"The Big Door Prize" Beau (TV Episode 2023) Poster

(TV Series)


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Episode 6
bobcobb30126 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, we had some good comedic moments at the basketball practice. I usually enjoy movies around basketball, sometimes TV shows, so this seemed quite simple and easy to handle. But then things got out of control with the off-site at the saloon and all of the issues around pride and punching, which sounds like a good novel.

I was really excited by this show, but I don't know, it feels like it is getting too repetitive and needs to find a more unique way week to week to incorporate the morpho cards and their impact on the individuals. And what would a second season of this thing possibly look like?
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Sects "e" morphology
bbjzilla19 April 2023
The big door prize started as a quirky comedy drama with nice characters, charming and funny with a bit of awkwardness and sadness. The story begins after a tragedy which becomes more apparent.

I was hooked on the first three episodes; laughs, tears and a bit of magic.

Now I'm really starting to dislike it; the last 2 episodes have changed focus to Beau and his grief for his dead son; a bit grim in theory but instead there's a palpable sense of threat if he finds out his son was the infidel.

This episode was centred around Beau's increasingly toxic behaviour and Giorgio's manipulation of Dusty. With Dusty's increasingly infantile carry on, the complete lack of chemistry with his wife Cass and the stalling plot i am losing interest in these people.

Where at first the characters were charming and engaging, they've become grotesques. Perhaps this is the arc; in preparation for the finale, rather than unlocking potential, they will become the worst version of themselves. Maybe Dusty will have been right all along.

But as the horrors start to unfold I'm not sure this is what I had hoped for from such a magical beginning. I genuinely hope they can rediscover some of the heart of earlier episodes or it's all going to end badly, not just in the show but for the show.
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