Wake the Witch (Video 2010) Poster

(2010 Video)

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awful too strong a word, but pretty close to it
GeraE15 May 2011
I gave it 2 stars 'cause one has to recognize that someone, somewhere, put a fair amount of work into this turd, but I'm sorry to say their work was in vain. The acting was really bad, with odd pauses and at best, mediocre writing. Throughout most of the film it feels like it was put together with a meat cleaver, so kudos to the editor.

Now, it does have it's interesting moments, like the way the ghosts or whatever they are move through the forest--the four legged running like primates was cool. Other than that, it's hard to find something that's worth mentioning.

save your time and money. Even if it's free, toss it. I paid 10 pesos for it and it was too much money.
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Wake the Witch: Well I enjoyed the beginning at least
Platypuschow3 September 2017
Wake The Witch is one of those indie horrors easily viewable on Youtube and I gave it ago expecting the worst.

I immediately was drawn in, the characters were good, it looked the part and the musical score was deeply creepy.

The trouble is this didn't last, the plot makes very little sense and this becomes evident before the half way mark.

Again to it's credit the score is great, but sadly it's repeated throughout the film and becomes a bit much.

The lead was excellent, she made the film bearable but this is her only movie credit which is a shame.

The ending is dreadful and really is the cherry ontop of this mess.

The Good:

Memorable haunting score

Excellent lead

The Bad:

Memorable haunting score gets very repetitive

Loses steam early

Plot makes no sense
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Amateurish, Pointless
reservoirclerk14 October 2014
It's hard to write about this film without sounding like you're picking on the filmmakers. Obviously they were working with a shoestring budget and non-professional crew/actors, and you have to admire the ambition and hard work necessary to undertake the often herculean task of finishing a feature film under those conditions. Even taking those limitations into consideration however, this isn't really much of a movie. The script is rather aimless and contains vast amounts of padding. It seems the filmmakers were more concerned with simply producing a movie than they were with telling any particular story. This is reflected in the technical craftsmanship of the film as well. Scene after scene rolls by without any hint of style or artistic conviction. It doesn't seem like a passion project, but rather a generic product designed to take advantage of the notoriously low standards of the direct-to-video horror niche. Watch something else.
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Write Better Scripts!
DaveEd-quintero16 October 2011
This is the longest student film I've ever seen. The script is episodic and loses its self in random teen drama; and it does not carry the elements of a well structured horror movie. The acting, music, and photography are mediocre at best. Maybe the acting could have been better if there was actual subtext in the dialogue, because everything the characters say is exactly on the nose. That just makes some bad cheese. Not a good thing.

With the budget and production values they could have made a scary movie. But this just looks like a bad MTV teen dramedy with a witch. All the reviews that gave this high stars are honest liars, or they are blind, or have never seen a movie and this was their first.

I feel bad for the Florida Independent companies because they keep making crap like this. And for the sites who praise the fact that the director is a woman and she made a horror movie; should actually watch the movie because this actually makes the stereotype that women can't make good horror movies even more true. I really hope another women is able to prove this stereotype wrong...

If anything the script is the root to the failure of this script. Young directors should learn to see a good script from a bad one, and study the elements that make a good film fall in its genre. Once again, the script was episodic, and loses the horror elements with the saturated teen drama. Netflix is getting desperate, because they actually picked this up. This at least gives hope to all independent movie makers.
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Not Even Cult Worthy!
mariebaptiste8 October 2011
This is not a real movie, this is someone's idea of a joke. First of all the quality of the film must be someone's camcorder with the sound quality in accordance. There are no special effects unless you count Halloween Spider webbing and Fake Blood and even that has no relation to the scenes involved. The acting, (if you can call it that), is worse than a school play. There is not one good thing about this movie and believe me when I tell you I've even liked movies that received bad reviews.

I watched this so called movie to the end and the more I watched the madder I got at the lying reviews of anyone who said anything positive about it.

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Basement Modem?!?
dakknuckles19 June 2011
Wake the Witch is a carefully crafted pile of crap, fabricated in my home town of Lincoln, Nebraska. I went to the first screening of Wake the Witch, expecting to see a sincerely and locally made, low budget, horror film. What I got, was an honest to God obligation to channel Tom Servo, Crow, Mike and Joel to make the film even the least bit tolerable.

As even a devout Troma fan, I can say that I can, at the very least, appreciate a bad film. This goes beyond anything ever seen before. Characters that DEFY you to like them, a plot that changes when ever it was on the verge of being coherent, and music that lacks any sort of atmosphere. I truly believe that if Ed Wood were with us today, he would tell these people to stop making movies all together.

I will sum up my Wake the Witch experience with this anecdote. Within minutes, I realized what garbage this movie was, and loudly berated it with the people sitting around me as we sat in the front row. After our unrelenting assault on this film, and the lights went up, I saw the lead "actress" and her parents behind me, all three well aware of what I had been doing, and not only did I truly feel no remorse, I expected an apology from them for what I was just subjected to.

In summation, it is worth a rental. The best case scenario for Wake the Witch is that in 20 years it gets the treatment that Troll 2 gets now.
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Best example of wasted film and time
MaybeThisIsHeaven1 May 2010
In short this is one of the worst indie films I have ever seen if not THE worst. The above review was actually written by one of the films crew members. So, with that said, the fact they had to trump up a "glowing" review will tell you how sad this "horror" film really is. Slow, boring, and filled with painfully bad actors, confusing shots, and a wretched score. This "movie" is more like a visit to the dentist for a root canal than a clever stylized horror film. Gaudy, stupid, and just plain irritating. Don't waste your time. Get the perfect popcorn, turn out the lights, but watch something else. Figure skating will have you more on your seat than this piece of crap.
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Downright criminal
ivnik810 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This represents my first (and most likely last) 'review' but I just felt obligated to offer my perspective. I applaud independent cinema the majority of the time as it completely shames nearly all of the god-awful bile gurgling forth from HollyWeird for decades (which we, The Unwashed Masses, wouldn't realize judging by the annual LoveFest that is the Oscars celebrating continuing mediocrity).

This monstrosity is World Class Champion wrong on every possible level. I love intentional 'camp' (john waters, roger corman, paul bartel, et al) but the acting in this – or glaring lack thereof – set a new-low benchmark, by all involved.

I can't really elaborate upon the other negative reviews of this film because it's all been covered. Incredibly irritating and amateurish 'music' throughout (sounds like a chimpanzee set loose in a studio…or anything off America's Idle), appalling acting, pitiful script, etc. I understand and enjoy an appropriate and well-executed 'slow, building pace' in a movie but in this particular instance it would be more aptly described as 'comatose'. It limps along for nearly TWO excruciating hours and then just unceremoniously ends, without any hint of plot-resolution. This should be shown full volume on an endless loop at the Guantanamo Bay facility.

What I find to be the most offensive aspect about movies such as this are the outrageously-salutary reviews submitted in this forum (and other review sites). In my painful experience the more a film is touted as 'the most phenomenal cinematic event since Gone With The Wind' or whatever tripe, the more I get that sneaking suspicion it's going to be indescribably bad (like the truly nauseating 'Adventures of Power', the repulsive 'The Expendables', 'Ink', etc – check out their shameful over-the-top reviews on here). This is blatant dishonesty. Didn't Sony and other major studios get in serious trouble not long ago for disseminating absurdly-positive reviews/blurbs for movies by fictitious critics/publications? Now the same misleading tactics have proliferated all over the internet to the peril of deceived viewers such as myself. Run far far away from this train wreck. If you're desperate for something to watch, I would recommend real-time wind erosion over this mess. Or maybe an increasingly incomprehensible rant from Charlie Sheen.
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Lost Brain Cells...
softlovelylips22 June 2012
Watching this movie made my eyes bleed. Every moment that passed caused much needed brain cells to erupt. The acting was horrible. The props, camera work, music score, storyline, direction, were garbage. The kindergarten keyboard playing during the "intense" scenes was more than annoying. The dialog between the characters were stupid and nonsensical. These people couldn't act their way out of plastic bag. Who's idea was it to put them in front of a camera? So much is wrong with this film, that it is almost ridiculous to keep going. Shout out to the guy who did the credits! It helps to know who is responsible for such crap.
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A Slice of Cinematic History - Worst Movie Ever Made
nebrasketball14 March 2011
By far the worst movie that I have encountered in my life, wake the witch lacked even the humorous awfulness that Assualt of the Sasquatch possessed. The fact that this was shot in Lincoln is not only embarrassing to the university, but to me personally. This movie had absolutely no plot and 95% of the scenes could have been cut. You are in no way informed of what the movie is even about of where it is heading until the last minute, and even then it is confusing and not really explained. Luckily for the viewer, this movie is 114 minutes long, yep, thats right, close to two hours of absolutely worthless cinema. The scenes that they set up to be scary with the music, lighting, and camera angles, are all cut short before anything even happens. Its like the first few scenes of a paranormal activity movie, without the suspense. The acting is terrible and the cast is not what I would call ....competent The special effects were non existent, and the zombies, for 200 years old, sure were well dressed in their Aeropostal hooded sweatshirts. Its good to see that all of the money for costume and design went to the purchase of fake spider webs at hobby lobby. Which despite popular belief, do not really make movies scarier, just trashier. Overall, this is by far the worst movie I have ever seen. Save yourself 2 hours of distress and watch Frozen instead, at least that has wolf attacks.
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Boring and pointless
michael-380-8324532 September 2013
Production quality aside, which was very basic but not awful, definitely not good, the story is very scattered and nonsensical. The first 45 minutes of the film are completely boring and appear to just be filler to make this a feature length film. Oddly, the film attempts to set up a mythology of the witch at the beginning but it quickly loses that thread and once something does actually happen, it is completely unrelated to the original premise. This is not the worst movie I've ever seen, not by far. But it is pointless and there is no reason to watch it. It isn't even bad enough to where you can watch it and make fun of it or enjoy the camp on an ironic level which would at least be entertaining. This film provides no entertainment value on any level. Do not waste your time.
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Above Average Horror Film
joeharris-13 May 2010
I think that this film was great fun to watch.

Did it have flaws? Yes. Was it garbage? No.

Was I involved with it? Not in the slightest.

I had the pleasure of seeing this film after hearing glowing reviews. I think that it lived up to the hype moderately. Again, the film had flaws, but for being in independent film, it really was well made.

It seems to me that someone was really bitter when they wrote the review absolutely scathing it. Why bother making accusations that because someone loved the movie that they had to have been in some way involved with the film? Even if it's true, I can say with all honesty that I've worked on films that I absolutely hated, and have publicly said that.

To me, the film was gripping, and while the style wasn't really my cup of tea, I can respect that and still view the film as a whole.
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A century before the events depicted in this film, some Nebraska locals became outraged when several children ended up murdered.
DriveInoftheDead11 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was most intrigued to watch 'Wake The Witch' because out of all the films we've reviewed here at the Drive-In, nary a one has been directed by a woman; so believe me when I say I was keen to see a female's take on the horror genre and if the director, Dorothy Booraem, could successfully break the mold of a male dominated profession. Did she succeed? I'm happy to report an affirmative on that count. Booraem delivers a film that is intelligent and intriguing - terrifically utilizing the limited locations of central Nebraska and using them to her advantage – yet crafting a tale that is offbeat just as much as it is suspenseful (I was reminded of stories by Joyce Carol Oates, which is a good thing!) While a comparison to Oates is high praise, this is not to say that it was a perfect film. While I was sufficiently impressed by most of the cast – with Stefanie Tapio, Karis Yanike, and Martin Kenna standing out – there were a few supporting cast members who were hit and miss with their deliveries. I also thought the same about the music in the film. Whenever something evil was afoot the low bass notes of the synthesizer were adequately chilling, but throughout the rest of the film the score seemed much too bland – sounding more like a Disney Channel movie-of-the-week than anything. I think a darker, fuller score would have helped sell the sinister happenings more effectively for this reviewer. Likewise, the sound quality was suspect – with some muddy dialog and soft conversations often lost in the mix. I'm also not a fan of the 'leather-jacketed-detective' character (see my review for 'The Hagstone Demon' for more on this guy). While the events of the story may have dictated such a character's presence, his cliché dialog took me out of the film more than once – although I must admit I did dig on the weird way he was portrayed (was he privy to the curse?) What I appreciated about Dorothy Booream's film is this: she invested in her characters, taking the time to fully flesh most of them out, which in turn made their fates much more compelling. Now, with that being said - the main drawback about investing in your characters is that the film tends to run a little long. Taking into account the few flaws I mentioned above, what this film really needed was a more discerning eye in the editing booth. I honestly think this film could have been trimmed down by a good twenty minutes or so, cutting away the fat from scenes that draw out with unnecessary exposition and trivial plot points (such as the one involving the cheating boyfriend) that do nothing to further the narrative. It's a credit to star Stefanie Tapio that she is able to carry a nearly two-hour movie while being in every scene. I think 'Wake the Witch' was an above average indie horror flick that had some really effective atmosphere – and more than a few genuinely spooky moments. You'll love the hoodie creatures in the woods (their crawling, herky-jerky movements were stellar!), and the creepy basement scenes were on the money. The urban legend story, even though it's as old as the hills (think: what would happen if the Blair Witch followed you home?) is effective and the midwest locale keeps the picture grounded in reality – although I have to confess that the ending seemed over-the-top. Unfortunately, the sub-par special effects and fake cobwebs didn't completely sell what was supposed to be a mind-bending Lovecraft-ian scene for me, making the pay-off for the hour-and-a-half build-up seem rather disappointing (although, in keeping with genre comparisons, the classic John Carpenter 'downer ending' was a gutsy call by Booraen that was definitely the correct way to end the film – if only the 'crack in the wall' netherworld was done more convincingly. I would have downplayed that scene using a 'less-is-more' approach, and used a real wall with a real hole in it – with nothing to be seen on the other side but blackness; leaving the fate of a certain sibling to the viewer's imagination (but hey - you know what opinions are like…) When the final chain is yanked, I found 'Wake the Witch' to be a unique independent horror film that was crafted with enthusiasm and dedication from its cast and crew – and that passion by those involved definitely comes through on the screen. Yes, it has its flaws, but the film possesses just enough heart and strange macguffins to keep you watching until the macabre finale. Now let's wake up this son of a witch!
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Worst ever?
herbiehusker1314 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Since the dawn of cinema, certain movies have proved themselves to be masterpieces, worthy not only of repeated viewing, but of the highest praise from all who watch. Sadly, Wake the Witch falls nowhere near this category. In fact, to locate it in the same zip code; neigh, the same hemisphere as that type of distinction would be a gross injustice. To truly understand the depth of the worthlessness of this movie requires one to not only sit through the entire mind-numbing 114 minutes of wasted film, but to also attempt to pay attention for that span of time. Such a task proves impossible for even the most enthusiastic of terrible-movie-enthusiasts.

It is one thing for a movie to not reveal its main plot for over an hour. It's an entirely other thing to do so when that plot is pointless, convoluted, and the hour-plus of waiting contains no action. Not only that, but to subject the audience to the added torture of watching the the female lead enter forests, get chased by zombie Abercrombie models, creep through houses, and get hit on by a borderline pedophile time after time after time is simply criminal. The one redeeming quality of this movie is that viewers in Lincoln could recognize some of the filming locations- small comfort, though, considering that if one tried to explain what plot points happened at these locations there would really be no answer besides "I don't know." That this movie is the worst I may ever see is a given, and to say that it is a waste of time is an understatement. Jesus Christ himself would be hard pressed to love anything about this movie other than the fact that it ends.

To sum it up concisely, Wake the Witch sucks.
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Interesting, but slightly flawed feature
gregsrants3 October 2010
Wake the Witch starts innocently enough. Two models and one female photographer are out in the woods taking pictures when one trips on a heavy chain hidden in the ground. The girls believe the chain could be part of town folklore about a woman who was labeled a witch a hundred years before. The legend tells of a woman who was captured and hung by the townspeople who believed she was responsible for a rash of local murdered children. The mob then wrapped her body in chains and buried her deep in the woods and now, if you find the end of the chain turn in a circle three times then kiss your left hand, the witch just may appear and tell you your future. The girls follow the chain with the intention of playing out the childhood ritual on the witch's grave, but the results turn deadly when friends and family begin to turn into beings that are less than human. Wake the Witch follows the life of the photographer Debbie (Stefanie Tapio) from the opening chapter. After the adventure in the woods that opens the film, we learn more of Deb's character through her encounters with her immediate family and her soon to be estranged boyfriend. Deb is revealed to have both a playful and a bitchy side that gives her character some depth in a film genre that doesn't usually delve into the deep end of the character development pool. Deb's friend Trixie (Rachel Lien) is the first to experience changes. A massive headache is the precursor to uncontrollable bleeding and eventually a fainting spell. Trixie is brought home where her symptoms are dismissed as being that of a strain of flu. Also affected by symptoms are Deb's brother Mark (Martin Kenna) and mother (Barbara Elias) which alienates Deb leaving her alone to piece together the connections between the mysterious events occurring around her and the infected illnesses of others. As is our curse when reviewing most horror/thriller films, we have to stop short of further explanation of the plot in an effort to leave subsequent screeners with the joys of a film's reveals. So as Deb combats wicked dreams, evil presences in the woods that chase and grab her best friend and a brother that continues to somehow be connected to all the plot developments, we exit here for the purpose of your screening pleasure. Wake the Witch is a valiant effort from writer/director Dorothy Booraem. Dorothy does seem to have a keen eye for framing scenes and she knew her limitations and didn't try to push the envelope with gore or special effects that would have seemed alien to the production structure. Instead, she keeps it simple. The witch's physical presence is in fact unnecessary and Booraem recognizes the non-importance of this reveal. Booraem does let the scenes run longer than necessary – which is common for writer/directors. The film clocks in at a hefty 114 minutes which is a long sit through for a film that could have easily scaled down some of the non-essential scenes to tighten the film into the more standard 90-minute range. The story is interesting enough and does introduce some original ideas to a classic formula. The inhabitants that chase Deb in the woods are freakishly effective and the script develops more atmosphere than it requests blood and gore. The acting doesn't stay consistent throughout the feature. Tapio, at times, shows brilliance as an actor but then might look out of place seconds later. Her co-stars (namely, Kenna, Lien and Karis Yanike) provide brilliant support which unfortunately overshadows Tapio in some of the stronger punctuated scenes involving emotional outpourings. Although the ending was somewhat of a disappointment we can safely recommend Wake the Witch – even if it is just a moderate acceptance. We receive multiple independent films on a weekly basis for which to review and Wake the Witch is neither the worst nor the best of the bunch. But considering the challenges it takes to bring an independent feature together (there is a Making Of ..as part of the bonus features of the disc), Booraem does well in her first feature length film to at least provide valued entertainment. And when you get right down to it – that's what it's all about, isn't it?
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nogodnomasters25 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts out slow and builds slow. Stefanie Tapio (lone movie credit) plays a credible Deb Allen. The story centers around her, her family problems, boyfriend problems and desire to be a photographer. I thought her acting skills were quite good, however the rest of the cast and much of the dialogue left something to be desired. This low budget movie suffered from bad camera angles, such as showing us the back of someone's head while they are talking, or the facial closeup of Deb's mom (Barbara Elias) while she is having breakfast.

While taking pictures of her 2 girlfriends (Karis Yanike and Rachel Lien) in the woods, the girls uncover a buried chain, which according to local legend was used to hang a witch. The girls play a game called, "Wake the Witch" so they can ask the witch questions about their boyfriends. Afterwards, strange events slowly start to happen.

The ending of the film was unexpected. The picture spent too much time focusing on Deb Allen instead of leaving clues for the twist. The movie is more of a mystery than a horror film. Good low budget effort that can be improved upon.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, no sex, no nudity.
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Criminally boring
Leofwine_draca22 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
WAKE THE WITCH is another criminally boring independent horror film shot in the woods. The story is about a witch being burnt in the past and a group of friends in the wood deciding it would be a good idea to mess about with her grave. Everything that happens here is entirely routine, as predictable as you'd imagine. The acting is as wooden as it gets and every detraction you can imagine is present.
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Pretty crappy LoL
griffiths-brent21 January 2020
It was filmed in 2010 but the quality is on par with a Canadian college students film from 1992.

The lead and her two friends are pretty decent and believable.

The supporting cast is mostly awful, especially Deb's mom... How was she cast? Is it one of the crews actual mom?

The lighting, shot frames, and sound quality are pretty terrible. It kind of reminds me of a highschool safety video.

It's 2010 but they use flip phones? The funniest scene was a piece of paper glued on to the screen of the same flip phone I had in 1999. It was supposed to be a message on the display... Hilarious.

It might have worked better as a found footage.
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This is a terrible film...be warned!
cliff-2012 April 2011
This is an unbelievable film...not only is the storyline weak but the acting is just awful and, wait, it's not over yet!

I can only think that the film was such low budget (staring to question my own sanity by rationalizing that the film cannot possibly be as bad...but it is!) that they could not afford a decent camera to shoot the film and they definitely could not afford any decent music! Absolutely shocking and awful!

I cannot believe that anyone would give this movie any consideration at all and to attempt to talk about the plot...what plot!!!

Man i hate to write negative stuff about anything...but man you have been warned...almost as bad as Troll 2!
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Run, don't walk, from this film
captaincameron21 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Holy God, this is one terrible film. In all due respect to those of you who have written positive reviews, you're wrong. The pace is mind-bogglingly slow. The acting is abysmal. Normally in a low budget flick with bad acting, there is some eye candy on the screen, but the casting director clearly thought that bland-faced, flat-chested, and fat was the way to go with the lead. And those are the good points. Bad things happen in the woods. HINT: Stay out of the woods, dummy. But if your friends have disappeared, sometimes you have to go into the woods. And then come out unscathed. And back and forth and back and forth. I don't want to spoil the ending. I want to encourage you not to even start the film. But if you do make it to the end, you'll find yourself thinking "WTF have I done to myself? Why, Lord, why did you make me sit through an hour and 52 minutes of this horse crap?" And I'm being nice.
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Fun Horror Film
jgowan9 May 2010
I agree wholeheartedly with the previous post. This movie was a lot of fun to watch. I fell in love with the horror genre while studying film at university, and I was excited to see a new horror film that reminded me more of the old school genre pieces than the current gory slasher flicks produced by the big studios.

The quality of production of Wake the Witch was high - the cinematography, the score, and the story all worked really well together to build tension and anxiety in this very creepy, suspenseful story. I was dying to find out the mystery by the end!

As a side note, one of my favorite parts was the repeated use of the basement. Much like not being able to shower for a week after seeing Psycho, I did not want to go in my basement for a while after watching Wake the Witch.

No film is perfect, and I'm not saying that Wake the Witch is perfect. But flaws don't have to detract from the movie watching experience.

Wake the Witch is a great horror film, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I highly recommend it!
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Spoilers follow ...
parry_na19 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Clearly made on a shoestring budget, at nearly two hours much of the interest in the fabled witch in the woods wears thin - which is a shame, because this film has its heart in the right place.

Stefanie Tapio plays Deb, an appealing young photographer who occasionally exhibits a callous nature. Although she looks about 12 years old, she and her friends are presented as a variant on the usual 'rock chick' – their exploits are accompanied by high school grunge music, and they spend a fair amount of time discussing the merits, or otherwise, of 'boys.' But they are an otherwise unaffected bunch, and worlds away from the usual manicured prom brats we often get in stories like this. The acting is occasionally ropey but competent for an independent film. What lets things down though is the sluggish, drawn-out plot. The first half in particular drags and it is a pity some judicial pruning didn't cut the running time down by about half an hour.

Things become rather more interesting when friend Karen (Karis Yanike) appears to get kidnapped by a spooky bunch of hooded figures in the woodlands. No-one else seems remotely bothered about her disappearance. Added to that, after a mysterious illness sweeps over Deb's family, she teams up with brother Mark's friend Brent (Jeremy Gillmore) to try and make sense of this blurred mystery.

The small town gradually cut off from normality due to this spreading sickness is effectively, and economically, conveyed. The low budget allows the blossoming curse to project an intimate, sticky, dirty sense of horror. The finale is unspectacular but surprisingly creepy. Lovecraftian, even. Whilst effective, it is a pity it didn't end more conclusively. After staying with Debs for so long– Director and writer Dorothy Booraem (this film marks debuts both for her and Tapio) clearly put a lot of work into every scene, and she was determined to use it all – it would have been more satisfying had the denouement not been so opaque.
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oriencor26 April 2010
This cleverly written indie film takes notes from Sixth Sense, leading you on a enjoyable chase with a well executed sense of foreboding and that healthy shock of fear to keep your interest. As a horror and thriller fan, I was on the hook with the intriguing story that unfolded. The actors was first rate for a low budget horror movie (I've seen plenty of low budgets, as well as turned off quite a few only ten minutes in..), the story well laid out and the effects superb. If you want the perfect popcorn, lights out movie that will make your skin crawl and give you the creeps, this is it!
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Robbery, Murder, Mayhem, Blood, Guts, Gore
texicanwife8 January 2017
Wake the Witch NR/ 113 Min./ CC The Orchard/ English Director/ Screenwriter: Dorothy Booraem Stars: Rachel Lien Martin Kenna Pete Lipins

Debbie and her friends go to Wilderness Park, where they inadvertently waken a witch. Hanged for crimes as a witch, and bound to the park by chains, her curse comes to life.

Will Debbie and her friends survive? Or will they all die under the terrible curse?

Decent acting skills. Better budget shows.

I give this Five Stars.

And a Thumbs Up for story line.
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Well Worth Watching
wlvryn15 September 2013
i seriously cannot understand all the negative reviews of this Gorgeous Work.

it's almost as if those "reviewers" either haven't actually watched it or are simply too used to the usual banal "hollywood" gore-fests & "subtle-as-a-brick-to-the-face" clichés that they couldn't cope with the intrinsic Dreaminess & slow-building momentum of this quite deep Gem.

& as for the "lack of continuity" & "incoherent scene changes" alluded to in those reviews?

well i can only surmise that those viewers either simply have short attention spans or limited deductive reasoning, (or some "ax to grind"), as i thought it held together wonderfully, & that the vast majority of the acting throughout was both sincere & warmly portrayed, with even quite exploratory character depth & relationships that were more "intuitive" than blatantly "walk-through elaborations", Beautifully filmed, & generally all round an Artistic (not "arty") offering. Really worth curling up in front of & just allowing the movie to take you along on it's eerie journey, & i'll watch it again no doubt, something i hardly ever do. :)
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