Freddie Flintoff: Living with Bulimia (TV Movie 2020) Poster

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Shining a much needed light on eating disorders in men.
lizziebean-584935 October 2020
I am a counselling psychologist specialising in the treatment of eating disorders and I thought this was an excellent documentary demonstrating the daily battle of living with an eating disorder. The individuals Freddie meets were well selected to help him see the parallels to his own behaviour and reflect on his "coping strategies". Freddie keeps returning to the question of whether he is in control of the bulimia or whether it is controlling him, and I think this is a common experience for individuals with eating disorders even once they are in therapy. In contrast to the previous review, I felt the rawness and emotion Freddie demonstrated as he realised the extent of his eating disorder was very powerful. I sincerely hope that Freddie makes the decision to enter into therapy. Good luck to him.
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I love Freddie but didn't rate this at all
chrisrowexxx30 September 2020
I'm a huge flintoff fan, think he's just an absolute legend, I'm a sufferer of mental health issues and have had weight related problems so I was really interested in this as I had no idea he had suffered. His emotion seemed almost edited to avoid showing tears or moments that'd hit the viewer. His conversations seemed almost interview like rather than bonding and it just seemed a bit mild. I understand he's suffered and that's rough but I feel this was almost pointless, although great shining a light, it was just repeating the same few points and not really letting anyone in, he went from saying he'd agreed therapy after 55 minutes of rejecting it, to ending with intending on it although sounded sceptical he'd complete it. Just feel if your not going to fully commit to fully opening up or at the least committing to help then this show wasn't really that informative or important as it should've been, I've met tens of sufferers with worse stories and harder lives who could inspire everyone but obviously as non celebrities they'd rather not use them as people don't care enough about real people but will for a celeb they like which is so backwards, not saying celebs don't deserve help but they're not more important at all. Mental health isn't entertaining without celebrity, I love the guy and felt for him, it's never easy but literally all that was said was , it's harder for guys, he's got it under control, anxiety with food and vomiting. Repeated that with no elaboration for 56 minutes then finished saying he'd signed up to see this dr, had an awkward fake chat which wasn't anything like real therapy then said he may not even do it. Hardly motivating or life inspiring constantly saying you can control it over getting help

1) mental health shouldn't just be documentaries like Stacey Dooley or Louis Theroux like we're animals being studied for entertainment, talked about and not to, as much as it shouldn't just be celebrity journeys that get attention, I'd say 95% maybe higher won't relate to people so rich they can get top docs, help, nutrition, support at the drop of the hat and possibly free.

2) do this show with a real person who can't work due to suffering, who has relationships and responsibilities made so difficult by these journeys, who's income is stretched thin and can't afford anything other than nhs or the awful uk GP system of ignorance, then show them desperately looking for help to be put on waiting lists and left to rot unsupported for months if not a year with no chance of getting in quick for help or even seeing a top specialist. As much as people praise the nhs during these awful times prior to and during there are people drastically let down with fatal consequences. Decisions and red tape ruin lives, inefficient communication and care cost people quality of life. Even after waiting you end up one on one for an hour a week chat and sent away with computer printouts, before being forced into a group to cut down people waiting. Then in groups your neglected and all given the same chat even though 10 people have individual and different journeys.

There's no acknowledgment of the real world here, for me I love the dude but can't rate this, these shows need to help, reduce ignorance and shine a light on a service so badly run that many lives are lost that could've been prevented by a bit more care and efficiency. Plus show the conditions as it affects the 95%+ who can't just randomly interview others and stroll into top specialists.
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