Biko (2022) Poster


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Too many of the same kinds, making it a dull and forgettable one!
ajleong-9872518 October 2022
The plot is very similar to many movies, depicting the relationship between a single father and his son... Overall, it's just too predictable!

The pace is alright, but it's flat all the way, without much up and down.

The acting of all the casts is generally average to poor. The side roles are pretty off (e.g. Sara's parents, Amir, Raj...), not natural at all. The only actress that acts well in the movie is "Sherry" (mummy)! She is good, although she is just a side-role, NOT the main cast. I like her acting very much!

I could see that the director was trying hard to earn some tears from the audiences. BUT the vibe is just NOT there enough to make one shed tears. Firstly, the emotional value is lacking depth among Biko, his father & mother. Secondly, it fails to create a "multi-dimensional" emotional point to touch one's heart. It's just too blunt and direct, with the kid crying over and over until audiences are numb! Finally, the illness doesn't add much value to the movie at all. It could have been used to add some crying points at last, making the movie more emphatic.

As said, the storyline is too simple, straight-forward and predictable. Audiences today wish to see a more creative storyline than a plain and dull one. Overall, it's quite a forgettable movie. It leaves plenty of room for improvement.
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