"1899" The Calling (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Confusing but exciting episode
mina-6736819 November 2022
I think this episode makes you think of the true nature of what is going on. You may come to conclusions and explanations or even imaging how things are happening. However, you are not fully sure of your thoughts and still confused. Also, what I like about this one is there is some sort of bizarre technology, although the events took place in 1899. Besides that, there is a mention of the human brain, which is a mystery -as far as I know- to physicians and scientists nowadays, even if we know a lot about it. Overall, it is a geart episode, and you are left with a feeling motivates you to watch the following one.
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Craving for more...
Rajit_thebingewatcher22 November 2022
The pivoting episode in my opinion where the story has taken the first directional shift. Here after getting confused and lost for long time first time the viewers can breathe.

This is the first episode towards conclusion. Imagine you are solving a puzzle, after sometime some glimpses of faces ,structures can be seen which makes you realize okay this is how it is going to be completed. This is that moment of the season. This is that episode.

The story of "Maura" and "Captain" somehow interconnects as they know they have relation with "Prometheus" the ship which was lost through the "pessengers list". The story which was shown in "Maura's" dream and the call back of the first episode that his father was also a doctor is very critical to this episode. This episode will certainly make you crave for more.
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01x05 - The Calling: 9/10 (Great)
mahdypersonal20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So it would appear that this Project Kerberos is actually one significant experimentation and they 're using this for some reason against the passengers. It's still fuzzy what the end- goal is here but it would nearly feel like it's some kind of behavioral study.

Understanding how Maura slots into all of this, not to mention the overarching conundrum involving her father being a crucial element in the study, is a lovely twist and one that you 're unlikely to see coming. Nevertheless, the fate of these passengers appear to be eerily connected to that of the Prometheus but I 'd imagine we 'll start to witness more of this over time and hopefully conclude how everything is linked together.
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Best Episode So Far
MamadNobari9717 November 2022
Compared to Dark season 1, if my memory serves me correctly, this episode of the first season gives us more info about what's actually happening than Dark did in its first season, and it's really surprising to me. Surprising because I didn't expect this kind of reveal until at least the 7th or the 8th episode, but if we're being honest, there wasn't much more they could've done and it would've dragged, so it makes sense they do a little bit revealing this early on. Not to mention you can kind of guess this reveal before it happens based on the other reveals and flashbacks they've done.

The reveal itself doesn't reveal that much either other than what we might've already guessed, so it's not like everything makes sense now, the reveal actually answers just a few questions and creates way more new ones instead.

This whole episode was captivating and the intrigue was at its height. Out of all the previous episodes, I think this was the most intense and also revealing episode, and even if the previous episodes didn't grab you that much, this is the one that hooks you back in and makes you want to see more.

The ending reminded me of the ending of one of Dark's season 1 episodes which I can't remember which, wherein we see that boy on the chair (trying not to spoil Dark), it had the same effect and I feel like that's what they were going with. Though I think this one revealed more than the Dark one.

All in all, I thought this episode was intense and on-the-edge-your-seat all throughout, and as we get close to the end, more F'd up things happen and more and more gets revealed, and so far I enjoyed this episode the most. Hopefully, it gets even better in the next ones and we get a satisfying and revealing ending, but knowing the creators of Dark, I doubt that would happen and we'd unfortunately have to wait a year or two for the next season to have even more questions.
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Finally feels like we are getting somewhere
ahmadz83918 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 5, "The Calling," picks up the pace after a few slow episodes and hints at what may be happening. Not only do the electronics in Henry's chamber appear like they belong in the late 20th century and not the 19th, but we also get a hint that Maura's father might be in charge of the whole situation. With the addition of Daniel's possession of a LED torch in the year 1899, it seems increasingly likely that he has travelled across time or that alternate realities exist. Perhaps the people in charge are based in the twenty-first century or the far future, and everything we see is a simulation? It was eerie to see so many people following what sounds like a metronome to their deaths; this likely fits in with the signs we've had about a mental facility. Excellent sequence, amongst the best of the show. A part of me is disappointed by the horror in "1899", which has felt somewhat underwhelming. There was room to make it scarier, but the creators, unfortunately, opted against exploring that avenue. So far, I'm loving it; it's reminiscent of Severance in many ways, and I'm hoping they can nail the resolution.

Rating: 8.4/10( Great)
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dannylee-7808223 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1. People jump 2. Maura teleports 3. Daniel gets smacked

Getting more lost here. However, the mystery about the name was all fixed. Maura = Henry (short for Henrietta) and her brother's name is Ciaran. I dig how purposefully deceptive the writers were. Now all the letters start to make sense.

People jumping overboard under a trance was sort of bibilical and very grotesque. I loved that whole imagery.

So the ship can teleport you into memories? And the pyramid can bend time? If this is some sort of an inception thing, I am getting more lost. What would be the purpose of the said experiment? All the main characters have some sort of trauma attached to them. What is their common factor and why are they protected from the trance? Are Daniel and the boy trying to work against a bigger force? Perhaps Henry Singleton? If they are supposed to be the good guys, it would explain that people aren't actually dead but woken up from a dream and their reality is actually a dream. So many questions and it's episode 5.

Usually, a show this unfriendly to the viewers would lose people but honestly, I love the intrigue and the mystery. It requires patience and patience is all I have.
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Answers and new questions
badeclerck23 November 2022
What a great episode again. We don't give up on him for a second, we are hypnotized by all the elements that producers put before our eyes to understand the story and the plot. Some questions are not answered, but their answers create new questions. Everything is so well written, so well directed to sow clues throughout the episode to arrive at this epic finale. We still don't know who the bad guys are, who the good guys are. We don't know who's right and who's wrong. We don't know what the characters want and what we want are answers.

Each character evolves through this rhythm. Each character gives us clues about his past, gives us his answers, but is it the truth or are they themselves mistaken about their past? We no longer know who to believe and what to believe. We do not know who is right and who is wrong. All this leaves room for thousands of theories on all his characters. On the boat and the objectives of each.
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A little bit more clear..... but still more complexity
AvionPrince167 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So yeah this episode let us learn a little bit more and let us suggest many possibilities: we see things and stuff but we still pretty lost and we dont understand everything for now. The boy will reveal some secrets behind the traps and have some parallel locationsmin them? I didnt know really what happened. And the triangle object maybe can stop time? We also witness a big suicide of a lot of passengers. We dont really know why they commit suicide. And we will learn a little bit more about the doctor and her father: he study science behavior or something like that and let us think thar can be a result of one of his experiments but we dont have clear answers and we just have suggestions. At the end we saw the father of the doctor who let us know that he want the boy and that suggest that the boy is more important than it seem. Need to see more to really understand. And we know also the message about the sink the ship was adressed in fact not at the prometheus but at the boat we are in. Pretty interesting overalll but still some areas are pretty blurred.

But the episode had tensions in it and give us more things to explore and let us suggest and make some theories. And it make some surprising revelations and we are pretty intriguing by what they will do next. Need to see more.
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This one now makes the series look like "Dark" - may have no plot
cuvtixo-132 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think passengers are jumping ship for half the episode, just ridiculous amounts of people, more than could possibly be on such a boat! That silliness is forgivable, but I'm coming to believe that despite all the gadgets and character revelations, which other reviewers seem to have enjoyed, the plot is really not going anywhere. The mysteries of the machine, the pyramid, the boy, may all go unsolved, with no resolution, which is what happened in "Dark". If you can stay in the moment and get into the dark synthesizer themes, it can be fun. But I'm not holding my breath for anything being solved. Nothing has congealed yet, absolutely nothing has been resolved, and I can't help thinking perhaps nothing will be!
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Can't they read a medical book?
nemesis-881 December 2022
This cliche migrates from show to show with enviable consistency - medical professionals (maniacs, serial killers, accidental and intentional murderers, government assassins, agents of all possible secret agencies, etc) stick the syringe needle into a person's neck. Where did this stupidity come from and why is it still going?! It's been alive longer than the face-to-face dialogue while driving a car was. Sticking a 5-cm needle into a person's neck will NOT get the medicine to work any faster. In fact you likely won't deliver it into the blood stream at all. NOBODY who practices real medicine in real life does that, my dear overpaid script writers. It's time to bury that idiocy once and for all.
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