The Revolution Generation (2021) Poster

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Hope For a Sustainable Future
reganhallen10 June 2022
A timeless documentary, The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World, is largely impactful to modern society and to our future posterity. Directors Joshua Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell, creators of Kiss The Ground, have done it again with this brilliant and moving film. Touching upon subjects of highly important matters such as the, #metoo movement, women's rights, environmental conservation, BLM, and other topics, this film is not afraid to speak out and stand up for what's right. The film while also heart-wrenching is uplifting and refreshing for those who believe nothing is being done to rid the world of injustice. It's empowering and beautifully created and will get individuals off the couch and on their feet while also eliminating any hesitation to join these movements. This remarkable film incorporates the powerful voices of political and environmental activists Shailene Woodley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Greta Thunberg, Jennifer Lawrence, and narration by Michelle Rodriguez to help spread the importance of these political and environmental movements that could transform the world. This extraordinary film highlights and underlines the necessity of unity and cooperation from across the country and around the world in order to construct and build a better, more diverse, and inclusive society. Revolution Generation is nothing short of excellent and the pure genius of Rebecca and Joshua Tickell is illuminated throughout the entire film.
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Uplifting Watch with a Rock Solid Thesis
kendrakrhi13 June 2022
The way that this film connects the idea of the "Hero" generation to social justice movements, specifically to the importance of climate action, is brilliant, and makes the thesis of the film- how millennials can save the world- rock solid. Starting the film off with the ideas of cyclical generational patterns and the designation of millennials as the newest "Hero" generation ties in just perfectly with the almost hopeless, world-ending perspective that most people have of modern crises today, specifically climate change. By identifying all of these major issues as something that millennials have been solving, the film beautifully asserts that Gen Y is fulfilling its "Hero" role by literally saving the world, whether that be by protesting systemic racism with the BLM movement, fighting for women's rights, or hosting massive climate demonstrations and marches in impacted areas. The activists and politicians featured within the film also bolster this assertion- Michelle Rodriguez gives a very balanced and down-to-earth performance as the film's witty narrator, and other interview subjects like Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Shailene Woodley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez each do wonders to keep the inspiration feel of the documentary high while conveying important information about the major issues they each cover, like climate change. The clear-cut nature of this thesis also serves as a buoy to keep the film grounded- both emotionally and in terms of keeping the narrative consistent. The idea that millennials are working actively to save the world runs through every aspect of the film, bringing a much-needed hopeful note to the serious topics it addresses that lingers long after the first watch.
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A Fantastic Portrayal Of Great Potentiality
spencerlevy-6265210 June 2022
The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World is Joshua and Rebecca Tickell's latest masterpiece, and one that does not miss a single beat. Guided by the eloquent voice of narrator Michelle Rodriguez, The Revolution Generation takes you through a comprehensive rollercoaster of American history, showing how this history has informed the present and will inform the future. Through a lens of history's cyclical nature, it highlights the future's dependence on our youth and promotes their incredible potential to effect change through contemporary avenues. This stance is effectively reinforced through sobering and fascinating testimonies from activists Corbin Bleu and Shailene Woodley, who are repurposing their influence to inspire tremendous progress. Whether it is mental health advocacy, civil rights, or environmental conservation, The Revolution Generation makes it crystal clear that everyone has a voice and the ability to fight for what they believe in - making it one of the most important films of its class.
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A Glimpse into the Future
katkleber13 June 2022
The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World directed by Josh and Rebecca Tickell, is an eye-opening piece of art that gives viewers an insightful view into who will shape the future. The documentary does a great job at educating viewers about the present state of politics, while simultaneously looking to the future and using information from the past. The main focus is, of course, millennials, and what their role in this future is. By using historical analysis to break down the negative connation the word 'millennial' has, the directors effectively replace it with a more empowering and positive view of millennials. Various clips are shown in which millennials are actively fighting and putting themselves in adverse positions all for the support of their prospective causes. Most notably, Shailene Woodley is seen getting arrested for protesting the North Dakota Pipeline. With a passionate narration by Michelle Rodriguez, viewers can connect to the words being said and really gain a better knowledge of all the topics discussed. Seeing celebrities use their voices for the causes they choose to support is an inspirational behavior which was wisely placed in this movie to show people from all backgrounds can support other people from different backgrounds.
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Profound and Thought Provoking
wilsonbria15 June 2022
Directors Joshua Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell did an incredible job with The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World. Through the years millennials have been called everything from lazy to selfish. Over the course of this film I was amazed at how much I didn't know about millennials. The Revolution Generation opens your eyes to many things that before watching you wouldn't even be open to knowing. Getting Michelle Rodriguez to narrate was an inspired choice. As a millennial and woman she is a part of the story they are telling in the documentary. The Revolution Generation is all about reclaiming a nation's lost voice. The most interesting part of the film is how the Tickells are able to create a powerful dynamic between old and new information. Having information thrown at you can seem tedious but, The Revolution Generation finds a way that makes people want to learn more about each topic. They were also able to find relatability in adding in familiar faces like AOC, Shailene Woodley, and Corbin Bleu. Millennials know these faces, they trust these faces. These are the things that make a film relatable for an audience. When you go see a movie you want to be able to relate to it in some way. For documentaries adding in faces your target audience will know make that possible. The Revolution Generation makes sure to put an emphasis on the need for a spark to ignite change in today's society. Leaving the theater will make you feel like you could be that spark for yourself or someone else.
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A paramount documentary standing as one more well-spoken leader in the ongoing fight for human and earthly rights.
lexifitzpatrick1 April 2022
A paramount documentary, covering a multitude of current events all circling one phenomena: the adulthood of the millennial. Josh and Rebecca Tickell's new documentary, The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World, addresses the negative connotations of upcoming younger generations and uses history and evidence to offer concise, lucid rebuttals. It effectively proves how all of the traits allocated to millennials that have been deemed unworthy, are the key to the progression of the planet. A wide range of topics including social justice, student debt, climate control, and more amalgamate to form a cohesive story of a generation fighting with all that they have to create a world better than the one they grew up in. Metaphorical sound design brings to life the emotions of a generation; run and gun footage symbolizes the grit and hard work millennials are ready to put in; and top-tiered structuring brings together an explicit, successful argument. The Revolution Generation becomes one more well-spoken leader in the ongoing fight for human and earthly rights.
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Passionate and Informative
carolinerbrooks4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World is at its heart a passion product and the film masterfully incites this passion in its viewers. Joshua and Rebecca Tickell, the directors of the film demonstrate an incredible awareness of modern society and culture and present it in a way that is easily understood by its viewers. The documentary covers a wide span of issues faced by younger generations such as rising student loan debt, the impressive volume of young people working minimum wage jobs, climate change, and political injustice. While the topic of the film is wide-sweeping, each is covered in depth by real people who are experiencing the hardships of each of these issues. The film's heavy inclusion of interviews allows its viewers to step into the shoes of these individuals to generate a greater level of understanding. Their stories are moving and bring together the ideas of all people across the political spectrum. Revolution Generation brings awareness to some of the most pressing issues facing our nation with a sense of urgency and importance while also presenting the solution, millennials.
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Surprisingly Inspiring!
thaismariegarcia21 October 2022
In this new age of dark and disturbing documentaries, Joshua and Rebecca Tickell stray from this and provide viewers with optimistic and powerful viewing experiences. Their new film, Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World, is no exception. This is not just a film about millennials and the misconceptions behind them; it is a live-time documentation of the restructuring of the world. What do I mean by this? Well, according to the film, social, political, and historical change is coming and it is being propagated by millennials. Characterized by the "Hero" archetype by the Strauss-Howe Generational Theory, millennials are predicted to be the protector generation to be succeeded by Generation Z as the "Artist" generation which will bring progression after the Hero has conquered. I thoroughly enjoyed the wide range of areas covered in the film. From social change to environmental advocacy to political takeover to technological advancement, millennials have proved the necessity for youthful voices. The film also includes many notable faces such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Shailene Woodley, and Michelle Rodriguez to prove just how influential millennials have been when given a platform for social advocacy. As a young adult not only did I feel inspired by the documentary, but I felt heard. I definitely recommend this film!
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Captivating Right From the Start
jmccrae-1597015 June 2022
The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World is one of the only documentaries I have seen that has really captivated me and intrigued my interest in the environmental issues the world is facing today. Directed by Josh and Rebecca Tickell who explores the limitless world-changing potential of history's largest youth generation: millennials. Michelle Rodriguez's narration propels the film forward in a way that is as relatable as it is truthful. Aside from providing various amounts of educational info in this film, the sources were also used to relay the message to the next generation. You will particularly enjoy this film if you are interested in social, racial, or economic issues. It takes a deep look at all these issues and proposes a radically new approach to solving each. In addition to examining and addressing these trends, the documentary explores the rise in activism and calls for change within social, governmental, and environmental issues. With interviews with politicians and celebrity activists such as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Corbin Bleu, and Shailene Woodley, The Revolution Generation gives the audience an inside look at the motivations and ideologies that generate such rising popularity of activist causes, all looking to better the world for future generations, while inspiring and educating on the necessity and need for effective protest and political action.
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Entertainingly insightful!
sgp-8919124 October 2022
Watching Revolution Generation was the most entertaining media I have seen to showcase the true qualities of the millennial generation. To be frank, I have only ever seen millennials depicted in a very negative light and this is touched on by Directors Josh and Rebecca Tickell very early on. Narrator Michelle Rodriguez highlights the common misconceptions of this generation in an enticingly refreshing manner including her own personal anecdotes as she is also considered a millennial. Michelle is exceptionally entertaining in this task as she speaks of the struggles she faced growing up in a world seemingly destined to burn, while the previous "nomad" generation of the 1960s-1980s judged from afar. Her story is only one among the many included in this film of millennials who have struggled in adulthood and what it means to be a functioning member of society. Throughout the film, the Tickells deliberately chose to highlight the current issues going on in the world and their cyclical nature. As depicted in the film, there seems to be 4 "turnings" of generations and each new one comes with their own archetype. The directors also did well in this aspect by making the historical explanation of human nature equal parts informative and interesting. In this last turning, we have our "heroic" millennials, and it just so turns out that they live up to the 80-year theory. Politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and activist Shailene Woodley are utilizing their current positions and influence to help change the world. Revolution Generation is a film that encourages all to see hope, because millennials are the heroes of this generation. It makes you want to be a hero too.
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An Emphatic Call to Action
mladenisabelle17 June 2022
The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World, like the youth movements they depict, is unapologetic, bombastic, and impactful. Directors Josh and Rebecca Tickell of Kiss the Ground once again capture the urgency of our societal situation in another call to action, a loud siren demanding attention towards this world's grave injustices and the young people fighting against them. The extended adolescence of millennials has cultivated their negative stereotype of being immature and inactive - which the Tickells prove cannot be further from the truth. Their responses to these claims are explicated with cogent references to historical trends and sociological tendencies. They conclude that millennials react to their crumbling world in the most natural way imaginable. The youth's reaction could even be called extraordinary as they take the initiative to fight for racial, economic, and gender equality under the global threat of climate change. The commanding voice of the people is embodied by Michelle Rodriguez's narration and echoed by the many prominent interviewees such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Corbin Bleu, and Shailene Woodley. By the end of the film, all the members of this great chant are working together to motivate the young viewership to join them in their organizations to work towards a better future.
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Rethinking Our Past and Shifting Our Future's Paradigm
kalabxa11 April 2022
Joshua and Rebecca Tickell's new documentary The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World is a reviving solution to all of our society's current crises, rethinking our past and shifting the paradigm of our future. The film embraces young leaders, emphasizing the need for not only their voices to be heard but also their ideas to be supported by the older generation's wisdom and guidance. It is clear the Tickell's are advocating for humanity as you watch them gracefully strip away all the misconceptions surrounding the new generation that keep us from progressing as a society. Michelle Rodriguez's passionate narration further converts you into a believer, making you feel the urgency of our problems as well as the power we all hold to save ourselves. Generational demographists along with sociologists are recruited to break down the tendency for history to run a repetitive 4-cycle course every 80 years, which further highlights the beauty of this generation's capability to steer change in a direction no other generation has gone. The Revolution Generation is a moving film for anyone who wants a life with more love and empathy for not only themselves but also for future generations.
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Inspiring & Excellent
willowsun8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In Josh and Rebecca Tickell's latest steller The Revolution Generation:How Millennials Can Save America & The World, viewers are taken on an extraordinary exploration of the millennial generation and their substantial impact on society and in their communities. In The Revolution Generation the millennial generation stands at the front lines as leaders, striving to make a difference in social injustice, the environment, in politics and in local neighborhoods. Now is the time for the so-called lazy, unambitious generation, to redefine themselves and take initiative towards leadership. Serving as an encouraging narrator, actress Michelle Rodriguez voice guides the audience through the trials and triumphs shown by millennials throughout this inspiring film!
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Enlightening, Honest, and Entertaining Film
vruthnelson4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World is one of those movies that will get people talking, in the best way possible. It's rare to find a film full of so many important and current conversations that is still entertaining, enlightening, and inspiring, but Revolution Generation accomplishes this and beyond. Directed by Josh and Rebecca Tickell, this film first covers a great deal of ground concerning what has shaped each generation and how the effects roll into the following generations. It then dives into today's social issues from politics, to climate change, to activism movements like Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ rights, and more. I love how the film truly empowers the younger generations and recognizes our power to change anything we set our minds to! Cinematically, Revolution Generation is beautifully put together with a great mix of news clips, illuminating graphics and illustrations, shots from history, and real people sharing their own thoughts, feelings, and stories. All in all, I cannot stress the importance this film holds enough; I think its message is something we all need to listen to about understanding our past, activism, and changing our country for the better in the future. I cannot recommend this film enough to anyone with an interest in how each generation impacts our country's past, present, and future!
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A Triumph for the Millennial Generation
jasmineloriz21 October 2022
After creating their iconic environmental documentary, Kiss the Ground, the talented directing duo Rebecca and Josh Tickell have returned with another extraordinary documentary, The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World, which examines and addresses the negative stereotypes surrounding millennials and presents how millennials are fighting back against these false perceptions. The film presents the archetypes of generations that have occurred cyclically throughout history. According to this cycle, baby boomers fall under the prophet archetype, generation x falls into the nomad archetype, and millennials are destined to become the next hero archetype. Due to these turnings, that means that millennials have incidentally fallen on the cusp of a crisis, and are forced to reckon with how to overcome and move forward. There is then a fluid transition into comparing the idyllic childhood that most millennials experienced and the future they were promised to the stark reality that they face. Between the insurmountable student debt rates, subpar living wages for working-class citizens, and the crash of the housing market, the state of society that was handed off to millennials when they came of age was less than fair. But rather than buckling under the pressure, we are shown an array of millennials who rose to the challenge and decided to take action into their own hands to fight for a better future. We hear from influential celebrities like Shailene Woodley, Corbin Bleu, Jennifer Lawrence, and Michelle Rodriguez, who narrates through the turmoils and triumphs of her generation. We also hear from notable political leaders and activists who are part of the millennial generation like Christin "Cici" Battle, Chase Iron Eyes, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on how they fight to be the change they want to see. Though this documentary covers many themes and social causes, like social justice, gender equality, lgbtq+ rights, and climate change, it does so seamlessly with the background of progressiveness and change unifying all these causes together. Revolution Generation is a documentary that not only begs us to reflect and have love for humankind but also to take a stand and fight for what we believe in. I was wholly invigorated and enamored by this film, as it deserves an abundance of praise for moving the audience to bear witness and be the change we need.
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An Illuminating Look Into The Means for Change
alinadimaio8 April 2022
The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World, directed by Josh and Rebecca Tickell, is a breathtaking documentary focused on the voice of a generation. This voice is personified by Michelle Rodriguez through her compelling narration. She leads the audience through each generation's fight for progress. LGTBQ+ rights, Indigenous rights, women's rights, student loan debt, and environmental conservation are only some of the topics discussed throughout this film. This discussion illuminates the power of support and togetherness by showing how people overcome a world that continuously seeks to separate and divide us. Every generation has made an impact that has resulted in the need and hunger for inclusivity and equality. The Revolution Generation is a truly beautiful depiction of our immense influence that leaves persons of every age with the takeaway that their voice matters.
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A Brilliant Testament to Unity
emmaludurand1 April 2022
The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World paints a refreshingly positive image of the potential our younger generations hold. Delving into historical events and the patterns they reveal, directors Joshua and Rebecca Tickell creatively bring viewers down the timeline of sociocultural movements and the faces behind them, with the inevitable focus being brought back to the people of today. Expanding on ideas of current events, the film explores all facets of the factors that influence our government as well as the way current-day activism continues to challenge them. With a focus on environmental restoration, the Revolution Generation paves the way for thought and challenges its viewers to be the change they want to see in the world, something it does with the assurance that doing so will incite ripples of positive change just as it historically has proven to do. Moreover, it makes the case for the unification of individuals as the backbone of this change. The film is backed by some of the most influential current voices for social and political change, though, as the piece reveals, the most powerful ones yet come from the fusion of those of us who are watching.
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The Spark of Hope for Our Future
serenakline11 April 2022
The Revolution Generation: How Millenials Can Save America and the World takes an honest stance against the polarizing narratives that lead Americans to work against each other. The Directors, Josh Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell are creators of other impactful documentaries Like Kiss the Ground as they continue to spread the message that change needs to come and fast. The film exposes past generations' ideals and promises and how those systems have failed the new generations. The film covers topics like student debt, #BLM, Native American rights, and the #MeToo movement. The Revolution Generation shows how the youngest generations hold the key to bringing on the change that has to happen. The film features young activists like Greta Thunberg as she spoke at the climate summit and shows several grassroots organizers working within their community to create movements. Michelle Rodriguez narrates and takes us through the previous generations showing how change and corruption developed in cycles called the four turnings. This film has predictive power but paints a hopeful picture empowering viewers to take action to grab the future they want to see. Revolution Generation shows that the change that we need won't happen unless we work together.
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A Demonstration of Understanding and Humanity
meganredhills17 June 2022
Increasingly topical and impressively in-depth with its research, analysis, and documentation of the world of activism and the negative stigmas that surround the millennial generation that holds major numbers within it, the Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and the World delivers on a film that both empowers and educates its viewers. Directing team Joshua Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell seek to put an explanation to the common and tired stereotypes that claim millennials to be lazy or entitled and do so by confronting the sociological perceptions that shape the personas and interactions of each generation, commenting on the financial and political crises of the 21st century that have put many within the millennial generation in debt or states of pessimism towards society. Interesting enough on its own, the Tickell's go beyond this to document the astonishing and inspiring amount of millennials who refute these claims, specifically those who have given themselves and their voices to activist causes and political spheres to better shape the world themselves, no longer willing to wait for their older generations to fix their own messes. It's not just a documentary that advocates for the significance of the millennial generation, but it is one that seeks to highlight the human desire to help one another and improve the lives of future generations, desires that represent the millennial generation tenfold. Speaking with millennial political and activist leaders such as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Shailene Woodley, Chase Iron Eyes, Michelle Rodriguez, who strongly and passionately narrates the film, and many more, Revolution Generation keeps an attentive and dedicated focus and appreciation to its subject matter, holding the weighty subjects of generational divides and social justice in the respect and care they need. This film is wonderful for those interested in activist documentaries but is even better for those who wish to learn more about the systemic and sociological conditions that shape the lives and minds of a generation, something that is as fascinating as it is thought-provoking.
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