Jungle Run (2021) Poster


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dmgutie21 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
On the whole this is probably one of the better Asylum films I've seen, however it is heavily, heavily, heavily dragged down by a sequence about 4/5ths of the way through the movie. There are two characters who are searching for their dad, and as they close in on finding him, they hear his voice. They both begin shouting "Dad!" over and over. They then locate him. They continue shouting "Dad!" He says something, honestly don't even know what because you can't really hear it as they continue to shout "Dad!" He then stops talking, and they continue shouting "Dad!" I feel like something else might have happened at this point, but honestly I don't know because I had heard two whiny voices shouting "Dad!" for at least five straight minutes that I honestly was so irrationally angry that I was ready to fight the first person I saw, even it was Mike Tyson or someone like that. At least just end it for me. This scene was so grating and infuriating. If you watch it, just turn it off once someone screams "Dad!", because it isn't worth going on.
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No Jungle Fun
bonniath-1396819 November 2021
I knew this was gonna be bad when piranhas start eating huge boat and then a herd of poison dart frogs attack our explorers, but they're the size of bullfrogs!! All the characters are annoying especially the brother and sister looking for their father. The CGI creatures are ridiculous, as bad or worse than SciFy channel movies.
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Bad acting
staunton-gary12 September 2021
Bad acting aside, I managed to watch the whole thing and was mildly entertained. Worst actor would have to be the father, Nicholas (Richard Grieco), he came across like he wanted to win some kind of award for his performance, well, mate, you got one. I enjoyed watching Amanda (Alyson Gorske) and Lebecq (Wade Hunt Williams) without these two, this would have been a 1 star movie. I wouldn't recommend this, unless you wanted some mindless movie to watch on a rainy day.
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Worse than a Scy Fy made for TV movie
DebraIonaVogel9 August 2021
Siblings and a small group of people go look for their missing father in the Amazon.

Something about dad and his crew not respecting the heart of the jungle, while cutting down trees, and releasing a creature to wreak havoc amongst the ruiners.

None of the characters are likable. If that daughter screeched, "DAD" one more time I was going to pop my own eardrums with sharpened pencils.

The special effects were "special" alright, but I'm not being complementary.

There are no redeeming qualities to this movie. We paid $4.99 on Amazon to watch this tripe. Don't be like us. Pass on it.
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Walking with monsters
unbrokenmetal27 October 2021
An expedition is looking for a lost family member (I think it was "Dad!", as they shouted it about 50 times). The kids are crossing the Amazon jungle, a wilderness where the arts of river straightening, lawn mowing and building modern wire cages are well known to the local tribes (actually filmed in a park in Florida). The adventurers' boat is eaten by Piranhas, because they love steel for breakfast. Nevertheless the team of heroes marches on to find dad, various CGI monsters, a magic green crystal... Whatever.

So bad it is hard to believe if you haven't watched it. The actors just stand around and don't seem to know what they are doing. Try to get "Anaconda" (1997) instead, because a quarter of a century ago, they still knew how to do silly B movies.
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Not all that bad for a mockbuster from The Asylum...
paul_haakonsen6 September 2021
Right, well with this movie being a mockbuster from The Asylum, chances were most likely that I was in for something dubious. But still, I opted to sit down and watch the 2021 movie "Jungle Run" on the odd chance that the movie would be entertaining, as once every now and again The Asylum does spew out something good.

Well, "Jungle Run" was watchable, but it wasn't one of the better movies from The Asylum. What went wrong here was the storyline, as it was just too shallow and lacking a deeper and profound core essence to it. So you're not in for something as grand as "Jungle Cruise", the movie that "Jungle Run" is a blantant copy of, have no doubts about it.

It should be said that the CGI and effects in "Jungle Run" was actually not bad for it being a movie from The Asylum. So the movie did have that working for it, despite of having a lack of a properly written storyline. It felt like writer Marc Gottlieb was just rushing through it here to get it done by deadline, so things felt half-hearted and rushed.

The acting in "Jungle Run" was adequate for most parts. However, given the inadequate writing, then the characters in the movie's script were just not particularly interesting. And that meant that the actors and actresses didn't have all that much to work with.

While I did manage to sit through the entire movie, I was only mildly entertained by director Noah Luke's movie. Which results in the movie landing a less than mediocre four out of ten stars.
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This is one bad movie people, avoid!
dieharddave4428 December 2021
The camerawork made me queasier than an actual boat ride, it was all over the place with unnecessary close ups of faces that had dumb expressions. And some of the cheapest CGI I've seen in a while. I dont expect quality from The Asylum, but i was not entertained.
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Worse Ever
cyashleyy15 August 2021
So worse for editing, and worse for storyline. I can't stand for the story editing. And I even can't understand the whole story. Worse than my expectations.
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groveclark30 December 2021
I love B movies, but this is more like an F movie. I could not find not one redeeming quality. The worst thing is the acting, which is atrocious, and the worst of the worst is the fake german accent of the captain.

I had to fight myself to watch it until the end ...
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Barely a 2
wheatcjjj19 November 2021
Could tell it was low budget from the start. I'm all about watching a "bad" movie for entertainment but this one had me shaking my head. I especially laughed at the girl leaving her brother to be eaten by a huge croc and walking on as though it never happened. Hilarious cg also.
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jakepbarnett5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you don't like this movie, you don't appreciate good cinema. Piranha's eating boats, big double D eyes, close-ups of faces, and poisonous frogs are all just the appetizer in the first hour. The main course is a shot of an incredibly stable bridge, giant spiders, and a sequence of beautiful snake birth analogies. Intersperse Richard Grieco in a trailer in the Florida keys tripping on mushrooms and speaking to a statue, actors with coked out eyes, and a giant manifestation of a weird scrotum tits protector of the amazon and you have a joyously, glamorous, and extremely satisfying romp through the jungle. A must-watch!
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Not that bad
kid_scw17 January 2022
Not that bad. Still a B movie. But didn't hate it. I have seen better for sure but I have seen way worse too.

Like Sharknado

And the guy who talk about Beast Wars, just shut up. It was the hit back in time @antthenerd.
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2021 :(
mycull-231-1229088 January 2022
2021! It's a pandemic of REALLY BAD MOVIES. I think every "Starving Artist" finally got the job offers because the rich and famous were sitting out waiting for COVID to end. Thankfully, protective measures were put into place were as the real actors and good movies can be made again. To the reviewer that asked for their $4.99 back. You should also be compensated for your time lost!
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garrickvosloo9 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You need to be in a asylum if you enjoy this,whats up with frogs biting,like wtf,and Piranhas can sink a boat,wow revolutionary, not even mentioning the acting.
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Not great but not terrible
turnbull5017 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This has some good scenes but some of the acting is poor. It's no fun when there all screaming at the top of their voices at certain times in the film. One of the guys is a complete wimp and is very annoying during the film. There is a scene we're giant snakes eat two of the adventurers and the main female character with a large knife just casually chops their heads off splits them open and the two people come out alive. There is also a giant Venus fly trap that grabs a women out of the blue. Then the big Evelyn creature at the end walks about with its head on fire. This is no classic but wil pass two hours happily.
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Kiko-com31 January 2022
Possibly the worst movie ever.

They could have at least put a piece of duct tape over the Florida tag on the boat... Not even that.... The acting is horrible, the whole premise of filming the Amazon in the Florida Everglades is absurd.

It makes me think of doing a movie, if the standard is this low.
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Makes bad movies look good
albelobleys22 November 2021
Genuinely can't think of a worse movie with worse acting (at this particular moment at least). Not only was it unwatchable but I couldn't even tolerate it as background noise while I was mindlessly scrolling through IG. Distractingly bad. I do not think acting gets worse than the acting in this movie. Can't tell if their jungle captain guide person was speaking another real or made up language but he had like 3 different accents. Still trying to think of a worse movie and can't. The cgi, yikes, whoever worked on this, don't quit your day job, unless working on movies is your day job then yes quit immediately. Wow. This movie made anaconda look like apocalypse now. Sometimes I watch bad movies just to roast them the whole time, this wasn't even good for that. Just looking at it left a bad taste in my mouth.
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I sand my $4.99 back
ellenndash18 September 2021
This movie makes Sharknado seem Oscar worthy. We wanted to like it, mostly because we kept laughing at how bad it was.
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Low production value, bad script & acting
skibbydoo-5454217 January 2022
Definitely not one of Amazon's best productions. Very predictable and ridiculous script. Sub-par acting especially the 2 that play brother & sister.

If you like cheesey, this is a movie for you.
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Run from this movie
antthenerd12 December 2021
Bad acting, bad journey, bad ending. The CGI looks like it was done with Microsoft paint and looks like the show beast wars from back in the day. Just don't.
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Really bad movie....however
toothdk-9382215 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm really not into horror movies and this was really bad. But I loved seeing the trails I've hiked and seeing the canopy walk at Myakka River State Park in Florida. Oh my goodness....looky there, I know that tree....or I know that trail and then the suspension bridge. Was crazy to recognize all these locations. Heading there today actually. Lol.
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Don't watch!
yvetteadelle29 December 2022
Worst movie of the year I thought it was a comedy for sure if you want to waste your time tonight then sit back get a bag of popcorn and turn on the fun I never knew piranhas could eat steel and wood and why did the guy have a machete running through the backyard it look like someone's overgrown backyard and he was cutting grass with a machete which was ridiculous and the big crocodiles and the big toads were hilarious the acting oh my God I really thought this was a spoof if this wasn't stupid would have been a great comedy too bad they couldn't get real actors with the fake sweat the fake crying the girl yelling dad a hundred times enjoyed the movie.
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Worst background music of any movie ever!
jgfamily-8182120 December 2021
This was THE WORST movie we have ever seen. The constant loud background music gave me an actual headache. Terrible directing, hideous sound, bad special effects. Not fun. Not even a bad B movie. We give 2 thumbs down, and a 0 rating. What a terrible waste of time!
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Like Eating a Steak Out of The Dumpster
adotson-7259317 December 2021
This movie is just bad!!! The acting is horrible and it sort of seems like it was filmed in one day with a $5 budget. The characters are annoying! What is up with that Lebecq guy's accent? It's like a cross between a falsetto German with tourettes sometimes and Spanish (or something islandy?) at others. Like anyone would believe the sister would be a professor. That was a laugh. I thought it would maybe be entertaining to see the characters die from the animals, but it was just lame. The CGI looks like a 3rd grader did it on computer lab day. I think I'd rather watch a cheesy Sherry Lewis musical than this movie! It stinks!
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Omg..it is awful
belerdimenna22 February 2022
When I saw theories is about amazon and some mystery I thought I was gonna be entertained butch boy this movie is awful. From the script to acting every thing is awful. Worst movie I have watched in years.
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