Transmorphers: Fall of Man (Video 2009) Poster

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If you really, Really miss Bruce Boxleitner
fallguy_jack2 July 2009
Bruce may have saved babylon 5, but he couldn't save this. I've seen worse cgi (it's actually decent!) and mildly worse acting. Bruce can act as always, he's the only reason I didn't give this a 1 out of 10. His part taken on it's own is the only redeeming part of them film, and if you ignore everything else it's okay (if you figure out how please tell me) but whoever wrote this script has to be someone's inbred nephew/grandson trying to earn his food while locked in the basement, holy moronic batman. After what I thought was the got worse.. i started jumping forward to the end.. i'm still watchin the last of it in the corner of my screen now... oh well, at least um...ya i don't know, i have to.. go .. um.. i think me gotten dummerer after watchy ow ow inside head hurt... no give food basement monkey, him bad, him make thinker owy bad
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Another Asylum Film.....Nothing New For This Company!
gotmyorangecrush7 July 2009
If you are unfamiliar with Asylum then welcome to the world of the C film. As you can imagine its a step down from B films and if you happened to think that there couldn't possibly be anything worse than B films, Well you were wrong. It will all become painfully clear after you watch one of these films. Its important to note that Asylum don't create their own material at least not in the sense that most studios do. Asylum basically make rip off's of popular Hollywood films and try and capitalize on that popularity by releasing the film very close to the Hollywood films release date. Most of the press refers to them as "Mockbusters". For example Transmorphers is, as you can imagine, based off of the Transformer movies and both of the Transmorpher films came out right around the same time as their Hollywood counterparts. Just look up a complete list of Asylum films and you should easily be able to figure out which Hollywood film each Asylum title is based off of. Asylum films are low budget and are released straight to video.

As for this film, it is a sequel to the first transmorphers and in all honesty is equally as bad as the original was. It stars Bruce Boxleitner,who has done a number of Asylum films, and his performance is as bad as one would expect from these types of films. Its almost as if Bruce knows this film is going to be terrible so he doesn't even bother trying to give a worthy performance. He is there for the paycheck. As bad as the acting is it is trumped by the absolutely horrid special effects and this is something that really boggles my mind as we have now gotten to the point where high quality special effects can be done on a 2000-3000 dollar computer. I am betting I could do better special effects on the Mac I am using right now.

The bottom line is I have seen a bunch of Asylum films, more out of curiosity than for entertainment value and each time I watch one of these films I am left absolutely speechless. The one question that I ask every single time is how does this studio stay in business. I understand that these are low budget films thus they don't need to make a lot of money to break even or even to make a profit however I am absolutely shocked that there are people out there that are willing to continually buy these films. You know the famous saying, "fool me one shame on you, fool me twice shame on me", well that has never been more true than in regards to supporting this company by buying their films. I can see some people getting duped once after all I am betting some people actually mistake them for their Hollywood counterparts however to go back and buy another and another is just absolutely mind boggling. This is in all honesty the very bottom rung for motion picture entertainment. Even Uwe Boll's movies are like Oscar winning films compared to these films and his films are rated some of the worst movies ever to be made.

Save your time and money and pass on anything that has the Asylum logo on it. I guarantee you will wish you had by the time credits start rolling, that is if you can even make it that far.
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A new type of distribution is needed.
dave-84725 September 2009
After watching the first half of this tedious flick I am convinced that there should be a new class of distribution worse than DTV (Direct To Video) I propose the new designation should be DTDB (Direct To Dollar Bin). This movie definitely belongs there. As others have noted the special effects are worse than atrocious. They could have used an etch-a-sketch and gotten better results. I can only assume that Bruce Boxleitner owed someone a large favor to have appeared in this production.

This production is so bad, it even falls below the standards for the Sci-Fi Channel made for TV stuff. The only way this could have been worse is if it was animated, and the cels were drawn using crayons.

The basic story concept, as you can imagine from the title, is basically the same as "Transformers", a far better movie than this could ever hope to be.

If you wish to see how movies should NOT be made then rent this. With luck you'll find it in the dollar bin and expense will be minimal. The best use for this CD would be as a target at a rifle range.
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Such a waste
paul-355513 July 2009
I know what to expect from Asylum - dreadful nonsense that trades off current cinematic trends. But with this one, I almost dared to hope that they might have put some effort in.

The first 30 minutes or so are almost acceptable - the build-up is slow and disjointed, but most of the over-acting is kept to a minimum, and some of the effects actually look as though somebody actually tried to produce something worthy. Some effects sequences are actually fairly effective - though many others are awful.

Unfortunately, whatever small amount of promise may have existed early on, it all falls apart after 30 minutes, with really poor dialogue, laughable acting, lame plotting, and some terrible visual effects.

It does have some unintentional comedy value, as you might expect - much of the dialogue is staggeringly bad. At one point, a woman tells our heroes that she investigates "unexplained events of the terrestrial nature". That is a direct quote.

One minor character asks her how aliens differ from extraterrestrials - quite why anybody would ask such a stupid question is unexplained, but her answer is absolutely mind-boggling. She explains that extraterrestrials attack like a friend, whereas aliens attack like enemies. I challenge anyone to find a more stupid piece of dialogue in any science fiction movie of the past ten years. It's hard to imagine anything more utterly devoid of meaning or sense.

It's a shame, because if this film shows anything, it's that Asylum probably have the resources to produce some decent films if they wanted to. But first, they would need to employ someone who has good ideas, and is capable of translating them into a movie that follows the long-established conventions of storytelling. This film throws out the rulebook in favour of cobbling together events and characters in seemingly random order. They also need talented script writers, or at least skilled script editors.

In summary, I could live with the constraints of a poor budget, if it told a good story. Many great sci-fi stories have been told on a very limited budget - but this really is useless, and I suspect the reason is that very few people at Asylum could care less what anybody thinks, as long as they make a few dollars profit on each tiresome knock-off.

One plus point - it's better than the first Transmorphers film.
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Better than expected
Leofwine_draca9 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Having encountered The Asylum's TRANSMORPHERS, a TRANSFORMERS rip-off that was terrible in every respect, I had low hopes for this sequel, which turns out to be a prequel charting the rise of the machine menace. To my surprise this one turned out to be mildly entertaining, as long as you'd happy to overlook the continued and continuous flaws and problems. There's a lot of robot CGI here and it's a little better than in the first film, but the main improvement is the story itself. Scenes of characters being killed by their A.I. satnavs are a real hoot and the narrative does well to adopt a journey narrative with our hero characters striving to fight back against overwhelming odds. There's even an old timer, Bruce Boxleitner, who pops up in the cast. Bizarrely, the film was written by and stars none other than Shane Van Dyke, grandson of Dick, and it seems to be a labour of love for him. I'm not saying it's great, because it isn't, but it is better than expected.
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Don't waste your time watching this!
seoman493 July 2009
There is really not much good to be said about this movie.

Now, I haven't watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen yet, as reviews are not that good (to say the least), but I decided to watch TransMorphers Fall of man, thinking it would be something of a funny parody of the two Transformers movies.

I couldn't have been more deluded. TransMorphers is a cheap, very cheap knock off of its eponymous titles, without the budget, the cast or the FX. Actually here, the FX are extremely bad, pathetic even. The scenario is as poor as could be expected, and sadly, where Transformers may manage to keep you awake thanks to its eye candy and loud explosions, Transmorphers will not even manage that.

Quite a pathetic attempt really. 2/10 for the cast. Some of the actors are not too bad.
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ITS THE FALL OF MAN when this movie was created
thepopelastever1 November 2009
The title of the movie suits it, it is really THE FALL OF MAN when this movie created. Take note its a 2009 movie and the effects sucks big time! i better watch Latin soaps which i can understand a thing, but appreciate the sexy actress.

Not worth to even RENT this film, but if you wish to see ROBOTS made of rubber then this is your movie.

i would rate this move -999999999 i rather play TETRIS than watch this movie, if u may call it a movie?

comments suggest that it must be 10 lines :((

sorry IMDb but my 10 line will be

it sucks big time

effects sucks dunno if you may call it effects

don't rent it

better watch tom and jerry
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I guess it beats watching paint dry!
rkm7 July 2009
I didn't think it would be possible, but this movie is actually worse than Transformers 2! This is not a parody of the Transformers movies or other action movies as the title may lead you to believe. It's actually (as far as I can tell) a serious attempt at creating an action/adventure in which humans come under attack by transforming robotic creatures and must fight back!

Basically they took many of the essential elements that make up the Transformers franchise and repackaged them into their own movie. This has the benefit of removing Michael Bay from the equation, but is done at the expense of hiring convincing actors and high budget special effects. Unfortunately, the script is just as poorly written as that for Transformers 2!

Now there are some out there who actually enjoy low-budget B-movies with cheesy special effects and poor acting. Sadly, the special effects were actually done on a high enough level where despite being slightly cheesy they're actually not that disappointing. Also, despite some of the acting being poor it's not bad enough to be entertaining for that reason and although the story is full of holes they're just not presented in a way where it might be easy for you to amuse yourself with them.

Overall a bad movie, but even if you're in the mood for a "bad" movie I suspect you'll still be disappointed by Transmorphers Fall of Man!
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Oh my gosh, The worst movie of all time, Transgarbage 2!
Darthbrandon1414 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
My gosh my gosh my gosh. SO bad, it makes Twilight seem perfect. (And I didn't "Hate" Twilight. I thought it was OK, but had many many flaws) I wanted to believe that it was even a little better then the utter atrocity that was the Transmorphers. I was slightly right, BUT THE BOTH SUCK! Hard. the acting is slightly better, but everyone still over acts or under acts! But everything else, a rip off of terminator, Transformers 1 and 2, and The Matrix! I mean, the ripped transformers right down to Megatron, and I swear they actually said Megatron.

Final word, the film sucked, they both suck, don't watch it, because you won't ever get you're 90 minutes back.

1 out of 10 stars, wish I could rate it lower.

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lisitsinnick4 December 2019
Nothing good about it, the first transmorphes was bad but it was funny bad.....this ones just boring, the plot makes no sense, the acting is horrible, the "special effects" are god awful. Do not watch this film it's not worth your time!
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When CELL PHONES Attack !
guestar5725 June 2009
Starring: Bruce Boxleitner,Jennifer Rubin and Shane Van Dyke. Get all that "Bad Juju" out of your head when guessing what you're about to watch. This go-a-round is much better than original? TRANSMORPHERS ! Wanted Shane to resemble his granndfather(Dick Van Dyke),But actually half way thru noticed a definite Michael Bay slanted appearance,Not to be outdone female lead could pass for Megan Fox,And mayor of town resembles Obama. Special effects are great and explosive,You'll never look at a cellphone,SUV or Pacemaker the same way without squinting. Jennifer Rubin returns to movies and We have missed her eyes and allure. Bruce Boxleitner is great as the seasoned hero and has a wonderful moment witha CGI helicopter.
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Machines Attack . Even More Shocking Is That Lawyers Didn't
Theo Robertson11 August 2010
Movie titles can not be copyrighted . This is why The Asylum , the film company that has a monopoly on " mockbusters " can get away with bringing out film titles that are almost identical to Hollywood blockbusters . What is amazing is that they use ideas and designs that are so obviously based on other movies . It's well known that Harlan Ellison sued Jemes Cameron claiming that THE TERMINATOR ripped off a couple of episodes that Ellison scripted for THE OUTER LIMITS . Cameron and Hemdale Films settled out of court though if you've seen the episodes in question you might be shocked that anyone considered Cameron is supposed to have stolen anyone's idea . Indeed if the film resembles anything it's the 1972 DOCTOR WHO story Day Of The Daleks and Louis Marks didn't feel the need to go running to a lawyer ..

Knowing this you will find yourself asking why Cameron amongst others didn't feel the need to contact lawyers to make an undeserved fast buck ? Perhaps they did but thought better of it since they felt that'd be similar to beating up a man in a wheelchair ? It's not so much the TRANSMORPHERS that gives away the plot but :


Has anyone noticed it seems rather similar to :


And this is what the film essentially is - a blatant reworking of TERMINATOR 3 with TRANSFORMERS , MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE and HALOWEEN 3 SEASON OF THE WITCH thrown in to the predictable , unoriginal mix . We have a scene where a satellite dish turns in to a terminator and you are absolutely left in no doubt what so ever that it's a terminator . Same as later on a car turns in to a transformer and you can't help shouting " Transmorphers other films in disguise

Despite the amount of " intellectual property borrowing " going on it's the production values and storytelling that bring the film down . Everything has to be force fed to the audience as in

Character A : Wow , we're dealing with a technical complicated thingy

Character B : what's a technical complicated thingy ?

Character C : It's a thing that's technical and complicated

with the lines being spoken in the most uninterested dispassionate way possible . Boxleitner and Rubin are fairly well known and give the least worst performances in a cast who are attractive but laughably wooden . I looked up the ensemble cast genuinely expecting their resumes to have included what is euphemistically known as " adult films " but found very few of the cast have appeared in more than a handful of unknown movies . I doubt if any of the cast will go on to major roles

I'll be honest here and state that TRANSMORPHERS 2 is a very mediocre film but no more or less than that , though admittedly the good concepts are culled from other superior movies . The SyFy channel in Britain is showing a week of mockbuster films and it's by no means the worst one I've seen . Sadly something tells me SyFy will be broadcasting films much worse
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ctomvelu15 June 2010
I could not believe one of the "Transformers" movies had ended up so quickly on TV, not to mention on the no-budget Sci-Fi Channel. Then it began to dawn on me, especially when Shia LaBoeuf failed to appear and Bruce Boxleitner did: I was actually watching a ripoff of the big-budget movie, and an Asylum flick to boot. Horrible! It's men versus killer robots, except it's mostly men (and a woman or two) standing around, talking about killer robots. And the robots that do turn up are just plain silly looking. I wanted to claw my eyes out. But I did the next best thing and turned the damned thing off. I hope you will do the same.,
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So incredibly stupid it hurts
MartianOctocretr514 February 2010
A cell phone turns into a Mini-Me Transformer--I mean, Transmorpher. It zaps a dim witted girl in a convertible, then also eradicates some idiot in a van. At this point, I was pulling for the 'Morphers. They were only doing away with fools, anyway.

Red flags pop up everywhere with the film's title. This movie is every bit the joke you'd expect from one that packages a morphed title of a recent big-budget film (which was a poor movie to begin with). With a budget of about 99 cents, it's just about as novice and amateurish a production as you'll see. To begin with, there's really no plot; nothing is connected in any way.

The robots pop up at random, and the CGI quality varies, as does the power of the 'bots. One minute they're impervious to rocket missiles, the next minute a wild pistol shot from a moving car at extreme distance can bring it down. The bullet-induced Morph explosions were way over done and absolutely hilarious. I love how the Morphers also recoil from projectiles that visibly haven't even hit them yet.

The only name actor exits early, leaving the Drama 1A drop-outs to stage weird scenes. The romantic interlude is churned out poorly, maybe just to increase running time. You knew what was coming for most every character, who all seem to be parodies of themselves. In particular, the guy that talked about how "Russians tortured one of these things until it surrendered its memory chip." I laughed so hard I had stomach convulsions. Speaking of the Morphers themselves, they appear to be doing Three Stooges impressions. First they sneak up on victims and beam lasers from behind; then in later scenes they just stand around gawking stupidly.

So utterly stupid. It's an Asylum flick, so have a Conkla Cola and a McDanny's Big Quack for snacks to munch while you laugh at this.
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Verbal and Visual Excrement
kiawa7713 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is virtually worthless, and I haven't seen one thing that appealed to me. I knew from the title that it had to be an Asylum production (I still say they'll come out with "Halloween on Elm Street" someday). Unoriginal idea, mish-mash plot that's full of holes, acting that rivals that of fifth grade school plays, and ho-hum effects. I do think, however, that the pace-maker "transmorpher" was probably a prototype replicator they borrowed from the set of SG-1, ha ha!

And what's with the sex scene? Seriously. Did they just drop this in the middle to wake up everyone bored to sleep? Or was the acting so bad that they couldn't create enough chemistry between the two love-birds that they figured a blatant screwing would get the point across to us doltish viewers?

For having no computers and no communications, they are certainly very well-informed about the terraforming stations in Japan and Bulgaria. I can't even get some of the people in my own department a few cubes away to keep me up to speed. I guess the transmorphers have one up on me.

So here we have these amazing, technologically advanced, super-robots from outer space that can fly, move quickly, terraform our planet, transform themselves into various machines, and shoot laser beams. Yet, oddly enough, a single gunshot wound to what would be their chest area will cause them to instantly explode.

The very worst part of this horrible waste of time, however, has to be the wretched conversation about the difference between how aliens differ from extraterrestrials. Yes, one character was stupid enough to ask this question, and another one was ever-so-kind to explain it to we, the uninformed. Aliens, those heathens, attack like enemies, whereas extraterrestrials will only attack like friends, meaning in defense. This drivel is perhaps the most contrived piece of verbal excrement I've had the misfortune of hearing and has no place in film. I wish MST3K would take a stab at this.

What's most disturbing, however, is that this is the SECOND one of these dreadful movies. The flushing of just about anything down a toilet and posting it on YouTube would probably be more entertaining than this... and I'd look forward to its sequel.
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Don't bother, watch some paint dry instead.
darthcynic14 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start by acknowledging I did not watch it all, only made it forty minutes into this truly awful dreck. Also, though I use words like plot, story and movie I don't mean to imply that this movie has any plot or should be considered a movie, I merely refer to what the producers fantasized as a plot etc. Oh and this may contain spoilers if such a thing is possible for a movie this bad.

'Transmorphers FoM', with a name like that I knew I was not going to be getting premium fare though there was still a good chance of being entertained; many B movies are watchable like 'Suspect Device' with C. Thomas Howell or Grunner's dumb but fun efforts. So I stayed, however this was not B movie grade, was not even straight to DVD grade, heck this swill would struggle for the lofty heights of a gas station rack. It starts okay, an aerial pass over a city which looks quite good as some passable but formulaic epic score plays, however I'll be damned if I know what the opening had to do with the rest of it. It's completely random, they could have been in a bottle factory or segued from shots of wildlife to fishing and not be any less relevant to robot invasion. Alas that was this movie's only proper scene that I saw, as we got into the story the rot quickly set in. For some bizarre reason we spend half an hour rambling through a number of disjointed scenes that in many cases have almost no purpose, the only function was to randomly introduce main characters but in ways that did not really take the plot anywhere. For instance the kooky lead scientist is introduced via a coffee shop where she reads about the accident from the first scene. Why would this character react so strongly to this article and rush out the door with such urgency that she leaves her credit card behind without caring? Accidents are not unusual and she does not know the woman, the scene is pointless and nothing to do with the story. Or why does Boxleitner randomly ask the coroner out to dinner in one scene? We've not been given reason to suspect a romantic interest and I don't see any need for hamfistedly shoe horning in some tiresome, irrelevant to the story romantic interest for Boxy. It's like some dull witted drop out from film school thought the plot needed some levity even though practically nothing of any great peril has happened yet.

One thing evident from the opening scene is either, no one involved can act or could be bothered to make the effort, really, I have seen finer work in adverts, Enzyte Bob had more screen presence than these refugees from the wood mill. The NSA guy is particularly incompetent, delivering lines with an over wrought, wide-eyed exaggeration. His female subordinate fares little better, trying to look and sound sultry but coming off as chronically fatigued. Another obvious malaise is the stunning lack of story beyond that we know the bots will reveal themselves to an unsuspecting Terra. Everything happens without reason, Boxy is obsessed with the killer phone yet has no reason to have any concern for it, in fact the damn phone should have just scuttled off after the crash. Our military lad has no reason to conclude these bots are drones or hostile just because the satellite dish transformed. There are dozens of these non sequiturs, so many that there is no logical way the story being related could possibly occur. Nor is it long before our "writer" drags the ever favorite alien invasion go to plot device of Roswell. Coupled to this is lumpen dialog badly delivered and painful to listen to; above it claims there is a writer but nothing in this could be called writing, lettered vomit perhaps but not writing. Monkeys with typewriters could do better; hell I'd have more emotional response to the blurb on a box of matches.

Transmorphers effects could never be mistaken for 'special', the bots are awful works, it's 2009 and they look like CGI was just invented! Why in this day and age anyone would settle for such unconvincing rubbish is beyond me. Worse, they know it, hence most bot shots are them alone, sans humans, buildings and anything else they will look entirely fake in front of. The locations are no better. Here's a tip, if you cannot get stock footage of Edwards AFB or other airbase footage then don't bother. What you don't do is pass off a collection of storage tanks and non-descript refinery like industrial locale as one of the largest USAF airbases. The base got worse after the bots attack – though for no reason, it's not like they know who the characters are or should be concerned with them – and it vacillates between industrial to abandoned ground, same piece of concrete detritus over and over, the odd spurt of flame standing in for an explosion. It was during this unconvincing attack that the napalm grade stupid became too much and I changed channel.

Transmorphers is pure undiluted excrement, with nothing in its favor; the writing and story don't exist. Acting is pathetic, not outrageously hammy just soul sapping pathetic. The effects are a visual cesspool that urinate in your eye. This is not a movie, I don't know what it is or why Syfy ever paid money for its worthless hide. Forty minutes in I was flabbergasted, I honestly did not realize there are folks out there who are so lacking in self respect that they would not have burnt this blighted creation. Actually how in the hells was the script not burnt on first sight and the "writer" black listed for crimes against the written word? My advice, don't watch it, watch paint dry instead, it will be far more compelling, coherent and worthy of your time.
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"The car pushed him out!"
hwg1957-102-26570419 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was an ordeal to watch. The original 'Transmorpers' film was bearable (mainly due to Shaley Scott) but the plot of this prequel was disjointed and the dialogue quite risible. Even the cast seemed bemused (Torturing non-sentient robots!) sometimes at the words they had to utter, making huge assumptions for no reason. The best acting comes from Bruce Boxleitner as Officer Ryan but unfortunately his character is killed half way through. though he goes out as he probably wished; ramming a helicopter into a robot. The other actors don't make any impression, even Jennifer Rubin. Alana DiMaria as Madison was particularly annoying.

The CGI robots were not bad. The rest of the film is underwhelming.
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nogodnomasters23 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A small California town is annoyed by alien/domestic/ancient/modern transmorphers, RPDs, AVDs etc. It seems what they are is part of a confused plot point where we get to choose. While the government knows about it, it takes a core group of civilians to save the planet, or at least for the sequel, which magically had been made years earlier.

Jake (Shane Van Dyke), hub-cap aficionado, is ex-military and is an expert on these devices which allows him to blindly shoot at them like anyone else. His girlfriend "mini-dress" Maddy (Alana DiMaria) can run real fast and give us panty flashes (I love Blu-Ray quality). While her dad (Bruce Boxleitner) is the chief of police busy investigating phone cell murders.

I noticed the opening fonts had slanted letter "A"s except for some names like Cano and Michael which had upright "A"s. I tried to work that secret code into the film, i.e. like most coded Asylum films, but alas, could not. The film had elements of "Red Dawn" as our small band attempt to save the planet.

For the most part the film was boring.

Parental Guide: 2 F-bombs. Sex. Near nudity.
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The difference between ET and Aliens
thorin_bane21 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Wow where to start. Hmmm CGI, bad but not terrible. I guess it is like a very bad Sci Fi network show for quality. The way, or rather the reason they blow up is hilarious.

Production value is pretty rough. They use the same old refinery from virtually all the Asylum movies. Actually they couldn't even scrape together their usual cast of ever returning actors. Seriously every movie has the same people playing small roles. It does give a certain continuity and ruins less careers I guess.

They even manage to get some actors not working for scale like Bruce Boxleitner. However he can not save this dog.

The camera crew does a decent job with what they have and the sound is OK. We are talking relative terms here. Ed Wood would call this a masterpiece, but it isn't.

One production issue I had a problem with and at this point it would be nitpicking given the nature of these films. Keep the main character's wound in the same spot OK. It was almost never in the same spot. For that matter do people run around covered in their own gore for days on end?

Which brings us to some other funny issues. The "scientist" gets a pipe put into her leg that they pull out while in the magical van that transmorphs from a 1994 Chrysler mini that the door wont shut on to a 2000 that is missing its wheel covers. So yes there was a transmorphing in the film. All while travelling very slowly(look out the window, trees are barely moving in the background...priceless) At least it was filmed in a vehicle. This character then limps for about half a scene before becoming pretty much fine. About on par with the girl in Cloverfield when pulled off the rebar.

There are so many weird things happening with script and plot you have to see it to believe it. But the most epic part is when the Mayor whos' daughter has an operation(as you are told over and over) ask the scientist about the difference between ETs and Aliens. All I can say is she must have been pretty drunk during the shoot and they wanted to wrap. She is wobbling around slurring and is kinda touchy feely. "Thanks for the respect" LOL. The lines that do come out are incoherent at best and require the Mayor to explain what she meant while one of the other characters is caught rolling her eyes. In fact Dr Drool has a plate magically appear in front where she tied her sweater around her hips after the slurring explanation of what friendly/enemy like bad and good creatures from space are. At this point the Mayor mentions how good he is at cooking. She then remembers her cue but not the location of said magical plate. After wobbling a bit and looking around behind her in both directions, she gets that excited look (like a kid getting a bowl of ice cream)when she find it tucked into the front of her pants.

I mean it has lots of funny moments but this was really the best for the 5 people who watched it with me. We had to re-watch it 3 times because we were crying so hard from the stupidity of the scene. "I guess thats a take eh!" Replied one of my buddies. The whole scene probably could have hit the cutting room floor. But it wouldn't have been a feature length film if they had tried to fix all the errors in this dog so why bother.

To be fair I would have been pretty drunk while filming this too. I hope they had fun filming it, because it is very funny in a "The Room" sort of way. Better than some other Asylum films and I did like it better than Paranormal Activity. I wish one of the MST3K groups would take a crack at the asylum movies. Pure gold as they are a self parody.

I gave it 4 for the effort and laughs, but its pretty bad, my official rating is 1 just so more people will see this movie? Come on bottom 100. It really deserves to be there. Some of those movies don't come close to this bad. Gigli is terrible but at least it was produced and had some actors in it.
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Was really enjoying this movie UNTIL THEY KILLED BRUCE :(
lyfjaberg6 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was going to give this movie 8/10, putting it on par with ZOMBIE OUTBREAK, BUGS BUGS BUGS OH NO, and THE English PATIENT - all strong entrants in their respective genres.

This would have been because Bruce Box-lightener is a personal hero of mine. As a collector of white and/or empty boxes, a man who spends his time making boxes lighter (in either sense of the word!) is really making my day. Every single day.

I owe Bruce so much.

However, during this film his character makes an uncharacteristically stupid decision to kill himself in order to destroy and already incapacitated Transmorpher. This is unbelievable. YES, Bruce attempted suicide in Babylon 5, but ALSO this was for a good reason AND he was brought back to life. Was it so much to ask for him to be brought back to life in this movie?! I can only assume they stopped being able to pay him his monies, which would be substantially large amounts of monies, as he is very talented.

I cannot believe a man like this exist: both lightening boxes and also acting so well.

I am so sad about this movie I had a little funeral for Bruce. I put a very small and very light box in a toy helicopter and it was sad.

This movie breaks your heart. Stay away unless you are an emo and like to feel bad.
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It's not as bad as Transmorphers
megoobee29 July 2012
Notice that I didn't say this feature was better than the first feature, just not as bad. As before, a motley crew of actors are culled together to try their hand at acting. They even had enough money in the budget to hire Bruce Boxleitner for half a movie before he left in fear of being recognized. Now if this was a school class where the teacher was grading on a curve, it would have been great to have Bruce pull up the "acting experience curve." For this film however, it made zero difference and the cast's acting was painfully inadequate. The story, what little of it flipped flopped around with little cohesion. Special effects are primitive looking and seems on the level with "claymation." In summary, the story is weak, acting is weak, affects are weak..... If you want to see a movie with killer robots, try the "Terminator" series.
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Not even one of those "so bad it;'s funny" movies
ismellfish5 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this on Netflix late one night and decided to give it a whirl to see how bad it could be, and I wasn't disappointed. I can forgive movies made on shoestring budgets (Check out Clerks or El Mariachi) but the makers of this movie are not only untalented, they are creative looters: take a popular movie, rip it off, and give it a similar title. The reasons this movie are bad have been given in the other reviews: atrocious dialogue, bad acting, extreme lapses in logic and continuity, etc. Check these out:

1. The satellite man "transmorphs" then is only seen once again. And when you do, he drops from the sky in one of those "Matrixy" poses.

2. When the Nissan SUV (with the logo covered with black tape) spits out the dead driver, don't park it next to the crime scene for the next shot-check the license plate number, it's right there.

3. The title card describes an "Airforce" base. Sorry, folks, it's Air Force-2 words.

4. As the two government people drive the "doctor" in the Suburban, they go through a checkpoint, apparently into the "Airforce" base, then drive past the same checkpoint numerous times during their conversation.

5. Our hero fires not only his assault rifle, but his grenade launcher while sitting in the back seat of a pickup truck that has no roll-down back windows. And there is no brass ejected.

6. Our hero is known by the government agents as an expert in UAV operation. How they know that is unexplained, but no matter, the subject is never brought up again.

7. When the first robot attacks the Airforce base (which has no Air Force personnel), it is shown walking and shooting, and they use the same shot over and over and over and over again.

There is a place for low budget movies, such as the ones mentioned above, but at least put some effort into making a coherent script and story. Don't make a shallow ripoff.
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zardoz-1319 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Transmorphers: Fall of Man," even by Asylum standards, qualifies as execrable from fade-in to fade-out. This obvious but egregious knock-off of Hasbro's "Transformers" franchise scrapes the bottom of the barrel, especially with its lackluster transmorphing effects. What modicum of value that this terrible tale possesses is the result of Bruce Boxleitner's presence as a policeman who wears his pistol on his left hip and has little use for cell phones. Everybody else, even Jennifer Rubin, deliver horrible performances. Indeed, they hit their marks and utter their dialogue without a shred of credibility. Director Scott Wheeler and scenarist/co-star Shane Van Dyke display little imagination in this prequel to Leigh Scott's "Transmorphers" (2005)and furnish nothing in the way of humor. The giant robots that menace our heroes appear to be fresh out of a pawn shop. Mind you, unlike the "Transformers" franchise, these giants boast no personality and their transformations are nothing to brag about.
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Horrendous doesn't even begin to describe how bad this film is....
TheLittleSongbird13 September 2011
By all means, I have seen worse of The Asylum/SyFy's output, but considering the awfulness of Transmorphers: Fall of Man it is little consolation. For starters, the film does look cheap, the editing is slapdash, the effects are delivered with no clarity and the robots with their unnatural movements look as though they were constructed in a hurry. The script is just a disorganised mess of clichéd and cheesy lines, the story is incredibly predictable and tedious, the characters are written in such an underwritten and poor way you cannot connect with them and the direction is sloppy. And need I say the acting is is just terrible particularly from Shane Van Dyke, nobody utter their lines with conviction and a few of them seem as though they are struggling to keep a straight face. Overall, just a horrendous movie. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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"I don't speak robot." The sequel nobody wanted is here & it's total crap.
poolandrews30 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Transmorphers: Fall of Man starts in Bakersfield near Los Angeles where Sheriff Hadley Ryan (Bruce Boxleitner) has a strange death on his hands, the daughter of a diplomat is found dead with an odd head wound & Ryan is puzzled. Meanwhile Hadley's niece Madison (Alana DiMaria) is having TV trouble so calls out the repair man & gets her ex-boyfriend Jake Van Ryberg (writer Shane Van Dyke) as he works for the satellite company, while checking Madison's satellite dish out back Jake is shocked to see it transform into a humanoid robot. It quickly becomes clear that modern technology is turning against us, electrical & mechanical devices are changing into killer robots. With the help of the NSA Hadley discovers that the robots are trying to send a signal into outer space to notify evil alien robots to start attacking, TV repair man Jake who was a crack-shot automated robotic weapons operator in the war & his ex-girlfriend Madison decide to try & save the Earth themselves...

Directed by Scott Wheeler this prequel to Transmorphers (2007) which was a rip-off of Transformers (2007) is an obvious rip-off of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) from those untalented people at The Asylum to carry on their shameless & seemingly endless line of 'Mockbusters' & while it's maybe not quite as bad as the original Transmorphers this is still really bad on every level. The script is awful, there are so many plot holes & just plain stupidity that you wonder whether this actually had a script or if it was being made up as the makers went along. God damned this is bad, it's really boring for a start & even at only 85 minutes long it feels like it goes on forever. Some of the dialogue is amongst the worst I have ever heard, there's a bizarre conversation between a couple of people about the difference between an alien & an extra-terrestrial. Well, aren't they both the same? For some reason an extra-terrestrial will attack you in a friendly way while an alien will attack in an unfriendly way according to Transmorphers: Fall of Man. There's also a bizarre moment in which the signals being sent back into space by the robots is explained by comparing it to a TV remote control & if you put something the way you can block it. Yeah right. Who do the NSA turn to in order to save the world? Yeah that's right Jake the TV repair man since he saw a bit of action in Iraq. More of a rip-off of Terminator Salvation (2009) than Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen with a plot that revolves around machine rising up against civilisation & humanity fighting back with a lone John Connor type warrior in Jake the TV repair man, this is just a mess of ideas stolen from big budget sci-fi action films & it's truly terrible in every way.

Conceptually Transmorphers: Fall of Man is awful but it is technically as well, the CGI computer effects range from poor to absolutely awful & the robots themselves are just pathetic that would embarrass a Playstation game. As well as making ordinary consumer electronics change into scary robots the transformation seems to make them bulletproof, when the black car changes & attacks the base why doesn't any of the gunfire damage it? Also when Hadley crashes into the robots & there's that huge (awful looking CGI) explosion why doesn't Jake get hurt from shrapnel or burnt or even knocked over when he's standing like just a few feet away? The action scenes are awful, it's impossible to get a sense of what's going on as the angles are so tight & the robots & human actor's rarely appear in the same shot. Then there's the terrible ending, Jake is surrounded by about five alien robots & the compound he is standing in is blown up with C4 yet in the very next shot Jake is standing outside without so much as a hair out of place. Although not violent there's one strangely gory moment that is at odds with the rest of the film, a woman who has had a pacemaker implanted is killed when the pacemaker turns into a spider robot thing & bursts out of her chest.

With a budget that was probably about as low as they come just check out the so-called major military base that looks more like an oil refinery & seems rather short of soldiers considering, production values are rock bottom & the acting is poor although Alana DiMaria looks quite cute, Bruce Boxleitner must be desperate for cash or work or both & has the good sense to be killed off halfway through while star & script writer Shane Van Dyke is the Grandson of Dick Van Dyke.

Transmorphers: Fall of Man is totally awful in every way, from horrible production values & CGI effects to a badly written plot that just tries to rip-off as many recent big budget Sci-Fi films as it can. This literally becomes painful to watch.
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