Yakamoz S-245 (TV Series 2022) Poster


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This is essentially Into the Night Season 3.
ruidanielbarrossss21 April 2022
If you like the French \ European series Into the Night, in which the passengers of an airplane flee the deadly luminosity of the sun. This series is worth watching.

Same apocalyptic premise, let's say basically the same universe, different main language, a submarine instead of a plane, human beings trying to survive an impossible situation.

I loved the first season of Into the Night. The second one more or less. And I think this series will be more on par with the second season of the series I mentioned above. Maybe a little better. I saw the entire series in one sitting. I liked the characters and the atmosphere.

And even though this series isn't perfect, I think it's very edible.

But please, check with the original audio, the main language is Turkish, but there is a lot of conversation in English, Greek, Italian etc. I think the dubbed version ruins the experience a little.

A 7 out of 10 for me.
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Aren't scientists supposed to be smart??
thecubestan22 April 2022
I give it 6 because despite the ridiculous characters, this series still urge my curiosity and make me watch it till the end.

The series don't really have a meaningful new story (since we already grasp the story about the sun and everything from Into The Night). I just finished it and I can't recall a meaningful conflict, all I remember is the stupidity of the characters and unnecessary arguments here and there. We definitely can understand that everyone who's stuck in such apocalyptic situation won't be able to think clearly, but dang, the characters refused to listen to each other and it pissed me off, a lot. I tried to be neutral but i have to admit on the last several episodes, the scientist group are getting more annoying. For those who hates the submarines group in the first few episode and drop the show, i advice you to try finish the show and see how messed up the scientist group is. They're supposed to be smart but they refused to listen to other possibilities just because of what? Loyalty? They're too naive. It's okay to have several people in the group being that dumb, but the whole group? Come on. They also blamed everything on the submarine groups while most of "bad thing" that happened were mostly at their fault. Some people in the submarines group are annoying too, but at least they still have some logical people there, who's willing to listen to others.

So yeah, several "accidents" in the story can be solved, if only the scientist and the submarines willing to communicate with each others. But then again, we won't have stories if all of them are that smart. And maybe that's what the writers want? To make us frustrated? If that's the purpose, then good job on that.

The only think that push me to finish this was my curiosity, will the characters stay stubborn till the end, or there will be some character development? The answer lies in the last 20 minutes lmao. That's when they realised their stupidity, and that's when we get a glimpse of "new plot" for the next season/sequel. On the next sequel (which I guess the casts will be the mix between Yakamoz casts and Into The Night casts) i guess they'll finally start to figured things out together in more reasonable way.
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The good is really good, the bad is really bad
ferrenberg23 April 2022
It's a very unbalanced show. Most of the action, thrills and premise are really strong and well executed. Most of the underlying drama is unbelievably nonsensical and adds absolutely nothing to the show.

I've read this is a Into The Night spin-off and it makes sense, because it's almost the same history in a different scenario. Not as good as Into The Night season 1, but not as bad as the second season. It's a good show to watch, but it's avoidable.
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Redundant, but entertaining
yooniverse25 April 2022
I didn't realize until most of the way through that this show was set in the same universe as "Into The Night". Until that point, I was thinking that it was a copy of that show, except on a submarine instead of a plane! Once the events in this show crossed over, and I had the "Oh!" moment, it all made sense and enjoyed it more.

But that's the problem--the story felt too much like a copy (and the same soundtrack?). Similar plot resulting in predictable characters and predictable outcome. It didn't really make good use of the submarine as a plot device, nor explore different characters or dynamic. Instead, we're led down the same path, with same human motivations, with characters that are very thinly developed. The story tries too hard to make a plausible beginning, more so than Into The Night. And clearly, the show's creator has an axe to grind with NATO, so the story universe is focused in Europe, and by its extension, Turkey. It seems to be self-limiting, given that the sun's destructive impact (however implausible, as it may be), affects the whole world.

Still, I can't recall more than one show based in the same story universe but in different languages/ethnicities, so perhaps that's pretty unique. And, this essentially serves as the third season of Into The Night, so I am looking forward to the fourth season (whatever the title may be called).
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A Cross TV Series 'Into The Night'
heuer-4773526 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A Turkish TV Series with a Belgian TV Series made a cross scene on S1E8 where Ayaz shot the main protagonist.

The airplane they saw was already a clue that it has the same plot with Into The Night and this made me hook and thinking to stay until the remaining episodes. Voila.

Looking forward what will happen ahead...
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Good Enough
isaac-shaw23 April 2022
I think this is the best Turkish Series/Movie with decent CGI, cinematography, colors and score.

Saban's acting is brilliant and it is the best among all of them and the other actors are average in my opinion.

On the other hand, unfortunately the script is below average and it is a let down for sure. Writing is what is lacking with this series. To illustrate, even with the solid acting from Saban he feels cringy from time to time albeit there is nothing he could do. It is just the bad script.

I did not watch Into The Night so it might be the reason why I thought this series is interesting and made me curious how everything will be shaped in the end.

Frankly, I believe the first 4 episodes are not good. However, last 3 are really well made and made me binge to watch.

If we look at the series from a technical aspect though, I think it could have been much much much better. Scientists are not related to any science. Naval army I am pretty sure is not this loose. Submarines are probably not operated as they suggest in the series and many more weak points are here and there. I hope they hire an advisor for the next season. But, thinking about many space related movies like Star Wars I can not blame them too hard. There is no air for example in vacuum but we can hear lasers blasting, spaceships whooshing and so on :)

I am a native Turkish speaker and I can speak English, German very well with a decent accent. I watched the series in Turkish, dubbed and sometimes gave the subtitles a try in order to see how they are managed. I must admit that it is very very poor. On the other side, during the series actors' accents are weak and unnatural too.

For this series I believe the more they can fix the technical errors and get closer to submarine/naval army reality the better it will become. Also a better script writing is crucial. I would like to see the next season.
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Wish Daphne died in the first episode! She is so annoying
mmartic-2193723 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Omg, it's incredible how annoying her character is, and also that of her young student. And the high-pitched voice of the student with english dub is annoying as hell.

Don't expect any reasonable research done about military culture, science, procedures in this movie.

Everyone is dumb. Very few good actors.

But it's still watchable and addictive to some extent because the idea is good, even though poorly executed. It reminds of Into the night series, with interesting twist when it comes to the mode of transport. If you have nothing better to watch, watch this purely for the idea.

And yeah the end of the 6th episode is satisfactory as the commander finally makes a good call.
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Decent series which fuses with Into the Night
VilanAl23 April 2022
In fact, this is Season 3 of Into the Night (so you ought to watch that first). Only slightly better than the first 2 seasons.

First off: If you did not like Into the Night you will probably not like this. The negative reviews here are complaining about the exact same issues that Into the Night has. In other words, you cannot judge this series on that, seeing as you cannot make a third season without adopting the same premises.

Yes, there are some plot holes. Yes, there are some scientific inaccuriacies. Yes, some characters behave unrealistically.

But... this is not exactly rare, especially for Netflix productions. You have to buy into the premises of the universe, otherwise watch a documentary and don't bother with fiction.

As far as apocalyptic movies concerns this is far better than the bulk of Hollywood productions.

The international aspect of 'Yakamoz' and 'Into the Night' are excellent. Most of the actors are above average. Effects and production seem tight and professional. It has a tolerable pace and not too many filler scenes.

I especially enjoy how it paralells Into the Night. This is innovative and I suspect will become more common in the future. We get different angles of the same story.

In Yakamoz the characters are more mature. In Into the Night few seem to understand that life is precious and cooperation is primary to survive. This was my biggest beef with Into the Night, that they behave petty and isolationistic to a degree that none in their shoes would do considering the circumstances.

The psychology is somehwat cleaned up in Yakamoz - so the deaths that occur are more circumstantially legitimate from the context of the plot, rather than killing each other one by one like in Season 1 and 2.

There is not much humour in the series, but the few instances of it are subtle and intelligent.

Season 1 was better than Season 2, but Yakamoz as Season 3 has raised it back up. So I have high hopes for Season 4. It would not surprise me if we then get the Russian story as another spin-off.

The thriller aspect is not as strong here as in Season 1, but there are some chilling scenes - like the Spanish cannibals (although it's completely unrealistic that people delve to this after a few weeks).

We also get some unanswered questions from the previous seasons here, like who bombed the planes. And some new mysteries: How many other enclaves of survivors? Who's the officials who were communicating in Into the night - like the U. S. base? What's really going on in the Indian Ocean?

All in all a good effort that may become better with further seasons. Usually stuff gets worse with each season, but if they keep fixing the weaknesses of previous seasons and stick to this spin-off angle where the seasons dove-tail with each others stories - I have high hopes.

This series won't write history, but it is not trash either. Rather it is highly binge-worthy and will keep you entertained.

PS! Neither of the seasons should be watched dubbed! For some reason the voices are lower when dubbed - but far worse: some of the voice actors are horrible and detracts from the story. In fact, the dubbed version sinks it a star or 2. I suspect those negative reviews who complain about the acting have actually been intellectually lazy and avoided the original languages.
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This is the reason I watch Netflix.
stickman00725 April 2022
I had watched INTO THE NIGHT over a year ago and tho it wasn't the greatest sci-fi story it moved at a rapid pace and was not boring. I kinda enjoy End-of the World genre flicks if they're somewhat original in nature, or at least trying to be.

Anyway, that's the reason I enjoyed INTO THE NIGHT and kept the title in the back of my mind & waited for another season.

That's also the reason I tried out YAKAMOZ S-245. It was actually clever the way it was spliced together with INTO THE NIGHT but I didn't realize the connection until the submarine headed to the seed storage bunker in Norway.

So, I'm more intrigued now, and waiting for the next installment in the series from... whatever countries survivors shows up next.

The biggest plus, for me anyway, with Netflix, is the ability to watch more foreign movies. The Hollywood stuff is almost all woke crap or superhero sequels to infinity and beyond.

The best action flick I've seen on Netflix is a French crime drama called LOST BULLET. The best horror series I've seen is KINGDOM, from Korea. A lot of good stuff from Korea.

I could go on but the point I'm making is that the US of A studios are not doing it for me anymore. A lot of other people feel the same way I'm sure. Just look at the world $$$ market.

I'd rather watch a 2nd or 3rd world young-gun studio effort with some hungry talent on both sides of the camera then a tired-ass, re-cycled Hollywood snooze-fest.
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Lazy writing, manufactured drama
Otte14 July 2022
With the plot of sun killing everyone and scientists group together with military, there is plenty of 'natural drama' that would be created from that. Scientists goal would be on trying to figure out what happen, military would be following rules and survive, which would create conflict. But instead we have a series where most people on both sides have the emotional maturity of a spoiled 15-year old. There is scheming, screaming, exaggerated suspense that populate the storyline more so then the 'sun is killing everyone'. As many people mentioned, it almost seems like a season 3 of Into The Night from a different perspective. There is very little to root for and with all the scientists you would think there would be one 'logical' person in the grouping, but alas, everyone is pure selfish emotion, all the time. Did I mention the manufactured drama?
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Very enjoyable! Bring on next season!
sherripadgitt-5553623 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This had me thoroughly entertained. Sure there were a few plot holes, but I still enjoyed this for what it was, which is a very entertaining story. I did watch the first season of "Into The Night" and this felt very much like that. I think I will go back and watch the second season of that one so I will be caught up on this realm.

The sun is spewing dangerous and deadly substances that kill once the sun rises on planet earth. In this story, we start out with Defne who recruits her ex-boyfriend and his crew to do a dive in his vessel, the Oya. They dive down and when they come up after many hours, they notice no-one is on the ship that they docked off of. Everyone is gone. So they dive again and they end up in Kos, where another submarine (Yakamoz s-245) is, just as they run out of electrical energy for the Oya. This is where they find many have died in Kos and ultimately they are invited onboard the Yakamoz s-245 submarine as they begin to outrun the sun.

The atmosphere in the situations they are in is tense so everyone is not acting like their usual selves. Tensions wax and wane and with it are sub-plots in the overall story that are pretty good as the crew advances from base to base to find out any information that they can.
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CanYesiler21 April 2022
Please Die defne. What a cringe character. It's unbelievable. Every episode one of the most cringe character. The world is going away and she's still on that stupid behave.
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Thought I'd give it a go before reading reviews
dragracer126022 April 2022
I truly love sci-fi, and I also have a passion about submarine films. Being ex-military and an ex-diver myself with a scientific understanding I found this show very very weak.

If I were Turkish I would find this show VERY offensive, their military are shown as a bunch of squabbling children with underline psychotic tendency's who dream of their mummys.

Netflix obviously didn't have ANY form of technical advise on making this show and the plot is SO full of holes the submarine would be as buoyant as a colander.

I've read about Netflix becoming more woke which I didn't understand until watching this. The girly student who constantly whinges about taking a bath or having to clean a toilet made me wonder why she would be chosen to undertake a mission at sea in the first place.

I understand that Netflix has a budget BUT this could and should have been so SO much better simply by making it more realistic AND the truth would make it more scary than fiction.
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a world without her is much better
elmasnrylmz24 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Defne is an absolutely intolerable person, Rana seems like a high school dropout, and the other member of the group is a junkie. And in the midst of all this, Arman has somehow built his own submarine. Erenay's death is a load of baloney. Ertan Saban (Umut) acted perfectly, but it wasn't enough to save the show because there was too much nonsense. I loved the character of Felix, I think he was the only sane character in the show. The casting for the navy is terrible. Also very clumsy and stupid writing. The soldiers don't even know the chain of command for god's sake. For Turks, the military is extremely important and soldiers are highly trained with discipline. But the navy in the show is too ridiculous like a bunch of teenagers. I like the way it merges with Into the night. I was going to give 5 but I'm giving 1 point more in honor of Defne's death (finally! It would be much better if it was sooner).
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I liked it/Leave your prejudices behind while watching
renova-1203023 April 2022
I really liked the show. I think especially Arman and Umut are such amazing characters. Yonca is fine, too. Maybe the storyline doesn't have the amount of action we all have been expecting but it's just the first season, we are just 7 episodes into the storyline and I think the storyline was good for a first season. What I didn't like about this season is that the sailors, the navy were horrible, they do not feel like real soldiers. And they really could've chosen someone else but Özge Özpirinççi for the role of Defne. I really don't like her acting at all, she is sooo cringe and she doesn't fit in the storyline. Also, I really would like to see how the sun kills people. They never show it to us. We just see that people are dead but we don't see how they die because of the sun. Apart from these, I loved the series in general. And for all those who keep saying that Yakamoz is a copy of Into the Night, as far as I know, Yakamoz will also be a part of Into the Night in the future. I mean, the characters will meet the characters of Into the Night. So Yakamoz is not a copy of Into the Night, it's a part of Into the Night.
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Left me wanting more!
Paul2Dee230 October 2022
Yakamoz S-245's story telling process & filming is much more superior than its predecessor, Into The Night.

Compare to Into The Night, Yakamoz S-245 has a stronger cast as well. The acting is much better & the actors are a lot more interesting. The writing and story telling style is clearer & the character development of each character is better defined than Into The Night.

The show started out strong and ended even stronger. It is so good that it left me wanting to see more, needing to know what will happen next, rewatching Into The Night to refresh my memory of the ending where the two storylines merged, & hoping for a new season.
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An Ambitious Flop!
Mainecoon99920 April 2022
The story seems appealing but dialogues are terrible. There are few good actors who do their best with their dull and flat characters. Directing is another problem. I am not sure if it is a budget issue or not.

Sci-fi part is cheap. If you want smart audience to like your show, you gotta at least do some more digging on sun explosions and what massively bigger Jupiter planet's role in this case.

My rating is 4/10 just for producers ambition of doing something original. The food and recipe look rich and delicious but tastes bad.
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Very good, don't listen to the bad reviews
asace641 May 2022
Amazing series, full of action. Couldn't stop watching it.

Please do yourself a favor and watch "Into the Night" first and then this, and both not dubbed but in the original language with subtitles.

I'm 100% sure the bad reviews are by lazy people watching it dubbed.

Hope to see more seasons coming.
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Missing opportunity with bad acting of some of the cast
erhanipekciler6 May 2022
First of all I watched all episode of into the night and first season was very nice although lots of logical errors. As an idea, yakamoz is good in theory but there are some missing things... First of all I didn't like the acting, for example Felix, not suitable for his role... I like kivanç tatlitug and özge ozpirincci, they are really good but other people.. I don't know.. Again there are lots of logical errors but for this genre, it is all normal and acceptable.
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Why do shows do this? So annoying
mereniawright10 May 2022
The characters are unbelievably emotional and dramatic in the worst ways. Why do shows always do this. The military / Navy just have to be crazy hot headed idiots who somehow can't follow protocol or non psycho behaviour. Someone has to have a dangerous mental breakdown that no one monitors. The female characters have to be annoying and nagging all the time...... I'm suprised there isn't a kid yet who also happens to have asthma or something. Might as well.

It's insulting. Why not show something more realistic that could relate to and see a group of ppl actually try to survive without acting like teenagers with anger issues. Or do people these days struggle to be entertained now without over the top drama in your face every second?
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Thrilling and dynamic: A grown up version of Into the Night
ultra-taya22 April 2022
Yakamoz S245 is a spin-off to the Belgian Netflix series Into the Night. So it occurs in the same dystopian world. But instead of an airplay, this time a submarine helps the protagonists to survive the deadly sun. If you liked Into the Night, you will like this one too. Otherwise don't give it a try, you will end up like the other disappointed 1-star-reviewers. Yakamoz is very Dynamic, thrilling and with lots of energy. You will always want to know what will happen next so you will definitely binge-watch it. Not only thrilling, but also dramatic elements are added very well. All in all the series is like a Michael Bay or Roland Emmerich film: you should not seek for a logical plot. You should only grab your popcorn and enjoy the show.
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Great tv show except for the unnecessary drama
ozthewiz-189-65914726 April 2022
The way it connects with the "Into the night" was intriguing and exciting. However, dumb and flat characters, and unnecessary levels of drama was really putting off. Also the sci-fi parts were a real let down.
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Not good
surfingnaked121 April 2022
This why subscribers are leaving. A lot of screaming about nothing very difficult to watch.. foreign film badly dubbed. I. No real plot just screaming.
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Pretty Good
mystee_reyne29 January 2023
This show is pretty good and exciting, with interesting characters. Almost every main character has a strength but also a flaw. And this flaw leads them into conflicts with other characters. The storyline of the show exists in the same universe as Into the Night, which makes it even more intriguing. Other shows/movies have done this (Cloverfield, The Walking Dead, Power). This series gives us a little more information about why the phenomenon with the sun is happening. I may be in the minority, but I actually enjoyed it more than into the night (which I enjoyed also). I would say watch Into the Night season one and two first, then watch this show. There is quite a bit of conflict between the two major groups. But this is actually quite realistic; because in an apocalypse, people would be human first, and then scientist/soldier second. This show examines what happens when you put a bunch of scared people together with the fear of death in front of them. It's a good watch.
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It could have been much better
stevecowlam26 April 2022
It wasn't a bad series but i felt it was hugely let down by the poor gramma translation into English it was cringe at times and made the actors look awful calling the sailors, soldiers?..how that got passed the editors is unbelievable, If there is a second season, come on sort out the gramma when dubbing over.
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