"Our Flag Means Death" A Gentleman Pirate (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Best episode so far?
Sleepin_Dragon21 January 2023
Stede and his crew attend The Republic of Pirates, in order to sell their one remaining English Prisoner, Izzy Hands once again issues a request to meet The Boss.

What an absolute joy fest this show is turning out to be, it's become my ritual takeaway show, as it is, in truth, the best thing on the box right now.

Outrageous, funny, madcap, this show obeys no rules, and just delivers laugh upon laugh, the scenarios more and more surreal.

What was more bonkers, the jar of noses, or The Gentleman Pirate's white outfit, Elton John would have been proud of it.

Nice how it explored the last of several characters, here we got to learn more about Jim.

A joy, 9/10.
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Joshumms4 March 2022
This episode was much better than the previous 2, episode funny and action packed. Overall just awesome and all over the place in a good way, I really hope it continues like this!
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Now things get real
traceyseier19 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode introduces some new characters, and they are all a complete hoot!

Leslie Jones absolutely shines here. As do Con O'Neill and Fred Armisen. For a show with such an ensemble cast, it's amazing how they give everyone a moment in the spotlight.

We start to see the plot arc for our characters come into view. The show stays funny, but we start layering in interpersonal conflicts, danger, and romance. This is the episode that really feels like it launches the season. Everything after this one becomes so addictive and involving, and it's all set up by this episode.

As usual, there's plenty of fish-out-of-water type comedy and ever-more queerness. But the writing team on this show is very queer and very diverse, so the jokes never punch down.
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glshopping31 May 2022
The first 3 episodes in this series give viewers a good understanding of the crew's characters for the rest of season. This one explores one of the crew member's past, while also keeping up with Stede and how the rest of the crew is impacted. We are left with questions and alot of room to grow on the characters story. I won't give anything away, but the end of this one is suspenseful and exciting!
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Mah noses!
annabaldwin-7284417 September 2023
Absolutely iconic episode, with massive props to the costume department for some really snazzy fits - namely Stede's white ensemble and Jackie's red blazer.

A who's who of comedy guest stars surround Stede as he tries to take his new persona to the Republic of Pirates, with very mixed success. We learn more about Jim and Oluwande as our characters get more fleshed out.

The bar scenes are hilarious, and the ending scenes shocking despite the comedy.

We also have one of the greatest introductions in any tv show ever and a meeting that I will never forget. The music, the dialogue, all of it is perfect!
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redhollyhock2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think the choice to focus mainly on Stede and his crew for the first three episodes really sets up the main storyline well, as otherwise I reckon Blackbeard's character could have taken all the focus and made his and Stede's interactions unbalanced.

Loved Spanish Jackie so much; Leslie Jones makes her both funny and menacing, and it was great to get more background on Jim and Oluwande. Stede's unwarranted confidence is something to behold but then I guess that's the aristocracy for you.

Now, I hate the term 'meet-cute', but I make an exception for the end of this episode because, despite the violence all around, Stede and Blackbeard's first meeting is bizarrely cute and I love it.
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Episode 3
bobcobb30120 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show continues to be good, but the comedy got a little too goofy here. Fred Armisen and Leslie Jones is simply too much SNL and it showed here as the clever tale thus far got dumbed down.
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The stakes get higher for the Gentleman Pirate!
erinsdodge17 September 2023
Our Flag Means Death has The Range!

This episode is absurd and silly in all the best ways, and has some absolutely hilarious lines and memorable scenarios.

At the same time, episode three takes a shocking turn as the stakes become REAL for our heroes, and as a new character is introduced who will dramatically change the trajectory and the tone of the show.

No spoilers, but looking back at Episode 1, 2, and 3, it is astonishing to me that the writers were so confident in their story, and so trusting of the audience, that they only introduced the co-star of the show in episode 3-- choosing to establish the ensemble crew and setup the comedy before REALLY getting off to the races on the adventure and drama aspects of the show.
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Leslie Jones!!!!
givemebaretrees16 September 2023
This is where the show really starts to pick up, and it's delightful. Leslie Jones is AMAZING in this episode, and we get backstory for several of the characters as well. We also get a sense of what Stede walked into when he decided to become a pirate and just how little he actually understands of that world--which helps clear up some of the gaps in previous episodes. One of the things that this show does well is taking the time to hint at Stede's backstory before we really get into the full explanation of who he was before, and why he's decided to go off to sea, and this episode does a good job of delivering those hints. Did I mention Leslie Jones is amazing? She's amazing. I am so excited that they're bringing Spanish Jackie back for next season.

All in all, a very funny and solid episode.
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denizb332 October 2023
This show never fails to blend intrigue and humour! There are so many small moments in this episode that contain a wealth of feeling and information behind them, and they're each presented so well -- you don't feel as though you're missing anything, rather, the hints at characterisation and backstory fire up your imagination! Sudden moments of intense drama keep the viewer invested; the timing of the action is spot-on, allowing time to process events and dialogue before moving on to the next. And certain character motivations are even clearer in hindsight (such as those of Izzy Hands), and this episode, as with all the others, merits a rewatch or two (or 20 :p).
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A Gentleman Pirate
Prismark1027 May 2023
Stede Bonnet describes himself as the Gentleman Pirate. Feared but an elegant dandy and a business brain.

He lands on an island and heads to the bar, the Republic of Pirates to sell his hostage.

Only the hostage and Bonnet have already been mistaken for male prostitutes.

At the Republic of Pirates, Jim has unfinished business with the bar owner, Spanish Jackie (Leslie Jones.)

It is her husband that Jim had killed. Now Jim wants back the dagger he left behind and upset that the bounty on Bonifacia is set so low.

In this episode Jim//Bonifacia's big secret is revealed. Once again Bonnet is upset as his stupidity is once again exposed.

I think this episode tried too hard to be quirky and just came across as a series of sketches. The Republic of Pirates with exotic drinks consisting of body parts. Bonnet never asks just what the drinks are.
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The cream of the Caribbean
snarkin-4998916 September 2023
Stede Bonnet's debutante intro at the Republic of Pirates is a scene that will live in my mind rent-free forever. And it's all the saltier for the incredible microexpressions that Nathan Foad's Lucius adds all along the way.

The guest cameos in this episode are top-notch: Leslie Jones as Spanish Jackie and Fred Armisen as Geraldo bring a brilliant, biting comedy.

But by far the most notable moment of the episode is Taika Waititi's first full appearance as Blackbeard. The ship changes course in an instant, suddenly veering toward the wild waters of high romance. Hold fast, sailors. This journey is about to get very, very interesting.
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penniellington15 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first full appearance of Blackbeard, and it might be the sexiest, badass, rock n roll entrance in a TV show ever.

It's hilarious to see the moment he meets "broken jar of Miracle Whip" Stede and rescues him.

Their chemistry is instant. The show really starts crackling with with and snark and heart and silly humor.

This is where we start to realize we're watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail meets The Princess Bride, meets Muppet Treasure Island. Best of all absurd worlds.

It's all gravy from here on out. If you heard about their great bromance, no you didn't. You're in for a huge, wonderful surprise.
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Keeps getting better
Encaitare16 September 2023
A lot of people are of the opinion that this is when the show hits its stride. Personally, I thought it was hilarious from the very first scene, but it only gets better!

This is the episode where our two main characters finally meet. We get our first peek at Blackbeard, who is fascinated by Stede Bonnet and wants to meet him. At his request, long-suffering first mate Izzy Hands tracks Stede down in the Republic of Pirates, where Stede is attempting to sell a Navy hostage. Needless to say, Stede sticks out like a sore thumb. This episode features great cameos from comedians you'll definitely recognize.
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Did you mean to do that?
jamienamine4 October 2023
It's almost hilarious, how much Stede manages to stumble (sometimes literally) into trouble when he isn't looking for it. Despite the fact that he claims not to be one for violence, he's up to being threatened at swordpoint twice by the end of this episode, not to mention the other antics be manages to find himself a part of. It's nice, getting more time with the backstories of the crew, especially Jim, after their reveal in the previous episode. Lucius continues to be a highlight, perpetually embarrassed by Stede and his attempts to make himself seem like a legitimate pirate. "Man for sale," indeed.
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Enter Blackbeard
tannihernandez18 September 2023
We have another phenomenal episode here as Stede and his crew continue their adventures. The one-liners and comedy bits in this one are great, and Leslie Jones makes an appearance as a side character who shows up a few times and is always fun to watch. This primarily takes place in the Republic of Pirates, and specifically at a bar called Spanish Jackie's. The sets are really well done and the setting is one of my favorites in the entire season. We also get to see a little more of our second lead character here, Taika Waititi as Blackbeard. He's shrouded in mystery at first but by the end of the episode you can tell things are really going to get more interesting as he and Stede meet and get to interact more. It was also a lot of fun to learn more about Jim as a character and to see their storyline gain a little more momentum. I was really curious about Jim and their story by the end of this episode, and it sets up nicely what's to come for that character.
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...and off we go!
feuerkindjana27 September 2023
Stede, cringe incarnate, tries to use the moves he learned all his life and constantly fails because hasn't understood yet, that laws and values of pirates are different from the gentry. The one thing he managed with his mad and objectively stupid m.o. Is gain the interest of Blackbeard. He was fascinated before but now he needs to know more about this mad man. He is curious and so he needs take action otherwise there won't be much left to be curious about.

So many iconic lines in this one, meme gold deluxe and at least one iconic frame that belongs in a museum.

The other revelation is also fantastic because of the way the crew reacts to it. Hilarious!
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Enter Blackbeard!
dangerslutx19 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The great and terrible world of piracy finally starts to take notice of Stede Bonnet, The Gentleman Pirate, and his crew!

Spanish Jackie is a dream come true! Leslie Jones is a treat to watch, portraying a powerful woman who runs a pirate bar with 20 husbands and a jar full of noses! She is badass, hilarious and not to be messed with! She is a wonderful addition to the show and I cannot wait to see what she gets up to in season 2!

I will never forget Lucius introducing Stede to the pirate bar!

Stede's encounter with Izzy hands plays off in the most marvelous way, giving us our first glimpse of Taika's Blackbeard! Ominous, fascinating and captivating! Taika is amazing in this role, giving him room to show off his acting chops and improve skills.

It teases us with the deeply complicated relationship between Edward Teach and Izzy Hands, which I cannot want to see grow and change in seasons 2!

Excellent episode! The anxiety I felt during the scene on the spanish ship had me on the edge of my seat! The best cliffhanger I have experienced in a long time!
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vthompsett2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Stede Bonnet's arrival at the Republic of Pirates, intent on selling his one remaining hostage, goes as well as can be expected - especially when he steps onto the dock dressed head to toe in pure white. There are so many fun bits to this episode, while adding in some important plot beats and drama. "Look tortured!" "M'noses!" and a wonderful joke about gentrification. This is one of my favourite episodes of the series, not least because at the end we're introduced to Blackbeard, standing over Stede and clearly ready to be the other leading man. There's so much packed into this one episode that it's hard to believe it's only about half an hour, but it's also all so well-paced so as not to feel rushed.
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Brilliant episode
c-1538421 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this episode. It is full of plot and maintains the wonderful humour of the show, as well as beginning to develop Jim's backstory.

Leslie Jones is fantastic in this episode as she is introduced as the formidable Spanish Jackie. Her interactions with Stede's crew are engaging and memorable.

I really enjoyed how they introduced Blackbeard during this episode, keeping him mostly hidden and mysterious throughout until the full-body pan and face reveal in the final scene.

This is a wonderful episode which does a fantastic job of moving the plot along and introducing more players to the story.
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The Episode
ajrusemckay-645334 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So far this show has been fun and we're all having fun but this is the first episode you start really asking yourself what type of comedy are you watching.

The crew ends up in the Republic of Pirates and Stede is Stede by creating one hell of a mess (trouble follows him everywhere). We also meet one of the best and lost fearsome bar owners/pirates in the whole story.

Meanwhile we have a alternative story where we learn a bit more about Jim and their surprisingly unique place in the story.

The last scene will have you rewinding again and again wondering if that really happened (it did) and can you get it in even slower motion.
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The cream of the carribean
rayintheshadows4 October 2023
Episode three of 'Our Flag Means Death' is a thrilling ride that continues to captivate and entertain. The standout, of course, is Taika Waititi's enigmatic portrayal of Blackbeard, which is nothing short of magnetic. Waititi's charisma and unpredictability as the infamous pirate captain elevate the show to another level, and it has me in a chokehold.

I love Leslie Jones as Spanish Jackie, adding to the list of amazing characters this series has.

The episode continues to build on the endearing camaraderie among the crew members, making you feel even more invested in their adventures. The character development is nuanced and engaging, adding layers of depth to each character.

As with previous episodes, the production values remain impeccable. The stunning cinematography, and authentic costumes transport you to the 18th-century pirate world, enhancing the overall experience.

'Our Flag Means Death' episode three keeps the excitement alive and leaves you eagerly anticipating what's next for this lovable crew of misfits. With Rhys Darby's hilarious "Hi all!" performance, clever writing, and the perfect blend of humor and heart, this series continues to be an absolute treasure trove of entertainment. Don't miss out on this swashbuckling adventure guys!
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Utter hilarity in the Republic of Pirates
curiousjennie28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my two favourite episodes. Stede Bonnet's true insanity and uncomprehending self-centredness fully shine through when he decides to take his hostage, and ever-suffering Lucius, to the Republic of Pirates. "Who wants to buy this fabulous booty I'm hawking" is the start of the most unhinged exchange of dialogue in series one. And we get to meet Spanish Jackie! Leslie Jones is a scene stealer every time she appears. Plus, we get Fred Armisen as well, and if there was ever a seal of quality on a comedy it's an appearance by Armisen. Stede Bonnet's reaction to Izzy Hands is always so completely out of character compared to everyone else in the show, and the dynamic between Rhys Darby and Con O'Neill is one of the greatest in the show.
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You've heard of me?
magickcrab4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Spanish jackie!! That is just the best place to start for this episode!! Leslie portrays Spanish Jackie so well!! A feared women with 19... 18 husbands. Amazing, the moments we get in her tavern are brilliant and not only do they help us learn about Jim in ways we never had before it shows us just how out of reality Stede Bonnet is.

"My Noses" being screamed out cannot help but make anyone giggle.

This episode is truly the turning point in the show as we get the first look at Blackbeard as he and his crew literally swing in to save the day..

Tiaka's "The gentleman pirate I presume" is one of those moments that make you have goosebumps and you just cannot wait to see what will happen next now that The Blackbeard has saved Stede Bonnet and his crew from death.
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I've Never Known Comedy Like This
magicalmrmistofelees4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts. From Leslie Jones' "My noses!" to Rhys Darby's "I may be landed gentry, but I'm thrilled to be granted entry!", every punchline is so perfectly placed I honestly cannot pick my favorite.

We also get what is, up to this point, the best scene of the season, punctuated so excellently by the Beach Boys' Our Prayer that any time I hear that song now, I immediately think of Blackbeard emerging from the smoke. I think this moment is so brilliant because of what it contributes to character -- Bonnet's joyful "you've heard of me?" as he bleeds out on deck, and the sparkling interest in Blackbeard's eyes -- and plot. Suddenly, it's not just a comedy; suddenly, you really hope these two pirates are about to actually fall in love.
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