"South Park" South ParQ Vaccination Special (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Classic and New South Park coexisting almost fine
facundo_199611 March 2021
You can probe it watching all the old characters appearing through the episode, specially Mr. Garrison back at his old-self after being the 45th President. And he still the same, no 'flanderization' here. Neither him nor anybody on this show and that's majestic after 24 seasons. I don't recall any show having such a consistently quality for so long.

The boys plot was fun and striking with the story actually focused on them. Since Tegridy Farms started becoming tedious this was really refreshing. Also after a long time of being almost ignored, Kenny gained protagonism again. Who didn't appear was Randy, perhaps a sarcastic response from the creators to those complaining about him owning the show.

About the QAnon people, they nailed everything with them. As a Libertarian -the real Right- it was fun to see how out of mind conservatives have become. Not to mention about how they're crying because of this Guess who's the real crystal generation? Anyway, I also loved the animations of celebrities and politicians. Priceless.

There was a lack of the "shock"factor of old-school South Park. But after all this is a 45 min. episode that never gets you bored, and for a 24 years old show that's enough. I'm one of those who don't need to laugh every single second to enjoy a good story, that's why I'm a defender of the "serialization", which was nothing but the show maturing.

I give it an 80% approval. PERIOD.
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Absolutely HILARIOUS!!!
GingeryPsychNP13 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I have never watched South Park before. This one is AbsoFreakingLutely HILARIOUS!! It had me at everyone stand in line outside of Club Walgreens waiting to get in, while you could hear the music thumping. Priceless.
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Everyone Knows It's Lil'Q-ties Butters!
lambiepie-218 March 2021
I have watched the South ParQ Vaccination Special quite a few times, and for me, it was adept at poking fun at it all. Some jokes and visuals were funny as they hit on current events and the main characters of the town; in the end, it fell flat for me.

I like the beginning of the vaccinations like a Studio 54 situation, considering the old folks getting the vaccinations were that old when Studio 54 was famous. I wondered what they were going to do with Mr. Garrison's turned Trump character once Trump lost, and now we know. That wasn't so bad a tun to bring back the continuity of that character to South Park.

I'll admit, I am a Butters fan. And as short as the scene of Butters was in this, I found it hilarious watching him running around like a nut with the flag as part of the Lil' Q-ties. He was so crazy as they were fighting at the time; he was running around screaming, "Yea...Yeah!!!" Why? What for? It was just so silly-funny, as the whole thing was. That was typical South Park to me.

It's South Park. This episode did try to unpack a lot, but it hit the points of interest. It was silly not taken personally at all. The idea to me was to watch the silliness of the vaccinations and theories all implode. The only thing that could have been better was the ending. It made little sense and seemed rushed. It could have been much more current, for example, using 'cancel culture' instead as the setup was there to do so.

It's worth a look. I did like the Pandemic Special much better, but this wasn't too bad either.
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BAFFLED by these reviews.
The Vaccination Special was excellent. It was clever and accurately addressed everything going on in the REAL WORLD. All these 1/10 reviews are sour Republicans.

I find it hilarious how this comment section is filled with so many angry Republicans. Crying because a show that's literally made fun of EVERY DEMOGRAPHIC KNOWN TO MAN FOR OVER TWO DECADES laid into them for an episode. Crying because this episode didn't make fun of Joe Biden when it's LITERALLY THE FIRST EPISODE SINCE HE TOOK OFFICE. This show has made fun of Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump... and it will make fun of Biden. This comment section truly goes to show who the real "snowflakes" are.

There's a reason there are literally NO successful conservative comedians. Nor are there any "funny" conservative shows. Literally, none. Because conservatives aren't funny. They can't dish a joke nor can they take one. Not a funny bone in their body.
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This one is likely to trigger people from both sides of the political spectrum
MoistMovies12 March 2021
Enough said.

It was very funny and worth your time watching it. It satires so many ridiculous things about last year. And there first time braking the 4th wall properly was well timed. Trey and Matt don't want to stay stale. So they are always looking for ways to mix things up. The splitting apart of the boys perfectly represents how this divided political america has destroyed so many friendships and families.

The episode also tried a different style, mixing in some more elements from the older episodes and blending that with how they have been doing them recently (it was a nice break to not see randy until the end., those are often the weakest ones recently except the china episode)

This one will likely offend people from both sides of the isle.. So if you're level headed and dont subscribe to any specific ideology, I think you'll find this just as funny as I did.
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Swing and a miss
winchestertrista17 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode missed the Mark for me. The jokes just didn't land like the last special. The old people joke was kind of funny at first, but was overused. I'm not sure if they rushed this episode or what, but the writing was lacking. Disappointing episode, but hopeful for the next special/episode.
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A Little Weak
setokaiba23812 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Compared to the Pandemic Special this one was a little weak. There weren't too many laughs and they could have gone on Q a lot harder. There's tons of comedic material there to use. Overall in terms of the insights and messages this one just felt a little behind on the times. I like Mr. Garrison coming back like nothing happened though. That's a pretty amusing angle. Also idk what show the people complaining that this episode didn't present both sides were watching, but it definitely wasn't this one. They surprisingly offered some sympathy for Q supporters and made Donald Trump the hero of the episode.

Finally, the new direction this show is taking makes me extremely nervous. The boys haven't historically been at their strongest when they're apart and I am really really really worried about the redemption arc Cartman's character is going through. He's starting to approach good guy territory which is alarming. All that being said I'm doing my best not to be afraid of change, and plan to keep an open mind for the upcoming season.
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Weird, Wonderful, Old, and New
aidanratesmovies11 March 2021
Such a fun episode, we get to see growth from the characters I've loved for so many years, as well as so many nostalgic but not forced moments that I couldn't help but smile at. It's a fun, twisted, dark, and absolutely hilarious little episode- and perhaps the weirdest episode in years. South Park is truly back at it again.
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A funny, character-driven episode that's very hit-or-miss
aptcatex12 March 2021
All of the satire in this episode was funny but there was a couple of twists at the end that come completely out of nowhere. The character drama was far superior to anything in the last 3 seasons but they completely disregard Kenny's development for the sake of a unfunny relationship = bromance gag. I don't understand why they gutted all his agency despite the fact he's the most morally righteous and actively just of the 4.
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FANTASTIC - Don't listen to the sour republicans.
djw-2070911 March 2021
Fantastic episode! It's great to have Mr. Garrison back - who is dealing with the repercussions of his presidency. One of the most cleverly thought out installments of South Park and had me laughing throughout. Matt Stone and Trey Parker, who are notoriously unbiased in terms of Republican and Democratic ideals, have really begun to lay into the delusional fantasy world that the Republican Party has become. Any reviews saying otherwise and all the "thumb downs" on positive ratings are more than likely Republicans who didn't get what they were hoping for after all the build up for the vaccination special. However, South Park has never discriminated in terms of who they make fun of over their 20+ year history. The plot lines will be eagerly anticipated in the coming seasons with all that has gone on in the world in recent events!
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It was okay
dagurhjaltason13 March 2021
I thought it was okay, not bad but not that great, and I didn't really like it more than the Pandemic Special. It's not terrible, just not amazing.
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Thoroughly enjoyed this episode.
jsftvkdd13 March 2021
I really like the episode, it hit on a bunch of Issues, that no one is really talking about in a civil manner. We all have different views about social; political; & Family matters. I'm not here to get into a political debate. But the episode hit on so many issues, and Mr. Garrison's last line in the show; was absolute gold. It's interesting, how we heard so much about The Hollywood elite,in the beginning of the pandemic. But, it's as if, no one is talking about it anymore. Interesting. I hope everyone who reads this, is doing well, staying safe; & Staying aware, most importantly. Take care.
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It was enjoyable
shaunmcevoy-9883316 March 2021
People giving this 3/10 are delusional, this was decent. Trey and Matt being in the Elite photograph along with Oprah was hilarious. I've watched this show religiously on repeat for the past 16 years and it's still going strong. I will always watch South Park right up to the very last episode.
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Meh....Not funny, a little bit dark, sad...This is not why I watch South Park! (diehard fan here)
DrDebian16 March 2021
  • So long the days where you see the boys role-playing, playing with their toys, acting like 'innocent kids but with filthy mouth'.... they are now adults, too mature, complicated, basically 30-40 years old in kids characters...they aren't innocent happy or even friends!!
  • Not funny?? I don't recall having a single laugh the entire episode?? Some smiles here and there but laughs? none really
  • I watch South Park to have a break! have a laugh watching them 4 kids in their quiet little red-neck po-dunk white-trash mountain town ..... However, you see Qanon, COVID, red vs blue, left vs. right, and NOT really that funny (because unfortunately, this is real life here, we were living in dark/black comedy era) I was watching the news but animated ...that's all

It is not a lazy attempt, but it wasn't funny to me....it isn't South Park to me
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kostasomorfopalikaris11 March 2021
Don't listen to the Q reviews. This episode is amazing I am really glad we got Mr Garrison back he was wonderful in this episode
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10086cn11 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so glad Herbert Garrison has reverted back to his normal identity; the way I usually think about him. Seeing his previous identities made the newer episodes of South Park just unbearable to watch, so I'm glad they took the decision to bring him back to normal. Thanks for the reversion! I will sure appreciate it!
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sumtim3s00n14 March 2021
I did not even pay attention all the way through, it got so boring. The jokes are just flat and too on the nose and Kyle and Stan were annoying. I hope the creators are not losing their touch. Please let this not turn into Simpsons, Family guy or American dad. Better stop than ruin it. Long gone are the classic hilarious eps.
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24 Years Later, and South Park Still Has It Down
elicopperman27 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When it comes to TV shows that have gone on for longer than anyone could have imagined, none have been quite as remarkable as South Park. With all the topics they've covered in the world since their debut in 1997, it's no wonder the series has been deemed one of the most controversial cartoons ever made. If you need anymore proof, look no further than their most recent addition: the Vaccination special. Made as a followup to their Pandemic special, which came out seven months prior, this special alone is so fascinating to view now that the corona pandemic has now reached over a year in its worst state.

Now unlike the pandemic special which dealt with how the town was coping through several months of quarantine, this special goes into the desperation Americans are having for COVID vaccinations. While this is going on, some town locals who support the controversial cult QAnon oppose the vaccine to the point of spreading their ideologies to some of the town's children. Considering all the insane stuff that has happened in the United States over the course of a year, it's quite remarkable how much there is to comment on in just one special. In many ways, that does make a lot of the commentary a bit too much to take in all at once. Considering that the main plot revolves around Stan, Kyle, Cartman having to compromise their friendship during the troubling pandemic, it can happen too often when their otherwise impactful arc feels like it's competing for the viewer's focus. To make things even more complicated, the story is also about Mr. Garrison having to deal with the town following his fall as president, which even then can only be understood if you've watched the last few seasons of the show.

However, despite the jumbled plots, they actually end up elevating the special more than hurting it. As said before, so much has happened in American since March of 2020, from the George Floyd murders, to the fear before the 2020 election, and the US Capital Invasion back in January of 2021. The mere fact that Trey Parker and Matt Stone took the right advantage to tackle so much in just 44 minutes of entertainment is beyond admirable, and even if the special didn't hit all the marks it could have, their reflections of the last twelve months were still utilized effectively. As South Park comments on how children perceive the world around them more maturely than other cartoons, seeing the children around the main four become more negative with all of the changes happening to school teachers and adults needing vaccines is quite frightening. Given how the QAnon members end up corrupting the minds of youth just as much as the adults, it's sadly no different from just how poorly some children have been brainwashed by their irresponsible parents during these months.

But even with all of those points in mind, there's a lot more to check out in this special that hasn't even been mentioned yet. In a day and age where people have become so divisive in their world views, South Park is a bittersweet reminder of showcasing the pros and cons of perceiving certain factoids throughout one's life. Like the best satirical entertainment, it's best to view this special with a grain of salt instead of agreeing with any of the beliefs here. At the end of the day, we're all trying to move through the pandemic, and it seems like it can only get better with specials like this.
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this episode was literally good and the right wing are just butthurt
natalliaaeng3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I genuinely really liked this episode and I'm so excited to see Mr. Garrison back, which is what I was waiting and hoping for ever since Trump lost the election. The only reason why people didn't like it is because South Park was making fun of the right wing for a change and they're butthurt about it. This episode WAS funny and it WAS enjoyable but conservative Trump supporters can't take a joke. Ironic right? Anyways I loved this episode, probably even more than the pandemic special, not only because it was more entertaining in my opinion but also because it finally focused on the boys more than Randy and Tegridy Farms, which I've gotten a little tired of, considering that's all season 23 consisted of. This ep was great and i'm glad Mr. Garrison is back!
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Candy_Man2212 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not necessarily a good special, but not a bad one either. Felt kinda "meh". Some jokes landed, some didn't. Biggest problem I had was the story, as I didn't find it too interesting or funny, and it actually felt a bit lazy at times.

I did think the Qanon and Lil' Qties part was very funny though. Overall, I felt very whelmed by this special, and hope the next episode or special will get back to the quality of the first special.
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Guess who's back, back again
ericstevenson12 March 2021
I admitted to missing the continuity that the previous special had. Randy and his Tegridy Farms plot only appeared at the very end. Still, it was awesome to see all those old characters back again. Even God had a cameo! I...assume that God wouldn't need to get a vaccine? Anyway, this special (episode?) features the four boys trying to get the Covid-19 vaccine to the teachers so things can go back to normal at school.

There's an odd subplot where Mr. Garrison has to get the vaccine, but Mr. White was being changed by the elitists. Trey Parker and Matt Stone themselves appeared on the elitist board. I guess the joke was that they, the real life creators of the show, were messing with the characters? It's hard to understand, but it's always great to see this show back. I thought the Qties might have been a reference to that much hated film "Cuties". A pity Joe Biden doesn't appear as a character, nor does it chronicle Trump's downfall. ***1/2
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Love it or hate it: there's something to amuse and/or offend everyone
jamesrupert201417 March 2021
Mr. Garrison returns from his presidential term and finds the boys caught-up in a squabble about access to vaccines. For all its over-the-top insensitivity, political incorrectness, brutal satire, and scatological humour, sometimes South Park seems to be the bilateral conscious of pop-culture (or at least of the pop-culture that interests me). Not many shows would support the rights of followers of organisations such as QAnon to hold, and to express, their opinions. The story is moderately amusing but will be dated to oblivion within a few months, some of the self-referential meta-humor was a bit strained, and there really wasn't enough material to fill an hour timeslot. The spin on the classic Bugs cartoon 'Duck Amuck' (1953) was an amusing way to answer the unanswerable and tie up the story (and to bring back a beloved character in a striped top-hat). As always, Butters is a highlight, especially as a flag-waving anti-vaxer whose motive was just to get out of the house. Fun, especially for fans, but not as good as last year's 'The Pandemic Special'.
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A perfect episode for a perfect show!
momcilopetkovic13 March 2021
These hourlong specials are the best thing in existence!
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A Cure to Randy's randiness in a post-Garrison-presidency World
Cineanalyst12 March 2021
Another year, another South Park COVID-related extended episode, "South ParQ: Vaccination Special," following up on the prior "Pandemic Special." Right from that title, there's a sense of greater optimism with vaccinations, albeit with the "Q" indicating lingering political problems in the America that Trey Parker, Matt Stone and company satirize. The gags here over teachers and the masses being jealous of the elderly's being vaccinated and Qanon conspiracy-theory stupidity are hilarious, if repetitive. The post-presidency of Mr. Garrison is pretty funny early on, at least, too, as the Colorado town's residents gawk with annoyance at him for the destruction his administration wrought. If you don't know who he's a stand-in for, you might've been living under a rock the past four years, let alone not be familiar with the "South Park" TV series.

The bro-ships, or whatever, between the four perennial schoolboys wasn't as amusing. It doesn't live up to the outrageousness of Randy and Mickey Mouse copulating with a bat and pangolin in the "Pandemic Special." And, the hand-of-the-animator reflexivity that is made out of fulfilling the Qanon nonsense is rather too derivative in a computer-animated fashion of "Duck Amuck" (1953). Still, hit-and-miss as it is, "South Park" may as usual be counted on for a few laughs.
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Pretty big letdown
rfloom11 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love South Park, it's my favorite show of all time and the funniest thing ever. But this episode just shows that they truly thrive on a tight schedule, as well as being in the same building. The pandemic special was fantastic, this one just didn't do it at all for me... the jokes were lame... I guess the "vaccine locations are like a club and old people are VIP" joke was alright for a minute but then got old... idk, wish with all the endless potential content nowadays they went a different direction. Oh well, still love the show, and I did like the Matt and Trey BASEketball cameo, and the return of Mr Hat. Hopefully we don't have to wait 5 months for another episode.
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