"Criminal Minds" The Instincts (TV Episode 2008) Poster

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Personally thought it was a return to form for Season 4 and 'Criminal Minds'
TheLittleSongbird19 November 2016
After being disappointed by "Catching Out" (though it will be re-watched again to see if the opinion remains the same or not, it is unlikely as it has been seen twice already and the reaction has been the same), both "The Instincts" and "Memoriam" were returns to form.

While "The Big Wheel" (a rare perfection episode), "Zoe's Reprise" and "Conflicted" are Season 4's best episodes, "The Instincts" and "Memoriam" are up there too. "The Instincts" is a Reid-centric episode, and while Reid has always been one of the most interesting, well-developed and entertaining 'Criminal Minds' characters the development to him here is simply brilliant. Of the Reid-centric episodes, "The Instincts" is up there with the best of them, being both harrowing and poignant.

Matthew Gray Gubler's superlative acting has a lot to do with it, and he is more than ably supported by the rest of the lead actors, the chemistry and bond within the team still shines brilliantly. As well as a hard-hitting and quite moving Jane Lynch, in perhaps the most serious role she's ever done and what a performance she gives, and Kari Matchett, whose character is so easily rootable.

Immediately impressive also is the atmosphere. "The Instincts" has to be one of the most atmospherically creepy, hard-hitting and suspenseful Season 4 episodes, both the calls from the unsub and the nightmares are incredibly eerie. There are also a couple of entertaining moments, such as Rossi and JJ's exchange in the desert, and some insightful ones, such as the profiling and Morgan's analysis of Reid's nightmare. "The Instincts" is superbly written, Diana's lines really made me feel something, like shock and tears.

Storytelling is compelling, exciting and suspenseful, with a twist regarding the unsub's real identity that one does not see coming. While there is no way that one can condone the unsub's actions, due to their trauma and what triggered their crimes one can't help feeling a tinge of sympathy. The episode is very well made visually, and one cannot complain about the way it's scored and directed too.

To conclude, a wonderful episode, much better than given credit for from the previous reviews (respectfully) and a return to form for the season and the show. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Top class episode - I have to give it a 10
akicork1 February 2022
I'm with Bethany Cox (TheLittleSongbird) on this one. It has everything (and I can hardly ever say that, so giving something a 10 rating is extremely unusual for me). It has suspense, shock, family feelings within and around the team as well as within a victim family. Unusually we sense family feelings between the team and the victims, and with the perpetrator, who also provides unexpected pathos.

I think that all concerned deserve commendation for the way that A. J. Cook's pregnancy is blended in, rather than being disguised as often happens in other shows. The other particular high point for me is Jane Lynch's performance, emphasising how capable she is when dealing with serious drama, as well as having an immense comedic talent. I can't help wondering about the result of pairing up Jane Lynch and Olivia Colman, in a serious drama and in a comedy. I suspect both would be hugely successful!
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Return to Serenity
ttapola29 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It was only when I found this on my DVR's archive that I realized the infernal machine had skipped one week, ie. the previous episode, and I had not even noticed. I had not been aware that something was amiss. The show could just as well have not existed at all. I rationalized this that on basis of the disappointment that was "Mayhem" and the episodes that followed it, should someone ask me what the foremost word that I associated with the show was, I would most likely say, "forgettable".

Seeing a 1-star review on an episode with the average rating of 8.2 made me want to see who was right: the crusading reviewer or the total of votes. Therefore I would have to watch, take notes and only in the end compare mine with the pre-existing review. The episode started with one of those "I can't believe it's 2008 and someone's still making these dream sequences" openers that did not bode well. Then, a few familiar names in the credits: reliable supporting actors like Jane Lynch (in serious mode here), Reed Diamond, Bruce French, and last, but not the least, the way underrated Kari Matchett. Since the episode sticks to the weekly formula (unless you consider Reed's dreams digressions), I thought I concentrate on how Matchett outshines even the regulars in her performance (and they should be well inside their character's mind by now). She *owns* this episode.

Most viewers don't know who Kari Matchett even is, though by now I think it is fairly reasonable that her numerous appearances have earned her some face-recognition value even if one has trouble knowing her name. My first encounter with her work was in Cube²: Hypercube, where she was the only redeemable feature in that mediocre, nonsensical sequel to the true classic that the original movie is. Then (for me) came the excellent Cypher, after which she disappeared from my radar until she surfaced in Invasion (which is funny, because Invasion is about body-snatching aliens surfacing from the water) and had a moment after which I swore I would not let her fall under my radar again: in one episode (I can't pinpoint it - I couldn't justify buying a DVD set of a canceled series just for that *one* shot) there is a looooong take where the stationary camera just looks at her motionless face (there might have been some slow pulling in) - every self-conscious actress's nightmare, because the longer the take, the bigger the chance that the viewer finds some unattractive feature in the actress's face and therefore makes her lose some of that star shine. But Matchett, she pulled it off effortlessly. Her character was in a completely serene state, and she managed to make this viewer *feel* it. Of course, it helps that she has the Type: Peaceful face that is soothing to look at. But she can do any emotion when required.

And here Matchett has good material: a mother whose child has been abducted. We first see her in a very natural (but not Charlize-Theron-in-Monster natural) look, full of inner turmoil. Far from the sexy characters she played in Invasion, 24 and ER. Over the course of the story, she also displays intelligence, determinacy and, by the end, relief and happiness. And I have to wonder about that shot where Amy walks upstairs with Craig, and her behind in *swinging* seductively. Now don't tell me *that* wasn't deliberate! I don't know what the script says, but I know what I see. Presumably so did the director.

Okay, I too noticed the stings aimed at CSI. But any discussion about CSI has no place here. I do agree with the pre-existing review in that this series needs better writers. I disagree with the 1 star rating: even the other reviewer admits that this series still has plenty of room to go downwards - but then they give this the lowest possible rating! Illogical. That, I think, is what they call a "hate vote" - one given in a highly biased state of mind. I'd say this one is more like 6/10, ie. barely above the mediocre.
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furious after the writers
krystle8317 November 2008
usually i appreciate this show, (even if think that mandy patinkin was the most interesting character) but this season, they're really going down. apparently, to copy the scenario from the "csi"/"fbi without a trace" crossover in the "catching out" episode wasn't stupid enough so now, they set the investigation in Las Vegas, and criticize the crime scene lab ! if they want csi success, they should get good writers, first, it will be more fair play and second they would be less ridiculous. i'm very very angry !!! if they keep on going down this road, they won't just be less and less interesting, they'll get boring. i hope that they'll soon make progress, or they'll just become like csi Miami, my substitute for a sleeping pill !
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