"Resident Evil" The Light (TV Episode 2022) Poster

(TV Series)


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A little bit of action, not much else.
Sleepin_Dragon15 July 2022
Jade is desperate to get over to France, Umbrella have other ideas.

Something just isn't working, I can't pinpoint what it is, but there's something about this show that isn't gelling. The action scene in the tunnel was pretty good, and the spider creature looked pretty good. Maybe it's the pacing, or lack of character depth, but once again this proved to be a challenge to watch.

I don't know about you, but did you feel like Billie's story was almost a carbon copy of Samantha's from Contracted? I know that literally every possible zombie scenario has been done to death, but it felt very similar.

Evelyn Marcus continues to be infuriating, that scene with the rat, who's bright idea was that. It's made blatantly aware that she's the toughest person here, but now we know that she's also totally stupid.

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Too Dark
gbarrett-3994117 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The action sequences were just too dark. I suppose it is a budget saving tactic so you save on CGI, but it doesn't convey danger or horror. Either go all the way dark or lighten up the tunnel. Also, the Umbrella Team acts like they don't know the world is dangerous. Would they not have had intel on the tunnel. The writing is a bit lazy. Still better than many zombie shows, but lacking just the same. If you've made to this episode you may as well try to finish the series.
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Ridiculous smh
18Buddha14 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Onto the 3rd episode n i cant believe how ridiculous it is lol. Episode 2 saw Jade suicide jump into a crowd of thousands of Zombies instead of being captured peacefully? Wtf?

Also 3 episodes in now and that actress playing Jade Wesker is very 1 dimensional in acting. She kinda looks like Zendaya and just like her in spiderman i find they both have this very 1 dimensional look with no much expression.

Even worse is Wesker has gone from a maniacal Mastermind Neo Nazi too now some Soccer Dad with a conscience creating healthcare products lol. Their false claim this show is a continuation of games ... well its not even close.

Along the way all u keep meeting are more extras, minor characters who are terrible at acting.

Its like all people act as if they were plucked out of a mall randomly.
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What is this tripe?
jamosmonk25 July 2022
The actions of approximately NONE of the characters make sense in ANY world. But a world where a massive outbreak killed massive people...the main doctor who is so valued he is irreplaceable...lets his obnoxious kids walk all over him and break into a BSL 4 lab and release infected animals that are capable of world wide destruction...and let's his contaminated kids do absolutely WHATEVER they want to do. And in the destroyed future the same nitwits who destroyed it all are still roaming free causing even more damage. Sure.
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Slow as molasses
Calicodreamin16 July 2022
Hard to believe it's episode three and still the two main storylines are still in the development phase, it's time to move on. Acting is mediocre and storyline is slow. Decent production value.
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quality entertainment
kahnknee30 July 2022
This show has not disappointed & I am excited for the next season. The video game origins have good references in the show. The actors do a great job & I've enjoyed the story line.
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"We know what goes on the label"
znelson74-698-76223915 July 2022
Really appreciate what they're doing to this show. Showing Umbrella who they truly are. Kind of relates to the real world we're in. They discuss they're in it for the money and that's it, just like google, Facebook, etc. It's an eery thought to wrap your brain around.
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