this show and he will never be forgotten.
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This was what I missed about Doctor who, the dynamic between the doctor and his traveling companions and the great storylines and mysteries they needed to figure out
garyvines-0129025 December 2023
I had stopped watching Doctor who sometime in 2019 around the time of Peter Capaldi and Bill. Something about that guy playing the doctor I didn't like but when he had Clara, she softened his harsh, but Bill just didn't do it for me, and I quit watching.

When I heard David Tennant and Catherine Tate were coming back, I had to watch, and it was like no time had passed. I watched the final Jodie Whittaker episode, and she wasn't bad, I had just lost interest before she came on so no offense to her. Then the "Star Beast" special and I was hooked. I've missed the dynamic between these two as that it always felt the most familiar.

The story is a good one, the TARDIS has landed on a spaceship at the edge of the universe where there aren't even any stars. There doesn't appear to be anyone else on board and the Doctor and Donna must figure out how to get off the ship since the TARDIS took off due to sensing imminent danger. Things get interesting though when they do finally run into other beings.

If you liked doctor who during the David Tennant years and especially during the Donna and Doctor years, then you'll love this episode. If you didn't care much for the Donna Character, watch theses specials anyway as that the writing is much better than what sent me off the tracks in 2019.
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Great episode
head19933 December 2023
Very dark atmosphere, extremely cool concept. I had a wonderful time with this episode, editing was a bit messy here and there which brought me back.

It's incredible how authentically Who this episode is. Deeply scary at times, maybe a little goofy or jank but always entertaining. This episode had to do a LOT and it would never have been perfect. This at least dares to be creative and wasn't too careful and I love it for that

This is a legit scary episode, especially the first act. You can really feel the dread, the emptiness. It's a concept in science that is very scary to think about and worked so SO well here.
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Doctor Who is BACK
thegavindufty2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who didn't really like the Chris Chibnall era, I was quite happy to hear Russell T Davies was coming back. While "The Star Beast" was better than most Chris Chibnall era episodes, I was left feeling a little disappointed as I felt like it was 'only ok' and I had prepared myself for something great.

"Wild Blue Yonder" on the other hand, was incredible. It's a very weird, imaginative piece of cosmic sci-fi horror that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

The villains are copied versions of the doctor and Donna, and they are intimidating as hell. We get strange explanations for what they are, how they work, there's a constant sense of threat and urgency.

This is weird, freaky and makes you genuinely fear for the safety of these characters you love. It comes up with nifty sci-fi ideas to explain how the things we see in the story work, and it's oozing imagination.

This is the best Doctor Who story to air since World Enough and Time.
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Best episode in YEARS
ChrisChibnall_Burner3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Star Beast was good, but this was BRILLIANT!

Scary and mysterious are the two words I would use to describe this, in an almost similar way that I would refer to the episodes Midnight and Heaven Sent. Whoever/whatever those copycats were, were bone-chilling at times.

Tennant and Tate are in top form, and (from the little scene at the end), so is Bernard Cribbins, and I am so happy that he was able to film some stuff before passing away. What a feel-good moment.

FINALLY getting closure on what happened with the Flux is another major positive with this episode, as Chibnall never decided to even put in a throw-away line in one of Jodies final episodes.

Thankyou Russell!!
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zuyuu3 December 2023
THIS is what I love from Doctor Who. I loved the horror aspect of this episode. It was just so well done. It's so much better than the first episode and I'm just so glad. After the first episode I was satisfied but still nervous for the show's future, but now I am just so relieved. Everything about this episode is just so brilliant, especially the performances from David Tennant and Catherine Tate. I think them being the only people in the episode (excluding the first and last scenes) was brilliant. The isolation and mystery is just so amazing and the buildup to the ending is perfect. Can't wait for episode 3.
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Amazing! Good Doctor Who! Apart from...
doctordonna67893 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great episode, quirky, fun, with moments to be serious and give the characters emotions and depth like RTD in the past has been good at doing. Furthering the Doctor and Donna's emotional journey while also giving us a fun and thrilling story that can stand on its own.

Also making some use out of the (in my opinion) confusing and wacky Flux season, hinting at it and actually making me care about what went down during it with Tate & Tennant's fantastic acting.

Very reminiscent of the Midnight episode, which is up there with Heaven Sent as one of my all time favorite and most rewatched Doctor Who episodes. It doesn't hit as high, but it's a great attempt as the show and RTD both get back on their feet.

My only gripe is the race swap of Sir Isaac Newton at the beginning. Not because "he was white" or "what if it was the other way around" debate online.

Why write in a real life white historical figure, but swap out actors for "representation" when you could have just wrote that scene about a real life minority historical figure that actually existed and maybe doesn't get talked about enough?

(Yes, I know the "mavity" joke wouldn't have worked, but I'm sure if they thought hard enough they could find a substitute for another science term to mis-spell instead, and find a historical POC that connects to it.)

Just feels a bit cheap and a cop-out for useful representation, and almost bait to gain engagement from the right. Please do it better in Ncuti's upcoming season please RTD.
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Easily one of the best episodes in the last 5-6 years.
nyrox44 December 2023
I'm thrilled to say that the Doctor is back! This episode was everything I could have hoped for in a Doctor Who episode. The plot was engaging, and the special effects were almost top-notch compared to The Flux. I would highly recommend this episode to any fan of the show.

However, I would like to address one issue that I had with the episode. The portrayal of Sir Isaac Newton as a Black man was a bit jarring for me. While I appreciate the show's efforts to promote diversity and inclusivity, I don't think it was necessary to change the skin color of a historical figure. It felt like a forced attempt to be politically correct.

In conclusion, I give this episode 9 stars out of 10. Despite my reservations about the portrayal of Sir Isaac Newton, I thoroughly enjoyed the episode and look forward to more like it in the future.
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Let's go
aadidanand3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so happy rn

Spoiler Warning

This is the best doctor who episode since twice upon a time. Its a solid 9/10 story that I have missed for so long.

After the dissapointment and frustration of the previous episode its so great to see an episode, especially an experimental episode that actually works!

This episode reminds me of listen in a lot of ways, the experimental conceit and the idea of trying to unfold a mystery to which most answers would be unsatisfactory, yet both episodes pull off good solutions.

The horror was extremely well executed and the antagonists were very creative and the right combination of camp and silliness. The whole conceit is very interesting and executed very well.

It is understated and small scale in all the right ways. The corridor does kinda look a bit weird but the effects apart from that are all excellent. Also I love that the climax is just running down the same corridor lol.

This touches into cosmic horror to some extent and since its probably my favorite genre of horror it worked very well.

I love the scene where 14 remembers the flux and somehow in 1 scene I feel 1000x more than I did during flux.

I initially did find the 15 years line weird, but immediatelty realised it was with respect to Donna; This makes the 1 million years wrt Donna hit a lot harder because The Doctor has experienced thousands of years of pain(depending on how you count heaven sent it could be said to be in the billions); Yea it all hurts a lot more.

Oh small nitpick(kinda); I dislike the advertising of this episode as 'Farther than they have ever gone' considering Scherzo definitely and Heaven Sent in terms of the unexplanability of it all would both definitely place higher.

What a nice back to form.

More of this please!
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Back to a good old Doctor and companion exploration type episode
Amazon4213 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'll try to keep my review spoiler free. I'm only labeling with spoilers because I identify where The Doctor and Donna end up, but that's revealed very early in the episode.

We are back to the good old adventures of The Doctor and their companion. This time The Doctor and Donna land on a spaceship and the TARDIS takes off because it senses danger. D&D are then forced to figure out where they are and where the crew has gone, along with funny noises and things the ship seems to be doing, and of course figure out and solve the danger so the TARDIS will return.

As an aside, during this episode The Doctor tells Donna (after she wonders aloud about the gender on an alien) that the alien is a female. The fact he knew that right off the bat makes the whole interaction with The Meep last episode even more eye rolling.

Another thing that bothered me during the episode was The Doctor acted like this was the first time he's been {spoiler} beyond the boundary of the universe. There have been quite a few episodes that took place beyond the boundary, so him acting that way was weird.

Otherwise this was quite a good episode. It was more scary themed and there were very few jokes said by Donna (I like her quips, I'm just pointing out the mood of the episode). There was plenty of tension and mystery during the whole episode. A few inner secrets are revealed about characters. About 5 minutes to the end I was almost in tears with sorrow for a character. By the end when I saw the special guest in the wheelchair, I was very emotional.

David Tennant seems to continue to be adding little quirks to this regeneration that didn't exist that last time he played The Doctor. I'm not sure it's really needed for just the 3 episodes, especially since he relates this current face to the last time The Doctor had the same face. So having no new quirks wouldn't be the worst thing, unless they are somehow building up to some big reveal in the last episode of this 3 episode arc.

We end on yet another cliffhanger with The Earth being in peril.
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A nice (and quite creepy) adventure
realsonicteam3 December 2023
To start this off, I didn't have high hopes for this special. While I'd originally been ecstatic to hear that Russel T Davies was returning, along with both David Tennant and Catherine Tate reprising their roles, the first special "The Star Beast" didn't click well with me. The story was rough, its characters even rougher. And while it was pushing for a genuinely positive message at heart, it sadly came at the cost of drastically hurting the show's characters and plot (A feat that made my interest in the show wane heavily during the time Chibnall was in the director's chair).

It was disheartening to say the least, and quite bittersweet to see just how quickly people online tore into it right after its release. I simply just wanted to see that "spark" of Doctor Who I'd grown to love again, but that special didn't have it.

"Wild Blue Yonder" however, did have it (to a degree at least). While this special still has its fair share of flaws, it felt far more like the show I fell in love with than the previous special (and the Doctor Who seasons before it) ever did.

The plot is alright (albeit quite a bit creepier than I'd imagined), if not fairly good for "Doctor Who". The characters were written fairly well, and they're portrayed absolutely wonderfully by the cast. The heavy usage of CGI took a bit to get used to, but it thankfully didn't subtract much from my experience.

It still has areas I didn't like, and a few stylized choices that made me scratch my head in confusion. But those moments were few and far in-between, making the experience far more enjoyable than the previous special. It was creepy, freaky, interesting, creative, heartfelt at times, and most certainly Doctor Who.

Overall, while that original Doctor Who "spark" I'd been hoping for is far dimmer than I'd been wishing for, it's still very much present in this special. And for me, that's all I can really ask for. I'm just glad I was able to find some enjoyment from this one.
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Not as Good as it should have been
SpiralScratch3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Left with somewhat of a bitter taste in my mouth after this outing. After a really great action packed first special the Star Beast we are met with this. I get what RTD was trying to achieve here, he seemed like he was going for another midnight. Whist some of the scenes with the duplicate Doctor and Donna felt creepy others felt too jovial. Some CGI effects looked too ropey and the ending with the false Donna's catapulting out of the Tardis felt silly, rushed and at odds with the creepy vibe this episode was trying to achieve. On the whole enjoyable to watch but felt it just didn't reach its full potential.
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Whovians are so starved of quality content that they'll watch the most mediocre of episodes and tell you it was an instant classic.
Benedict024 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe I'm just setting my expectations for these 60th anniversary specials too high because I really struggled with this one. Purely because it was an incredibly distracting episode: the cold open was a meaningless distraction that served no purpose whatsoever, the visual effects were god awful even by Doctor Who standards that it completely and utterly sucked all of the tension out of the episode that the mood it was trying to convey just fell flat.

The most shocking part of the episode was the very much appreciated nod to The Timeless Children/Flux storylines, but in that same vein this episode was reminiscent of something from Chibnall's tenure as the showrunner. By which I mean this episode was potentially too ambitious for its own good; horror and suspense in Doctor Who is best done simply as exemplified by Blink, Midnight, and Heaven Sent. This episode's focus on the visual side of horror is where it was let down; I'd be amazed if anyone found this scary because all I did was groan. Though the biggest groan came from another fake out death for Donna. This is for me verging into Clara territory now, the more you tease her death the less it'll mean when it actually happens and if it doesn't happen then you've just wasted everybody's time. Which is particularly aggravating because the idea of the Doctor being unaware he left Donna to die because he saved the wrong one is a much more intriguing idea then the end result of this episode.

I've gone into this new era with an open mind but the bloom is already fading off of the rose. The next episode really has to be something special because from a narrative perspective these two episodes have not been what this show deserved for an anniversary of this magnitude.
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pauli_gomez3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was so great. The episode was excellent, terror filled, emotional (not only the parts about Donna and the Doctor being apart but also thinking in the plan of the original captain of the ship.) And the ending. I am so glad Wilf could record that. I loved him and I think his presence alone grants this episode all the 10/10. RIP Bernard Cribbins, you were always the best.

I do not have more to say but as IMDB insist I need to write some more, I will just say thank you Tennant and Tate for being so awesome. I will watch a lot more of three episodes with you but I will accept what I got and be thankful for them. It has been a pleasure.
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That is Doctor Who!
jasammarijo5 December 2023
First episode was just a mess. Bad story, too much forced "diversity", annoying "epic" music all the freaking time, lame "bad guy" but Donna and our favourite Doctor are back. Maybe 3/10.

I've had some hope that this episode would be a bit (a lot) better. Oh boy, was it better! This episode could be placed in series 4, easily. The story was great, action and CGI were top, amazing chemistry between the Doctor and Donna, that "old" feeling is back. Loved it!

I just hope that this episode is the way they'll go with the next season of Doctor Who, and not the first one. Good writing, interesting stories, less preaching and you are good to go.

Please, don't mess it up!
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Doppelganger Deja Vu...
Xstal3 December 2023
An apple falls and it begins with cries of old odd bodkins, then off to space they go to face dead ringers who could be twins, far away before creation, waiting for increased inflation, a solitary spacecraft with a rusty robot counting. The Tardis takes a chance to relocate and work things out, as the Doctor and companion get confused and there is doubt, who is who you just don't know, as appendages just grow, if they could lift them off the ground, they'd surely give a great big clout. Lots of running and confusion soon results in threads untangled, and the puzzle is resolved after looking at several angles, but the foes have a great mind-set, which creates somewhat of a threat, then a clue's discovered in a place where it's been left to dangle.
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Weird, Scary and Heartfelt
nbailey-368173 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While the first of the three specials was a semi-typical Doctor Who story, excellently done by the way, Wild Blue Yonder takes it a step further. A mystery that begins to unravel as the Doctor and Donna come to understand more about their predicament and the threats thereof. Acted beautifully by both David Tenant and Catherine Tate while accompanied by an eerie atmosphere of the unknown. It is brilliant from start to finish. The lack of an ensemble cast grounds not only both actors performances but also emboldens their talent and the story. At its core Wild Blue Yonder is a creepy, frantic and at one point heart wrenching episode as we say our goodbyes to an old friend of the show and great actor Bernard Cribbins.
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An insane trip & a wonderful homage to Bernard Cribbins
cywtfr2 December 2023
Well then, where to start... RTD wasn't lying when he said this episode was weird - but what a brilliant premise it was! Fun, creepy and absolutely bonkers, Catherine Tate and David Tennant get showcase their truly versatile acting ability. Throw in a few extra knee-caps and some jaw-dropping moments and it is definitely an interesting sight to behold.

Yes, there was some dodgy CGI, and yes, body horror isn't everybody's cup of tea. But even the harshest critics have to admit that this episode was a breath of fresh air. It had some seriously creepy moments akin to 'Midnight', and the rest of the time I was howling with laughter. The final scene was especially emotional. RIP Bernard Cribbins.

Bring on next week, Doctor Who is so back.
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Just epic.
tsiatasan3 December 2023
It has everything that a doctor who episode should have. The best in years. One of the best of all time.

It reminds me the old classic Doctor who. Just a nice well written story and good actors to support it. No plot holes, everything is explained, full of action and suspense.

The first episode was a bit lacking, but this episode came to fix that. If you enjoyed the 'Midnight' episode from the fourth season, then you'll love this one too.

This is the first time in years that I can't wait for the next episode and the season to begin.

I hope it continues just as well in the upcoming episodes!
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Good episode but not an anniversary special
liammogrady2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like last week it was a good episode of Dr Who but also like last week I am left wondering why didn't they just do a season 14 three stories all two parters would of been as long as the flux.

Because 2/3 down and nothing about these scream happy 60th Dr Who screams more welcome back David and hopefully we can get them old viewers back.

Hopefully episode 3 has a few cameros or surprises to justify it being known as a anniversary special because does not feel like it and because as it stands right now the Power of the Doctor was a better special for BBC 100 year celebrations than these two episodes.
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A Masterpiece - Davies' answer to Moffat's Heaven Sent
retardedmole3 December 2023
"Wild Blue Yonder," is arguably Davies' most ambitious and bizarre episode written for Doctor Who, and that ambition has more than paid off.

The promotional material made several claims from the writers, actors and even the directors, that this was a strange and unusual story, even by Doctor Who's standards, and the content certainly lived up to these lofty claims.

The episode takes place at the edge of the universe, where the Doctor and Donna arrive on a spaceship that is peering into the precipice of the known universe, essentially situated against the abyss.

The events that transpire in the episode are best kept under wraps, as they are a truly bizarre spin on concepts including, but not limited to existential dread, surrealism, the uncanny, and even Lovecraftian horror, as it examines the limits of comprehension on a whole.

Whilst many are comparing this episode to Midnight, which is totally justified considering its uncanny nature, and exploration of fear of the unknown, I found myself comparing it more so to Heaven Sent than anything else.

We're entering more spoiler orientated territory here, so be warned, but I'll keep this brief.

The episode itself features only the Doctor and Donna throughout, giving the story the space to explore their psyches accordingly, especially the darker aspects of the Doctor's psyche specifically.

"Wild Blue Yonder," draws on story beats we've seen in the Chibnall era, story beats cataclysmic enough to warrant this revival in the first place such as the Timeless Children. However, these are story beats that appear to be a promising source of genuine character drama and an examination of the Doctor's insecurities and loneliness, when given to a writer who understands what makes humans tick like Davies does.

"The Star Beast," was a compelling enough start to these anniversary specials, and a heartfelt little story which returned a sense of warmth and soul to the show that had been missing for years. It was a story that stumbled, and slipped, but still had something to say, and justify its existence with.

"Wild Blue Yonder," on the other hand, is a promise, a promise that Doctor Who still contains that revolutionary spark, that desire and itch to push boundaries, and Davies executes this desire pretty much perfectly.

I've seen questions online from fans, asking why these anniversary specials aren't celebrating the show like the 50th did, but to me, what we've seen here from "Wild Blue Yonder," is that these specials aren't meant to be celebrating what Doctor Who has already done, but are instead flexing what it is still capable of.
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Way better than the first one!
jackross-544854 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so it started badly. But as it went on the episode started to feel more and more like an old one from the golden era which made me happy. Story was intriguing and the monsters were weird and cool. There were some things that did not need to happen but overall it was decent. I still don't like the overuse of CGI though. I think they should focus on making decent sets instead of relying on CGI for a lot of things. Also, it was good to see big man Wilfred!! It will be interesting to see how Russell wraps this up. I am just hoping that it will be nothing like the first one because that was awful and more than half of the audience clearly don't like it.
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It pains me to say it, but this was shocking.
Sleepin_Dragon2 December 2023
After Donna's accident with the coffee, The TARDIS lurches our of control, The Doctor and Donna arrive on board a strange ship.

I have never wanted to love a show more, I had massive expectation for this set of specials, Russell has had plenty of time, even getting back Tennant and Tate, for many fans a brilliant team, but I don't know why, this just didn't work. Tennant and Tate, talk about a golden opportunity, they deserved better.

I thought the first half an hour was painfully slow, it really dragged on, then what ensued was just silly, the monsters, just didn't work, laughable, cartoon like, it could have really worked, they were just silly.

What worked for me..... well, the set was great, terrific scale, and that ending scene was great, reminding me of that big cliffhanger in Turn left, plus the return of a much loved, familiar face, sadly too little, too late.

I had hoped for a few Underwater Menace references, after just watching the animation, Troughton references The Wild Blue Yonder, but not to be, instead I got vibes of Midnight, but this was nowhere near the quality of that.

Some lazy writing, how many times are The Doctor and companion going to go the edge of the known universe, Planet of Evil, The Satan Pit and here again, it's a lazy tool.

I hate slating this show, but compare this to pretty much anything from series 4, it just wasn't even close.

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Stop thinking
suvechhabose4 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Best episode i have ever seen in a long time . How's this at 8.5?

The episode had the perfect pace . Nothing felt rushed . Nothing felt cringey. There was that suspense which kept on building, ended up being funny & emotional at the same time. I wanted this . I Sooo wanted this . The moment they realise that , they are trapped.. both of them started pouring out their respective memories, reminiscing the good times*suddenly then the bad thing happened*

& Again & Again & Again bad things kept on happening..

*re-edit: i completely forgot the middle portion of this episode! The CGI still needs improvement . The gigantic tunnel had unnatural lighting. Except that , the entire time Doctor & Donna were stealing this show! It felt like an old friend meeting you after a long time. An old friend whom you used to hang out with. Finally, some "hey shawty,how you have been doing?" The tone changed to horror when that friend has forgotten him/herself/themself & rather than Doctor,Donna shined in her respective creepy moments. Standing in silence behind Doctor After that It is all a twist Only be felt,cant be written, i am sorry.

The ending puzzle of slowing your enemy down & rescuing Donna had literally the tease of twist i have wanted in Doctor who for a quite Long Time . It just shows how well an episode can be made to its maximum pinnacle. And in rhe Case of Acting , both were absolute units . The chemistry & dynamic were reminicent of Old Doctor who. Who doesn't like that?

The episode ends with Wilfred. He's a legend for Supporting the Doctor when he had to let go of Donna .That still makes me sad , David acted so well in that episode. But , I don't remember seeing two characters in one 52 minutes episode who ll force me to go to the edge of my seat multiple times .

Perfect old school Doctor who. All that 52 minutes seemed like 15 minutes of clash & banter between two friends. Gosh!!

I don't think i was blinking while watching the episode trying to deduce how to hack this pandorum ship. Pandorum is a horror movie where a colony ship slowly becomes a haunting ship trapped in space. When a new ship & its crew try to rescue it , they all fell victim to the Colony ship's mazes & paranoia. Finally Ended up killing eachother.

Awesome experience, great storytelling, right execution of scenes.

Wholesome ending.

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Mystery is definitely back
Adam-092653 December 2023
A much better episode compared to The Star Beast. Wild Blue Yonder certainly had the elements of a mysterious Doctor Who episode again along with thrill and a good amount of comedy (although i wouldn't recommend a goofy comedy scene right before a serious one). Apart from that i actually liked this one.

It did however have it's fair share of bad pacing, it was a clash between a suspenseful scene and one that just dragged. Towards the second half it all started to fit together though and thus the tone was back. I think one of the main things i liked about this was how weird it was, that's what Doctor Who is supposed to be...a thrilling mysterious ride. Besides the certain scenes in this that were extremely goofy with lower budget effects, that was a little too weird. Nevertheless, better than last weeks.

I'm also going to just ignore the opening scene with Isaac Newton because compared to the rest of the episode i just couldn't find it's relevance to the story. It was too random and daft.
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