"For All Mankind" New Eden (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Can the story be at least 50% about space/planetary exploration, and the other half personal drama, please?
pungster17 July 2022
Why is it that every time the sci-fi aspect of this show gets really interesting, it suddenly jumps back to unnecessary melodrama?

I don't care about seeing national politics more than the survival of the astronauts on Mars. I know that if we should care about the astronauts, we need to get to know at least a few of them personally. But now it's about stupid relationship drama. Kelly can't tell her dad she's falling for a cosmonaut because he might flip out. Danny still has the weird cougar attraction to Karen. Oh, and speaking of Danny, what an awful character. First, he sleeps with his best friend's mom, then still wants to be with her, but then he starts cheating on his wife? I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree. But then again, Gordo never slept with his best friend's mom.

And it's funny to me that this show pretends that we would somehow be so intolerant to gay and lesbian people in this alternate version of the 90's. I was just a kid back then, but I remember never seeing heaps of hatred and bigotry towards people who are gay and lesbian. They were very much a common part of life and everyone got along for the most part. People only distanced themselves from others if they seemed insane and likely to hurt someone. You just had those fringe groups and individuals that treated people who were "different", in horrible ways. But then it becomes a focal part of the episode's storyline. Can we please leave all of the soap opera drama behind and get back to life on Mars?

I want to see more of the water storyline. Not that that's peak entertainment, but at least it's not more drama that distracts from the sci-fi elements of the story. I think I'm gonna go watch a good sci-fi movie or show that mostly sticks to the cool astronaut stuff.
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This is not just a show about space exploration
konsem18 May 2023
I am astounded that many have marked down this episode and this season because of the personal drama stories and political issues it touches. If you have watched from S1 you'd realised that this is a show that reimagines history (social, political and scientific) based on the premise that USA did not land on the moon first and that the space exploration program continued without it being mutilated by the politicians and bean-counters. Everything changes after this premise - the Space program contributes to massive changes in society and science! Also the personal stories of the participants are just as important! If those viewers who complain about the personal stories and the politics of the show want to watch a show focused only on space exploration then they'd better switch to one of the many space documentaries. The beauty of this show is that it shows the joy, pain, agony, conflicts, death and triumphs of the protagonists taking part in the space program. It is not a documentary.
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I hate people
saullodanielle22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
People are now mad a series that started out political in S1 E1 is still political? Are you daft? So international relations is or isn't or political? LGBTQ is political or not? Pick a lane. The President is literally a closet homosexual and has been since S1. The anger and low ratings shows just how relevant this topic is ffs. This is not a documentary. It is literally sci if, about alternate histories that follow some history ie don't ask, don't tell.

The story line I don't like and haven't is Danny's obsession with Karen and it's still playing out. It was a weird choice last season and they're still continuing it. Drop it.

The partying scene was annoying because it just seemed too much. I think it's realistic to have a celebratory shot or glass of champagne. I mean they landed on Mars! But more than that is silly. The other silly substance abuse was giving Danny meds. You can't give someone in recovery anything. Why doesn't the Dr onboard know this? Also sex in space is difficult (but has happened, look it up), not the fun, exciting way it was portrayed. It would be done for research more than likely though. And way better on Dev's ship lol.

That being said, this is story telling. They've had drama since S1 and will continue with that. If you stuck around this long you seriously should not be surprised. Even though some parts are melodramatic, I enjoy learning about the characters and their difficulties. Otherwise we'd be watching a doc about non interesting people doing interesting things in space. That's a different show.
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Get a Grip...
alexmoore-8740716 July 2022
To everyone complaining about "soap opera" I invite you to watch an actual soap opera side by side this and report back your findings. Or maybe go watch a documentary if you can't stand character driven episodes. Mini-rant over.
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don't ask don't tell
brionnatanner16 July 2022
Definitely one of the less exciting episodes this season but I feel it setting us up for something big! Acting is great and love to see this alternate universe's politics still reflect US history. I really don't feel sorry for Ellen's woes right now and I'm excited to see more of her character again.
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True to Life
cgsnn21 July 2022
This episode is an amazing reflection of how far we can go with technology yet remain so deeply entrenched in our own prejudices.

Expect the user comments to reflect just that.
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drama in space. like it always has been
q-83817-65499019 July 2022
We are going back to the formula of the first two seasons. Based on the begining of this season i thought we would have lots of cool space actions on mars, but guess we have to deal with interpersonal relationship instead.
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This show just keeps getting better...
coolhandmo-700-19834415 July 2022
... And this ep is really gonna trigger the hogs (if any are even watching anymore).

Almost every time I think I know what's coming next the show surprises me and I keep thinking of all the insane places it could go in future eps and seasons.

Just excellent all around honestly... From the writing and juggling of so many awesome characters, to the acting and fx, so good and unlike anything else on tv imo

Apple's really got a great one here and I hope the show is recognized for what they've done.
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bbomar-4490918 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We are finally on Mars. But we only have the water we brought with us and that won't last long so each person gets only half a gallon of water a day. We destroyed our landing craft trying to beat the other guys so we have no way to go back. If we don't find water fast we are in big trouble. We also have the opportunity to take soil samples and look for life. If we find life on Mars it will be one of the greatest discoveries of all time. So, what do we do. We have a big party and get drunk on vodka and have sex. Really? Someone injures their hand and they are just handed a huge bottle of opioids which they start popping like candy. This is all so far from what professional astronauts would do it is insane. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the head of NASA has been giving top secret nuclear rocket plans to the Russians and she is now trying to get her accomplice and his family out of Russia. Again, really?
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Episodes of season 3 get better and better.
peter-4227015 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really love this new season 3. The new episode again is excellent! A very nice story on Mars with perfect CGI of the planet surface scenes! Looking forward to the last 4 episodes now!
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Sex in space
bluejays-8804517 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The screenwriters seem to have gotten lost in space because now that the astronauts are on Mars they seem to have no idea what to do with them. Instead we are treated to a number of truly unbelievable moments such as two astronauts having sex on Mars, random bickering and infighting among the astronauts, a fistfight, 40 minutes of drama over a gay character, binge drinking, and so on. Anyone who knows anything about protocols in space knows that all of this behavior would be strictly prohibited since it endangers every aspect of the mission. The space sex is especially irresponsible since it creates an added pregnancy risk - lets hope we aren't treated to that later. Mars, the Porn Planet.

I'm all for inclusivity and the astronaut coming out as gay, ok fine cool. This is the 90s so some people won't like it. Commander Poole, being a professional should tell them to shut up and get over it. Bam, storyline done and we're back to Mars. You could even turn that into a whole 'Mars is a fresh start' thing without endless melodrama, with having a single character act like an adult and not a butthurt 14 year old.

We spend more time in habs, airlocks, and on Earth than we do on Mars - and we're on the planet! We waited a week for this? What a letdown.
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New Eden + Drama + Fun on Mars
jimmyishere-3774817 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was quite unexpected to be honest. After watching last weeks episode, and read the synopsis of this one, I thought this episode would be astronauts racing to build stations on Mars before it gets cold or something. This would be an amazing episode of the two teams racing each other as the night falls. But they chose to go with the unique way.

The episode kicks in with pointless lines that could have been useful in the alternative version of the episode I mentioned above. We have a new main character now right? Will. Will likes men. Good. Nice actually. Will lives on Mars in 1994. Ok. Sounds good. Will likes men though. Many turn evil after this announcement. Wowowow. Helen is reminded of her deep secret, and has to make sacrifices. Danielle Poole (my mars queen) carries the episode. And some other stuff goes on at the same time.

The writers wanted Nasa and Russia to turn againdt each other both on Mars and on Earth, without having time to develop bonds with each other. So they thought of a way to delay all important stuff such us getting the station online as Danielle said, and went with the "come out" way. Bad move. Didn't like it at all, ONLY because this is a space drama series that has to provide their audience with space stuff and not personal drama.

This new storyline has caused some problems.

1) in addition with the misleading synopsis, ppl are confused as the only thing that is now shown in the episode is astroanuts building stations and rushing.

So here is my synopsis: Nasa and the Mars mission goes haywire after an astronaut makes a controversial personal announcement. Ed parties, Margo makes a discovery and Danielle has back pain from carrying and owning everyone on the red planet. Oh and also, Danny continues to be a shitty character.

2) the side-storyline replaces many useful storylines.

A) helios contacting Mars about the water deal

b) station building race

c) inspecting the broken engines

d) margo trying to save his friend and herself from the soviet union.

Before I conclude I have to say that some parts of the episode were really good. I loved the graphics and the music. Will's acting was really good and I want to see new characters being introduced to the show since the next season will most likely have another time jump. Will's come out opens new pathways and makes plot twists, but the way they chose to show it was really wrong and of course NOT woke.

For me it's an 7.0 but since ratings have gone mad I'll give it an 8 to boost it.
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We are on Mars, time to go soap opera
ajmurmann15 July 2022
Now that the crews have arrived on Mars the show turned to a soap opera in space. Most of the episode is about interpersonal drama that in large part comes from unrealistically, unprofessional behavior. At least one character is also acting out of character to drive the story forward.
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A truly terrible episode
atomgor15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
WTF? We land on Mars and this is the crap we focus on? I don't care about Ed's daughter and the Russian. I don't care about that dude's sexuality. I don't care about the political ramifications on Earth. I care about trying to SURVIVE on Mars. Why would Commander Poole allow Ed to throw a drinking party to people that are trying not get more dehydrated? What was with Ed's line about "Goddamn Russians..." you can't keep you cool any more than that, dude? Why is Danny a pill head for some reason? He is the worst character on the show. You're on Mars, man. One of the first human beings to walk on another planet. Stop being a whiny teenager. Why the hell would Karen go back to working with Helios? GTFOH with this episode.
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So humanity finally lands on Mars...
joejetloky17 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...but it doesn't matter because one of the astronauts announces that he is homosexual, so there's NOTHING in the entire episode about Mars exploration. I was so naive believing that when they finally land on Mars we will get at least one episode focused on space exploration... Producers should ask themselves who will still be watching this series when finally all those interested in space exploration say enough and leave.
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Too many storylines
fudbot-1519018 July 2022
This show is becoming bogged down with superfluous plot lines. The private company story was not needed and the personal drama is making the show drag along at a snails pace. Please focus on the people who are in space please.
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No mention about any of their lost comrades?
thehonestreviewer0122 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How can the NASA team continue working without even a word about their lost coworkers? That must be heart-breaking. But yet, they're so cold about it.

Focusing on stupid issues, rather than loss of a people. Especially the way they were killed. How can that be less important than someone coming out?
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Looks like it repeats the mistakes of season 2
whcppnc21 July 2022
Hated this episode. It was a such an amazing start and then they went all-in on drama but totally forgot that this show is about space. I'm predicting similar snooze-fest as the season 2, good start and finish, but filler soap opera in between. Why????
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Virtue signalling at its best
scottsideasare15 July 2022
So stupid, the show is getting more and more about individuals and their personal drama than a dramatic series.

It's almost unbearable to watch over the past couple of episodes.
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It just became a soap opera.
hugopfister15 July 2022
A ones great series is quickly becoming unbearable to watch. What's left is nothing more then a sequence of quick random underdeveloped scenes full of illogical behavior and self pitty. Nothing makes sense for a first ever Mars landing perspective.
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The show comes to a screeching halt
Hitchslapped15 August 2022
I just don't get the decision-making behind the scenes. In the previous episode, humanity finally managed to put humans on Mars. Obviously, there are a lot of technical issues like water shortage, CO2 level etc.

For whatever reason somebody thought this was the perfect time to focus the entire episode on some background character's sexual orientation. I'm not even sure the guy had a line of dialogue before this episode. What the heck?
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A show in steady descent to the nearest black hole.
jeroen-10617 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A strong show that is in decline.

I have to say that I personally liked the previous seasons, especially season 1, because the lack of advanced futuristic technology made the show more relatable, and the writing had to deal with certain constraints - something that I feel is a strength.

But what bothered me here is the constant feel having to put racism and sexuality at the forefront. It's too on-the-nose. Even more so, there are writing issues I cant get around.

First we see takes from interviews that are clearly suggestion that it isn't streamed live (with an 8-minute delay to reach Earth). We see 'outtakes' and 'bloopers' being acted out. Yet, a crew member announces he is gay 'on national live television'. This is nonsensical - we just witness an interview style format that was clearly going to be edited in post. With that in mind the "coming out" would have to get passed editing and review, with review likely by his superior.

This footage would have never reached Earth.

Dear writers, these mistakes matter. We are not stupid.

I will keep watching but I'm growing tired of a show that's getting weaker. My favorite characters are dead by now and we have been forced to watch at this angry kid still in love with Ed's ex. I hate his character because there's nothing to sympathize, nothing to like about him. I hope he'll be thrown out of an airlock in the next episode.
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Cult of Ideology
slak96u17 July 2022
We all knew this storyline was coming, it's been set up over 3 seasons and yet somehow still lacks subtlety. What's incredible, people think you can shoehorn modern day values or ideas of inclusiveness, into 1994, nearly 30 years ago. I have no doubt President Waverlys life is about to implode, this episode is only the tip of the LGTQB iceberg...

Middling episode, very little happens, and yet full of agenda...
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Why is one's behind closed doors activity such a focal point?
gpmerritt16 July 2022
I think we're progressive enough as a country to understand and be just fine with people attracted to the same sèx. Why is it now the equivalent of ethnicity? I'd be furious if my sêxuality defined me as a person. This episode is ridiculous.
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Worst episode of the entire show
tom_antunes17 July 2022
After a consecutive run of several great episodes, we get this abismal piece of woke intersectional garbage. Please more space exploration and less soap opera drama.
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