The Terminators (Video 2009) Poster

(2009 Video)

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Not much more I can add
danspan1014 May 2012
Since I can't really add anything new or different to what others have written (basically, any review with score of 2 stars or less I'm in agreement with), I decided to add to the list of films Asylum should consider making:

Battlestar Galaxia; Star Track, The Motion Movie; Star War IV, A New Hopefulness; Star War V, The Empire Stages a Counter-offensive; Star War VI, The Jedi Comes Back; Babylon 6; Lightning Bug; The Twilight Area

Maybe they should get into historical dramas:

Approximately 300; The Passion of the Jesus; Troys; Inglorious Soldiers Who Never Knew Their Fathers; Spartacusus; Saving Corporal Ryan
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A "stab out my eyes this is so God-awful" sci-fi film
kconley61814 June 2009
First off, I apologize to my wife for making her watch this film with me. This is by far the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. This movie is like a porno without the porn!!! Driller Killer had more cinematic prowess than this, and that is a movie that shouldn't be mentioned around anyone feeling remotely depressed for fear of a sudden shift toward the suicidal. B movies are bad, but this one has managed to plummet into the depths of God-awful. Is there such a thing as a C movie? Please, please, PLEASE, if you or a loved one are thinking of renting this movie, or DEAR GOD, buying this thing, just don't do it. Put the DVD case down, back away, and run. You'll thank me for this review. If you don't take this advice, be prepared to live with the consequences. Do anything else. Visit the IRS, go see your ex for pleasant conversation, or go to the dentist and get the 4 hour root canal you've been postponing. Your time will be better spent than curling up with this piece of trash.
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Okay, kiddies, Once again
JoeB13112 May 2009
How to make a film by "the Asylum" 1) Rip off the concept of someone else's better idea.

2) Get a washed up actor to star in your film. Someone willing to work for Booze Money. (See also, Bruce Boxleitner, A. Martinez) 3) Hire FX guys willing to show their stuff.

4) Hire writers with absolutely no decency.

this film amused me. You essentially have a society that can build spaceships, a huge space station and really advanced robots that look like human beings and are virtually indestructible. yet oddly, most civilians live lives of quiet desperation with current technology.

Nope, it doesn't make a lick of sense, and don't expect it to.
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The ultimate in fun/bad
FilmIsPwn29 April 2009
The Asylum presents The Terminators, and a part of me deplores their most legally untenable title yet, I have to admire their audacity in taking a similar them to a popular franchise and attempting to circumvent the copyright laws by simply making the title plural. These are the plucky plagiarizers who were sued by the makers of "The Day The Earth Stood Still" for their movie "The Day The Earth Stopped," and won, so I'm guessing they're feeling lucky. One wonders the next endeavor from the Asylum will feature a cloned British spy, who will be known as "James Bonds." The basic premise is that mankind has an army of androids performing various tasks and oddjobs around the country. The robots revolt in unison around the country and begin uniformly attempting to kill every human being they can, by either pulling out various organs, impaling them with punches, or just shooting them with a gun. Sadly the robots (cheekily dubbed "TR4s") are mute throughout, which leaves one to imagine the horrible puns that could have been written for them ("I'll be coming back!" "Come with with me if you want to live . . .just kidding!" *blam!*).

All the androids are identical, which is understandable, but what I don't get is why every single one of them is wearing the exact same outfit. Some of these robots were working in shops, some were working on a space station, some were presumably dancing at a bachelorette party, yet they are all wearing slacks and a sleeveless shirt? The robots are played by an iron jawed, bodybuilder type (Paul Logan) who seems like his exclusive preparation was watching a lot of Arnold as the (actual) Terminator to determine how to run and fire a gun like a big-screen, killing machine, muscular, humanoid robot, which Arnold wrote the book on. I'm not saying its legible, but he definitely wrote the book.

We follow a small band of survivors from a little town outside of Los Angeles, robot holocaust, led by the town Sheriff (A Martinez — that's the actor's name "A Martinez", as apparently the Asylum could not afford a specific Martinez, but had to settle for a more generic brand).

I want to say I had an absolute blast watching the Terminators with friends last night, and for fun/bad movie lovers I highly recommend it.

Daniel J. Roos
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Uwe Boll's intestine makes better movies
pontram14 May 2009
This is not worth one cent to spend, because it's not a movie. It makes no sense in any matter, and everything a director can make wrong, a scriptwriter can make wrong, and an actor/actress can make wrong, is made wrong. Every Teletubbie serial has more class and intelligence. It would make sense for a full drunken audience, but even filled with four bottles of wine I for myself would rather prefer to view a George Bush honor feature.

After the first CGI disappeared and the first scene with people on a set begun, I realized that this is going really bad. It's strange that you can imagine how bad a movie will be already after a few seconds.

I've seen some bad movie's from the 50's and 60's, they are great masterworks compared to The Terminators. Maybe in 200 years this movie is cult, but only in a future with the people from "Idiocracy".
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If you value your time and intellect, stay away from this drivel
kiawa7715 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
And by drivel, I mean total crap.

It's finally happened... Sci-Fi Originals are better than this.

This baby is jam-packed with cruddy effects, terrible writing, and bland, poorly-developed actors who deliver awful lines. Overall, it's just a horrible waste of someone's thought residue strung together in film-form. It makes very little sense to anyone with half a brain, and it is a complete, total, and absolute waste of time. This load of salmonella-induced diarrhea isn't even worth the "fun factor" unless you're intoxicated with friends, and even then I imagine you can find something better to do.

Now to highlight my favorite steaming piles of cow-dung from this heap:

1. If this time and place has the technology to build space transports and robots that look like people that are pretty much indestructible, why are rusty old trains still in use? Why do the cars look like cars? Why is everything else the same as now... except regular folks can somehow afford super powerful androids to work for them?

2. Which brings me to my second point... So people can afford robots to do all their work for them, and yet the people seem to live in relative squalor. The surroundings of the town did not match the time frame in which they had a super cool space station with a tractor beam, space transports, etc.

3. Absurd physics. Period. (I will stop a speeding van with a pole. Ha ha!)

4. Let's say that I am part of an android sentience and want to kill all humans for whatever reason. Despite the fact that I have major technology at my disposal, my method of mass destruction is WALKING AROUND AND KILLING PEOPLE ONE BY ONE... BY HAND! You'd think androids-gone-sentient would know better and realize how inefficient of a process this is. Despite the fact that there is an estimated "hundreds of thousands" of them, I'm sure someone here is geeky enough to take into account the population of Los Angeles, estimate the average time it takes to slaughter a person, estimate the average time it takes to travel to another location and find another person (on foot, mind you), etc. The process would take years I'm sure.

Even better is that one of the androids was chasing a woman, who was deftly running away from him (it?). He had a gun, but instead of stopping and shooting her, he continued to chase her on foot... and subsequently lost her. This massacre of theirs, I believe, was poorly planned and even more poorly executed, especially when you take into account the technology at their disposal that was obviously not being used.

5. Another fine point of this ridiculous movie is that despite the amazing prowess of the androids, they are apparently very hard of hearing as they could not detect a woman breathing hard or crying only a few feet away or running away behind them. Whoever wrote this movie was brain-dead.

6. Speaking of brain-dead, here's a lesson for you: If shooting several bullets almost point blank into an android's face is ineffective, try hitting it with a pipe. That will also prove ineffective, but hey, why not?

7. Over and over again, it is clearly demonstrated that bullets don't do a darn thing against the robots. And yet, what do our morons keep doing? FIRING BULLETS AT THE ROBOTS! Idiots. And I mean the writers.

Don't bother with this ridiculously stupid piece of filth. Wait for some finer Asylum flicks such as "Transformer Robots", "Nights of the Living Dead People", or "Nightmare on Elm Boulevard".
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Somebody forgot to write a script
MartianOctocretr517 August 2009
There's no story. None.

A bunch of robots go berserk. A big robot apparently got control, but nobody really knows or cares. The robots all look the same; macho steroid guys who never say anything. They just shoot guns and croak people. And shoot guns. And croak people. And shoot guns. And croak people. Sometimes for variety's sake, they kill people by strangling them or twisting their neck right off.

There's a bunch of people in a small town, running around and screaming so the robots know where they are. One guy in the group worked for the robot building company but quit. So he can get rid of the gun-happy things maybe. One has an unfaithful hubby who's fooling around with her friend. We know nothing more about anybody.

People die, phony looking blood spurts around, robots occasionally freeze up just as they want to kill somebody, a bunch of folks somehow all know how to fly spacecraft with no training, more screaming, more robots doing poor impressions of Arnold the original Terminator, and you never quite know what the whole point was. The acting and directing are both almost as non-existent as the script: my personal favorite was the sheriff. He drones on at about three words per hour; I swear I saw other actors fell asleep before he finished his lines.

Almost beyond the "so bad it's good" range. You have to go in with the mindset of laughing at this one, or else you'll never be able to watch it all the way through.
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OMG Baaaaad
eliasomar807 May 2009
if you are a fan of T1,2,3 you are in for a rude shock. the amount of bad acting in this movie is unbelievable. its like sitting through a kindergarten play where the tree finishes its lines then the princess finishes her lines then the wolf finishes his then the curtains close for the stage to be redone. I think they had budget constraints thats all i can say...........please tell all your friends to keep off this movie i cant believe i sat thru it. i logged into IMDb halfway thru the movie just to post this comment from my phone . I just had to before someone else watches it and its too late to save them. I have to watch Terminator 1,2,3 again just to get it out of my system.
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Asylum strikes again
p_o_p9 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I am amused at the comments that take offense at this movie. Everyone that buys/rents DVDs should be aware of the reputation of "The Asylum". They have found their niche and have all the needed brass to not be ashamed of what anyone thinks. Of course they are in it for the money! You know when you get one of their DVDs that is a quickly thrown together and shot piece of work... and their lawyers know just what can be done to circumvent any copyright infringement. (you can't copyright the word terminator or terminators; you can copyright the idea of a cyborg going back through time to eliminate an enemy - this terminators movie does not incorporate that idea) I rent Asylum movies for fun and entertainment and in no way expect a "good" movie but I do get a few laughs out of it. If you want a good movie don't get this one. However, if you just want to be curious and have some laughs, by all means have a go at it (just don't buy it).
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Thoth Thipth Are Filled With Hundredth of Thouthanth of Thee-Arth
crossroses88820 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I tried. Honestly I did. I did sit down - try to fight this thing to the end so I could stand in front of my computer screen with a pointed finger shouting "HYPOCRITES! YOU ALL ARE ROBOTS!" through gritted teeth when the credits rolled. Alas, I could not. With a plot as slow as a constantly complaining prepubescent white man carrying a constantly complaining injured black girl 200 feet back to the van she somehow fell out of, out of the way of the superhuman hunky death machine following suit at full sprint that actually couldn't catch up, my desire to verbally bash this movie down to a Windows ME TR-1 was silhouetted by the overwhelming challenge to repel me from it.

Although there were tough times, however, there were the good times. From the over-amplified, unmotivated gasps of air, to the brief tour of where to have sex in an industrialized building, to cigar-sucking old guy's "We got guns", to unnamed and untalented spaceship worker's "Not a problem. Watch and learn, gentlemen. Watch and learn.", to the futuristic attack warship being outmaneuvered by a path-abiding, big, slow, bright white van (which happens to hold our aforementioned constantly complaining protagonists), to Kurt's "War's a-comin' soon", to, uh... well I couldn't stand watching it at this point. I skipped forward to the end and, huzzah, learned I didn't miss out on much.

Oh by the way, should a cyborg mutiny ever should break out and computers start blocking access to their mainframe, take a pointer from this movie and be sure to include a giant 'power to all functional terminators' on/off switch in a random location on your spaceship for good measure, although I'm sure many immature janitors will be subsequently fired because of it.

In good fairness, I do give credit to Paul Logan. He kept his mouth shut, gave intimidating furrow-my-brow-and-protrude-my-jawline expressions, and just looked damn good in that outfit - and that's all he needed. Besides, would you rather have Arnold chasing people around while his saggy man-breasts smack his face around? I would too. Laura Walsh also successfully used her cute looks as s crutch and gave a decent performance as well, at least in contrast to the other actors.

If you happen to be drunk, a deeply regretful fan of the Terminator franchise, or are just looking for a reason to despise the moral conscious of The Asylum (you only need to go ankle-deep, I assure you), this will give you an entertaining Sunday night.
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For what is is.....its watchable
face_of_terror1 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this, knowing that this was made by Asylym, and to be honest, it was not all that bad. Yes, the movie has CGI, but its not overloaded with it, and honestly this is one of the better Asylym films i've seen.

Acting is okay, Paul Logan looks really cool and believable as the TR, he has the look, he's ripped, and does a fairly good job. A Martinez, whom i remember only from Santa Barbara has aged well, and is actually a good actor, well he was acting okay, before the end of the film. Jeremy London looks pale, and unconvincing.

Special effects are really good, music is okay too. Of course this is nowhere near the Arnold Schwarzenegger terminator trilogy, or the new C. Bale vehicle, but still one of the better sci-fi movies of Asylym. Waaaay better than Universal Soldiers for example. Give it a look.
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A campy Sci Fi about artificial intelligence 'robots' trying to take out the humans, but the humans rally a plucky resistance movement.
joany-lawrence26 December 2010
Terminators had me laughing out loud so often that I couldn't help but be charmed. Taken as a spoof it gets a higher rating from me than if I had viewed it as a serious film. I would have watched this just because it has A. Marinez in it. The actor who plays Sam is a new favorite in a couple of B films I've seen. I'm going to start his fan club! He led his resistance with a cigar in his mouth. What cool. Way to go Gary Miller-Youst! A campy Sci Fi about artificial intelligence attempting to take over the world with a plucky group of human resistance fighters battling to save the planet. I especially like the one liners. The amount of fake blood in some of the scenes was hilarious. If you like spoofs and spunky, you will like this film. All in all, the movie was a perfect Saturday afternoon flick.
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If you like 70s B-movies, you'll like this movie.
IndyNC6 May 2009
I've never seen any Asylum movies before, but I love the Terminator series so when I saw this I figured I'd give it a shot even though it wasn't really related.

Classic 70s-style effects + cheap CGI = not a bad movie. The effects sometimes added to the comedic effect of the movie, but it was good.

The movie kept a good pace with a little bit of character background and development, just enough to tie the plot together. The Terminator (aka TR4) character was no Arnold, but did a pretty good job all things considered.

All in all not bad @ all.

(And don't worry, I don't work for them)
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timgw373 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously. Whoever gave this film 7 to 10 stars is either lying or has no taste in film altogether.

I will give this movie a 1 for OK CGI effects, But awful acting.

The filmmakers definitely have visual ideas. But none of them are actually there to tell the story.

Obviously this movie is for people who don't like a descent story line. Just a lot of fast paced inane action. They story line, if you can call it that, is very weak and very one dimensional. The characters were awful and the acting even worse. This is not to say most of the brain dead people out in will like it.

This movie sucks. There's no sugar coating necessary. Just don't see it and live your life. There are so many good films to see instead of this piece of crap.
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Worst SF movie I've ever seen!
Mork_the_Borg3 April 2010

You always think it can't get any worse, and guess what: "It can!" This movie is trying to piggy-back on the success of Terminator, and of course I expected something similar with equal "quality". No, this is nothing even close to "The Terminator" movies! It sucks, did I say it sucks already? It's a complete and utter waste of your money, and if you like Science Fiction and Robot-based movies even a bit, then please avoid this movie. It's bad acting, bad script, bad special effects (they're not even special), bad everything. Well, at least you've deserved one price: "The price for worst SF movie I've seen so far!". I wonder why people even make these movies! All people that worked on this movie: "Get yourself a job, as you don't belong in movie-world and you're a disgrace to cinematography."
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Space junk
lostnla4 May 2009
Paleeese... I'm not judging the actors just the acting. It looked like none of the actors were given a script, only lines to say. By today standards this film stepped in "B" and could not get out. Rather than spending your time watching this, your time would be better spent taking a nap. The visual EFX were OK but obviously a lack of budget hurt the finished product. The constant use of very close head shots was very TVish, possibly to make up for the cheap locations or lack of set dressing, I don't know. I did not,no, could not watch the whole thing. I took that nap instead. I can't say this is the worst feature film I've ever seen, but then CRANK 2 will be hard to drive out of that position.
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Makes Naughty Nurses 3 look like Crotch Capers 2
britneyfoxx21 May 2021
Yes it's that bad. In this "movie" robots turn against humans just like on futurama, only less scary or believable. Watch Troll 2 instead.
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Bad even by Asylum standards
griffin25954 September 2018
And that's saying something. Bad acting, terrible special effects. And who wrote it? Holy crap, the movie made no sense.
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I'f you like Bad movies you'll Love this one. Asylum Rocks again.
altheachristoni2 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Hilarious graphics and way too many ketchup packets for the wee ones. I'm sure they cleared out the grocery stores in their area of corn syrup and red food coloring.

A Martinez ( Cruz Castillo from "Santa Barbara")plays The Sheriff. Which is why I continued to watch.

The Terminators, is right at the top of our list for "We're snowed in let's watch a Bad Science Fiction movie" We LOVE a good bad Asylum Movie.

It is kind of odd after awhile you might find yourself rooting for the TR-5. "Thank you I don't think I could watch another scene with "that" actor!".

All the Paul Logans running around is absolutely hilarious if you play a game of "Where's Logan?" in a "Where's Waldo?" kind of way.

If you're looking for a really bloody and gory bad movie to keep the teenagers busy or you like to pretend to be Joel, Crow & Tom Servo for your own MST3K this one is a good one.

One Redeeming quality. "God doesn't do that." best line in the whole movie while Chloe is trying to comfort Tiffany.

There was one "couple" scene that we thought was going to go "R" rated, but one of the characters was killed so "nothing" happened between them in the movie.

I don't believe I've ever seen a movie that ends like this one. Quite a twist I might add. If you can handle getting to the space station you might as well hang on until the end it's not much longer. It's really hilarious to watch as the final Logan moves from spot to spot in the shadows. Have I said how gory this movie is? Even one of the characters gets sick toward the end.

Again, Asylum nails it for another great bad movie.
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Just plain Yikes!
maremarlark21 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Just got done watching this on my DVR off of the SyFy Channel.

Oh my! I don't think I've ever seen a collective group of bad acting in one piece of film in my life! I've seen A Martinez and Jeremy London in other things, and never been turned off by their acting. But either they were drug down by the bad actors around them, or by the writing or whatever. But man it was just plain bad.

And the kicker is the end. After all the shooting, spurting blood, screaming and everything, the thing that finally stops the T5's in the end is a flip of a glorified light switch! Why didn't they try to do that in the first place, instead of trying to access that computer terminal? And why weren't the original people on the space station unable to do that? Never heard of the Asylum that folks are talking about here. But its good info to know now. Now I'll know in advance when not to waste my time.
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bonquilt16 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is awful. Didn't watch the whole thing, however. I had to change the channel... and I usually give a movie a chance.

Did get a big kick out of the scene fairly early on, where the three people are in the back of the bouncing van. Apparently they were in 3 separate vans going down 3 separate bumpy roads; the first girl was bouncing wildly, the second girl was bouncing a little, and the guy wasn't moving at all!

One thing that makes or breaks a movie for me is the characters. Even bad acting is okay if the characters are written to where you care about them, even just a little. Not only did I not care for these characters, shortly into it, I was HOPING the cyborgs would kill these people!

Soooo stupid...
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whitelikecotton11 October 2019
Absolutely loved this fantastic piece of film history. Clearly Emmy award winning performance from all. I can't wait to see the sequel.
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Move over Arnie, there is a new Terminator in town
warehousereviews16 August 2020
Paul Logan is a absolute beast in the movie. Carried the production on his massive well sculpted shoulders. Would like to think he got paid for all 74 roles he played as the numerous Tr5's. The way the edited it to have 2 or 3 Paul Logan's on the screen at one time was moistening. Paul Logan. that is all.
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This is a sad impression of The Terminator universe
Nupraptor6664 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I could say the acting is wonderful, and the special effects are almost real.

But this is just a horrible film... I think the score at the top of the page says it all. Quite how this film has a 2 is beyond me. I'd have rated it 0 if I could.

New york gets hit by and atomic bomb, but the skyline is still standing...the rockets look like bad flares or something my kid brother made on his PC...

The crashes are awful, and even the smoking looks fake.. and the only thing making the "blood" nice is the amount they the wrong times..

The chicks are semi mediocre, and the terminator(s) looks like he's coming off steroids..

The humans are dumber than any 6 year-old, except when they are dead..

And my compliments for the dead peoples, for not breaking out in laughs during the filming...

Don't expect anything, and you'll still be disappointed..

Avoid like it's a plague-bearing mass-murderer.
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Seriously? Is this for REAL?!!? *sigh*
markyd19794 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
What is the deal with this guy Xavier S. Puslowski and his team of rip off merchants?!!? There is a full list of his film "credits" on this site... take note of them all...... and AVOID! Alternatively, buy a copy of each one on DVD and BURN it! Do the world a favour! Oh and in case you were wondering (like you don't know already) this film sucks really bad! Im quite baffled as to how they have got away with this?!!? Exact same concept, artwork, etc! Just ridiculous. These crazy idea stealing a**holes have got to be stopped! I swear if i see one more dodgy independent (read - bad remake) film from these guys, i will go to the states and hunt them all down and kill them! Cash grabbing whores! Plain and simple! Do yourself a favour and wait for Terminator Salvation. Not long now..... (Even if i like most are sceptical of MCG as the director!)
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