"DC's Legends of Tomorrow" Speakeasy Does It (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Yay! More human Gideon!!!!!
richmac9511826 November 2021
I'm loving human Gideon. I know we had glimpses before in previous seasons, but I hope she sticks around awhile. Amy Louise Pemberton is such a great actress and raises the bar on the series. Keep 'em coming.
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Best Episode in 2 or 3 Seasons
chiaqoloco23 January 2022
This was a really fun episode. It uses the time period and the characters assets well. Even though the Legends do their usual shtick of ignore their job of not messing with the timeline, they weren't complete morons about. A bit cheesy but, this is probably my favorite episode in the past three seasons.
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Roaring Twenties, amirite?
wetmars27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Bullet Blondes have finally reached their destination - Chicago. The Bullet Blondes then go to a store to get wigs to disguise themselves so that they won't get caught. Nate sees the police investigating Hoover's car, and quickly walks to the store telling the others that they are here. The worker Tigre them wigs at the last second, successfully escaping. The Bullet Blondes seek shelter which takes a couple of minutes asking a random stranger what is the password until they realize the password is the password, lel.

Meanwhile, Spooner, Astra, and Gideon are onboard a train to get to Chicago. They are almost caught but are stopped by a woman defending them. Potential new side character? Sara asks the same random stranger if they can have access to the storage room without any questions. Gideon needs to improve on his social skills instead of "spoiling" about what is about to happen to Susan... Ooooh, this random stranger is quite a fun interacting character. Man, this Donny guy is such a low life. Astra uses her magic to create eight 'First Class' passes. Sara has been getting more money in managing to group their team stable. Eddie is met with businessmen surrounding him. Zari eventually finds Eddie brutally beaten up claiming the Bullet Blondes attacked them. Eddie sadly cannot own his bar since he has been helping the infamous Bullet Blondes. Zari and Eddie find their way to the Mansion. Welcome, Eddie! Hmmm, am I thinking that Zari has a crush on him? Oh wait, she has a boyfriend. Duh. Zari has a plan for a big party that the people of Chicago will experience. Spooner, Astra, and Gideon arrive for the auditorium of a band tour. Man. As much I love the 1920s setting, it sucks that the people of the roaring twenties treat women and different races like garbage. The band performs in front of the audience. Astra asks Gideon if the main singer if she will be okay as her manager is hostile.

She responds that her body will be discovered in a river in December 1925 and death ruled out as a homicide, and the case has been cold ever since. Astra promises Gideon that she will save her no matter what. The dynamic between Gary and Nate is intriguing, I have to say. Astra warns Maude that her manager will eventually kill her and that she has another option to get a better life. Maude does so! Life saved. Ross begins the stage play with Gideon playing as Maude to sing for the audience as Astra and Spooner are astounded by Gideon's singing ability behind the curtains. The Zari party finally commences in the Mansion. Oh great; Hoover and his team are now attacking the Zari Party. Nate and Gary beat the crap out of Hoover's team. In the end, Sara and Ava capture Hoover in a chair. Ross gets some karma as Spooner intimates him. Good game, ja? The three-run after hearing that the Bullet Blondes are having a performance nearby. Everything is after all safe and sound in the end.


Jesus Christ. I am so behind. Overall, it is an entertaining & fun episode that barely has any tension to it which gives off that vibe where you want to watch an episode that is "relaxing", until it does have that commentary of abuse in the third act which I think was handled well in a non-offensive way.

I do appreciate that the writers split up the team in the first & second act of the episode where they can concentrate on the interactions of each character. I have to say that the action music sequence was great, would definitely listen to that song that Gideon sang.


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New equality
jontryingteach8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow!! I am struggling through this season. Last season was basically the start, but this season!!!!

Men are stupid, idiotic, and pathetic. White men are all bad and stupid (except Nate and Gary, they just fall into the first category) Women are all strong, sensible, smart, powerful, always right, and constantly oppressed and victimized (though those last two seem contradictory to the previous pushed points) Seasons 6 and 7 has just been so much of this tripe!!! I thought we were meant to be aiming for some kind of equality in life, society, and movies and films! All this show has become is a complete imbalance and bu11sh1t!!!

Again!!! Changing the timeline doesn't matter any more. Especially if it is (again) to help a woman out!!! Sooooo much having to reset of timelines based on season 6 and 7! Oh! Yeah, that's right, it's not really Legends of Tomorrow anymore, it's more "Women Kick Ass in Time (and Space)"
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