"Station 19" Get Up, Stand Up (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Powerful, moving, and understandable
lawrencebrown-1066223 April 2021
This episode made me see with different eyes. It's not often a TV show does that for me.
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slayergirl-341917 May 2021
After reading some of the disgusting reviews here I had to write one. I am white. I am privileged. This episode of Station 19 was the best episode of the whole series. You could tell the stories were real life experiences because they were told with such authenticity. These experiences need to continue to be told and to be heard. We need to continue to shed light on these issues until they no longer exist. People have to live through these issues each and every day and asking for a break from them is a privilege.
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A very powerful episode.
robynsegg39 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have been highly critical of this season. However, I will totally break that mold for this episode, which I found both timely and insightful.

There is something going on in North American society right now that is so big that it's hard to wrap our brains around it. At its cancerous root are so many issues that don't have a quick fix or easy solution, that need a lot of self-examination and personal growth.

As a 50 year-old Caucasian, I didn't understand or even see a problem until things started to heat up in my area regarding aboriginal issues in North America (around 6 years ago, I think?). Before that, I had no idea about aboriginal culture, languages or the massive relocation and deliberate genocide/slaughter of their peoples. That wasn't what I learned in society or taught in school at that time. It took that long for the house of cards to come crashing down, for the lies on lies our government force-fed us to burn a hole in our gut.

And ever since then the hits have just kept coming. Every new relevation just makes me feel worse, because the fantasy country I was so proud of, in whose military I spent a decade, was a farce, a mask hiding the decay eating away at our bones. I can no longer look at the police, health care or government in anywher near the same way. Individual first responders can and are true heroes every day... but the system is rotten at its core.

I totally empathized with the feelings in this episode, especially feeling powerless or even understanding how to help, the hostility directed at my race - you have definite cause. But feeling angry doesn't change anything, all it does is entrench bad behaviours.

Finally, I feel sad for those people that rated the episode a 1. In most cases, that same system is holding them in it's thrall without them even realizing it. I can understand that urge to stick our fingers in our ears and loudly babble nonsense, because it's so much easier to do that, ignore the truth and finger point at ANYONE else rather than hear hard truths about the biases and the systemic racial biases in our own behaviour. So they don't, instead making up non-sensical arguments just to avoid actually confronting the widespread problems('It's so boring', 'I don't want politics', 'Left wing conspiracies' (guess the truth is a left-wing conspiracy?) or my personal favourite, 'Real cops and firefighters don't act this way'. So they aren't real people, with the good and the bad, dealing with their own challenges and triumphs just like everyone else?).

As always, I wish everyone health, hope and love. You are awesome!
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Relevent and overwhelming
nottellin-856-51344923 April 2021
Watching this season take on the realities of life and putting words to our fears and uncertainties is what makes this show so powerful.
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annette-8753630 April 2021
I appreciate the topic but this isn't a news show or a documentary. It's a show about a fire hall and I'd like to know why this entire show had nothing to do with a fire hall. It was a monologue strictly to preach to us. Stop with the political bs. Get back to entertainment!!!
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Moving and Needed Episode
detars23 April 2021
This episode hit topics that will make some people uncomfortable, and it's human nature to fight what makes us uncomfortable. But like is said in the episode, "When you're too uncomfortable to talk, and you don't know what to say? That's okay. Listen instead." It is such a powerful statement. This show will receive criticism for hitting the hard realities of our society, but it is needed. And Station 19 does it in a way that is powerful and moving and inspirational. It's not an easy thing to face, but if people get past their own discomfort and take the message to heart, I truly believe the world will be better for it.
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Over It
carolina_981 May 2021
When did a TV show stop being entertainment. I watch TV to get away from the news. This episode was a recap of the last year's events. I'm so over this topic. MOVE ON.
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Excellent handling of such an important topic!
I love this show, and I'm really glad the writers were brave enough to take on some of these issues. Using the therapist as a guide to allow the characters to express their feelings and share their personal experiences was a clever move. This was a really excellent episode!
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A Great Role Model
spikeluvr27 April 2021
There's just nothing like a show that spends solid hour lecturing it's viewers about what's "right" and ending the show with hundreds of people in close proximity marching down the street during a pandemic. At a time when their governors are still telling people not to visit their loved ones these idiot show writers are saying it's ok to congregate as long as you're marching "for the right reason". As if the virus somehow knows to stay away from their superspreader event.
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Different perspectives
colleenbarry-9046825 April 2021
It's surprising how polarized these ratings are....🙄🙄

This was a beautiful way to express the thoughts and feelings of many people. Some of them I related to, some I didn't, which is kinda the point. We don't have to feel guilty for being white. But I do believe we should feel guilty for thinking everyone experiences life the way we do. This was some of the best writing in Shondaland!
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Gaylynn20923 May 2021
One of the most honest and powerful episodes I have ever seen. If this episode doesn't give you pause to really think; then you are beyond hope.
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Extremely necessary
emma_margot3 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this episode nearly a year after the death of George Floyd and it's still as necessary as ever. The episode was beautifully written, it was thought provoking and held up a mirror to everyone who needs it. I never expect less from a series in Shondaland but it still exceeded everything. Great episode, important topic and fantastic acting by every member of the cast.
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So repetitive
briangm26 April 2021
This is just more of the Gospel according to Shonda. Same as G. A. Week after week. Repetitive and tiresome. Time to move on, Rimes. Or quit.
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A Powerful and Moving Episode
zinaman23 April 2021
This episode of Station 19 was so powerful. I pride myself in being able to voice what I feel and this episode left me speechless and searching to do better. I've told everyone that I know that this episode was something that everyone needs because many people try to escape what's happening by watching television but you can't escape the injustices that is happening around us. They wouldn't be a proper show had they not wrote this storyline into the series. I commend Krista Vernon and the cast and crew for being courageous in using their voices and show to amplify the voices of many. Season 4 has been so amazing thus far and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.
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Deathly Boring
brynners-832662 May 2021
This episode was SO BORING. I feel like shows are so over doing all of these political episodes. We have to deal with this crap in the real world. Why do we want to watch it on TV? I want to forget about covid and all of the political garbage going on. Aside from that, this episode had nothing but the characters talking about their feelings. It was so boring.
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So well done
vinceadler24 April 2021
Beautiful handling of so many difficult topics. I learned a lot.
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This is not at all how firefighters and police officers interact in real life.
nelsonj-0127128 April 2021
This is ridiculous and incredibly incorrect. If I wanted to listen to politics, I would've watched the news or read an article.
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Powerful and moving
amabel-598-37718723 June 2021
This was a brilliant story about characters I've grown to care about facing their feelings about the death of George Floyd.

Station-19 and Grey's Anatomy have not always focused on fire fighting and medical trauma, they have often had fully character driven episodes and this is one of the best.
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So Powerful
leoniesmikle18 June 2021
So well written and acted with different perspectives. Moving from start to finish with a delicate issue handled in such an impressive way. I'm so surprised at the low ratings for this episode. It shows so much about each of the characters. Had me crying on more than one occasion. I've never written a review on here before, but felt I needed to after watching this episode. Just brilliant!
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Powerful and moving
criminalminds-6282825 April 2021
I know that people want to watch their shows to escape but this episode was a beautiful work of art. Whether you believe Mr. Floyd died because of drugs or the knee on him, racism is real and it's displayed everywhere and it needs to be addressed. The only way real change will take place is if topics are addressed so we will all GET UP, STAND UP! I love it when tv shows take on reality because it lets us know that we are not alone in our life's struggles. I know that I have a certain amount of privilege because of my skin tone and this episode helps show that with sensitivity to all!
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I can't with this show anymore
mmicmvw24 April 2021
No, it wasn't powerful. No, it wasn't needed. It was another attempt at Hollywood forcing their agenda down our throats.

True, other shows have to have their fill of political agendas and covid. But this is the only show that I watch that screams COVID every few scenes and, of course, white man bad.
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Powerful & Heartbreaking.
corarileystock25 April 2021
This episode shows the different perspectives of various characters reactions to George Floyd's murder. Hearing how different people react to the same news allows some perspective shifting and emotional growth. It handled a complex and tough to talk about topic very well. Having the therapist helped process some of the emotions people may have felt when they first heard about George Floyd, especially complicated ones for people who personally know police officers.

All the bad reviews seem to be from white people who haven't yet realized the extent of their privilege.
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Skip it
christopherluke-1826423 September 2021
Political narrative documentary. I watch Greys and Station 19 for drama, action and sometimes a little comedy. I do not watch for the narrative of "cops are bad" and social justice. Bring back our shows and let us have the escape from constant talk of Covid and racism we get from the news and social media. Please and thank you.
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Review writer are missing the point
artistic_cravings6 December 2021
I think the most important point was missed in the reviews written over this episode. First the dehumanization of a human being at the hands of a police officer to make a person lie down in the street to have a knee pressed on to someone's neck. To have a gun put in your face over a traffic stop, to be shot in the back when you are moving away or running away. To raid someone's apartment without an announcement of who you are and where you're from and then murdered at the hands of authorities. Having to teach your children to watch what they say to someone wearing a uniform to prevent them from pulling a gun and shooting them. Always on guard when you're either shopping, driving, or at work it's no wonder people of color have high blood pressure living in a world of constant stress. It's all about control it's all about power. You do as I say dehumanization. The definition how many other races of people are treated and this manner.

Thank you for telling the story. For racist it is hard the see it.
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mtmihai25 April 2021
Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting... Did I say disgusting? This show should be cancelled in order to give everyone (writers, producers, actors) the free time needed to protest.
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