"The Blacklist" Elizabeth Keen (No. 1) (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Immensely disappointed
LodgeDweller13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode left a bad taste in my brain. The episode synopsis promised Liz's actions would lead to something catastrophic. I expected something tragic, or maybe Liz FINALLY facing some consequences for betraying Red again. Aside from Marvin Gerard being punished for something he didn't do, the only thing tragic thing about this episode was the amount of sheer stupidity.

It felt like bad tumblr fan fiction written by the most pro-Liz fan on earth, desperate to make her seem competent and bad ass. I get the feeling this episode was supposed to make us surprised and impressed with Liz's actions, to view her as a formidable opponent for Reddington. Instead I'm here shaking my head at how badly they had to dumb everyone else down for her to get away with all of this. I have tried to appreciate Liz, but she has been increasingly insufferable since getting Red caught and put on death row. They have kept her as a plot device for 7 years. Instead of the plot unfolding because of Liz's character development and actions, her character does what the plot demands, logic be damned. We're in season 8, it's getting harder to find these weak spots funny instead of irritating.

The opening scene was terrible. The kiss a couple episodes back was bad enough, this was the most nauseating sex scene I've ever seen. Liz and Ressler have zero charisma, aren't very likable on a good day, and frequently imcompetent but hey, they'd make sense as a couple, right? You'd think maybe, but the whole thing comes off gross. Liz is heartlessly using him. If she turns up pregnant, I may quit watching. One kid sge barely acknowledges is more than enough. Ressler is a dumb sap who'd rather get some than try and stop his supposed close friend from the dangerous path she has embarked on. There's also about as much romantic chemistry between them as there is between Dembe and Agent Park.

Liz tells Cooper she's tired of there always being a man saying he wants to protect her. How many times has Red bailed her and her FBI friends out of messes big & small? How much has Cooper done to protect and help her? How many times did Tom go through hell to help her and feds? If this was an attempt at making Liz sound like a strong, independent female being viewed unfairly by Cooper and the other men in her life, IT FAILED. Liz has been a flip-flopping, irrational, especially unsympathetic weasel since her "mother" showed up. The mother who abandoned her. The mother who speaks of Liz as if she's no more than a tool when she's not around. The mother who killed several innocent FBI agents in season 7. Liz lied to Cooper's face when she said Katarina must face justice for those murders, but curse him for still trying to look out for her. Boo! He's totally upholding a damaging patriarchal system that views women as weak! Girl power, Liz and her murderous mommy were never wrong! Since season 6, Liz flip flops depending on who the writers want her to seek approval from that week. Yet they don't understand why the viewers struggle with her chatacter. It's not simply "Liz went against Red. Bad Liz." It's several years of Liz being the worst written character on a show where she's the co-lead. Had she turned fully anti-Red shortly after Tom's death, it would have been far more believable, compelling, sympathetic and conflicting for the viewers (like the Kaplan vs Red ordeal). Instead, they played the Mommy card, and they played it badly.

Red falling for Liz and Skip's scam was the biggest smack in the face. Their scam wasn't even clever. Not for one second did I believe Marvin was the one who betrayed Red. Red is too intelligent to fall for such a half-ass manipulation. I almost think Liz wanted Red to see through it and catch her, but the writers would never give her such nuance or depth. Nope, she's just brilliant because they say so. "But Red's illness, it's distracting him and he has a weakness for Liz". Nope. This is just bad writing.

The episode wasn't all bad. There was a goat! That was fun, until we saw what it was used for. Marvin was awesome, he was one of the few people not horribly dumbed down this week. Aram playing with Agnes was adorable, he's probably spent more time on screen with her than Liz has. There were brief Tom flashbacks! We got confirmation that Red is N13? Who knows, they'll probably change their minds on that within the next eight episodes.

The overarching story/mythology of The Blacklist has been especially poorly handled since the alleged Katarina faked her death during season 7. After this episode, I am officially grading this show on the same lowered scale I use for soap operas and Riverdale. Low to no expectations, just sit back and enjoy the unusual crimes, Spader, and most of the supporting cast. 5/10
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destroyed by Keen storyline.
blkhwk4130 January 2021
PLEASE. Please Either Kill off Keen or Kill off this show. This Incessant Keen Story has turned off SO many viewers. We HATE it. It is NOT what the show USED to be. The continued Corruption of the FEEBS is the Only Accurate part of this abortion any longer.
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Oh dear
drnikic9 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
With all the backstories going around the "thing" between Keen and Ressler spring pretty much out of nowhere. One kiss so she could nick his gun, the next minute they're at it like rabbits? Puhlease. Did the writers think we needed a bit of sex to liven things up? No, what we needed was to go back to the original winning formula.

It's sad what they've done to Red. They make him look like a paranoid (understandable) gullible (since when) old has-been.

Keen may think like a criminal, but she has none of Red's charm.

Also, those unicorn socks must be rank by now.
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Show is becoming a mess
grlym-4684930 January 2021
Show has lost its way. Best part of this episode is the last script line

This show is great! Don't get me wrong. But my main critique is below

This show is like most shows that go in for a decade

The individual episodes that open and close in themselves are addicting

The small underlying plot that carries amongst all the episodes is intriguing it does not rule the show.

Then near the middle to end, the show is ruled by the underlying plot and what made the show great is lost. The show loses a direction and they scramble to close it with some semblance of grace
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Worst episode by far.
nszt30 January 2021
Completely illogical and out of character for Redington. And for f sake kill Keen already. Her character is killing the show for too long already. Fire the person who though this was a good idea
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dattaakash-370556 August 2021
What the hell is going on? The revenge of a mother whom you didn't see for 30 year, and now in 1 days relation u wanna forget everything ray did and every thing ray protected you from? U wanna bankrupt him? And U wanna show us that reddington is an russian? Makes no sense at all, even when he met katarina in his dream in the house by the sea, he had no idea of russia or he didn't even speak russian, i never saw him, and now without any previous details, he knows some russians who gives him order? To be honest i though season 7 was bad, but this thing is worse. I wish they pack up real soon.
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Poor episode - Liz was a silly pick for number 1.
nickzapapp20 February 2021
I assume there is going to be a liz keen conclusion episode... they should have maybe made her number 5, or 2 at most but not 1. Low action, no fights scenes. Boring without Katarina, at least she was a real enemy for red.

All that happens is liz steels red money and gets her daughter
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It will never end...
boychevradoslav30 January 2021
The show has been renewed for season 9. Maybe because they saw how cheap it was to produce, taking place in apartment buildings and parking lots. Therefore, the climax of the story will not take place this season. Maybe not even next season.

You can leave all your hopes that everything will be revealed and resolved this season at the door. There will always be another lazy plot device, one more scheming cabal of international criminals, each more evil than the one before, thicker foreign accents and mysteriously sounding villain names.

A complete waste of a wonderful opportunity to develop Keen's character so that due to the consequences to her own actions, and her stubbornness to pursue he truth she becomes just like her mother - a fugitive running for her life and abandoning her daughter.

Instead, horrible writing happens, she betrays and lies to everyone who believed in her and loved her (betrays some of them multiple times), which the show somehow has the audacity to try to justify.

Remeber back when The Blacklist had a creative premise, with interesting villains, each of which had an interesting motivation and sometimes a tragic backstory behind what makes them tick, with an overarching plot about betrayal, secrets and family?

A show held up by its wholesome cast of lovable characters, each with their quirks and personal struggles, with the mysterious presense of the always charismatic James Spader...

None of this is here now. Red is now reduced to a quip dispenser, who is dying whenever the plot demands it. The supporting cast (hey, agent Park is still here!) are buffoons, degraded to their most basic character traits, and serve exclusively as a tool for Elizabeth to get what she wants.

Welcome to The Keen Show. She's always right, she's always strong, She's better than you, she will win, and goddamnit, she'll be justified, despite being the most gullable character on TV, the worst FBI criminal profiler in TV history (Criminal Minds would be ashamed), and committed actual terrorism literally the previous episode.

At this point it's not about being a show that's not as good as it used to be, it's not about the fact that we're in a pandemic and their resources are limited, and it's not about the story running its course, the actors not having any desire to keep working or problems with the production

It's about a show that is poorly written.

I'd rather watch the animated episode.

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Writer Memory Loss?
rebesmom1 February 2021
I have been faithfully watching since the pilot. But, the apparent memory loss of the writers is testing my patience. They had Aram tell Agnes that he met her at the Christening and it would be cool if she remembered him. Knock, knock, is anyone in the writers room home? It wasn't THAT long ago that The Task Force were TOGETHER at Agnes's Ballet Recital & Aram actually had flowers for her! AND, in WHAT universe would Red EVER believe Liz over Marvin? Funny, how in 8.03, Liz told Marvin she DIDN'T want ANY of Red's money, but, she did a 180 in 8.04. If you need help keeping your facts straight, try hiring some of the BRILLIANT fan fic writers step in and help "right the ship" faster. Speaking of the ship, the Captain is RED & HIS First Mate is LIZ! THEY are the focal point of the show. Anything else pales in comparison & insults the viewer!
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I like agent Keen
pablorubio-3295124 June 2021
I read all the critics about agent Keen and they are all the same: she betrays all the time Reddington

But we could say that Megan Boone makes a very good effort to represent the most unpleasant role. And we could say that reading the critics she has made an amazing job

not very good storyline, but good acting from Megan Boone. Congrats.
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Can not stand Elisabeth Keen
ahmadjor30 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So many times liz betrayed Red. Tired of her character. Worst episode yet!! Use to love this show but between Liz's terrible acting and even worse transformation and the total deviation of Reddingtons core character I'm losing interest quickly. Reds character never would've let Skip Hadley walk without questioning.

Please let Liz stay missing! In fact, it would be far more interesting if she joined NASA and was sent to outer space! That would save our sanity!
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A rating the episode actually deserves
michaelsanchez-552212 February 2021
This is mostly for people wondering if the episode is actually as bad as people are saying and no it's really not. The reviews here are a huge overreaction and should not be taken seriously, specifically the 1 star reviews that seem to mostly only say Liz is terrible and that's it. Most of the complaints can be easily explained, there are a few reasonable criticisms about the episode and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the notion that this is the worst episode of the entire show is just laughable, the episode isn't the best of the series but it's definitely not the worst.
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Worst kind of "fans"
forla-107-4631195 February 2021
The problems of this episode are not the writers, the real problems are about fifty whining viewers. Average age (probably) 40, mental age 12. Is it the best episode of the series? No. Is it the worst? Neither. It is an introductory episode to what will be the main theme of this season, Liz vs. Red. A theme that they had widely anticipated in recent seasons. You don't like it, change the channel, but these kinds of smear campaigns are the worst disrespect one can think of. The Blacklist, its cast & crew (including James Spader) don't deserve these kind of "fans".
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maryoraffael30 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Turning a pathetic fbi agent, worst mother ever, worst son, worst wife, to a criminal mastermind ? elizabeth keen is that ? lmfao. pathetic, and also makes red look weak and stupid. i loved this show but this is too much, hate the season 8. just kill her already lol...
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Has Red had a head injury we didn't know about?
Nisaar077 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't really write reviews, but feel compelled! What on earth have the writers done??? Red falling for that ploy by Keen is ridiculous! All along I thought Red could see it coming, like everyone, including Stevie Wonder!!! I thought he had a counter up his sleeve. But fit him to turn on Marvin and put Skip in charge on a rumour beggars belief! This is not the Red we have known, this is not the same show anymore! Just because these lazy, moronic, infantile writers want to turn Keen into a badass, they have resorted to children's story plot conveniences. A character who has been built up as always being a step ahead and knowing his people, over 7 seasons suddenly turns into an imbecile who gets outwitted by children. Red falling for the old 'oh look, what's that over there..' whilst I steal your money chestnut- is this meant to be a parody? Think this is the moment I'm done with this show! How are these writers still working?
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Liz her Getaway
ZegMaarJus3 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode begins with Liz, she has sex with Ressler. Esi and Liz escaped in time. Liz is offering Marvin to help her, and not Red. Aram and Agnes play a paper plane contest. Marvin stepped over, he helps Liz from now on. Liz entered the Taskforce to take Agnes with here. Skip helped Liz to get away, Marvin didn't. Liz travels to Switzerland. Aram and Ressler want to leave the Taskforce, but Harold refused this. Skip arranged 35 million from Red his money for Liz. An Okay Episode of The Blacklist Season 8, this episode was the worst of The Blacklist so far. Not many action. But still a 6 because of the show!
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Kitty power
dierregi18 March 2021
Liz as a criminal mastermind is like a kitten thinking he's a lion. Except kittens are endearing and Liz isn't.

Whatever the scriptwriters will decide to do with her is too late to save the show.
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[5.9] Way to go Keen!
cjonesas25 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A somewhat repetitive and mildly entertaining episode. The only thing more entertaining than the show and this episode, is the senseless and snail-brain ratings of 1 to 4 here.

Don't like The Blacklist with Liz Keen in it?! Don't watch it please! OR wait for the next season.
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Half-a**ed written show
janthonyhudson30 January 2021
This episode was pretty much a complete disgrace. For the writing team to essentially contradict all of the character development that they've built for 155 episodes in a single 45 minute span shows a laziness and disrespect for it's fanbase. It's like the people who wrote this episode hadn't seen/read the previous 155 episodes and just wrote something 20 minutes before turning their laptop off on a Friday to race into the weekend. Pure trash.
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at least better than last week
jeersNcheers2 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why would Liz suddenly change her mind 100% and decide she wants Red's money after all? Why would Liz only steal 35 million? Why would Red believe Liz rather than his long-time friend and attorney? And the male FBI agents letting Liz and her daughter get away is ridiculous. Oh, and I've got to mention how offensive the love scene last week was; it was like a brother and sister in bed; they've been friends and comrades for years and suddenly they are romantically involved? Yuck! Except for all that, the episode was fine.
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Getting Better
czywqnvh9 February 2021
I don't see why so many are hating where this is going but I like it. It's making me even more intrigued. Why is Red sick, from what? Keen knows how the FBI works so that makes it fascinating. Is Marvin going to jump ship? Wow! That could me major. I've been bored with the BL the end of last season but am loving it.
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Enough is enough.
nency30 January 2021
They destroyed the whole content in the original story's I hope she bites the dust. So enjoying I can't take it any more.just cancel the rest of it.
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Very good episode. Forgive the haters as they don't know what they are watching.
balconypeppers4 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get the hate for this show. If you don't like it stop watching, you don't have to come here to tell the world. This is not the airport. Also don't know what people are watching. Some seem to think the Blacklist is a procedural, which it is not, others want Liz out while she is at the center of the story. There is no show without Liz and Red. If you watch this show as it should be watched, a mystery story, it was a good episode. We get to see Liz use some skills she gained and improved over the last 7 seasons. She basically pulled a Kaplan only less severe. The episode has great moments. Red convincing a woman to do something for him is funny as always. The scenes with Aram and Agnes are very touching. The one thing that is somewhat annoying is that Red's illness has been reduced to only being an issue when it is convenient for the plot. Never seen an illness where one day someone collapses and the next day walks around as if he is the healthiest person on planet earth. Anyone want to place bets on how Red will kill Skip when he finds him.
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Great episode, but tired of liz betraying red
fpythdw21 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I hate the fact that Keen is betraying Reddington and even willing to kill him after all he has done to her. The episode is very good, it starts a hunt to Elizabeth by the FBI and Red.
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Once great TV show has become tasteless parody of itself
markoalefmarkovic30 January 2021
The Blacklist was one of the most interesting series when it appeared. Great story, well written characters, extraordinary plots and solid cast. However, the quality has drastically started to decline since the 4th season and is rapidly heading towards the abyss. Too unconvincing plots and one cliffhanger (Reddington's identity) that hasn't been resolved since the end of the 5th season. And it goes on indefinitely. This TV show would have cult status today if everything was packed in 5 seasons. Instead, we got a Spanish soap opera, and this once great show lost its identity. it's a pity, I used to look forward to the next episode, and today I don't care. P.S. Rating 2/10 is solely because of the old merits.
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