NYC: Tornado Terror (TV Movie 2008) Poster

(2008 TV Movie)

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Storm in a teacup
winstonfg5 June 2008
Stock, low-budget disaster flick in which the poor Big Apple gets yet another pasting; this time from schools of electrical tornadoes caused by disturbances in the upper atmosphere (due, surprise, surprise, to global warming) that lead emergency crews and weathermen a merry and deadly dance.

Our heroes are Deputy Mayor James Lawrence and his meteorologist wife Cassie, played with suitable gravitas by Sebastian Spence and the lovely Nicole de Boer - definitely the prettiest Trill on Deep Space Nine - who must battle not only the elements but pinheaded bureaucrats (including Lawrence's boss) in order to test Cassie's theory for a solution to the storm gangs.

Strictly rainy day fare. My vote: 4, + 1 for the chance to see Ms. de Boer again.
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The only terror here is an uninteresting film
marshalphipps9 May 2017
The film has brief moments of attention grab like the disaster sequences, other than that you start to lose your interest in the film after those parts are done. The movie suffers from a slow pace and a plot that is dull.

NYC: Tornado Terror is terrible, I recommend you only watch the film if your expectations are low or if you're watching only for the action.
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Disaster movie? Or just bad movie?
michaelRokeefe3 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Sci-Fi Channel's made-for-TV movie finds New York City once again the target of a perilous situation. This time a super storm creates miniature whirlwinds that are hints of things to come. A thick headed Mayor Leonardo(Jerry Wasserman)is hard to convince that his city is about to be struck by the biggest tornado in its history. Keeping on the top of the situation is the Deputy Mayor Jim Lawrence(Sebastian Spense)and his meteorologist wife Cassie(Nicole de Boer). It will only be a matter of time before the "baby" tornadoes form into a humongous one. An early victim is Lady Liberty, who loses her torch-bearing arm. The CGI is decent; but the story line is so predictable. Other players include: Colby Johnson, Jill Morrison, Samantha Ferris, and Winston Rekert.
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Oh, this is bad. Really bad.
michelleeb11 April 2010
I like disaster movies. I even like the bad ones. But this - this goes beyond bad into utterly dire.

The characters are walking, talking clichés straight out of better disasters movies. Every single plot point is signposted ages before it arrives, and every situation is utterly predictable.

The writing and directing between them manage to suck all tension and excitement out of the story. The writing is obvious - and dull - and there is no build-up of tension at all. This is quite a talent. This writer has made a tornado hitting New York mind-numbingly dull. And the direction is of the 'point, shoot, move on to the next shot' variety.

As for the effects - c'mon guys, you've been doing special effects for nearly 100 years now - you can do better than this! Don't watch this. ever. It's two hours of your life you'll never get back and you'll regret it.
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More like "Tornado Boredom"
Wizard-823 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Once again, we get a movie made by Canadian filmmakers that doesn't take place in Canada but instead the United States. Actually, given that distinctly Canadian movies tend to be boring arty stuff, I don't blame these filmmakers for trying to pass this off as an American movie. Anyway, I guess I found a few positive things in this movie. The general production values look decent - plenty of extras in the backgrounds, well-lit scenes, and looking like some decent money was spent at some point. Plus, it's hard to totally knock a movie that has the guts to not only kill kids, but dogs as well. But that's about all I found positive about this movie. Most of the computer generated effects look TERRIBLE, for one thing. The script is filled with familiar stuff like a stubborn mayor who won't listen to those who know the real danger. And calling this movie "Tornado Terror" is odd, seeing that the tornadoes only appear at the beginning and just before the end, leaving a long, dull, middle section. Move along, folks, there's nothing here you haven't seen before (and better.)
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How come this always happens to NYC?
moviedude15 October 2008
de Boer stars as a meteorologist who witnesses something unbelievable and (no surprise, since she's the lead) is the only one who can provide an answer as to what's going on. She can even provide a solution to the problem, but (big surprise here) the mayor thinks she's a fruitcake and there's no real threat to the city.

Usually someone like de Boer is what attracts me to a film like this, as I liked her when she co-starred in the final years of "Star Trek: DS9." But I'm a weather freak when it comes to tornadoes and I usually watch whatever film comes on and I see it in the guide. I apologize for the sarcasm as far as "no surprise...big surprise," but it seems like film writers and directors can't seem to get your attention unless it happens in a city like New York City. About the only thing that I find real is the attitude of the mayor and I found myself being reminded of the mayor of New York in "Ghostbusters." I guess that's why they need to make this sort of thing happen in NYC, as anyone in the central part of the US, who live with tornadoes every summer, realize the threat, but you need millions and millions of people in a centralized area to not take cover when something like this would happen.

There's no way I could give a movie like this anything above two stars. It ranks right up there with the movie I saw about volcanoes in the Big Apple last year!
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Shiny Shite in Circles
hlmovieman23 June 2008
Possibly (one of) the worst TV films ever.

A huge atmospheric problem centred over the US, as usual, has a grudge against New York and its inhabitants. Apparently global warming is here to bite Americans in the ass.

Besides the annoying TV newslady commentating throughout the movie, far harder to watch is the very crappy special fx. The acting is cringeworthy, but this isn't to say that the actors can't act. Well, they can't in this one, but I think that has more to do with the ridiculous dialogue and poor directing.

Actually, this movie has really got me bored. I may have finished watching it, but I couldn't bother to carry on writing about it. DON'T BOTHER WITH THIS ONE!!!
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Don't watch it!
theoriginalseries5 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Since i'm a big tornado "fan", i tried to watch the movie last night on TV. The good thing: a Tornado movie! Woehoe! But that sums it up.

The movie excelled in BAD acting! And never seen crappy fx! We are in 2008 and the fx look worse then they did in Twister (and those were already very bad). Let me give u an example: the first 'big' twister u see, appears just offshore to Ellis Island (u know, Lady Liberty and stuff). But it appears in ... blue sky. Now even idiots KNOW u need clouds for tornadoes. OK OK, u see SOME clouds, but more like little sheep flocking in the sky. Suddenly, out of nowhere, some black clouds appear and a crappy tornado forms in less then 3 seconds and tears of the arm of lady liberty (which blocks the way of 2 young, hunky but now trapped stars).

There is not 1 Tornado movie on the market that truly creates an actual funnel, and this movie is not worth one minute of your time!

See something else!
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Another Sci-Fi Original Piece of Boredom
kiawa774 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Some of these actors are rather well-known, so I was quite surprised that this movie still managed to suck so badly.

Writing: sucked. Acting: meh. Story: meh. Effects: royally sucked. Physics: total b.s. Believability: really sucked (even for science fiction).

Having already gone through this at Intuitor's Bad Movie Physics site with "The Day After Tomorrow", it's already been proved that these weather phenomena cannot occur. Yes, I grant that this is sci-fi, but still... it's crap.

Let me sum this up for you: Oh my God, the weather is going bonkers and threatening to kill us all. The scientists have all the answers but no power or money. The bureaucrats have all the power, connections, and money but don't believe the scientists. Toss in a few lovey-dovey relationships, some untimely deaths, enough scientific facts to fool the kiddos... and you've got yourself another destructo-movie.

It's dull and a waste of time unless you're cooking, cleaning, or doing some other activity that requires mindless background noise (which is sort of the Sci-Fi Original Viewing Rule I think...) I am giving this 4 because it's actually a bit more watchable than most of their drivel.
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Tornado Terrible
jpcdee26 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This was obviously made on the back of the real life 2007 NYC twister that struck Brooklyn.

The acting is as wooden as some of the trees in Central Park! Hardly any tornadoes are featured and some of the plot points are straight out of an episode of Star Trek: The Original Series! I mean a red electrical spark? The title of this TV movie is what appealed to me, and I'm glad I managed to stick it out.

The actors, in their defence did the best they could with the script they got!

As a previous reviewer stated, the scriptwriter does get extra kudos for not only starting the movie by killing of a kid, but also killing several dogs too...even if the dog leads did mysteriously remain in place like one of those joke dog leads!!

But, its safe to say, I have seen worse!
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It just gets worse and worse
tfmiltz14 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What COULD have been a good movie with a strong message about climate change ? turned out to be a melo drama in disguise.

While I DID watch this movie at no cost ?

I STILL want my money back.

So, the girl hurts her LEFT LEG but he helps her walk by having her walk on her bad leg and he supports her on the side with her good leg.

This movie damaged me in some way.

But wait, if mysterious tornadoes aren't enough, how about some ball lightening.

I kept asking - it that Brad Pitt ?

AVOID this one unless you like dog food mixed with hot wax from crayons inside sausage wrappers dipped in jelly baked at 700 degrees F for 9 hours and then frozen in liquid nitrogen.
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Don't say what you don't know
yugiohmedusa14 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm studying in college to be a Meteorologist,and while some of the movie was a absolute joke, some of it wasn't. The truth is Global Warming has been happening.

Global Warming is simple it is the earth warming. Right now we are at a standstill,but in 2012,and 2007 there was a significant amount of ice melted at higher latitudes. As for Tornadoes,and there relation to global warming nothing, or very little is connected to that yet.

As for the giant ball of lightning traveling through the building that was hilarious,and stupid.

I would rate this movie a 6/10 for a aspiring Meteorologist

A 3/10 for a regular(3 because you may laugh through most of it)

I don't know which movie has more laughs

this,or batman,and robin with Arnold Schwartzanegger,Uma Thurman,Chris O'Donnell,and George Clooney

*this is kind of a spoiler.
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Tornados and Global Warming... Is this movie serious?
inferno338727 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well... seems this came out during the time that the major networks were having their "green" week... They release a movie that blames global warming for tornadoes that attack NYC...

Global warming is a myth that rich people created to try and make the poorer/dumber people to believe in so they would not use as much natural resources... Pure garbage...

Anyway... this movie is a result of the global warming hysteria crowd that tries to spread their lies...

PS - This movie was terrible and pathetic... Why watch a movie that is the same thing as MSNBC?
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Poor New York City is hit again!
Hassard19943 July 2008
I caught this on Sky Movies Premiere today, it's a very wet, dull day and there was nothing else on TV so i thought i'd watch this (it got **/***** so i thought it wouldn't be too bad)

Okay, it's cheesy, the special effects are bad, and the Science in the film might be inaccurate but it tells the story in a way that people may believe. If your into big budgets, amazing special effects and big name actors, this is not for you!

It's about a series of tornado's that are set to destroy, guess where.....New York (that city has been through some rough times) and it's up to Cassie and her husband to save the day! I won't spoil the ending like i do in a lot of my reviews, i thought i'd let you (the reader) find out for yourself!

So overall, it's a decent film, nothing special but it's fun none the less.

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The only terror in regard to Tornado Terror is to how awful it was
TheLittleSongbird7 July 2012
Despite it looking the contrary, I don't take pride in criticising the majority of the SyFy channel's movies. Not all of them are bad actually, but even the best ones have flaws to them. While Tornado Terror is nowhere near SyFy's worst, it is down there among their many terrible movies. I have seen worse editing, but that is saying very little as it is very hackneyed here, and the lighting is dull even for a disaster movie. The special effects are also really awful, crude and very fake-looking and further suffer from heavy over-use. The script is unbearably corny, where I could have been biting my nails or admiring an intelligent line I was laughing unintentionally at the cheesiness at some of the one-liners. The story suffers from being very sluggishly paced and predictable in structure. This and how the effects are used throughout are the reasons why Tornado Terror feels so diluted on the suspense factor. The characters are irritating and not much is done to develop them, while the direction is sloppy and the acting leaves an impression that the actors had forgotten their acting lessons, if even that. On the whole, just terrible with no redeeming values. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Simply Bad is all I can say
deanomac-inglis27 August 2010
So I'm usually up for watching a good action flick. But this one just kills. Literally if the acting wasn't bad enough the burning of my eyes from the crappy special effects should be a good idea how bad this movie was. I know that I am never going to get back that 3 hours of my life. The red spot when you saw it as one person commented really did remind me of something you would see on Star trek the original series. I would not be recommending this movie to anyone. Yet another Canadian movie that for some reason they can't have it happen in a Canadian city always has to be the good old USA that has to save the day give me a break. No offense meant.
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Watch Cloverfield; it's 10 times better.
stumpmee775 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I watch Sci-Fi Channel's made for TV films finding them funnier than sitcoms. Sometimes though I get very, very mad. This movie falls in the invoking rage file. I chopped this critiquing way down; this has no redeeming value. I have lots to find fault with this malarkey. Yes, flinging out major spoilers in the effort of saving others considering viewing this sci-fi disaster wind bag:

Opening scene those who potentially could have been this film's best characters--including a moppet who didn't pluck my nerves two seconds exposure. Killed in plane crash.

Biggest rip-off from recently debuted Cloverfiled: Ouch, portion of Statue of Liberty's broken off. It's the film's special effects highlight for which I'm rating NYC: Tornado Terror a 1. Sadly on its heels, the sucky journey in tunnels subplot. Groan inducing, present at film's coolest FX extravaganza, blonde tunnel gal in shorts--last 4 minutes of movie it's made clear to me she's niece of female protagonist. For God's sake, more than rarely, a main character expressing concern for a stranger in place of a friend or relative????

I was shocked learning in another user's comment the actress in the Cassie role had played DS9's Ezri Dax. While I had wished Ezri & Jadzia had regularly shared screen time, I don't care if Mr. & Ms. Lawrence lived or died. Dying by lightning bolt, wind, one or both, get them off my screen. This couple had wan-dumb-full chemistry; a physically attractive a waste of time.

Film collaborators picked up on comprising cast overrun by fashion models, the damaged Lady Liberty concepts, why couldn't they picked up avoiding dabbling too much in scientific explanations from Cloverfield? The screenplay's off the wall in terms of science. There are long scenes involving Cassie explaining what caused the phenomena. I wished to run in the room covering the gal's mouth yelling, "Shut up, just shut up!" Earth's weather turning to that of Jupiter! CGI slapped together: Lightning strikes and falling debris occurred simultaneously but not briefest shadow for falling rubble against walls of buildings lit as if in daylight. Lights Spheres changing only in area of size and floating from wall to wall, hovering in air. Here's the ultimate joke: Cassie encounters frozen dead. Very next, scene fleet of Totos, as in shape as their walkers, whisked off to heavenly dog house--leaving frozen leashes. Where's frozen doggy corpses?

Most fortunate those the script elected to die in this idiocy as fatal as humans & dogs standing in a tornado wind.
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Special Effects OK wish I could say the same about the acting!
apre_p29 March 2010
Typical type of disaster movie, with some nicish effects, if a little bit green!

At one point I thought they were going to call Ghostbusters as the green ecto plasam descended on NY.

This file is let down with some poor acting specially Nicole de Boer (Dr. Cassie Lawrence) who acts like she's the most important person in the world!

Worth a watch if you have not much to do (as i did, watched it on CH5 UK) and its on TV would not go out and rent it, guess thats what you get for made for TV movies, not sure if it made the Cinema but doubt it.
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maxypowell13 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie scared me out of my mind. I haven't slept since, knowing that wind exists in my area. The thoughts of tiny tornadoes merging into one big tornado... while small children chase it around... god, this movie gives me the creeps! The sky was so green it almost made me think of London. The special effects just... blew me away.
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By the numbers
Leofwine_draca2 September 2013
A very predictable TV movie dealing with a disaster striking a leading US city. This time it's New York and electrically-charged super-tornadoes are to blame, leading to much destruction and chaos, albeit on a super-low B-movie budget.

It's fair to say that NYC: TORNADO TERROR offers nothing that hasn't been done before, and better. The special effects are dodgy, the characters are cardboard and the acting wooden. There isn't even a Michael Ironside or Lance Henriksen hanging around to bring a certain quality of gruff gravitas to the proceedings.

And yet, and yet, this isn't the worst I've seen. It's better than the same director's METEOR STORM, for instance. It helps that there are some unintentionally funny scenes, like when the group of survivors are menaced by a ball of lightning INSIDE a tower block. The silly special effects are easy to laugh at, as are the attempts to build a sense of overwrought menace. NYC: TORNADO TERROR is certainly a wretched production but one that provides a few laughs if you're in the right mood.
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A Must-See (for all the wrong reasons!)
m-alleyne29 March 2013
I genuinely thought this film was a comedy/parody! I had to look it up on IMDb to find out for sure!

This is one seriously funny film (for all the wrong reasons!) It should be shown to all would-be film makers on the first day of class so they know NOT what to do!

The script is terrible and is only made worse by what I can only describe as the kind of acting I expected when I had to endure my kid's school plays! And just when you think it can't get any worse, on comes the Weather Reporter! Never have you wanted an innocent bystander to die more!

Two 'must see' parts of the film – 1) Cassie approaches a victim and asks what happened. She (shaking and shivering) points up at the sky and 2) the part which I'm going to title 'When the dogs disappear'! I wish I could list all the examples. But I'm afraid they would take longer to read than watching the film itself.

This is the kind of film they should show to homeless people just so they know their life could be so much worse (they could have their name in the credits of this movie!)
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Comparatively speaking, OK to good
gray1937-17 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So the special effects weren't special -- well, the lightening and St. Elmo's fire were pretty good. And why send up an F-117 Nighthawk as a cloud seeder? Why not, it's a movie. Hey, they coulda used an SR-71 Blackbird. That is the best looking aircraft ever. Could something that looks like a mini-MLRS reach 65K ft? Well, maybe. Is the science legit? Just as legit as global warming. If you think this was bad science, be sure you miss "Meteor Storm."

The acting, particularly from the principles was unexceptional, but quite reasonable for the genre. I recognized Sebastian Spence, but I absolutely missed Nicole de Boer as Dax from "Deep Space Nine." She was, once, a hottie.

Plot, well there has been a lot worse. I was a little surprised that the eminent meteorologist didn't recognize a dust devil when she saw one. Girl's gotta get out of the city more. Actually, for this kind of flick it was amazingly cliché free. I mean, nobody got stuck in the elevator (again, don't see "Meteor Storm" if you don't like disaster flick clichés -- it is rife with them). I got a little bored with the kids wandering around in the tunnel -- do they really have those on Liberty Island? But the potential boyfriend got fried. I mean, those two did not have a happy ending. How outré is that?
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Acting is OK, effects are 5th rate
cujorocky29 November 2021
Horrible, bottom of the barrel special effects. The acting is acceptable, but the special effects are really, really bad. Actually it's embarrassing. Nice looking actress, but can't save this turd.
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A Disasterous Film of a Disaster !
adabsiz27 March 2024
It is fortuitous that most Canadians look like Americans , and not like say Mexicans ... and most speak almost the same language ... otherwise it would be very difficult to replicate Vancouver as New York !!

This disaster movie is a disaster in itself , and what still puzzles me is that producers keep providing capital for dumb TV movies like this one ... so there must be money in it otherwise no one would risk their cash on a film with the Statue of Liberty' arm and torch (along with spectators) flying off in a "tornado" and landing in a park !

The "New York" mayor looked concerned at the number of fans used to blow people around ... but all that was surely in the cause of artistic reality ... In the end , 2 or 3 people manage to rescue the "situation" , but no one bothered to inform G W Bush of what was going on !

Please don't watch !
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A modern day BAD B movie.. weak plot weak effects and SAD acting
sum_geezer8 April 2009
Started watching this and thought it must of been made in the early eighties.. apparently not. These people have not really spent the money on the effects that it obviously needs. Some actors would also need advanced CGI that isn't even available this decade. It does have some elements of possibility, with additional work. Maybe this was a working print that just ran out of budget. Probably cobbled up to put it on the shelf. What shocks me most is that it is in High Definition. If somebody had the time or inclination they could post process this into a comedy!! Acting i'd say 20% of the actors pulled it off, that's not good by any standards. Don't expect too much, certainly don't expect to be amazed. TV Gravy of the granule kind.
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