"The Last of Us" Please Hold to My Hand (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Great Joel and Ellie Episode
MamadNobari976 February 2023
After the great previous episode which was more focused on the side characters and less progression of the main present plot, this episode moves the plot a lot further and we get more familiar with these two main characters and they become more likable as we go on.

So first of all, I gotta say the production and the visual effects are still great and they do a great job of showcasing the rundown post-apocalyptic cities and everything looks great. A lower-budgeted show would've probably just sufficed to show a couple of low-resolution city landscapes with mediocre CGI and would've been mostly just characters in buildings, which most of this episode is, but the balance between them is decent and the world-building is great. All the visual effects so far looked real and authentic and they add so much to the world of this show.

We also finally start to see these two characters bond and the chemistry between these two characters and actors is just great, and I thought they did a great job of showing them slowly warming up to each other throughout the episode.

The new characters introduced in this episode are interesting enough and the plot thickens when Joel and Ellie are now entangled with these people who have their own little sub-plot we still don't fully know of and it's getting more interesting. Though I think the leader of this group is kinda goofy and it's exactly for the reason you think I mean.

Anyway, this episode was really good but I wish it was longer since we're already almost halfway through the show, and the plot is just starting to pick up again after episode two, though I don't remember how much story was in the game, I at least expected all episodes to be at least 1 hour. Nonetheless, a great episode focused on Joel and Ellie and them bonding and getting more likable and some new characters and plots introduced.
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Trey_Trebuchet6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I actually really dug this one!

The one thing I've been most curious about, and most excited to see, in an adaptation of the game is exactly how the relationship between the two main characters is handled. There were some great moments between them in the previous episodes, but here they're finally bonding a little bit it seems. If for nothing else, this episode does a good job of further establishing what made the original game as phenomenal as it is. I even laughed along with Joel and Ellie when she started telling puns.

The moment they shared about "hurting someone" was nicely acted and written. It's not a conversation that's had in the game, so I thought it was a nice touch.

Acting is all great. I'm not sure how I feel about Melanie Lynksey yet, but I appreciate the writers doing something with the material that was originally a tense, fun time to play through, but not expertly compelling or interesting outside of that.

Production is as wonderful as ever. I was really happy to see scenes and hear dialogue directly from the game. The cast and crew are genuinely trying here and it has so far paid off with each episode.

This one did feel like set-up, but it's not filler. Not at all. Friday can't come sooner enough... it'll be interesting to see how long Sam and Henry stick around. My heart is already aching...
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Loved every bit of it except
saifeliya6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was really good , the cliffhanger in the end was amazing , Ellie's bonding with Joel in the last minutes was so wholesome and it made me smile .

I just have a small problem with the Casting of Melanie as Kathleen , I mean I love her in Yellowjackets but she just seemed to soft and not dominant at all with her voice tone . She didn't represent a leader and I do hope she's not the villan that we will have to deal with in the upcoming episodes ...

Killing the guy screaming for his mother was a brutal scene and I definitely loved it ..

I have 50 more characters left and I dont know what to add .
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Nailed it
margaridaoliv6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very solid episode. From a game fan perspective, I loved it. We got our iconic scenes from the game (like the one with the magazine in the car). Finally Ellie brought out her pun book and I think this is really important to show how their relationship is evolving: she is now confortable enough to tell him stupid jokes. Doesn't seem like much but they haven't been together for that long and Joel's trust is hard to get.

We got to see much more of the hunters. This is what I love and expected from the show: to see more. In the game they are just the bad guys you have to kill, you never got to know what were they like as a group, how did they come to be. The show humanizes them, Joel even says he's been on both sides, they're both survivors, it's not black and white, it's grey. That guy screaming for his mom... that part was brutal and I think it's something that the first game missed a bit, to humanize your enemies. This TV show is just making a great game and story even greater.

Nice cliffhangers in the final minutes, can't wait for the next episode.
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The Heart and Soul of The Last of Us
gummybear-837806 February 2023
This episode is exactly why I have been excited about this series. We see the humanity and the relationship between Joel and Ellie throughout this episode which is exactly what The Last of Us is about. Sure, it is about clickers and killing infected and getting ambushed by enemies, but at its core it is the story of Joel and Ellie's relationship.

This episode is the first one so far in this series that really feels like the story has gotten going and we are learning everything we already knew about Joel and Ellie (but in the way Pedro and Bella portray them) but we're getting something deeper.

This episode is true to the characters, true to the story, but it goes deeper in a way that was impossible in the game.
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Effective set up
masonsaul7 February 2023
Please Hold to My Hand spends the majority of its shorter run time setting up things for later episodes and there's nothing wrong with that, delivering an episode that continues the show's impeccable balance between line for line fidelity and creating completely new characters and scenes that brings so much more depth to the world.

Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey really shine here once again, their chemistry is really starting to come to the surface and it comes to a really emotionally satisfying conclusion within the episode. Melanie Lynskey is great as a completely new character with a soft spoken nature that contrasts her burning anger.

Jeremy Webb's direction is excellent, it maintains the reliance on handheld camera whilst also showing suitable skill with the most action since the pilot. The music by Gustavo Santaolalla has been a constant standout and it remains the same here, beautiful, bleak and haunting.
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Please Hold on to my Hand
Tersday5 February 2023
A fairly solid episode ... (SPOILER FREE) Featuring guest performances from Melanie Lynskey and Jeffrey Pierce ( who played Tommy in part 1 and part 2 of the games), we are introduced to a solid, and far more riveting episode compared to the more emotional and sombre tone seen in the last. I heavily enjoyed this episode as it provided both complex and mature themes as well as showing some much deserved (and possibly needed) character development for both Ellie and Joel, who didn't receive much development in Long, Long Time (episode 3) due to heavy focus on both Bill and Frank instead.

While there was heavy criticism for the narrative choices and differences in the previous episode, I am glad that the creators chose to make original characters for this episode as it affects the events that occur. Both Jeffrey Pierce and Melanie Lynskey gave great performances for this episode and are contenders for best guest drama actor/actress at the Emmy's along with Anna Torv (Tess), Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett (Bill and Frank).

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Another fantastic episode
edfitz9827 February 2023
The Last of Us: Another great episode last night. What I like about it is how human it is, there has just been maybe two scenes where zombies appeared and you hardly even notice it.

The real story is the human element, not the zombie apocalypse.

I think where shows like the Walking Dead made their mistake was constant repetition of the same narrative.

It is early to say but I feel the benefit of the The Last of Us being based on a game is that it has a finite and self contain story where that story already has a test audience.

I also like how the show pays homage to video game styled missions... the "I'm too big to fit in there, can you fit through that tiny hole and open the door" so I don't have to smash the window etc. I haven't played the game but I know that's a tried and tested video game technique.

I also think that it kinda adds more reality to it in a way, cos I wouldn't smash a window... I'd be like, get in there and open the door. 😂

Once again we have a whole episode which explores relationships. So far that has been the focus;

Joel and his daughter, Sarah.

Joel and his partner, Tess.

Bill and Frank Joel and Ellie.

It's very nicely done because it shows us that as much as Joel wants to be this cold blooded self serving person, there are people he cares about.

It's really refreshing to have a series that crafts these relationships without it feeling overwhelmingly expositional.... Although pretty much most of it is a character study and exposition. It's just done well and written cohesively.
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From a non-gamer ep. 4
GomezAddams6666 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Given I know nothing of these proceedings, everything feels very exciting to witness, and this episode in particular was outstanding in narrative.

I am glad the creator of this series decided to flesh out the characters and begun to design the chemistry between Joel and Ellie gradually and naturally, it is clear from the beginning these characters complement each other, but it is great to see how they come to this conclusion themselves instead of the narrative pushing a chemistry upon them.

Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey are great together, and I am glad this episode is a return to formula to a very action packed action-horror apocalyptic story.

The new characters they have to face are incredibly well-writte as well, another solid episode in my opinion.
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Anna Torv & Melanie Lynskey should have switched roles
gem20707 February 2023
I like Melanie Lynskey in the other movies she starred in. Unfortunately, Melanie didn't feel convincing & threatening enough to be a vindictive rebel leader. IMO, if someone else like Anna Torv (as Tess) switched roles with Melanie Lynskey, it probably would have been a better fit for Anna Torv to be playing as the rebel leader and Melanie playing as Tess; it feels a lot more convincing. However, Anna was great as Tess too because she was able to convey a soft & tough exterior -- the qualities to pull-off the character of Tess!

I think it's Melanie's soft-spoken voice & the fact that I've seen her acted in more timid-like characters, which is the reason why I think she failed to convince me that she was right for the role as a rebel leader. Maybe I need to watch more future TLOU episodes for Melanie Lynskey to prove that she has the rebelliousness & leadership qualities that are required to play the role of a vindictive rebel leader, to get me to change my mind.

Besides the miscasting, I have enjoyed all the episodes thus far!
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Good deviation
spacerboi6 February 2023
HBOs The Last of Us continues to present itself in an organic nature. A lot of what happens in this episode doesn't happen in the game- and that is great. In the video game there's just not enough wiggle room for sidecontent, as it's more streamlined and would otherwise take away from the gameplay.

I'm the game, Joel just goes on a killing spree by murdering tons and tons of people that stand in his way. Here, each kill feels more impactful because they're reduced. That way Joel definitely gets more room to reflect on his actions.

Also I like the chemistry between Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey. They really sold it for me.
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Slow episode with questionable casting
abirzenith8 February 2023
A very slow episode with not much happening, Joel and Ellie are great as expected, however Melanie Lynskeyv as Kathleen is not at all convincing as the leader of a group.

Also direction feels lacking compared to previous episodes, the cinematography feels weaker in combat scenes. However, I am sure the production will get better as time goes by. Sound design for gunshots and the reverb could also be better.

As it stands the show has two amazing leads with a strong grasp over their characters but the pieces around them are lacking. Either way the Last of Us remains a very fun show to follow and fans have a lot to look forward to if the show does justice to the First games story telling experience.
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First big stumble
rebinger-17 February 2023
Melanie Lynskey is not a hard ass. Never will be a hard ass. She will always be a soft mom. Maybe an annoying aunt but never a hard ass. I can't imagine why she was cast in this role unless she can show me something in her actor tool kit that I've never seen before which is unlikely. I was immediately taken out of this episode when it was revealed that she was the leader of this gang of obviously battle hardened survivors most of whom were men. My wife said it even more succintly: "What was she before, their boss at the Dairy Queen?". Anna Torv or Merle Dandridge would have been much better choices. And, while I'm at it, WHO SHOOTS A DOCTOR IN A SURVIVAL SCENARIO LIKE THAT? It's not like they're a dime a dozen! Bad casting and stupid writing choices that depart from reality are not forgivable.
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Watch it five times and you'll still discover new things.
lovemichaeljordan6 February 2023
How do they make it look so real? Did they actually bomb a planet to make this series? The production design is outstanding; this footage must be from an alternate reality. I am so immersed in this world and my heart rate was constantly a little too high for comfort.

This show is a masterclass in making tense television. It doesn't matter what situation Ellie and Joel are in because anything could still happen at any moment. Not only is the production design a big help, but so are the performances. Pedro Pascal is simply outstanding as Joel. You can read his body language and facial expressions like a book. Every episode is so detailed and well-made; you can rewatch this episode five times and still discover new things.
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The filler episode
oscar_wake6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If we use the game as a Guide, this one felt like the filler episode, its well done and all but it only exists so the Henry arc can start. The scenes with Ellie and Joel are right on point, but to give everyone a background history It's kind of exhausting sometimes, especially this time with the mercenary group, that honestly no body cares and should be over hopefully in about one more episode, Maybe 2.

Anyway, hoping to get a more exciting episode 5 because it should trigger so many things and be relatively filled with more actions scenes, scenes that so far have been really short and not to many to be honest.
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Perfekt and precise adaptation with a twist
nassimdalami6 February 2023
This series keeps on delivering the last couple of episodes were flawless and this episode is no different. I absolutely love that they keep true to the original story with a few modifications and some characters added here and there this episode really set the standard for future adaptations of any sort.

I like this episode and the reason why I have given it a 10 out of 10 it's because you really get to see Joel and Ellis bond building up this episode is packed with excitement, humor, action and emotion.

Perfect world building, and a extremely exciting cliffhanger that makes the anticipation for the next episode even greater.
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The Last but not the least of us (Pun Intended)
coolprinceofbaroda6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was truly remarkable. We had the opportunity to delve deeper into Joel and Ellie's characters as they continue to grow and develop throughout the series. Their bond becomes even stronger and more evident, as we see Joel open up and sees Ellie as more than just cargo. The video game references, particularly the magazine scene, added an exciting and nostalgic touch to the episode.

New characters, such as Kathleen, played by the talented Melanie Lynskey added a fresh dynamic to the story and as intended by Neil Druckman, gave the hunters a "face".

The cinematography in this episode deserve special mention. The visuals were stunning, especially the road block scene looked like a screenshot from the game.

Overall, this episode was one of the best yet, with strong character development, exciting new introductions, and stunning visuals and sound design. I cannot wait to see Henry and Sam's arc unfold in the next episode.
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Best episode so far
John946 February 2023
This is the best episode so far surpassing the series premier. The cinematography is astonishing (best so far), the direction and the general atmosphere of the episode is amazing. The highlight of the episode though for me is the top notch writing and the acting from the characters. The episode plays very well with themes of what is right and wrong, what it means to fight for survival and for your life and why you should always have hope as Ellie said. Also this episode shows that death is very close to everyone in this apocalyptic world and that the clickers are not the only threat. People can also be very dangerous and also depending on who is their leader. And of course we have the chemistry and the relationship between Joel and Ellie growing even more and for the first time some smiles and humanity into Joel's soul.
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"Did you know diarrhea is hereditary?"
LegendaryFang568 February 2023
(450-word review) Undoubtedly the weakest episode so far. Anyone who goes as far as to call it a near-perfect/phenomenal piece of television is taking the piss more than ever before with the previous ones; at least they were more understandably regarded that way. Have some self-respect.

It was an interlude for Joel and Ellie to grow closer/develop their relationship, which is good; they're the draw. I didn't have a problem with that; give me more of them together alongside strengthening their bond. Their final moment before the ending was fantastic. That's the stuff right there.

However, because of that, I thought there was little excitement. Besides the Joel/Ellie development, mostly everything else (in-between) was the slow pacing. Yes, there was their skirmish, not to mention there was also the introduction of Kathleen, an original character for the show, not in the game, and her posse, including whatever's under the building. But none of it was compelling, almost to the point of seeing them as generic. Joel and Ellie are where the investment is. And while those scenes were undoubtedly the highlight, it's an exaggeration to consider that sufficient.

The jump to these new characters was a little jarring. More importantly, I'm not interested. Yes, they've only been in one episode, but that should be more than enough to capture interest. One would hope that Kathleen and her group's involvement in the show will be worthwhile, for however many episodes they're in, but the 'original character for the show' aspect isn't that hopeful.

Neither is the supposed intent by the writers to make you question Kathleen's character/leadership. Especially if we're also supposed to find her scary: much less if the next episode reveals she became the leader because of being associated/close with a previous leader rather than being qualified to lead. Are we supposed to find her terrifying because she's soft-spoken and doesn't come across the part, in which case, why are we supposed to question her?

As a character, she's underwhelming, further amplified by Melanie Lynskey's performance, or more the writing/direction; yes, she's only been in one episode so far with barely any screen time. But the opposite could've already been achieved despite that. Don't bother bringing that up as a counter-argument to her character's underwhelmingness from the get-go.

The next episode will supposedly "redeem" her character: revealing her backstory, what led to her current position, and whatnot; it'll have its work cut out. Can the writers turn their rocky start around in their favor? I'm uncertain.

But at least we got more bond-building with Joel and Ellie's relationship. That made this episode worthwhile. Hopefully, the next one will accomplish more in the excitement/investment department.
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Great for building the relationship of Joel and Ellie
jakubknanik6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this episode because it gives us more interactions between Joel and Ellie, which is crucial to the overall story.

I appreciate the many callbacks to the game - the ride in Bill's car (almost the same scene as in the game), the ambush in the city, Ellie shooting a person, the hint at a bigger monster (a bloater I assume) and also the awesome "No Pun Intended" jokes.

I actually think the episode could have been longer (it's only 45 mins), but it manages to do the important - slowly, but steadily build the relationship between the two main characters. There are many important events coming in the rest of the show and they can only work if the protagonist duo spends actual sceen time together, just like this episode shows it.
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Some good moments
benjaminchristopher8 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We start off where we left off with Joel and Ellie in the car, headed towards Wyoming. Joel exchanges a couple of stories here to Ellie and we see some new developments and backstory as well as equal measures from the game. They come across a Trojan horse and become trapped in a building and this is where it spends most of the time with our two protagonists.

However, across the way is the leader of what seems to be a militia group on the hunt of two Elusive characters "Henry" and his Son. She's nasty, cold and a strong leader with guards working for her. We also see something protrude from underground which seems like it might burst out presciently.

These two stories will intertwine in some way for next episodes showdown.

After the storming 3 episodes we've just had, this one relies a little too much on filler and Joel's connection towards Ellie progressing. As a whole it's becoming a bit too melodramatic for me. It's still incredible and the production and performances are amazing, however I hope it doesn't turn into a walking dead soap opera. I think personally, Melanie Lynskey is miscast for the part of "Kathleen", I can see the character they've written but she doesn't seem to embody and at all sound as menacing and sinister as she's supposed to come across...maybe it's just me, maybe it's supposed to be the banality of her evilness the fact she is or comes across as a normal looking and sounding person is why it's all the more effective. It just didn't work for me, is all I'm saying!

This has been a downgrade from the previous episodes but that's not the damming with faint praise it seems, it's still top tier TV. I'll look forward to next weeks.
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Seems like it is getting weaker with every episode, and rushed
botrytis7 February 2023
I had the liberty to watch the gameplay walktrough again, to remember all the quality this franchise has, and gotta say that the show is way watered down to almost close blatancy compared to the original. Especially with this latest episode, seeing all the resemblance these two media product have, the series feel like rushing through all the checkpoints just to resonate with the fans, and to show a cheapened version of the original to the newcomers and alike. Emotional scenes and connections between Joel and Ellie seem to have almost zero weight, 'coz the cold, distant Joel has to bring down his walls covering his vulnerable self in order to bridge any emotional connection to Ellie and continue the whole story with some dramatic value, but many of the moments here in this episode felt really unearned and cheap, like throwing bones to the dog saying "Here, see? There you have it, the connection, the drama... satisfied? Now move along"... There is not much episode to be left to say this gripping, heartbreaking story, but that doesn't mean you gotta sprint through it.

And this brings us to the obvious issue people were complaining about for a week now: Was it really necessary to sacrifice a whole, and much longer episode to Bill and Frank, that, at the end, brought us only one conclusion that could have been told even in few minutes: Defend your loved ones? Was it dear Naughty Dog? Was it, dear HBO? Seriously?

It is a shame, because the pilot was really top-notch entry, that not only nod to the original, but also brought fresh take to the whole narrative, that was pleasing even for fans, with its cinema quality lighting and visuals, acting, and overall storytelling. But it was also evident that a story centric game like The Last of Us had already solid written narrative that wasn't a huge challenge to bring it on screen as you had most of it already done in cinematics and in a realistic, flesh and blood gameplay in third person view... you just really had to get it on motion picture with minimum challenges of adapting if we are talking about storytelling and the way it is delivered.

And yet, they still managed to get almost totally derailed from the main focus throughout these latest two episodes. How hard can it be? A Warcraft movie could do it better with its 2 hours of runtime and had been executed vastly better. And yet they call this close-dumpster "The best adaptation to a game"... give me a break you streaming platform addicted uncultivated barbarians, you don't even know what you are talking about.

It is apparent for me now, that this show may have much less to offer than the game itself could do back in the days and still does today and less than a quality HBO show that takes its time to be developed and well made. But I guess that is the difference between a game that runs its story via much longer runtime and a TV show, where you are way more limited to different moviemaking problematics with so much effort put in that ends with way lesser quality payoff it originally should had led to. I mean, the acting even was not on par with previous episodes... who the hell plays Kathleen? Holly molly, what a weak acting that is, embarrassing to watch...

Whatever, I'm still interested where it goes, but hell, the game is way more engaging and fleshed out.

It seems to me like you done fu***d it up dear HBO and Druckmann. But only "seems", yet.
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Amazing chemistry between Joel and Ellie
S-Osman017 February 2023
A very good follow up of the first two episodes. Especially we see a creation of a beautiful bond between Ellie and Joel in this otherwise grusome and haunting world. I really liked how they showcases their chemistry while they continues to keep the storytelling interesting.

And showed places that really made me feel what it's like to live in a world full of infected people. And even the remaining ones that aren't infected are hunting each other down.

This truly depicted the emotions of Fear defense and survival in the best way possible.

I hope this show continues to build it's Great storytelling while keeps the quality as well. I really this show and looking forward to it.
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What's better: lighting, acting, costume design, cinematography, directing?,
Buddhafrog6 February 2023
Another perfect episode for me on all fronts. I can't get over how beautiful this episode is - great use of light and colors. Stunning set design with amazing cinematography. Stunning visuals we get for this episode. Among the best I've seen on TV ever....

...and this is in addition to the wonderful story and interactions between Joel and Ellie. I'm an absolute sucker for how they show the bond growing between these two. In this aspect I feel E3 has even more weight as it is the turning point for Joel accepting his role. The subtleness of both Joel and Ellie building their connection was so beautiful

From a gamer's perspective, it's hard to describe how wonderful the POV, colors, and lighting match the feel of the game. The exact story points are not the same, but the feel and visuals are 100% taken from the game.

For those that haven't played what many consider to be the best video game of its generation, this is what it felt like. It's a story as much as it's a game. It's a relationship, it builds, there are moments of slowness and beauty interrupted by crazy intense action. This show does such a good job of replicating that feel and matching the visuals of the game. If you like the show but have never played the game, even if you are not a gamer at all, you should consider doing so.

Also, Henry and Sam... omg my heart...
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Lost for Words
kadenkgcampbell6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was something special. The cinematography has always been high tier and the way it's directed is so beautiful.

I really love the fact that Joel and Ellie's relationship is getting stronger and they're connecting more. When Joel is talking to Ellie about shooting that man, causing her to cry I felt every bit of emotion. The diarrhoea joke at the end was perfection made me smile and laugh so much my cheeks hurt. The mermaid algebra joke too, straight from the video game. All these nuances and nods to the game are so done so incredibly well. I honestly love everything about this show.

The additional characters and the deeper story, the depth, it is all so welcoming. Even if you've never heard of the franchise you'd love this show. The introduction of Henry and Sam was great as well can't wait to see more of them.

It's such a shame this show is getting reviewed bombed and just mentioning it now will probably get this review hate but it needed to be said. For unbiased TV lovers this episode is something most will love.
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