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No bathroom
redwinger2001-617-73237226 February 2022
I don't understand what these producers are thinking when they don't show the completed project. It would have taken 30 seconds to show the bathroom. Either that or they didn't give this renovation a bathroom. Maybe there's an outhouse. Plus, as much as i loved the original fixer upper...this new show is lacking a lot. Chip's humor seems to be forced now. Not natural...scripted. Budget is not discussed except for a few episodes. The whole appeal of the original show was that the couple had a choice to make between 3 houses and a budget was given. Are they out of hones for sell in waco? I guess that's a possibility. However, they should find out the budget of the owners and break it down. As it is, every home looks the same. Wood, greens, industrial. Or wood, white and industrial. The only thing that was refreshing about this latest episode was that it wasn't an employee of magnolia.
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