(TV Series)


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Death can be funny.
Sleepin_Dragon13 May 2020
Uncle Norris dies, and Ben plans on a windfall, he even buys a suit from Saville Row.

This episode is as far away from the earliest episodes as you could possibly imagine, in terms of humour this one verges on black humour, it's pretty dark for an episode of My Family, but the scenario and some of the lines are just so funny.

Most husband's take their wives out to dinner, that's a brilliant line. The more I watch the more I'm surprised by how much humour Lindsay provides.

Dark and funny, 7/10.
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My Family goes dark
studioAT11 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
He's since gone on to write more sci-fi fare, but Andrew Kreisberg did write two really good episodes of 'My Family' (the other being 'Janey's Choice').

The show did at times did like to dip its toe into the world of black comedy, and this episode is an example of that. It's not my favourite sort of episode, but there's no doubting that everyone involved is boosted by the quality of Kreisberg's script, and it visibly shows.

The only person that comes off badly from it is poor Daniella Denby-Ashe, who is left out of the fun, instead being lumbered with a really weak subplot involving an exes sweatshirt.

A better than average 'My Family' episode, but not my cup of tea.
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