The Elevator (2021) Poster

(I) (2021)

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Dont make a scene
ks-6050024 December 2021
Overdramatic and non sense and stupid storyline. Filming is bad but the worst is the storyline and acting. What's the point to make this ? Any benfit and thoughts this movie bring to audience? NIL and not entertaining at all.
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Complete disappointment
kalvarado-1536412 September 2022
Such drama for a man who is stuck on an elevator for a couple of hours. This is so bad. The characters aren't even likable. And I don't think most of the actors took acting lessons. And the crying over and over...

Instead of finding a way out, he cries the whole time until he passes out?!

Oh, and the dream sequences...this is so painful to watch. And the nurse in the hospital who basically shocks the entire family including two little girls...I can't...

And then everything is so dramatc. God, irs so painful to watch...unless you take this as a comedy in which you'll laugh your head off.

Honestly, who wrote this? It's terrible.
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School Play
ljs655 September 2022
This is a filmed school play. The acting is terrible, the sets are cheap, the lighting this horrendous, and the dialogue sounds like it was written by a teenager.

I usually like Etic Roberts, but he could have phoned in most of his part as you can not even see most of what he "cried" as the elevator is so dark you don't know what he's doing.

The "daughters" are so obnoxious you really don't even care for them as characters. The mother and son overcast so much that their lines come across so campy it is laughable.

It's 90 minutes of my life ill never get back, I wish I believed the other reviews.
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Cruetime232321 November 2021
Nothing to say about this waste of time. Just a horribly put together piece of trash...I cannot understand how some people can justify spending money to come up with such a horrible script for one and have the acting be so brutal.
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Please no
melia_dunning4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wouldn't recommend this film to you if you were blind, deaf, dumb or dead.

I've been in Tesco queues longer than this guy was in the lift and I had more of a breakdown watching this film. It was clearly written by the basketballs from High School Musical.

Excuse me whilst I murder my boyfriend for choosing to put this on thinking that Matthew McConaughey was in it.
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Dumpster Fire 🔥
sebastianrivera-8152414 December 2021
Nothing else need to be said.....this movie is a straight dumpster fire....if you need to waste 90 minutes of your life please watch...acting was mediocre...writing on par with that of a high school student written play..
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Train wreck
connerrd18 June 2022
A "Christian Movie" that is blasphemous.

The best connection was between the son and his mom- that seems more like his stepmom that he's having an affair with. It was awkward.

He's stuck in an elevator for a couple hours; has a mental break down then writes a will. When he gets rescued he's unconscious and they make mention of how hot it was in the elevator but during the movie, not once does he mention being hot or thirsty.

I don't know the ending, I shut it off.
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90 minutes of my life, I'm never getting back.
bruiserthechowhound11 December 2021
I rented this, because Eric Roberts is fun to watch slumming it up.

He wasn't quite as cringey as his "Stalked by my Doctor" aka Dr. Albert Beck performances, but he had many moments that made me decide not to ask Amazon for my money back.

Otherwise, this was about as bad as it gets. The dialogue was on par for a bad 6th grade creative writing project and bad acting rivaled only by 80's Italian horror films.

I'm convinced that all of the 5-star reviews were from friends, family or people that the producer promised a $5 Boston market gift card; in exchange for a good review.


The theme song to this movie had to be written and performed by people that Simon Cowell advised to never sing in public.

Eric Roberts either did this movie for free or needed to pay his electric bill.
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Dreadful, poor acting, not a thriller more like a poorly written Christian movie
jennifervorwerk27 November 2021
The acting is cringeworthy I usually rate movies 4 or more because I don't like to be critical of others or their work...but I want to save you some time...please find anything else to watch.
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What a disaster!
jrallen-2091026 December 2021
I felt embarrassed whatching this. Such bad acting, everything is over reacted. Direction is a joke. Firefighters entering the building as if they were zombies at slow pace and looking at the camera! .... Total disaster!
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The truth
cjschiff20 December 2021
90mins of Eric Roberts crying in an elevator while his son and Second wife screw off camera. I don't understand why the intro is 10 min long and what's the deal with the song my buddy actually gets people off stuck elevators and he says there's so meny holes and not just between the son and wife.
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kilcross14 January 2022
This must be the worst film I have ever watched. Acting was pathetic by all those supposed actors. I just hope they weren't getting paid for this rubbish. Have seen better in a 1st year school play.
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The Title is a Spoiler
wesman-7650226 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Literally just a guy stuck in an elevator. I fail to see where it would be award winning or the star studded cast other than Eric Roberts way past his prime.

I will give credit where it is due. This is more dialogue and acting than I have seen Eric Roberts do in some time.

Other than that I still question how you almost die after being stuck in an elevator for a half a day with nothing else happening.
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White people problems
akkincade15 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
(Spoiler alert) I'm a fairly privileged white person but I found the characters in this supposedly based on a true story to be just painfully spoiled, lame and pathetically unresourceful! The dad spends several hours stuck in an elevator. During this time he manages to convince himself that it's the biggest tragedy to ever befall any human being. This sends him into such hysteria that he finally manages to put himself into a near-fatal cardiac arrhythmia, (conveniently, just before he gets rescued). ...and the theme music!!! Oh the HORROS! "Elevator, I'm on. Elevator, I'm on"...something, something, "taking off like a rocket" or some such blather. Oh, God --My ears shall never recover!
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Wish I read these reviews first
senfield-8311626 July 2022
Horrible boring movie, every review on here is true. Terrible acting, terrible production. I wish there was a zero star option. I can't come up with 150 characters as required, it's that bad.
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The Worst
jcuv-5597130 September 2022
This was hands down the worst movie I have ever seen! Terrible acting - especially the mom and the birthday girl, who kept looking at the camera! And the doctor - "oh thank God!" And the nurse - "if you pray you better pray for him". Are you kidding? I'm a nurse and no health professional would ever talk like that. Where did they get these actors? You can't even call them that! Actors looking at the camera, the mom's accent?? Her crying scenes were so not believable. What was Eric Roberts thinking when he agreed to this script? He's been demoted from the decent actors list. Absolute garbage! What a waste of my time!! DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE! You can't even call it that. A kindergarten class could put on a better show than this! I cannot believe someone spent a penny making this utterly unbelievable show. GARBAGE!!!!
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A whole new experience for me. I have never ever watched a movie that bad.
trudyurq24 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Eric Roberts is not a bad actor, but he was standing on the edge of a cliff with a thousand bloodied arm-waving zombies gaining on him.

Everywhere he turned was BAAAAAD. Those children! Seems cruel I know, but those children, especially the girl with the most lines ...aaabysmal!

She would torque a smile on her face, showing those little teeth, but look at her eyes - they were dead I tell you

And the wife - gerSTUNKin. I COULDN'T TURN IT OFF. I just kept watching with both hands on my cheeks.

At the crisis, at the peak of excitement, there's danger the main character must overcome... see he's.. he's stuck in an elevator and he's...he'

The kid who played the son can only hope that most people would have drop-kicked the remote through the screen before he urpped up some of that dialogue.

Eric Roberts did what he could. There was no way he could transmorgiify "Battlefield Earth" into "Apocalypse Now" ("The Horror. The Horror").

Twisted thing is, I'll remember ''The Elevator' long after I have forgotten Casey Affleck in "A Ghost Story."
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I want to know why Roman panics
kerrilpaul16 November 2022
I want to know why Roman panics - it's late afternoon on a Saturday and yes I might go a little crazy and panic a little bit but to the extent that Roman does - like writing a letter as if it's his last? That's a little dramatic even for a movie. My biggest concern would be; as I said - would I panic and how would I use the bathroom? Someone is bound to return by Monday at the latest. I would even guess, this is advertised as being New York, there might even be 24/7 security guards in these buildings. If not, I would be surprised. Idk maybe he's claustrophobic? I just think it was a little overboard and I love Eric Roberts acting - usually.
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Not great
pamdlittle-9795327 October 2022
The movie has a good story but most of the acting is absolutely terrible and the two girls are very obnoxious. It almost makes you not want to continue watching. I'm sure there's a lot of young girls that can actually act that they could have used instead of these two. The acting from the older kid Mike and the mother is better than anyone else in the movie. Seeing the firemen strolling into the building with no urgency or caring on their face would be comical if it wasn't so bad. Maybe a better director would have helped? Not sure. As I said, not a bad story but I think proper acting and directing could have made it a much better movie.
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Wholesome movie for everyone feels good
acheney-9468810 January 2022
My wife and I really enjoyed this!

The pace was nice and deliberate which allowed you to see the family dynamics intimately and become grounded with everyone too. Neat to see Eric Roberts here in this role as an older parent trying to stay connected to his family. Would definitely recommend to anyone!
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Terrible acting
lizardo-4024727 November 2022
All that was required for this movie was extra large, overly white teeth one bad acting skills! Kid actors were found in some bargain basement workshop. I do hate to be mean but this was the worst movie I've seen in a long time. The mother couldn't speak proper English and Dad was pushing 80!! Please stop underestimating the general public by trying to push these ageing stars on us and foreign women too. Don't we have enough US and Canadian excellent actors screaming for work? You just have to go with bottom of the barrel $$ and foist this crap on us. No thank you!! I was told my review was too short for publication so here goes...... WHY put out three terrible movies, when you could put out two good ones? I fail to see the point of ruining your reputation. You will eventually ruin your reputation because people will shy away from any movie put out by your company. Why should they bother when it will be more of the same. For you to keep repeating this just doesn't make good business sense.
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A great actor in a terrible movie
carmenjmorrison3 January 2023
A terrible movie with only one decent actor. Eric Roberts is a stellar actor who unfortunately found himself trying to carry this failure of a movie. The supporting cast is simply not there as far as credibility. The script is weak and slow moving. The director probably could have used more money for retakes. Some scenes are so cringe you will want to just turn that crap off. It took me two sessions to get through the movie but I finally managed it. The only thing that brought me back was Eric Roberts who has been in some amazing movies with amazing performances, proving he has the chops. Sadly, hollywood for whatever reasons hasn't seen his utility. In a perfect world Roberts would be given better opportunities. This movie was a sad mistake.
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Read the reviews and you will be not disappointed
danivince86 December 2022
....If you decide to go ahead with it! The majority of them are BAD but in this case not bad enough. The positive ones are from family members of the actors. I really feel bad for them, the mother, so young to be the mother, is the worst actress ever seen, like the Worst.

The kids are really bad and not credible. The father is not in a good health state i think so no comment. The nurses!!!! The doctor!!!! So Baaaaaad! The neighbour lady.. OMG!!! Her son... OMG!!! The Fire brigade crew... OMG!!! I mean in this movie there is not a mediocre actor, just there is a shamefully acting. The script dreadful, the music awful, the photography horrendous, the lighting not existent . I wasted my time but i did have a good laugh reading all the reviews! What a waste of money, time and space. DO NOT WATCH!
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This is a joke right?!
jleeparkerhall29 May 2023
This movie is literally so dumb. This has to be a joke. Please tell me this is a joke. Like someone said, "Hey, let's make a horribly stupid movie with a story line that makes no sense what so ever!" Then another person was like... "Yeah, and we will over dramatize it and make sure everyone's acting seems really fake!" "We will even have them move their eyes back and forth like they are reading cue cards!" Finally, another person was like..."why would we do that?" Everyone shrugs. They make the movie. We watch it. The end. If you think my review was boring and hard to read, you're in for a real treat because I assure you...this movie is WAY worse. 😅😂😂😂
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pckjtnks13 April 2023
Terrible movie - legit just bad from the getgo. Terrible characters. There was no real character development whatsoever. And it n top of that who were these people even? In the elevator. There is so much fun that could have been done with the promise, but it left you feeling the entire time- like something might happen- am and no it doesn't. This was a movie looked forward to see long and legit worn "wtf" did o just waste time On. It legit was so stuck I'd and people Get paid for These scripts? Wow. The little girl- super ridiculous. And unlikeable from start to finish. Legit a really bad movie.
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