"Lupin" Chapter 4 (TV Episode 2021) Poster

(TV Series)


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I haven't heard that name in years
Calicodreamin11 January 2021
Well written episode, good chemistry between Assane and Fabienne, and a poignant ending. Clever capers kick the show back into action, and good cinematography.
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Tense moments
AvionPrince1627 October 2021
This one is little bit more interesting with Fabienne and the investigations take another way. Lupin will hide himself with disguise. And Fabienne's live is in danger. This episode is more tense in this episode and we can find a conspiracy in this episode with the Pelligrini's member. Nice episode.
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Yes--I Feel Bad
Hitchcoc9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a good episode until the business with the tape. The guy has modern technology that would rival anything we know. Yet he doesn't even bother to make a copy of the incriminating evidence. As things move along, and his ally meets her end, how can one forget the stupidity. I don't jump on writers like some do, but they wrote a script where the evidence to kill this guy off gets destroyed. So, the fifth episode is all cued up and ready. I hope the bad guy gets his, but I feel let down by the utterly careless script of this fourth one. I'm also interested to see how the guy who has made the connection all along does his thing.
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Chapter 4
Prismark103 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Commissioner Dumont gives Assane the name of one important contact.

The jaded and veteran investigative journalist Fabienne Beriot. She got close to exposing Hubert Pellegrini.

However he used his power and wealth to destroy her. Now she lives in a poky apartment and unable to work.

Beriot has a videotape of Pellegrini's arms dealing and it can destroy his reputation. The video just needs to be retrieved.

There is a great scene as Assane waltzes into the offices of the journal to find the tape.

However this was a frustrating episode. It was signposted that Beriot would meet her doom.

Pellegrini should had been finished by this episode but Netflix does what it likes to do. Stretch out the series.

So Assane could had digitised the video, could had put it online on YouTube or elsewhere.

Instead he goes on live television for an expose and the video is re-edited. Talk about a thud landing.
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What about YouTube?
acekrupkin14 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was good except for one glaring question - - why didn't they just post the video on YouTube and then tweet the video link??!
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Unforgivable Plot Hole of EPIC Proportions!!!
liowik1 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers

Step 1) You make a copy of critical evidence Step 2) You digitize It Step 3) You place it out for mass consumption on the web

You don't give away your only copy. Lupin is not an amateur, yet any idiot would have made a copy and then placed the full incriminating video all over the web.

This plot hole is so unbelievably glaring it's unforgivable. Stories that rely on uncharacteristic unrealistic idiot moves by the characters in order to create the problems in the plot is entirely unacceptable.

On top of that he finds her there hanging and doesn't even pull her down and check immediately if she by chance is still alive.

Horrible writing, horrible direction. 1/10
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Make a copy
robertcase-0491420 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The character Lupin is extremely intelligent but in this episode him did something very stupid, something he would never do. He didn't make a copy of the tape before he gave it away. It seems like Netflix did this so they could extend the series. I'm always disappointed when writers do things like this.
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Shocking plot hole. Asleep at the wheel!
jay-408-1221456 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What are we, 6 years old? Seriously, there's nothing more frustrating than committing time to watch a TV series which is great, only to then have an episode thrust upon you which has such a lazy plot hole, (there only to extend the story another episode), it leaves you utterly deflated. Seriously... A VHS video cassette tape? Only one copy? Didn't bother to video it on your mobile phone straight off the TV, before handing it over to the TV studio? Seriously? This plot hole is so rediculous, it's insulting to the audience. How the hell anyone can post a high scoring review for this episode is utterly beyond me. Gutted. A great series, ruined.
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Stupid Lupin
tuxedo-8075217 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Give Lupin a break for one Episode. He just wanted to be careless and stupid for brain therapy. He's too tired from face transformation, so his mind was absent for a while. Yes, I'm super angry at this episode.
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What a letdown in an otherwise great series
Muldino4 December 2023
Just adding to the reviewers that have already pointed out the dumb writing for this episode.

Lupin is a fun show with overall entertaining stories and ideas and I really enjoy the characters. Yes, it has some weaknesses from time to time, a few too many coincidences (which show doesn't), and the police are intentionally incompetent to serve the plotline. But it's all bearable.

However, the evidence "mishap" is the stupidest moment of the season. The fact that the whole production team thought "yup, that is a plotline we can serve our audience" makes me furious. Everyone who signed off on this and everybody that didn't speak up should be tarred and feathered and driven out of the movie industry.
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