5G Zombies (2020) Poster


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Terrible, misleading trash
BlueLightAlarm2 May 2020
Wow, what an absolute terrible movie and a waste of time.

5G has nothing to do with anyone's health problems - especially stupidity!
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1 actual zombie
Bisca1313 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As a zombie buff, I am very let down. With Zombie(s) in the name, you'd think you'd see some zombies. Not this movie though, nope they only gave us 1 zombie lol. Don't get me wrong, you do see a guy outside a window that is supposed to be a "zombie," but the dude doesn't look like a zombie, just like some crazy guy outside, banging on a window lol.

By no means am I recommending anyone watch it, but I know there are other people out there like me, that still feel the need to watch it. So I am not going say where the 1 zombie is, if you want to feel the same slap in your face like I just have, on where he is, you'll just have to watch it too lmao
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Don't waste your time watch this movie
sebskasberg18 June 2020
This is the most trash movie i've ever seen. Everyone else could make a better zombiemovie then this
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Absolutely terrible.
M0E_5 June 2020
Most of the plot doesn't make any sense. It tries its best to engage the audience with its plot, but that is deemed useless.

I'd avoid such a mess if I were you.

5G isn't a health threat nor is it a disease that can turn people into zombies. Ignore all the karens on Facebook and Twitter that keep talking about that nonsense.
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seven-johnson4 May 2020
...was the time this got switched off.

Cheap x100

Bad acting, bad enough to get me to turn this off in under 5 minutes.
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Bad if it's kidding; worse if it's serious (conspiracy theorists will take it either way)
TheVictoriousV5 May 2020
The new indie-horror film 5G Zombies (actual title) was absolutely obliterated on IMDb, its users seemingly in agreement that a story based on conspiracy theories isn't quite the thing we need right now. According to some other reviews on the website, these voters have been outsmarted. You see, this movie is actually a joke; a lampooning of the latest thing that unqualified morons have "figured out" about the global health crisis.

Regardless, this is a poorly made film. Its budgetary constraints are obvious, and I wouldn't even say it sits many notches above Die Zombiejäger and Birdemic: Shock and Terror in terms of sheer movie-making (I don't think "budget" necessarily excuses poor effects, sound design, and editing these days; consider the astonishing sights Ian Hubert has brought to life with the free-to-download Blender software). I'm rating it generously for some of its gags.

But there is another problem. I'm too familiar with conspiracy theorist logic to discount this movie as simply a joke at their expense, as it is very likely they will use it as ammunition.

On one hand, they might not be smart enough to tell that it's satirical, or even a dramatization. For all they know, this may be leaked footage of real people who were given COVID symptoms via 5G (a function of wireless Internet I wasn't aware of), only to get "vaccinated" with tracking chips that then zombified them as per the schemes of Bill Gates, WHO, et al. NOTE: This theory is a hodge-podge understanding of three separate things; the idea for a temporary invisible-ink tattoo that lets doctors more easily confirm who's already vaccinated, plus the idea of a website that keeps a record of tested COVID carriers, and lastly, some Twitter video where the chip from a credit card (or something equivalent) was placed in a man's wrist to buy vending machine snacks. Look, everyone already agrees that Black Mirror has become a documentary; you don't need to add a bunch of unrealistic storylines to our real-world Skynet scenario with your Illuminati dross, especially when nit-picking ruins it.

On the other hand, even if these idiots grasp the purported joke, I know what parodying conspiracy theories usually results in. Recall that True Facts and Conspiracies with Stephen Dawking sorta has that premise. They react to parodies of their maladroit beliefs the same way they react when someone explains what they've gotten wrong or left out of the equation - see the end of the previous paragraph.

To them, stuff like this makes them even more right. Why would people laugh at my inane dot-connections if they weren't true? Why would people try to refute me if I wasn't on to something? Why would everyone dismiss me as a zombie alarmist if not out of fear of the truth; out of fear of losing their complacent illusion? Surely the fact that most data says I'm wrong, apart from this one "liberated" podcast and/or blog, is proof that the government is controlling all the sources? Surely debunking me is something only a shill for the establishment would do? (I got a taste of that last one when Mike Cernovich posted my review of Hoaxed on Twitter, mainly upsetting his already-certain followers - all he personally said was that he "didn't care" that I'm not a fan, which is good on him, but hurting his feelings wasn't the point of my scrutiny.)

I won't act like I'm a big fan of the ad populum fallacy; conspiracy theorists aren't wrong "just because" their standpoints are unpopular. But accusing people of committing such a fallacy works better when it isn't a question of facts being outweighed by other facts. That is, if the conspiracy theorist side even uses facts and doesn't just insist on being deeply aware of some objective moral truth that no data can change, or simply uses the "our planet is flat because I can see what the horizon looks like" routine - perhaps even a cum-hoc involving the 5G masts being raised, suspiciously, right as the pandemic started out. Is there evidence of causation? No, but just look at the sense data, sheeple! Just use your eyes! And nothing else, please. Just burn some towers, dismiss the numbers as inflated (even as the opposite seems to be true in several countries), and then go outside without taking a shot. There, now you're safe!

To be clear, I don't think that 5G Zombies shouldn't be allowed to exist. It doesn't poison the youth with the wrong ideas the way a Fifty Shades film might. It's not strictly this movie's fault that conspiracy theorists take what they can get - whether they take this as an endorsement or evidence of censorship. But then, maybe a better, less "ironic" film would have taught them something. As it stands, this is puh-retty bad.

And this is assuming it's a joke (the fact that the director has previously made a documentary about how aliens have "totally been here" makes me doubtful, but the Pentagon may actually help him out at the rate things are going). If not, it's even more pathetic.
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What were they thinking! AWFUL! :-(
markcieplowski2 May 2020
OK, so I understand that people need to make a living and am not judging here, well ok, just a little, but these people are not actors, not even close. I can only assume that this is sadly some sort of huge joke. Although it is pretty frightening that someone, well anyone, actually brought it to screen (Facebook).

Making the scene here.... It touches on a subject that is fresh in people's minds amidst the Covid-19 'crisis' we are currently in. You know, certain people who believe everything they read on social media, are clearly unable to think for themselves and head off to burn down 5G Cell Towers because someone told them they cause the virus. Any person with an ounce of intelligence would realise that this is physically impossible. These small minded people do just use it as an excuse to commit violence and criminal damage.

So, someone goes out and sticks together a 'movie' (I use this term extremely loosely) not to mock these people and install a little sense into them but to support their ludicrous beliefs. Well, it was Facebook so that explains it all really, after all, let these dumb articles loose on their site then go string a load of nonsense together and release it. Actually makes me wonder if the Facebook Execs behind this release orchestrated the 'Fake News' about the 5G Towers themselves as the 'movie' was on imminent release?!?

It may have very well been made tongue in cheek but it does not come across as such in any way shape or form. On top of the totally abysmal acting, sorry but probably the worst I have ever seen, terrible script and sensitive subject (due to some people being beyond dumb and swallowing all they read), this truly is the worst thing I have ever, ever watched. Sorry to say but this may be a career killer for some of those involved which no one wishes of course but choices were made by said people, theirs not ours!

Please do yourselves a favour and stand there clapping for the HNS for 97 minutes instead, you may be totally exhausted after this time but trust me you will not regret the decision. :-(
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is this movie?...Poor story writing, lots of idiot act..
hbkhhhor5 May 2020
One of those movies you watch until the end because you're convinced it must get better.... But it doesn't.......This was by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen for a while!Do not bother....This Film is So-So-Very-Very-BAD!
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Appears To Have Been Made By Film Students!
collectorofsorts17 June 2020
Ridiculous movie. My best guess is that it was made by film students using random people they found on the street (hey, wanna be in a movie?). There's no 'acting'. Nothing seems realistic. The blood doesn't even resemble blood. The premise is silly. What more can I say? I watched 25 minutes of this junk hoping that it would get better. It just kept getting dumber.
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This film film made me physically feel sick
cammunn26 August 2021
Right where to start with this film, me and my friend smoked a joint and some beers before the start of this film but yet as you can imagine it was not nearly enough to get through the entirety of 5G zombies. Apart from the start that held some narrative and structure the rest of the flick was shot in a blog style selfie format that means there is no connectivity to any of the characters. Top that with a scene which involves a Facetime interaction that emitted a dog whistle high pitched noise that was so bad to which my friend put it as "it sounds like a washing machine speeding up" made us both cover our ears in pain (not exaggerating) which caused both nausea. Adding to all of this for a film that is titled '5G zombies' there is barely only 3 shots that contain any footage of zombies which really makes you question everything at this point.

All in all ive never had to switch of a film only a third of the way through after smoking a joint and that just speaks volumes really.
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I like it
edwing-1406825 October 2020
I enjoyed it it was fun and it kept me awake, I liked the different actors they had on
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Don't Answer Your Phone
nogodnomasters19 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
CoVid19, 5G rollout creates zombies. Fun idea, horrible execution. Not much of a plot. People Vlogging and talking on cell phones make up the film. Bad acting.

If you don't have the money and time to do it right, please don't bother next time.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Zombies drive and bark
djsimon-168235 May 2020
What is this? British made home movie obviously recorded during UK lock down... Well done on the social distances... Anyway if you have watched everything during isolation then try it.. But be warned, you will be brain dead.
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I tip my tinfoilhat
smitten_by_kitten17 May 2021
... to the covidiots who made this, as it is totally based on a true story.
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Awaken to the TRUTH
samuraigamer17 May 2020
Amazing documentary, exposing the lies of the NWO,obama,adam sandler and their reptilian overlords. it is the truth everybody else busy with false conspiracy theories missed, while 5G will be turning people into zombies. the technical data checks out (i've verified everything myself)

10/10 would go back to 1G. avoid unless end of the world
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I took the time to watch this and...
mtaeger6 September 2022
DONT. Just don't. I can't tell what exactly this movie is. It "seems" like an anthology film all based around "5G Zombies". Only reason I say this is all the various stories have varying levels of quality. The most annoying of all the stories has to be the social media influencer story she is incredibly annoying and acting unbelievably atrocious. This film also unapologetically used a scene from the remake of Resident Evil 2. This movie is fear mongering at its finest. I honestly can't tell if this is a joke. BUT! I can tell you that there is a few unintentionally HILARIOUS moments. This whole movie says a whole lot of nothing for the runtime. They just repeat themselves over and over. Like someone who sucks at improv. It literally is a complete waste of time and looks like something that SHOULD have been buried at the bottom of YouTube. My hope is that some director wanted to make a movie but quarantine happened and he commissioned a bunch of amateur filmmakers to make a short film based all around the same concept. Doesn't and couldn't make the film any better.
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5G garbage
davey-blood15 June 2023
From directors Dustin Ferguson (Nemesis 5, Ghosthouse) and John R. Walker (Jack the Giant Slayer, The Great British Massacre) comes this bone-chilling film! SCS Entertainment has announced its May 1st release date on VOD and DVD, which makes this the perfect quarantine flick to make your night.

The film follows the world after a recent virus pandemic (sound familiar?) where governments have joined forces to control the remaining human population via...you guessed it, 5G cell service! Why choose between a pandemic film and a zombie film when you can have both? Terrible film and extremely lazy to put this on a shelf and call this anything.
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Zombie reaction videos w/o zombies
toddmcl15 October 2023
I was all set to watch some zombies but there was really none to be had. People walking with their phones held up in front of them didn't quite cut it.

Movie consists of multiple 'survivors' uploading videos of themselves after their neighborhoods have taken a turn for the worse.

Some of the actors do a good enough job but others are pretty horrible. It's mostly about how people react to the crisis around them.

People acting "weird" are always off screen and I guess up to the viewer's imagination.

Extremely low budget film and you in no way should ever pay money to see this movie.

Nothing bad for kids but nothing I'd ever recommend either. Just another film capitalizing on the covid-19, coronavirus name.
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Bad in everything.
lhvoliveira30 January 2023
There are films that are really bad, but you can find something funny, whether it's bad acting, music that is terrible because it's funny, anything... But here that doesn't happen. Everything here is just plain bad, and worst of all, it's supposed to be a movie about completely pathetic conspiracy theories.

Above all this turns out to be insulting. The message that appears at 13 minutes shows the direction of the film and the message they intend to convey. It's just sad.

Once done, it looks like a supposed movie made by amateurs on YouTube. Nothing makes sense, everything is terribly poorly connected, the dialogues seem poorly improvised.

It's best not to see it.
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brandonlayton10 April 2022
I watched this movie and oh my god it changed my life the way how the phones turned them into zombies and the quality in the actors and the recordings are AMAZING.
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