The Dead Don't Scream (2007) Poster

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Amateurish, incompetent, derivative...
krachtm5 August 2011
...and, yet, so stunningly bad that I was riveted. I simply HAD to watch the whole movie, to see how bad it could get. As time went on, the pacing improved a bit, a few of the actors managed to deliver their lines without sounding like robots, and some of the special effects impressed me, given the apparent micro-budget that they were dealing with. A few times I caught myself thinking, "Hey, this isn't so bad, actually...", and then someone would go back to using his/her robot voice, devoid of all inflection or emotion, or the dialogue would devolve into insipid clichés. Even so, I could tell that they were acting their little hearts out, and I guess their enthusiasm eventually won me over, because, at the start, I was dead-set on giving this movie a single star. Now, three stars may not be much, but for something this bad, it's actually quite generous. The music, while being rather derivative, was still derivative of bands that I like, so there was also that going for it. Finally, I'd like to say that the music video played during the credits was actually kind of catchy. If nothing else, it's worth it to watch this ridiculously bad movie, so you can listen to that dopey song and laugh at how cheesy it is.

If you're looking for a serious movie about a serious topic, starring serious actors... hahaha. I pity you. But if you're into Troma movies, you might find some aspects of this atrocious movie to be unintentionally funny enough to enjoy. In fact, I could totally see some of the people eventually having an illustrious career at Troma some day, once they graduate from film school. Now there's a scary thought...
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College kids vs. car thieves
Leofwine_draca31 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THE DEAD DON'T SCREAM is a typical indie horror flick set in the woods, in which a bunch of camping college kids run into an unscrupulous gang of car thieves who decide to murder the witnesses rather than letting them go. What follows is a film replete with bikini-clad young actresses, stripping, some nudity, some gore, and not a lot of sense to go with all that. It's cheesy and quite slapdash in feel, but recognisable as an exploitation picture.
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But you will after wasting your time with this film
movieman_kev17 January 2018
College kids go on a road trip to a place they shouldn't have in this dire little mess of a film. Struggling to think of anything redeeming about this and other than the opening scene of topless sunbathing, I'm coming up with a blank. And that's being generous. Horrid robotic acting and a threadbare plot both could've been forgiven if the film were fun. It's not.
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fallenangel7018 April 2011
I had to review this and warn others this has got to be the worst movie ever made. these are fake reviews on here praising it i don't even know how this got made. I have never ever in my life and i have watched all kinds of horror movies seen anything like this it was beyond terrible. Everything was fake looking with this movie. The acting was horrible and the plot was stupid, whoever came up with this idea needs to get in another line of work. the acting was so unbelievable if anyone does decide to watch it even though they been warned will see in the first 5 minutes how bad this is don't take long to realize it. probably the worst film ever made cant believe it out for people to see this garbage
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"The Dead Produce Garbage Movies"
CreativeNoize13 October 2010
The 2 word review for Spinal Tap's "Shark Sandwich" album...would be giving this movie far too much credit. I can honestly say that this is not only the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life...but possibly the worst movie ever created by man. I cannot believe any self-respecting individual would ever allow this movie to be produced, let alone released. Every single aspect of this movie is horrific...and all those associated with it should be barred from making films ever again. I am fairly certain that if monkeys can learn to operate cameras, they can probably make a more compelling movie...even if said movie is about monkeys doing monkey things.
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truly abysmal
rtc40233 July 2011
worst movie ever made,worst acting,hands down,seriously this is the most atrocious movie I've ever seen,a absolute disgrace and I've seen some cheesy movies in my time.its a fact that some of the high scoring reviews on IMDb are so false and as wooden as every character involved in this movie.everybody involved with the making of this movie,please spare us the pain of ever even thinking about getting involved in the making of another movie.i will say it once more because it needs to be said,the acting in this movie was so abysmal it was truly painful to watch.I'm not even gonna waste my time in explaining what this movie was about because i haven,t got a clue and it doesn,t,t deserve even a second of my time, a corpse could of done a better job.even a prisoner on death row given the choice in watching this movie or getting put to death would hands down without even blinking choose the option of being put to death.what is the movie industry coming to,
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Horrible, terrible, worst ever
snusenx3 July 2011
Im at a loss for words... this is terrible. This movie is awful, the script, the actors, the "special" effects, its all just utterly horribly bad.

Selling or renting out this movie is actually the same as stealing peoples money.

Id rather ride naked on a horse made of barbed wire and melting lava than sit through this garbage again.

I nominate it for "the histories worst movie ever"-award.

(and i have to write 10 lines about this shyte) (and i have to write 10 lines about this shyte)
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Cityville on acid
tdeladeriere10 April 2012
Okay, in between the raving reviews from the cast & crew and the usual "worst-movie-I've-ever-seen" reviews from audiences who obviously have never seen a film directed by Roberta Findlay lies this mixed bag of a review.

The movie starts, predictably, with a group of young attractive adults heading for a party at a lake, mini-Spring Break style. A few minutes before, a couple of bare-chested chicks got offed by an unseen assailant in these same premises. As the ride progresses, we are treated to regular humorous interludes which sets the tone for the 1st half of the movie. The laughs and the overall offbeat attitude will definitely keep you interested until the carnage begins. Unfortunately, and as previously stated by other reviewers, you will also have to endure absolutely atrocious acting by the attractive but insanely untalented cast. Lines are droned like everybody's xanaxed to their eyeballs, the final girl/female lead taking the cake.

The partygoers are abducted one by one and conducted to a car-part factory that doubles on disposing of the vehicles' owners in a gruesome manner. There begins a game of cat & mouse that's sometimes fun, sometimes a bit meh. The humour that permeated the first part of the movie almost disappears from that second chapter, only sporadically revived by the interventions of the bonkers Twin Peaks family that owns the business. This family reeks of in-breeding and other smelly secrets. As it is, they and their frankly surrealist Streetfighter goons save the second part of the movie.

The 3rd part sees the final girl trying to convince the town's sheriff that bloody dealings happen in the smalltown's factory. This part buries the nail in the movies' coffin, as it requires the most emoting from the incapable cast, a task naturally failed by most.

All in all, the script and an inspired direction, as well as a few really kooky moments (including the end credits), salvage this low-budget take on the American Gothic from instant disposability.
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worst film ever made!!
taurenhumnus6 August 2013
I can't decide what was worse, the acting or the script. There was one scene with a woman on the phone and it honestly seems like she's never spoken on a telephone before. Another scene with a man giving hand signals to someone reversing a car and it was as if he had never moved his arms before... I mean it stinks of something rotten if the actors in a film aren't believable as human beings. I watched this on a paid subscription website and this film makes me want to ask for my money back. I would literally rather jab spoons in my eye repeatedly than to watch this tripe ever again. At the end of the day, I've watched a LOT of horrible movies over the years... But this is the first time one has been so bad that it prompted me to write a review about it!!! This film deserves a -10 out of 10.
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Awesome movie!!!
addisonman2423 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I loved it! Hot girls and lots of action. This is a movie that keeps you watching every minute. The ending is pretty wicked. I won't give it away, but it definitely makes ya think. You won't see this one coming. The film quality is great considering the budget. It's hard to believe they did all of this with only $70K. This is a great film to watch with a group of friends. My girlfriend's reactions were priceless. The gore is pretty graphic, but the movie has a lot of comic relief moments also. It's hilarious how all of the bad guys really seem to be just doing their jobs and clueless that their really brutal killers. I guess it's all a matter of perspective.
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I thought it'd be just a guys' movie, but I was wrong. It got my attention and held onto it!
janetallen198431 December 2008
When my boyfriend bought this, I thought it'd be just a guys' movie with all the topless girls and blood, etc. I was wrong though. This movie grabbed my attention and held onto it.

The story is very original and intriguing. It kept my attention. I really wanted to know what was going to happen next. That old Uncle Buddy guy was funny, but scary at the same time.

The girls were really dumb, but that kind of gave it some comic relief. It had a really cool twist at the end that I did not see coming. I won't give it away, but there is more to the story than meets the eye at first.
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This movie grabs your attention and won't let go
planosub2630 December 2008
I loved it!!! I didn't think I would at first - even during the first half hour, but something kept me watching. It really gets interesting and then you just have to know what happens next. The dumb girl characters were kind of predictable, but still great comic relief. Uncle Buddy was likable, but kind of scary at the same time. I was asking myself at the end..."hmmmm...I wonder if anyone is out there really doing that...YIKES!!!"

The Tyler and Jeremy actors (Trey Caldwell and Jeremy Schwab) were great. They held the action together throughout. They're both HOT, not to mention how brave they both were:) This movie would be great for a Bachelorette party!!! I picked it up on Barnes & Noble, but I think it's also available on Amazon.
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It's beyond spectacular for an Indie Film.
lingopd422 January 2009
From time to time my girlfriend and I would go search for an Indie film to watch as opposed to those in theaters. From a quite large of a selection we had, we decided to choose this film on a whim and by no means did we regret it at all. The movie was just fantastic in every way and a lot better than some of the garbage they put out in theaters. Seriously, the ones in theaters get a budget of $25 mil and all I could do was not barf from the kind of crap I was watching. The Dead Don't Scream however kept me thoroughly entertained throughout the entire movie. In my opinion, they did extremely well considering their budget of a mere $60,000. If they had even the lowest budget of a Hollywood film out in theaters, I'm sure there would be no competition in the horror genre to compete with these guys.
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Okay very impressed
minnie5355424 January 2009
When my boyfriend told me this was the movie we were watching I had my doubts. I thought it was just going to be another stupid horror flick with a lousy plot and bad acting. I immediately got wrapped up in the movie and was on the edge of my seat. The plot had my attention until the end. I just had to know what was going to happen to Taylor and who was all behind this. The ending had a twist and left me shocked.

I have now bought the film off and put it with my scary movie collection. The actors and actresses in the movie are all film students. I couldn't believe it. They did such a great job. What a great Indie film! Check it out!
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Excellen Film!!!
mavsman91729-11 February 2009
Wow, I just have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I'm typically very hard to impress when it comes to modern horror movies, but this film went far beyond my expectations. It seriously deserves an award for originality. There's a great story, great acting, great direction, and a killer score. what else do you need? It's definitely a movie that's been overlooked and deserves a chance from anyone that's ever enjoyed a horror movie ever. My all-time favorite horror movies include "A Nightmare on Elm Street" "Hellraiser" "Poltergeist" "Scream" "Stephen King's IT" "Child's Play" "The Amityville Horror" "Halloween" "28 Weeks Later" "The Fly" "Event Horizon" "I Know What You Did Last Summer" "The Night of The Living Dead" and now "The Dead Don't Scream".
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Awesome movie!
rachelreagin29 January 2009
This movie was awesome! I have watched it a few times, and it scares me every time. It's really scary, but has some stuff for the girls also! This movie keeps you guessing, and has a surprise ending that you wouldn't expect! My friends and I really enjoyed the movie. . I would recommend watching it! Im not a big fan of scary movies, but this movie added the comedy and that made it better then most of the horror flicks out there. So this is a perfect movie to watch with a boyfriend, you can have the horror for him and the comedy and romance for you! Its a great movie. Go to and purchase it so you can watch it. It is for sure worth watching!
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