World's End Harem (TV Mini Series 2021–2022) Poster


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Better Story that I expected
liraenriquec26 May 2022
II must confess that I didn't have a huge expectation for this title. But I must admit that the story is really good.

During the development of the episodes, the story becomes more intriguing. You will never be bored watching this anime.

The only mistakes were two episodes that were a waste of time developing the character Doi.

I loved the fan service in this anime. It gives the correct spicy and helps enter into the story's atmosphere about how the protagonists are manipulated.
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amitshmueli24 May 2022
One of the weirdest animes All the men in the world are dead and there is one man who lives It's weird Of course there is in this anime full of nude scenes The plot is weird and the characters lag behind The main protagonist.
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World's End Harem
Tweekums19 March 2022
This anime series is set 2045 and a virus has killed 99.9 percent of all men; the only survivors are those who placed in cryostasis before it struck. Five of these men in Japan appear to be immune to the disease. For humanity to survive these will be expected to mate with many women; for reasons of plot artificial insemination won't work. These survivors include Reito Mizuhara, who refuses to mate as he is saving himself for his sweetheart Elisa, who can't be located; this is permitted as he works to help in the search for a cure for the condition. We also follow Shota Doi; he was bullied at school before the virus struck but now he enjoying be the object of girls' desires; rarely denying their advances. As theories about the origins of the virus circulate tensions rise and the surviving men become targets of those wanting them for their societies.

It must be said; this series is fairly trashy and makes no attempt to hide it... the obvious censorship screams out 'buy the DVD/Blu-ray to see what's hidden'! The story is decent enough and the central idea provides a good excuse for unlikely characters to be the centres of harems. It is also one of the rare examples of a character taking full advantage of his harem... I think the only other one I've seen was the infamous 'School Days' and that had far less fan service. The animation and character designs are decent enough although the frequent censorship is often distracting and seems to hide more than is necessary to maintain decency. Things get a bit more interesting as the series gets near its end but the end itself feels rushed; as if the makers were suddenly told they were on the final episode when they thought they had two or three to go. Overall I certainly wouldn't call this a must see; it wasn't terrible but it is certainly trashier than it needed to be.

These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
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aa-032767 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Goodnight love you love me too and the postal service is currently unavailable please wait until it becomes available for delivery and delivery of the item will be shipped to the Global manufacturer of four products for sale in the United States and Canada are now available in the United States and Canada and Canada and Canada and Europe have been a long way for a while now to get the Global warming up to you have gampass 99b to the Global warming and you are not ready for a new one piece game or province of a game that will be a good start for the next few weeks and then I can get you the state.
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Has interesting parts but not a good series
ACollegeStudent5 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Rating: 4.9

Favorite Episode: Revenge

Interesting concept poor execution. If it wasn't for Doi-kun and his chad evolution this show would be terrible. Blatant holes: In episode 1 It's stated the UW hides the existence of the "numbers" but somehow recruits boatloads of women to mate with the numbers meaning women outside the UW HAVE to know that men still exist otherwise they couldn't sign up for mating benefits. UW higher-ups are revealed to hate men but didn't kill the remaining men in stasis who WEREN'T resistant to the MK virus, they serve no purpose as a backup for reproduction since they'd die immediately when released from stasis, (makes no sense why they weren't killed). Society collapsed after the men died when it was stated autonomous robots run society and people CHOOSE to work for pleasure (they revise this by saying the robots needed operators, but that meant they weren't fully autonomous and even then society shouldn't collapse in five years) etc. The pacing is too fast as characters would be introduced have a set motivation, then get another motivation, then another (ex Chloe Mansfield), to the point where it was convoluted following all the inner factions and who's sided with who. This is an ecchi but even the fanservice was laughably placed: (Karen stretching nude, Mansfield going to meetings nude Mansfield torturing her subordinate nude). The fanservice really isn't even good because the anime has a lower production value making it look generic. The manga isn't significantly better for this to be a decent series.
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Yeah keep me updated when this happens
H0kv510 April 2022
Holy pleasures of anime what in the universe made your perverted mind explode like this, seriously i enjoyed my self i have to be honest i even did it cause the luck from this anime just got me another chance with my u know who, so yeah i really like this new thrill, but i would have played a better role though.
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rajajudi9 April 2022
I don't really like the male lead. He looked like an idiot, too naive, maybe because he was a kid. He's like a shy cat. Too much thinking. As the main male character, he was too careless.
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old221 January 2022
It shows that characters can develop in a good way despise the dramatic past they had and can enjoy the simple things of life even after a global pandemic.

The mc seems a bit concerned about his lost friend but he should just enjoy the privileges he has now.
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Thought it was gold, turns out it's copper
zenisuseful20 March 2022
It was a very average anime and definitely not worth the hype. The storyline was kinda rushed and character development was almost missing until half-way through the show. I could have rated it 1 star but I think Doi character pulled the show.
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A New Story
aminpurrashd19 November 2022
Despite many unanswered questions, this series was able to create a new story line.

Although it can be too far to happen in reality, it is not impossible.

I find it admirable at the initial thought of the story, the death of all the men in the world by an unknown virus.

I am waiting for its second season and I hope that the questions that were left unanswered in the first season will be answered in the second season.

The characters play their roles well, however, the presence of many of them remains short and unknown.

I'm really looking forward to the second season... thank you for everything.

Good luck.
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Just a grade below a hentai
Industry_Insider841 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
World's End Harem is about a virus that wipes out almost every man on the planet. 99.9% is what is said. However, some males went into hyper sleep or something and became immune to the virus that killed everyone else. When they awaken it's their obligation to "mate" as much as possible; with a different girl each day. Artificial impregnating isn't possible of course 🙄. Most of the nudity is blacked out and that's fine because this is disgusting. I know that Harem anime's are supposed to appeal to certain men but this is ridiculous. There's a few scenes where some of the guys degrade the women or they themselves get sexually assaulted. I'd assume if some great tragedy like this DID happen, I'd be one of the men that hopefully died from the virus. If I woke up into something like this, I'd ask where the nearest roof was so I could plunge to my death.

The main character is very unrealistic and boring. He is saving his love for a girl that vowed to wait for him during hyper sleep. This is the only romantic aspect of the anime. However, when he awakens she doesn't want him and in fact wants him to have sex with other girls. Unless you enjoy perverted garbage, avoid.
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The typical anime lead who avoids women
Emhilradim24 February 2024
So World's End Harem is a series about a man who wakes up in a world where the MK (Man Killer) Virus has decimated the population of men by 99.9%, there's like 1 million men remaining in the world. This is explained in an exposition dump. Our character wakes up, and is surrounded by women. Many women who barely wear clothing.

They start off introducing him into the world where they take him outside, where a woman throws herself at him only to be hit by a taser. I don't know if that was meant to be comedic or horrifying, it just came off odd. Our protagonist is put off by this, and right away you just know how it's going to be.

Women are constantly approaching him, coming onto him, even the woman who is supposed to be his caretaker wants him, but no. This is an anime man, so he refuses as much as possible. If you watch the uncensored version there's a lot of breasts, but that's really all there is for nudity. At one point the protagonist suffers a scratch and one of his bodyguards rips off the bottom of her shirt to wrap his wound, which exposes her breasts. This series is pretty much H, but because they don't show (or blur as is usually the case) genitals, it's classified as ecchi instead so it can be played on TV (in Japan that is).

Pretty lame loophole, and pretty lame anime. It's got nice art, but the story exists only because it's expected to be there, and this is pretty much just borderline adult material that goes soft to avoid the adult rating.
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World's End
Mysterygeneration14 January 2024
Although there are many things about World's End Harem to dislike-to the point where I might very well do the same-I anticipate that reviews with ratings of four and lower will predominate in this section. Nevertheless, I've come here to highlight the positive aspects of the show. I mean, I watch anime for enjoyment; you know, if I don't like it, I just kind of turn it off. These kinds of anime don't really cynically appeal to me, even though they shouldn't be taken too seriously. I also don't have very high standards.

The theme of a world where males vanish as a result of Operation Man Bad's success is explored in the anime. Despite the slow pacing, the characters try to return the scene to a perfect one. As the episodes go by, the leisurely pacing of the anime keeps viewers interested and curious about what else can happen in this bizarre universe. The writers manage to preserve the premise of men missing, despite the possibility for a fanciful universe. The animation is compelling and well-made overall.

The protagonist of the narrative is a self-insert figure named Megane, who bears similarities to Redo Of Healer's Keyaruga. It's intriguing to watch Megane grow from being a sweet, loving person to being a more evil one. No. 2 likewise undergoes a substantial change as he considers his circumstances and behavior. In a world where orgasm is promoted more often than people are informed, this change is remarkable. It's intriguing to consider that, in this situation, one might be doing someone's mother.

In any case, the major man. Reito. I can truly respect him for his sincere "I don't touch boobs" kind of person while he works to save the planet. When I say pure-hearted, I mean it in the extreme; this guy gives up everything for one female who is committing a variety of outrageous activities. It's a little strange, but I will tell you that at least he isn't completely boring and that he has reasons to act in the current circumstance, which is great I suppose.
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Very unique Anime
js-9212522 January 2022
It's been a long time since I was looking for a unique Anime. Then I find this anime , with startup story line that "How the world will look , if there will be few man alive." I want this anime to move as far as possible. And for my English grammar mistakes 😁.

At least I want to say thank ,to the creator of this story.

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Hello All
ceojonathanmontgomery16 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

Well this show is about a massive disease that killed ifff all the men except 5 who were in some type of treatment. For some reason this Japanese man who is woken up is super scared of women. He is extremely annoying. As a person of science I have always said I don't understand societies who value men over women. I also don't understand why societies are monogamous. If you want a healthy population that grows you want two things. Good genes being passed down and women having children.

Take this scenario for example. You have 1000 men and 1 woman. How many babies can that woman have a year? The answer is 1, unless she gets lucky and has twins. This is natural of course. I guess you can make her a literal dog and have her have litters but that would put your only woman at a high risk of death. Now the opposite you have 1000 women and 1 man. How many babies can they have a year? Well technically 1,000+. Now I get you need a certain amount of diversity to get a good gene pool without deformities. You typically need about 1,000 couples to have a healthy population.

Let's take China for example. Their one child policy and they valued men over women. So much so they killed or sold their female babies. How stupid this policy and Outlook was. Now China literally has entire cities with over 10,000,000+ men in them. Yes zero women. They are in a few decades going to see a massive population collapse. Another example in Russia men die early do to how to say this drinkin and stupidity young men tend to show in their teens and twenties. Their population has sharply declined as well. In fact Russia has more women than men.

Now why monogamy? When you look at most animals you have mass eggs and sperm like in fish, herds like in plant eating animals, groups like wolves and lions. Monogamy is in very few animals. I honestly can think of 4 plus humans. Out of the millions of species on this planet. You may say well love. Love is actually a new emotion. 100 years ago marriage was about making kids and bringing families together and love was not a part of it. I am sure they grew to love each other but it was not the first thing. So why is it that for example a healthy successful male with good genes can't have multiple wives or why can't a few men and women form a group? It seems religion is the main reason for this. But it makes no sense if you want the healthy and successful to inhabit the world. Instead we have the opposite happening. We see smart couples have one maybe two kids while extremely poor people have tons of kids. It's a huge flaw in our society and will lead to the degradation of our society over the long run. Like the movie Idiocracy.

The main male character is extremely annoying. He acts like women are diseases. Like touching them will kill him. He even passed out like an idiot. He is why I took points off this show. I wish they made him normal. But maybe normal in America is different than Japan normal. Maybe this pathetic excuse for a man is normal in Japan. This show once again shows Japanese men being afraid of women. Like touching a woman will kill them. Let's be honest if I was in that situation I would do my part no problem daily to help society. It's either that or bye bye human race. So call me sick or a pervert whatever. In this situation he has to man up and do what is needed of him and that's to get as many women pregnant as fast as he can. Luckily men can get women pregnant until the day they die technically. He should be at least trying morning noon and night at least one each time. Eating a healthy diet and eating and exercising and just keeping fit. I mean besides the whole entire men die off. These 5 men are insanely lucky to be alive and to be able to save the human race.

So I ask, are Japanese men just unable to perform? Are they not manly? I do notice in real Asian men things like facial hair is hard to grow and they look more female than any other race. I have read this is because they have a higher estrogen diet than the rest of the world. So maybe this is why Japanese men in anime are portrayed as whiny, scared little boys who have zero sexual desires. Which if this is the case I as a man apologies to all you poor women having these sad men to choose from. Men who never have to shave because they can't even grow facial hair because their testosterone is so slow. No wonder Asian women are the largest growing population that requests visas for marriage reasons. They want real men now that they see on the Internet what they can have if they simply move. Cultures like Japan and China are having huge population declines. Guess they should allow for polygamy so men who are able to make babies can have more women to help repopulate their nation. As an American I would be happy to help if you need me to come over and help repopulate your country haha.

This show is hilarious and worth watching. Just too bad it's only sub. The sub is extremely fast. So it is hard to read some of the subs before they go off the screen. But still a funny show worth watching.
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