"Billions" Hindenburg (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Billions S06E09
AfricanBro23 March 2022
The latest episode was the best so far in the season, yeah there are plot and character inconsistencies along with all the cringe old movie/music references that the writers for some reason want to desperately sneak into each conversation; but, there were times when it reminded me of the Billions of old, back when Axe was there. Taylor's speech with dollar bill and mafee(even though it was out of character) and chuck's speech in front of the senate, and Prince still getting the better of him. As good as it was to see chuck lose it you still got to see his brilliance and that made it even better. The season so far has been below standard, obviously, but I still held up hope and this episode gave out some hints that billions is still capable of being the billions we remember. It wasn't perfect and doesn't make up for the mediocre post-Axe season so far but it was a good reminder.

I just feel like fans, myself included, are so crushed Damian Lewis had to leave and took his aura with him and we now over analyse every bit of the show because we can't imagine it going on without him, successfully.

I still don't like who chuck has become because it really annoys me, as much as I loved that senate speech. It now just feels like he has a personal vendetta against anyone with money and wants to prosecute them even if no crimes have been committed and they had good intentions. Just waging a personal feud against the rich instead of serving the people. I think it was said at some point in the show that chuck doesn't want money and influence, he just wants to specifically lord over the few people who have it.

I don't agree with the one star rating by anthonyneil and equally the 9/10 by vick-b33 but I thought everything they said in their reviews were insightful.
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Maybe people are being too harsh on the new season?
st_scott-6492021 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes I also like putting TV shows under a microscopic scrutiny and start performing an autopsy on it. But soon I realized, what is the point? It's not science you study, and you don't end up writing a dissertation about it. That's the general attitude I like to adopt to TV shows. And by that standard, I think it's still enjoyable, it's got a fluent flow and dynamic in it, and a few engaging parts, like Taylor's meeting with dollar bill, Chuck's speech in the senate.

Sure I get some viewers are sensitive to the logic of plot, pivots of character's default settings, protruding political views, etc., but to me, in the sense of the entertaining function of tv shows, I still think it's a great show.
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Building up the momentum to the season finale
razasid30 May 2022
I enjoyed this episode because it was a win for team Prince and we saw Chuck fall to the ground and lose badly. If he's defeated so easily, what do the next two episodes have in store for us? Who's going to ultimately win?

I also loved the various world war references, including a mention of the Hindenburg.

Cringe moments for me thought was Karl taking photos, and the over-the-top setup to deceive Chuck. Also noteworthy cringe was Taylor's ability to figure out the potential exits and win the day. What an over the top character.

It's these bits of overly 'imaginative' writing that remind me we're back to the familiar Billions of old under Axelrod.
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"Dang, he's good."
m-rugen20 March 2022
Say what you will about this season but this episode was amazing. People complaining about the "wokeness" and missing Axe, I get it, but this episode has all the writing and twists that make me love this show.
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It's good to see Chuck lose!
vick-b3320 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, this series has turned in a personal vendetta of Chuck to go against billionaires and nothing else, regardless of his well worded motives.

For starters, the Olympics would have been a great thing for NYC but he just had to kill it.

It really felt good to see Chuck lose his AG seat and see Mike delivering his punchline after the "Aye's" had it.

Mike is actually a decent person and Chuck is just there to stir and mess things up, all for his personal jihad, and at the detriment of NYs people.

It's sad to see where he has gotten, from a righteous man that was "balanced out" by Wendy, to an out of control jihadist.

On the absurd side, for which I will not downvote this because it's just a TV show, it's just ridiculous that a billionaire can fiddle a governor like his personal barbie doll and influence 2/3 of the senate to pass a bill because he just wanted it, but in the end, it's exciting to see twists in the story, such as this one.

On the other hand, one wouldn't be surprised to see these very things happening far easier in more corrupt countries (such as the one I live in, but that's a different discussion altogether).
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Stop The Constant Music/Film Winks and Nods to Camera
ddp_dave21 March 2022
I enjoy the show but each week I am waiting for the script to unleash yet another apparently "cool" music/movie reference - and I cringe each and everytime as it so bogus as nobody actually speaks like that EVER..."I feel like I am in They Live and about to get Rowdy Roddy Piper on everyone.." Total BS.
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"Old white people hate when they can't preserve their history"
nytrip91121 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously? That's the line that was spoken when a white billionaire was trying to "help" a community to get his own way. Why would the producers of this show, who all happened to be white by the way, and the white main characters continue to go along with the sabotage of culture that comes with vilifying your own? What is wrong with them? Can you think of any nation that hates itself as much as Americans seem too? I can't.
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Absolutely Awful
thommycain7 April 2022
I'm sorry but Mike Prince just ain't it! Taylor they should've put out to pasture 2 seasons, now she stands or sits around with that stupid look on her face struggling to be witty. Prince right hand man is simply annoying. Terrible actor. I can't stand him. Wags has been delegated to a shameful background and the dialogue is infantile. Horrible writing! And Prince's Oh I'm really nice guy routine is a bore. That's it! Kill this show while it still has some dignity, which a viewer needs to search for.
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Oh, The Humanity!
douglasmcbroom20 March 2022
The opening scene, between Chuck Rhoades (Paul Giamatti) and Mike Prince (Corey Stoll) is indicative of the problems this season-other than the horrendously poor writing and wokeness. None of the menace is present. None of the delicious mendacity that existed between Chuck and Axe (Damian Lewis). I lay the blame directly at the feet of Corey Stoll, because after seeing him in a variety of roles, he's just not that good.

The plot, once again, is absurd. The idea that one guy with money can threaten a sitting Governor only to have that Gov just fold like a cheap suit. Then intimidate 2/3rds of a diverse state legislature. There are no other people with money, right! NY only has one billionaire.

But, as bad as this series has become, this episode is better than last weeks, which I rated a negative 5. Cue the organ music. Start writing the eulogies.
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codefool25 April 2022
This is usually an amazing series with fantastic writing but this season Showtime has pushed this to the extreme "woke" side just like the rest of their offerings. They were skirting the dirty edge so many times, but when Prince - a self-made billionaire - advocates for minimal guaranteed income - that's it! I'm done!

Know that this "minimum guaranteed income" has been proven - through decades of welfare system abuse - to show that giving people money only makes them want more money. This is an economic fact - which a billionaire such as Prince would certainly understand. To push such a policy does not "lift up" anyone other than brainwash them into the idea that "big brother government will take care of you." That is, until you're totally dependent on the government - like the mind-warping drugs they advocate - decide that you're now ready for harvesting and then central planning, the camps, the goose-stepping goon squads, and finally the annihilation of "those unworthy of life," which - as we've already seen with cancel culture - means anyone who does not fall in line. Mankind has seen it many times before - and we'll see it again if the current regime has their way.

Shut this off mid-episode and immediately cancelled my Showtime subscription. Nothing to see here. Move along.
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