Reflection of You (TV Series 2021– ) Poster

(2021– )

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Slow burn but totally worth it - if you liked Wuthering Heights
Jodie_ds24 October 2021
The synopsis for this shouldn't be considered too much. This drama looks at the way we deceive ourselves and deceive others, and ask us to question when those things are valid. It also asks us to consider how we pass on values about these things to our children, and how much we would sacrifice for pride.

Very much a slow burn, it takes until at least episode four before you start to have any real understanding of the world in which these people are living, but the craft involved in having set it up this way means that although you don't much like their world, you can't quite turn away from it. The characters themselves refer to the novel Wuthering Heights at one point, and it's a pretty good parallel as to the way things go here.

The actors are all very talented, and their expertise are very much made use of. Totally worth the time investment if you don't mind not getting a 'happy ending'.
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With each gain there comes a loss.
alaningle72 December 2021
A successful artist married to a rich businessman has her life turned upside down when a one time friend returns looking for revenge because of events in their past. It is a slow paced drama where you get to know more about past incidents from each individuals perspective. It is very cleverly written as you find yourself understanding a characters behaviour who you disliked as their story is told. The whole cast does a resounding job as there are many interesting side characters, but Go Hyun-iuna and Shin Hyun-been as the main protagonists are outstanding.
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Good but drops the ball at the end.
cee062113 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Essentially all the characters are deeply flawed, not really admirable people. All of the charcters in some way don't acknowledge and own up to what they've done. Actually the only charcter that I have respect for is Hae Won's mom. Even tho it's clear she's not the most responsible person/mother, she is the only one in the show who truly faces something bad she's done head on without trying to scheme out of if. When she finds out the women who was the victim of her and her boyfriend's scam is the bartender's wife, she turns her boyfriend in as well as herself.

Everyone else in the show wrongs several people without genuinly trying to own up to it. Hee Joo and Woo Jae cheat, Hee Joo betraying her family and her friend Hea Won. Woo Jae betraying his girlfriend Hae Won. Hee Joo's husband, Hyeong Seong knew of the affair and runs down Woo Jae in a car and secretly keeps him hid away in Ireland in a coma. Hee Joo doesn't seem that sorry that she betrayed her once friend Hae Won or that Woo Jae was in an accident and lost the last 3 years of his life, just happy that he doesn't remember her, because she is regretful of the affair. When her husband confronts her about the affair and they reconcile she continues to hide from him the fact that Woo Jae keeps persuing her, even hiding Woo Jea's death later on, even tho their daughter was involved.

Woo Jae, while his memories were lost, is grateful for Hae Won because she's caring for him and wants to make amends to her because he can see how hurt she is by something that he did, which she won't tell him about. But when he gets his memories back, he wrongs her all over again. He specifically got his memories back so that he could apologize to her, but he doesn't apologize, not at first and not sincerely. He also doesn't explain why he called to apologize years ago before he suddenly went missing, which is something she wanted to know. Even by the end of the series there is no closure there. He gets obessed with Hee Joo all over again once he remembers her. He wants to get back with her and refuses to let her go even tho she pleads with him to leave her alone.

Hae Won while genuinly wronged and having every right to feel betrayed and scarred by being betrayed by two people she loved, and also having every right to find Woo Jae (who was missing while in a coma) and get answers, acknowlegement and even apologies from everyone (Woo Jae, Hee Joo and Hyeong Seong), orchestrates this elaborte plan to bring down Hee Joo and either get back with Woo Jae or get her explination from him, mentioned earlier. (I'm actually still confused at her expectations with Woo Jae, she hated him, I guess, but wanted to marry him all over again, knowing that he left her without a S i n i g l e W o r d for Hee Joo. She get's Hee Joo's son kidnapped, get's the guy who she manipulated to do it, framed as the sole purpotrater of the crime, takes gaurdianship of his daughter. Provokes Hee Joo's daughter Lisa with insinuations about her mom cheating on her dad, which indirectly leads Lisa to follow them to the studio where she ends up stabbing Woo Jae when Woo Jae in a fit of desperation and rage was choking her mom Hee Joo.

All of this is actually fine as far as a tv shows go. What I don't like and can't understand is the ending, where 1) Hae Won, who supposedly loved Woo Jae so much and is part of the reason she did all of this scheming for revenge for, when she sees him dead in Hee Joo's studio in a pool of blood on the floor, instead of calling the cops, she takes the pen that he was obviously stabbed with and leaves. ?!?! And, essentially, leaves Hui Joo to dump his body in a lake. That's the fate she leaves for the guy she instigated all this trouble over. And granted, she didn't know exactly what Hui Joo was going to do, she intentionally took that pen to use against Hui Joo. So she intuitively knew Hui Joo was going to cover it up and she was more concerned with revenge and holding something over her than she did that Woo Jae died. Didn't she only want revenge because she supposedly loved him so much (as well as Hee Joo, her friend)?

Maybe she didn't love him that much. And she's just a petty person all the way through and was hurt merely by being betrayed rather than being betrayed by people that she deeply loved. Even so, there's something unsattisfying about whatching something culminate that way when it's that petty, it makes it seem all so unnecessary. Mind you it seemed unnecessary early on. I had trouble full empathizing with her because she was furthering her own unnecessary misery.

And by the end, she goes on to finally start over and is opening an exhibit as a painter. Are we supposed to feel happy for her, seeing that she caused all this trouble? She had right to cause some trouble but not that much. Somebody died. Even tho Woo Jae was a terrible person with no remorse, he didn't deserve to die and she had a hand in that.

2) This is the bigger thing that I can't understand, is why Hee Joo would agree to abandon her family to keep Hae Won quite about Jae Woo's death. She may want to protect her daughter, but she's letting her daugter and her son think that she abandoned them (and this is shortly after just finding out her daughter routinely cuts herself). She has to know that her daughter wouldn't get in trouble, she was acting in defense of her mom. She herself would get in trouble for disposing the body but has already said that her husband would get the best lawyers and would make it clear that Woo Jae was obsessed with her (which is true).

And Hae Won will also have to explain to the cops why she took the pen from the 'scene of the crime/accident' and only called the cops later. So it really doesn't make sense why she would do that. And her husband eventually accepts it and lets her go? That's inconsistent with his character during the entire show. That also leaves an unsatisfying feeling. Like his family and wife were what he fought so hard for, oh wait, I guess I don't care anymore. You grow to expect something and there not met, but without any good reason.

So besides it not making sense, it's just not satisfying. Is the moral of the story that Hae Won now gets to live her best life and Hee Joo gets to be alone and miserable? And what about Woo Jae? He gets to be disposed of and forgotten again? All the makers of their own demise and misery but no real satisfying acknowlegement of their actions beause more lies and secrets just cover everything up again?? They are literally back where they were before just in slightly different places (or in worse off shape in the case of Woo Jae since he's dead).

It defintely drew me in, and I liked the acting but I just don't get what they were trying to say with the ending. Maybe they didnt' want Hee Joo to go on with her pretty little life, but her ending just seemed artificial. I kind of liked that she had this pretty decent life even tho she did this terrible thing and had this big lie. Not because I think people should get away with bad things but because that is often the case that seemingly decent people often do terrible things and just because it comes back to blow up in their face doesn't mean their whole life is going to be ruined. Even tho someone in Hae Won's position would feel that that's justified. And maybe she's right, or maybe she's just bitter and vengeful, at the very least she's understandable for thinking/wanting that. These are interesting questions. But maybe Hee Joo was right when she said that Hae Won destroyed her own life because she choose to be a victim. And she was a victim but she literally wasted good things she had going for her because she felt sorry for herself and then resented Hee Joo because she had some of those good things that she, in her self pity, choose to let go of.

Thinking about who was justified in feeling and doing what and seeing the lengths they all went to for revenge or obsession or love or for protecting their own lies were great ideas the show played with but the ending was so unsatisfying because it didn't bring any resolution or closure to those ideas, they just let the characters continue to act out their worst traits until the end with no other point than to show us a tradegy. All that being said I don't regret watching it and still think it was a good show although a bit frustrating through out and unsatisfying at the end.
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Be true
cameliasispir6 April 2022
A story of love and betrayal, similar to Wuthering Heights. Woo Jae is the one who truly loved and paid with his life. His lover, after cheating on her husband, goes back for money. His wife can not accept being abandoned and keeps him alongside to punish him, his lover, and destroys the lovers' family. The moral : if somebody does not love you as you love them, show your love by letting them go. Don't be clingey and spiteful, fate gives everyone their due.
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Very complex yet heart touching story
pvnlkur3 December 2021
Probably a non-typical k-drama. Very complex yet heart touching story, loved every dialogue and scene including the final episode. Apart from main leading characters, even other roles had very well thought of story plot and depth.
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Seo Woo
terrentfulford21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the most dragged on show I've ever watch, not to mention every episode is an hour and change. Literally every character is UNLIKEABLE in this dragged on show. Even Goo Hae, I tried to like her because she didn't deserve what happened to her but she's just dumb and pathetic I hate that she's only going after Jeong Hae and not Seo Woo she needs to go after him as well he made her wait a very long time plus, he wasn't coming back she had to find him. Even after all this she still choose to remarry him when he obviously doesn't want to be with her..

Lisa.. is very annoying, immature I wished she got slapped harder, literally every episode she's gets meaner, I skipped forward when she was on screen.

Don't get me started on the little boy he's even more annoying they should've just kidnapped him ( they did ) and keep him, he plays his role very well.

This show is VERY slow but it's not boring, I'm currently on episode thirteen and I don't plan on watching anymore of this show I can't take it. I only made it this far because Seo Woo is cute. 7/10 it's not bad just long and slow.
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honeybeesanddandelions6 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was so excited about this show. I watched every episode. I was invested in the conflicts from each persons point of view. It was suspenseful and dramatic, but the resolutions in the end were not believable and were left ambiguous. I didn't root for anyone, especially Hae Won's character, she did not have any redeeming qualities.

Hee Joo and Woo Jae fell in love when he was her art teacher and she was his student. They began an affair and committed adultery, but they did not commit multiple crimes like Hae Won and Hyeon-Seong did in the name of love.

Hee Joo's husband knew about the affair and never told Hee Joo, because he had committed actual crimes that he was covering up. Those secrets gave Hae Won a way to re enter their lives. If Hee Joo had known her husband knew about the affair and he had confessed to his crime of running Woo Jae down with his car, hiding his comatose body in his hospital. If the secrets and crimes were known and they had forgiven each other or agreed to live with it and continue being a family. Hae Won would not have been able to have any effect on them.

Hae Won violently beat Hee Joo's daughter Lisa and she was hospitalized. Hae Won finds Hee Joo's house and shows up to fake apologize and reveals that she is Hannah. Hae Won keeps showing up stalking her and bringing up the past.

I felt the most compassion for Woo Jae who is a talented artist, that is run down by a car. No one knew what happened to him, or where he was for three years. He didn't have anyone by his side. When Woo Jae regains consciousness, he is discharged into Hae Won's care, who is only a wife on paper. He doesn't remember her. Woo Jae has not only lost three years of his life, but his memories. Hae Won brings Woo Jae to her house, but only to keep him under watch and track his movements through the cell phone. Hae Won refuses to help him get his memories back, lies to him, drugs him, criticizes him, humiliates him, and blames him for every misfortune in her life. Until... she can use him in the next phase of her revenge, revealing that he is alive and well at the opening of his solo art exhibit. The same art center where Hee Joo is exhibiting her artwork.

Hae Won knows that Hee Joo's husband Hyeon-Seong had confronted Woo Jae in a pub in Ireland three years earlier and then attempted to murder him by running him down with his car. Hyeon-Seong had Woo Jae taken to his families hospital. Woo Jae lay in a coma for three years and had lost his memories, while Hyeon-Seong personally appointed himself as Woo Jae's doctor. Hae Won with this knowledge, repeatedly meets up with Hyeon-Seong to commiserate about how they have been wronged by Woo Jae and Hee Joo's affair.

Hae won kidnaps Hee Joo's son Ho-Su by tricking Il- Seong to do the crime. Hae Won frames Il Seong for the kidnapping. Il Seong is arrested and convicted for the crime. Shortly after Hae Won takes legal guardianship of his only daughter Ju-Yeong.

When Woo Jae is finally able to regain his memories on his own. He is rejected, especially by the one person he believes he loves. No one apologizes for causing him pain and loss. No one is honest about what happened. No one accepts accountability, or offers compensation. No one is understanding, or shows him any compassion. When Hee Joo rejects Woo Jae for the last time giving the director of the gallery a fabricated video to end her collaboration with Woo Jae, he runs to Hee Joo to confront her. When Woo Jae realizes not only does she not want to work with him anymore. He won't be able to see her anymore. Hee Joo says that she doesn't love him anymore and that being with him was all a mistake. Woo Jae feels hopeless and sees that Hee Joo is scared of him. Woo Jae temporary goes insane, and gives her something to be scared about. Lisa stabs him in defense of her mother. Hee Joo immediately drugs her husband, cleans up the crime scene and puts Woo Jae's body in a suitcase, drives him out to her friends lake and dumps his body. Why would Hee Joo then leave her husband and children? Hee Joo would have protected Lisa from learning that she had killed Woo Jae, but also as a mother she would not have abandoned her daughter, her son and husband, to let them believe she had run away with the man she had an affair with three years earlier. She would not as a mother leave her whole family and disappear without an explanation. Let her children believe that she left them and let them be sent abroad to return and be raised by the mother in law. This would be way more traumatizing and psychologically damaging to Lisa and Hee Joo's whole family. Hee Joo would not have begged Hae Won, or made a deal with her. Instead, Hee Joo would have told her husband the truth. That she was attacked by Woo Jae and that Lisa acted in defense to save her life. Hyeon Seong would have protected them at all costs. Hee Joo and her husband Hyeon-seong are extremely wealthy and powerful. They have attorney's on stand by to dispel any accusations, or charges anyone would have leveled against them. Hee Joo said it herself. Hae Won would not have stood a chance against them. They would not serve any time. The mother in law said to the attorney "I don't care what happened, just how we will fix it. Hypothetically speaking, Hee Joo had disposed of the body and cleaned up the crime scene, so no one could have proven Woo Jae was even dead. Hae Won produced a small razor with blood on it that she claimed to have found at Hee Joo's studio, they could have easily argued that Lisa was known to be a cutter, with many old and new cuts on her thighs. They could have just said Woo Jae had witnessed her doing this and tried to stop her and it cut his hand, explaining his blood. It didn't make sense that Hee Joo would suddenly give up after all that she had done to protect her family. It is not believable! It's unrealistic to believe that her husband, Hyeon-seong would have just let his wife disappear either. Hyeon-seong would have immediately hired private investigators to find her. He would have tracked her down to the ends of the earth. Hyeon-seong would not believe a text from Hae Won's cell phone about his wife's whereabouts. Hyeon-seong knew Hae Won was always scheming to punish Hee Joo and Woo Jae. He would never have believed anything Hae Won said. Hyeon-seong would have immediately checked the properties security cameras (as he had done in the past) and find out exactly where his wife went to that night. Hee Joo, Woo Jae, Hae Won and Lisa all went into the art studio and only Hee Joo, Lisa and Hae Won came out. Hyeon-seong would have known that something happened to Woo Jae.

Does the main character Hee joo then decide after two years of being in hiding, to commit suicide in that last scene at the same place that she had dumped Woo Jae's body in the lake? That is preposterous.

Hae Won is stabbed in the street by the father Il- Seong that she had framed for kidnapping and taking his daughter. Hae Won doesn't die, she instead becomes a successful painter as Hannah and after two years will debut her first solo art exhibit. This was awful writing. Hae Won should of had to pay for all of her her crimes and Hyeon-Seong too.
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Not a typical love affair. I like the story👍👍
anne-9360415 December 2021
I like this series I enjoy👍👍 I like haeju and wojae character❤❤ I like the ending too. Sad ending but it's a reality comes to you.

Once you commit a sin you must be prepared for what will happen to you in the end .for the sin you have committed 😥
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Overall a very memorable show
dilahosgormez1 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The main thing many people have missed is that the characters Hee-joo and Hyeon-seong were ready to move on from the incident. Hyeon-seong was aware that he got cheated on, and yet he knew his wife regretted it and chose to move on. In the last scene where Woo-jae tells Hee-joo her husband was the one who crashed into him in the car incident, she tells him that it's not true, which felt like she said it to protect him. These two characters were protecting each other, after all, they raised children and they were a married couple who were together for many years, no matter what happened.

Woo-jae was only a puppet in this story, who was selfish enough to not realize the consequences of the affair, even if it continued. Before he died, he told Hee-joo that her husband was the one who crashed into him, and when the answer he got didn't satisfy him he got furious. He wanted to have a relationship with Hee-joo, as he said so before as well. His tries didn't end up how he wanted it to, like the time when Hee-joo acted for the car camera and showed the recording to stop working together. This led him to be so furious that he wanted to kill Hee-joo because he wasn't satisfied. Like all the characters, he had very bad actions. Considering that he figured out Hyeon-seong wanted to kill him during the car incident when he crashed into him, it's not unlikely that he wanted to get some form of revenge. Regardless, it seemed like he did all of this just to be together with Hee-joo.

No matter what happened between Hee-joo and Woo-jae, Hyeon-seong still wanted to move on. It doesn't matter what choice he makes in the end, as he can decide to continue the relationship with Hee-joo and no one can say anything about it. Hae-won wanted revenge, so it started bothering her when she saw that their relationship wasn't falling apart, so she had to ruin it. It didn't seem like she caused most of what happened, as it was somehow going to happen anyway, but it could have turned out to be better in the end had she not interfered. She was the cause of many of this. Maybe she did believe that Woo-jae was going to change at first, but then as time went on, she realized that he didn't. So she gave up on him and wasn't too upset when he died as well. Sure, she did seem to get a better ending, but it doesn't seem like she can live a happy life anymore, and she sacrificed her happiness because she wanted to get revenge.

I do think that it would have been better if she had given up midway through and watched how Woo-jae acted if he hadn't died, and how Hee-joo and Hyeon-seong were going to deal with it. But Woo-jae was the puppet of the story anyway. Hee-joo did everything to protect her family after cheating, even if she wasn't the best mom or she had bad actions like everyone else. Great acting though.
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Painfully slow
mgbnppi2 December 2021
Had high expectations for this series at the start but there was basically very little plot which stretched on for 16 eps. Would've been a much better series if they brought down the number of episodes. The ending is very unsatisfactory as well.
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I enjoyed watching this drama
jazmine-5581510 December 2021
I did enjoy watching this drama it was until almost the end so kept me wanting to watch more. I like watching these type of dramas. However the ending was a little disappointing. I really hope there will be a season 2 so that they'll continue the story and finish it off with a more satisfying ending.
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Started good but it all went spiralling down until the end
sharifahzahira3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow.. what a disappointment the journey of watching this drama was! It started with giving high expectations of complicated relationships filled with jealousy, anger, angst, revenge and torment, but towards the end, this story became more disappointing and frustrating. Too many loopholes left unanswered.

  • how did the rich Mr An fall for the janitor Ms Jeong and loved her too unconditionally?

  • how exactly did Mr Seo fall for Ms Jeong until he became insanely in love with her (or more like being infatuated with her).. to says Jeong is more attractive than Ms Gu is definitely not an issue.

  • why did Ms Gu love Mr Seo so much until she lost her senses even though he was acting nonchalantly even from the beginning?

  • what really happened to Ms Gu after being stabbed in the middle of the big street? Seriously she was back right on her feet and continue to paint? How absurd.

Mr Seo's character had no depth at all. Both Mr Seo and Ms Gu were like empty shells that gave zombie vibes in this drama. How did they meet, how did they became close that Ms Gu became so obsessed with him, why Ms Gu became so clueless when Mr Seo left her so suddenly.. all thise unanswered questions.

Don't expect the main leads to get their closure. Well, maybe closure in an obscure way. The only character I loved in the drama was Mr An. So loving and loyal to his wife, even when he knew she cheated on him. Well, I'm not sure if that's a good thing, I wished he lashed out his feelings to Ms Jeong a bit more.. it's not bad to say how one feels. And I totally hate it when Go Hyun Joong ( Ms Jeong) makes her "innocently-smiling face" when she was actually doing something bad behind her husband.. she looked like a troubled clown. Shin Hyun Bin (Ms Gu) looked messed up and a bit flat from beginning to the end.

One of the disappointing dramas I've watched in 2021.. I have a lot more to say but really, I'm just gonna say this drama is mediocre, except for the flaunting of BMWs.
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LOVE this K drama
avers-0853012 December 2023
One of the best K dramas if not the best in my opinion that I've seen. I'm not into romcoms and this definitely had some romance but not in a corny way. This show was totally what I was looking for. From beginning to the end.. constant edge of your seat thriller with everything else mixed in. The actors were incredible, the scenery was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking as if you were actually there. I binge watched this show and finished it in 2 days. I couldn't stop watching because I had to know what was going to happen next. I didn't want it to end :( I'm looking for another thriller such as this one to binge on. LOVE, LOVE this show. Highly recommend!
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pjkblue-359266 December 2021
Have you ever watched something where so many characters are moody, dysfunctional, or downright incapable of normal behaviors? The actor "Mr. Seo" character is Korea's answer to Keanu Reeves: talk about zero range. This was a bad deal all around. Watching it, I really could care less about any of the leads.
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It left me with similar feeling after watching The Piano
ting0319-629-17723126 November 2022
Among many K-dramas, though this one contains some melodramatic elements which do not always add up, it tells a story about choices, lust, and the question about what's right and wrong. Yes, it gets painfully slow at times, and I confessed that I fast-forwarded some parts when binge-watching several episodes in a row. All in all, the acting of the leading actress, (played by Hyundai-Jung Go) and the chemistry between she and the young artist (played by Jae-young Kim) is quite good. I enjoyed watching it because the emotions and the choices that the characters had and presented reminded me of myself when I was younger. I seemed to be at least once involved in part of the choices they made, such as not letting go of a long-term relationship, getting over a fling, being betrayed or once believing that my love for someone so firmly almost to the extent of irrationality and madness, and the extreme raw emotions and the aching of having to live without him or her. Or for example, one of the characters would rather her ex-lover died long ago then being in a coma and returned. These aspects are well-acted out in this drama. It is certainly not to be compared to the movie, The Piano (1993), in every aspect, but the haunting tune that it left is quite similar to me. You couldn't help but wonder, what kind of choices you would have made if you were them. Why were we sometimes attracted to someone when you knew you should not? What is right and what is wrong? Eventually, all the choices we made led up to where we are now. All the actions and inaction have come to an end for some in this drama.
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Started off well, but then...
marlivteacher19 December 2021
It started as a captivating story, but the bitter, self-pitying, vengeful Ms. Gu's twisted reasoning and plots just dragged on and on. Basically, everyone had to be punished and had to suffer forever because the man she loved, never really loved her and was unfaithful.

One could have felt sorry for Ms Gu in the beginning, but her exagerated self-pity and twisted manipulation of absolutely everyone, even the man she professed to love, was just exhausting!

I had to skip to the end after about episode 11/12 and it was a really disappointing ending. Don't bother.
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You either love it or you don't.
justwen894 February 2022
You either love it or you don't. I thought the beginning was nice and dark enough. But the last episodes were depressing , too bad. I would have preferred a happy ending. But that's my taste:)
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very poor
phynewtone9 December 2021
When the background of a movie is about art u expect profound meaning in it but this TV Seri has poor meanings about love and human feelings / there is really nothing in this TV Seri that u can say it as a deep concept about life or human or love.

The characters are not real , the love story is poor and not realistic.

For example there is no sympathy between two old friends (two main female characters) and this is not real and looks completely artificial.
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cryingcake12 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved every episode of this series which is why i kept watching but I hate how it condemns some characters for something but others who are just as bad get to live a happy life afterwards. HW forced her husband to marry her twice but was surprised when he wasn't as committed as her when it showed from the beginning. She took all of that rage onto the girl he cheated with and stalked her, traumatized her kids, and ruined her life but not the person who was literally married to her and betrayed her. She chose to not get over it and kept playing the victim, and i don't know why the show kept trying to paint her as the good person in it when none of them were. Which is why this show was a waste of time and I think the writers are ignorant and hypocrites for that ending.
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I gave it up
nicowa-7922710 October 2023
By episode 8, I asked myself «What are you doing, watching this?!».

The Mr. Seo character, the Woman in the green coat and the overall strange vibe, made me quit watching.

I'm not a bit curious about how it all ends.

The mentioned Mr. Seo is so boring and without any charisma at all.

Why does the Woman in the green coat bother to wait for someone like him?! He did'nt seem any more interesting before his accident either.

No one in this show seem to behave like a normal person would, so it all ends up being just too many weird people and subplots. And they all seem to be at the same place at the same time, for some reason. I have seen this in so many shows, and it would be fine if they all lived in a small village, but they do not.

Even the music is wrong...
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If only...
Park_Min13 August 2023
The characters were its biggest downfall. All the characters were insane, demented, deranged and devoid of integrity. There was no layers to their madness. You'll have to humanize them first before stripping it away. Skipping the first step would devalue their actions and take away from the watching experience. Aside from the characters, the drama was excruciatingly slow for no apparent reason other than filling the contracted runtime. Slow burners are acceptable when they serve a purpose to either immerse the viewers into its world or to seamlessly build up the tension. The drama failed to do either. The twists were overdone for the sake of it rather than adding to the narrative meaningfully. Even then, they weren't appealing nor interesting. Once the memory was restored the drama took a sharp and sudden turn for the worst going against what it tried to build up to, this includes the ending. One more thing, there was an attempt to have a play on artistic symbolism but none of which landed well. Partially because of the two aforementioned points.
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